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Prevost, I. and Le Page-Degivry, M. Th. 1985. Inverse correlationbetween ABA content and germinability throughout the maturationand the in vitro culture of the embryo of Phaseolus vulgaris.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1457–1464. Changes in embryo abscisic acid (ABA) content during the maturationof the seed of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Contender were followed,using a radio-immunoassay. The pattern of change is similarto that already described in several species: a rapid increase(from the 18th to 29th day after anthesis), was followed bya decrease, the ABA level being ten times lower on the 48thday than on the 29th. Embryos isolated from the 18th to the48th day after anthesis were able to ‘germinate’when cultivated on a mineral medium supplemented with sucroseand agar. The development pattern varied throughout the embryogenesisand could be correlated with the differentiation of the embryoat the time of isolation. Before germination could take place,we observed a lag phase, the duration of which could be correlatedwith embryo ABA content. As ABA content increased in the youngestembryos the duration of the lag phase increased. In the sameway, the number of days to germination was shown to diminishas ABA content decreased. Inverse correlation between ABA contentand germinability was thus demonstrated throughout the developmentof the embryo. During in vitro culture, free ABA content decreased in the embryoand reached low values a few days before germination occurred.So the beginning of root elongation in culture was again wellcorrelated with the disappearance of free endogenous ABA. Atransfer experiment inducing an earlier germination associatedwith a more limited development suggests that the lag phaseis associated with an active continuation of embryonic development Key words: Embryo maturation, abscisic acid, germinability  相似文献   
Wolterbeek, H. Th. 1987. Relationships between adsorption, chemicalstate and fluxes of cadmium applied as Cd(NO3)2 in isolatedxylem cell walls of tomato.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 419–432. Isolated xylem cell wall pieces were applied as membranes inion diffusion experiments. The cell walls were isolated fromtomato internodes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cv. Tiny Tim)and sealed in a two-compartment diffusion system. In flux andadsorption calculations, the cell wall was regarded as a leakymembrane with parallel fluxes through Donnan Free Space (DFS)and Water Free Space (WFS). During the experiments absorptioninto and diffusion across the walls was determined of Cd2 +, applied as 115Cd(NO3)2. Flux experiments with 82Brindicated that excluded volume effects and path tortuosity resultedin apparent WFS diffusion coefficients in the walls which were0·012 times as high as in water. The free proton concentration in the DFS was shown to be relatedto a complex formation between fixed charges and Cd2 +. Thecell wall permeability for Cd2 + and NO3 varied withapplied and absorbed concentrations, and the Cd2 + flux curveshowed an inflexion point coinciding with a buffered degreeof dissociation of fixed charges in the DFS. The necessary couplingof fluxes of opposite charges resulted in relatively high NO3and small Cd2 + permeability of the DFS for strongly dilutedsolutions (P = 10–4 m s–1 and 10–11 m s–1for NO3 and Cd2 + respectively). The results demonstratethe possible regulatory effects of the cell wall in processesof ion transfer from xylem vessels, or ion uptake in plant tissues. Key words: Cadmium, chemical state, DFS, WFS, ion flux, permeability, xylem cell walls, tomato, bromium, nitrate  相似文献   
Wolterbeek, H. Th. and De Bruin, M. 1986. The import and redistributionof several cations and anions in tomato leaves.—J. exp.Bot. 37: 331–340. The upward movements in the xylem and redistribution from theleaf of Na+ , K+ , Rb+, Cs+ and four anions were examined insub-systems of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.cv. Tiny Tim). There was a delay with respect to the redistributionof newly imported elements from the source leaf of about 16–20h for all four alkali ions. This is considerably less than theapparent delay for the anions Sb(SO4) WO42– Mo7O246–and AsO43– The prolonged delay for the anions is suggestedto be a consequence of metabolic transformation in the leaf.Reduction of the source-sink activity ratio did not decreasethe delay period from the source leaf, but apparently causedincreased Na+ transfer from the xylem. It is concluded thatthe application of a detailed mathematical descnption of upwardelement movement has considerable potential possibilities forunderstanding circulation of nutrients in the plant. Key words: Alkali ions, anions, xylem, phloem, redistribution, tomato  相似文献   
Dissociated cells from cerebral hemispheres of chick embryo at stages 17–18, 12–13 and 9–10, were cultivated for seven days. The cells were cultivated either completely covered with the nutrient medium in an atmosphere containing 5 percent CO2 or they were covered by only a thin film of nutrient medium in contact with air.
For the embryos at stages 17–18 or 12–13, under both culture conditions neurons differentiated after 3 or 4 days in culture, while for the embryos at stage 9–10, no neuronal differentiation occurred under either condition. The cells remained morphologically undifferentiated and formed aggregates of about 50 cells. Some fibroblasts were found to grow on the collagen matrix.
It is concluded that dissociated cells from embryos at stage 9–10 are incapable of auto differentiation under the present culture conditions. The possible causes of this inability to differentiate are discussed.  相似文献   
All current methods of fetal karyotyping are invasive and carry a definite, albeit small, procedure-related risk. Because of this and testing costs, only women older than 35 years who have a greater risk for fetal aneuploidy are currently offered prenatal testing. But this detects only 20% to 25% of fetuses with Down syndrome. It would be a tremendous advance to find a noninvasive technique for prenatal diagnosis that carries no procedure-related risk and could be offered to all pregnant women. We describe a possible technique for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis that aims to identify fetal cells in the peripheral maternal circulation and successfully garner them for prenatal testing. Early attempts at fetal karyotyping were hampered by inaccurate diagnostic methods and cumbersome cell-counting techniques. Today, improved capabilities of identifying and enriching for fetal cells, coupled with sensitive methods of analysis such as the polymerase chain reaction, bring renewed enthusiasm to this task. Many technical issues, as well as serious questions regarding the test''s utility, still exist, however, and must be explored and answered before the capture of fetal cells in the maternal circulation translates into reality for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
Abstract— ATP-induced changes in the intracellular Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]i) in neuroblastoma glioma hybrid NG108–15 cells were studied. Using the fluorescent Ca2+indicator fura-2, we have shown that the [Ca2+]i increased in response to ATP. ATP at 3 mM caused the greatest increase in [Caz+]i, whereas at higher concentrations of ATP the response became smaller. Two nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues, adenosine 5′-thiotriphosphate and 5′-adenylyl-β, γ-imidodiphosphate, could not trigger significant [Ca2+]i change, but they could block the ATP effect. Other adenine nucleotides, including ADP, AMP, α,β-methylene-ATP, β,γ-methylene-ATP, and 2-methylthio-ATP, as well as UTP and adenosine, all had no effect on [Ca2+]i at 3 mM. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, the effect of ATP was inhibited totally, but could be restored by the addition of Ca2+ to the cells. Upon removal of Mg2+, the maximum increase in [Ca2+]i induced by ATP was enhanced by about 42%. Ca2+-channel blockers partially inhibited the ATP-induced [Ca2+]i rise. The ATP-induced [Ca2+]i rise was not affected by thapsigargin pretreatment, though such pretreatment blocked bradykinin-induced [Ca2+]i rise completely. No heterologous desensitization of [Ca2+]i rise was observed between ATP and bradykinin. The magnitude of the [Ca2+]i rise induced by ATP increased between 1.5 and 3.1 times when external Na+was replaced with Tris, N-methyl-d -glucamine, choline, or Li+. The addition of EGTA or verapamil to cells after their maximum response to ATP immediately lowered the [Ca2+]i to the basal level in Na+-containing or Na+-free Tris solution. Our results suggest that ATP stimulates Ca2+influx via at least two pathways: ion channels that are permeable to Ca2+ and Na+, and pores formed by ATP4-.  相似文献   
R2 elements are non-long-terminal-repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons that insert specifically in the 28S rRNA genes of many insects. Previous reports concerning this element in the genus Drosophila have suggested that R2 elements are absent from many species of this genus, particularly those species from the subgenus Drosophila. In this report, we present an extensive study of the distribution and evolution of R2 elements in Drosophila. A PCR survey of 59 species from 23 species groups of the two major Drosophila subgenera found that R2 elements are present in all but two species of the melanogaster species subgroup. Phylogenetic analysis based on partial nucleotide sequences of R2 elements from 23 species demonstrates that the relationships of R2 elements are congruent with those of the Drosophila species phylogeny, suggesting that these elements have been vertically inherited since the divergence of this genus some 60 MYA. Sequence variation between different copies of R2 elements within each species was less than 0.16%, indicating that these elements are undergoing concerted evolution similar to that of the 28S genes. Several properties of the R2 sequences suggest that these elements depend on retrotransposition in addition to simple recombination to remain within the rDNA locus: the rates of synonymous substitutions averaged 4.8 times the rate of replacement substitutions, 82 of 83 R2 copies partially sequenced contained intact open reading frames, and, finally, length variation associated with the poly(A) 3' tails indicated that many R2 copies are the direct result of retrotransposition.   相似文献   
In Papanicolaou-stained smears certain structures such as nucleoli, Pneumocystis carinii , Charcot-Leyden crystals, bacteria and fungi show a brilliant fluorescence. the morphological characteristics of microorganisms which can be detected by this system, especially mycobacteria, are described. This screening method offers the possibility of providing the clinician with a provisional diagnosis within hours. Proof of the nature of the organisms should be obtained by culture.  相似文献   
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