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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) reduces the risk for osteoporosis but transiently increases cardiovascular risk for some postmenopausal women. This study investigated the hypothesis that these risks are associated with HRT-induced changes in mononuclear cell secretion of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and associated soluble receptors. Compared to the untreated condition (n=8), estrogen therapy (n=7) and estrogen+progestin therapy (n=7) both caused 2-fold elevations in TNF-alpha secretion. IL-6 secretion was increased (48%, P=0.04) only by estrogen+progestin therapy. Although soluble receptor secretion was not different among groups, soluble TNF receptor type I and IL-6 receptor secretion were inversely related to plasma follicle stimulating hormone (P<0.05). Both therapies reduced plasma osteocalcin (a marker for osteoporosis) by approximately 50% (P<0.002). Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP, a marker for cardiovascular risk) was 3-fold higher in women receiving only estrogen, compared to untreated women (P=0.01), and twice as high as those receiving estrogen+ progestin (P=0.045). Simple linear relationships were not observed between cytokine secretion and these markers, but a significant HRT/TNF-alpha interaction with osteocalcin (P=0.022) and an HRT/IL-6 interaction with CRP (P =0.016) indicated more complex relationships between hormone replacement, cytokine activity, and health risks associated with menopause.  相似文献   
A comparison was made with the data of 62 cases of pituitary adenoma, evaluated pre- and postoperatively, including as well the results of immunohistochemical hormone examination (also for calcitonin). Prolactin was found in 18 of the 21 adenomas carrying the preoperative diagnosis of prolactinoma, whereas cells containing other hormones (growth hormone, LH, FSH, TSH, ACTH, beta-endorphin), were only occasionally present. The growth hormone was strongly positive in the adenoma tissue in 16 of the 17 cases of acromegaly. 5 of these adenomas were accompanied by a marked hyperprolactinemia and also contained many prolactin cells. 6 of the 19 adenomas diagnosed as being 'inactive' contained hormone-positive cells, but only a very small number of cells. ACTH was found in 3 of the 4 pituitary adenomas of patients with Cushing's disease. 2 of these were also positive for beta-endorphin. The tissue of 1 gonadotrophic adenoma (with elevated FSH in serum) gave positive results with an anti-LH antiserum. Calcitonin was not found in any adenoma. The preoperative serum prolactin levels did not quantitatively correlate with the percentage of prolactin-positive cells.  相似文献   
The human MutY homolog, hMYH, is an adenine-specific DNA glycosylase that removes adenines or 2-hydroxyadenines mispaired with guanines or 8-oxoguanines. In order to prevent mutations, this activity must be directed to the newly synthesized strand and not the template strand during DNA synthesis. The subcellular localization and expression of hMYH has been studied in serum-stimulated, proliferating MRC5 cells. Using specific antibodies, we demonstrate that endogenous hMYH protein localized both to nuclei and mitochondria. hMYH in the nuclei is distinctly distributed and co-localized with BrdU at replication foci and with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The levels of hMYH in the nucleus increased 3- to 4-fold during progression of the cell cycle and reached maximum levels in S phase compared to early G1. Similar results were obtained for PCNA, while there were no notable changes in expression of 8-oxoguanine glycosylase or the human MutT homolog, MTH1, throughout the cell cycle. The cell cycle-dependent expression and localization of hMYH at sites of DNA replication suggest a role for this glycosylase in immediate post-replication DNA base excision repair.  相似文献   
Central pattern generators (CPGs) consisting of interacting groups of neurons drive a variety of repetitive, rhythmic behaviors in invertebrates and vertebrates, such as arise in locomotion, respiration, mastication, scratching, and so on. These CPGs are able to generate rhythmic activity in the absence of afferent feedback or rhythmic inputs. However, functionally relevant CPGs must adaptively respond to changing demands, manifested as changes in oscillation period or in relative phase durations in response to variations in non-patterned inputs or drives. Although many half-center CPG models, composed of symmetric units linked by reciprocal inhibition yet varying in their intrinsic cellular properties, have been proposed, the precise oscillatory mechanisms operating in most biological CPGs remain unknown. Using numerical simulations and phase-plane analysis, we comparatively investigated how the intrinsic cellular features incorporated in different CPG models, such as subthreshold activation based on a slowly inactivating persistent sodium current, adaptation based on slowly activating calcium-dependent potassium current, or post-inhibitory rebound excitation, can contribute to the control of oscillation period and phase durations in response to changes in excitatory external drive to one or both half-centers. Our analysis shows that both the sensitivity of oscillation period to alterations of excitatory drive and the degree to which the duration of each phase can be separately controlled depend strongly on the intrinsic cellular mechanisms involved in rhythm generation and phase transitions. In particular, the CPG formed from units incorporating a slowly inactivating persistent sodium current shows the greatest range of oscillation periods and the greatest degree of independence in phase duration control by asymmetric inputs. These results are explained based on geometric analysis of the phase plane structures corresponding to the dynamics for each CPG type, which in particular helps pinpoint the roles of escape and release from synaptic inhibition in the effects we find.  相似文献   
In previous work, we developed an 8-state nonlinear dynamic model of the acute inflammatory response, including activated phagocytic cells, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and tissue damage, and calibrated it to data on cytokines from endotoxemic rats. In the interest of parsimony, the present work employed parametric sensitivity and local identifiability analysis to establish a core set of parameters predominantly responsible for variability in model solutions. Parameter optimization, facilitated by varying only those parameters belonging to this core set, was used to identify an ensemble of parameter vectors, each representing an acceptable local optimum in terms of fit to experimental data. Individual models within this ensemble, characterized by their different parameter values, showed similar cytokine but diverse tissue damage behavior. A cluster analysis of the ensemble of models showed the existence of a continuum of acceptable models, characterized by compensatory mechanisms and parameter changes. We calculated the direct correlations between the core set of model parameters and identified three mechanisms responsible for the conversion of the diverse damage time courses to similar cytokine behavior in these models. Given that tissue damage level could be an indicator of the likelihood of mortality, our findings suggest that similar cytokine dynamics could be associated with very different mortality outcomes, depending on the balance of certain inflammatory elements.  相似文献   
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an inflammatory cytokine secreted by several cell types, including mononuclear and pituitary cells. It has also been shown to counteract cortisol-induced inhibition of inflammatory cytokine secretion. The purpose of this study was to determine whether MIF antagonized the effect of hydrocortisone on the NF-kappaB/IkappaB signal transduction pathway in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Physiological doses of hydrocortisone (50-200 ng/ml) diminished both the LPS-stimulated decrease in cytosolic IkappaBalpha levels and the subsequent increase in nuclear NF-kappaB DNA binding. In the presence of both LPS and hydrocortisone, 1 ng/ml of MIF antagonized the effects of hydrocortisone, resulting in decreased cytosolic IkappaBalpha levels (P < 0.05) and increased nuclear NF-kappaB DNA binding (P < 0.05). In the absence of hydrocortisone, MIF had no effect on LPS-induced decreases in IkappaBalpha. In the absence of LPS, MIF inhibited hydrocortisone-induced increases in IkappaBalpha (P = 0.03). Thus the mechanism by which MIF antagonizes the effect of hydrocortisone on the NF-kB/IkappaB signal transduction pathway is through inhibiting the ability of hydrocortisone to increase cytosolic IkappaBalpha.  相似文献   
Isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IDI) activates isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) for polymerization by converting it to its highly nucleophilic isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In plants, this central reaction of isoprenoid biosynthesis is catalyzed by various highly conserved isozymes that differ in expression pattern and subcellular localization. Here we report the identification of an IDI duplication in mammals. In contrast to the situation in plants, only one of the two isoforms (IDI1) is highly conserved, ubiquitously expressed and most likely responsible for housekeeping isomerase activity. The second isoform (IDI2) is much more divergent. We demonstrate that after the initial duplication IDI2 underwent a short phase of apparently random change, during which its active center became modified. Afterwards, IDI2 was exapted for a novel function and since then has been under strong purifying selection for at least 70 million years. Molecular modeling shows that the modified IDI2 is still likely to catalyze the isomerization of IPP to DMAPP. In humans, IDI2 is expressed at high levels only in skeletal muscle, where it may be involved in the specialized production of isoprenyl diphosphates for the posttranslational modification of proteins. The significant positive fitness effect of IDI2, revealed by the pattern of sequence conservation, as well as its specific expression pattern underscores the importance of the IDI gene duplication in mammals.  相似文献   
放射性铈在模拟水生生态系中的行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究^141Ce在水-底泥-水生动植物系统中的迁移和消长动态,结果表明,系统各组分中^141Ce浓度与时间关系由多项指数描述,其中池水中的^141Ce浓度随时间延长单调地降低,底泥中^141Ce浓度随时间延长增加,水生动植物中^141Ce浓度则各自经历某一最大值后逐渐降低,水生动植物对^141Ce皆有一定的富集能力,其大小次序依次为:金鱼藻〉螺狮〉鱼,而鱼体中的^141Ce主要集中内脏,螺壳与螺肉  相似文献   
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