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A derivatization-extraction method that avoids tedious preconcentration steps is established in order to determine amino acids accurately at nanogram levels. The method involves conversion of the analytes of concern to N(O,S)-ethoxycarbonyl amino acid ethyl esters and subsequent extraction by single-drop microextraction (SDME) followed by GC analysis. The reaction proceeds smoothly and rapidly under ultrasonication which removes the bubbles from the bulk solution. Precision is acceptable and 12 non-hydrolyzed amino acids can be determined in urine in this manner. As long as the extraction conditions are consistently applied, quantitative analysis can be performed accurately. The limits of detection were satisfactory in the range 0.010-0.025 microg/ml for GC-FID and 0.26-68 ng/ml for GC-MS(SIM) with 1 ml sample volume.  相似文献   
Etiopathogenesis of mucosal inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease remains a complex and enigmatic field; various factors (genetic, environmental and microbial) trigger an event that activates intestinal immune and nonimmune systems culminating in inflammation and tissue injury. Specifically, both innate and adaptive immune systems seem to play important roles in the pathophysiology of this disease. Cyclosporine A represents a macrolide immune modulator with primary inhibitory effects on T helper lymphocyte production of interleukin-2, and other cytokines leading to altered T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte function. The diversity of its therapeutic outcome reported in inflammatory bowel disease may be due to the intricate immuno-pathogenic profile of the disease and the variety of the applied dose-dependent courses of therapy. Cyclosporine A exerts additional actions on other components of the inflammatory infiltrate, including neutrophils and mast cells, thereby appearing to be a multi-dynamic therapeutic approach, although with potential drawbacks, that may be applied alone or combined with other immunomodulatory agents in inflammatory bowel disease patients. Because cyclosporine A induces apoptosis of T-lymphocytes responsible for perpetuation of the chronic inflammatory process in the disease with potential tumorigenic effect, it may exert a further inhibitory effect on cancer development in inflammatory bowel disease patients, and can be combined with other relative agents, such as rapamycin, which also promotes T-lymphocyte apoptosis. Therefore, recently established multifactorial action of cyclosporine A in relation to the pathogenesis of the disease can open new horizons for prospective, controlled trials in large cohorts, aiming to emphasize cyclosporine A's potential.  相似文献   
Although the renal proximal tubular epithelial cells are targeted in a variety of inflammatory diseases of the kidney, the signaling mechanism by which tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha exerts its effects in these cells remains unclear. Here, we report that TNF-alpha elicits antiapoptotic effects in opossum kidney cells and that this response is mediated via actin redistribution through a novel signaling mechanism. More specifically, we show that TNF-alpha prevents apoptosis by inhibiting the activity of caspase-3 and this effect depends on actin polymerization state and nuclear factor-kappaB activity. We also demonstrate that the signaling cascade triggered by TNF-alpha is governed by the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, Cdc42/Rac1, and phospholipase (PLC)-gamma1. In this signaling cascade, Cdc42 was found to be selectively essential for PLC-gamma1 activation, whereas phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate alone is not sufficient to activate the phospholipase. Moreover, PLC-gamma1 was found to associate in vivo with the small GTPase(s). Interestingly, PLC-gamma1 was observed to associate with constitutively active (CA) Cdc42V12, but not with CA Rac1V12, whereas no interaction was detected with Cdc42(T17N). The inactive Cdc42(T17N) and the PLC-gamma1 inhibitor U73122 prevented actin redistribution and depolymerization, confirming that both signaling molecules are responsible for the reorganization of actin. Additionally, the actin filament stabilizer phallacidin potently blocked the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappaB and its binding activity, resulting in abrogation of the TNF-alpha-induced inhibition of caspase-3. To conclude, our findings suggest that actin may play a pivotal role in the response of opossum kidney cells to TNF-alpha and implicate Cdc42 in directly regulating PLC-gamma1 activity.  相似文献   
The differential cellular expression of class III beta-tubulin isotype (betaIII) is reviewed in the context of human embryological development and neoplasia. As compared to somatic organs and tissues, betaIII is abundant in the central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS) where it is prominently expressed during fetal and postnatal development. As exemplified in cerebellar and sympathoadrenal neurogenesis, the distribution of betaIII is neuron-associated, exhibiting distinct temporospatial gradients according to the regional neuroepithelia of origin. However, transient expression of this protein is also present in the subventricular zones of the CNS comprising putative neuronal- and/or glial precursor cells, as well as in Kulchitsky neuroendocrine cells of the fetal respiratory epithelium. This temporally restricted, potentially non-neuronal expression may have implications in the identification of presumptive neurons derived from embryonic stem cells. In adult tissues, the distribution of betaIII is almost exclusively neuron-specific. Altered patterns of expression are noted in cancer. In "embryonal"- and "adult-type" neuronal tumors of the CNS and PNS, betaIII is associated with neuronal differentiation and decreased cell proliferation. In contrast, the presence of betaIII in gliomas and lung cancer is associated with an ascending histological grade of malignancy. Thus, betaIII expression in neuronal tumors is differentiation-dependent, while in non-neuronal tumors it is aberrant and/or represents "dedifferentiation" associated with the acquisition of progenitor-like phenotypic properties. Increased expression in various epithelial cancer cell lines is associated with chemoresistance to taxanes. Because betaIII is present in subpopulations of neoplastic, but not in normal differentiated glial or somatic epithelial cells, the elucidation of mechanisms responsible for the altered expression of this isotype may provide insights into the role of the microtubule cytoskeleton in tumorigenesis and tumor progression.  相似文献   
Alteration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family signaling is among the most frequently implicated effectors of human oncogenesis. Overexpression of members of this family of receptors has often been detected in many epithelial tumors and is believed to be associated with an overall poor prognosis in patients with cancer. Therefore, we hypothesized that identification of potential EGF target genes in normal cells will provide a basis for unbiased genetic analysis of this signaling pathway in cancer. We utilized Atlas Rat 1.2 nylon cDNA arrays (Clontech) to determine gene expression changes in normal rat ovarian surface epithelial (ROSE) cells following EGF treatment. The results indicate activation of genes involved in a wide variety of cellular mechanisms, including regulation of cell cycle and proliferation, apoptosis, and protein turnover. In addition, using an in vitro model of ovarian cancer, we demonstrated that malignant transformation of ROSE cells resulted in alteration of downstream effectors of the EGFR pathway, as exemplified by aberrant expression of p66Shc, c-Jun, c-Myc, c-Fos, Lot1, p21Cip/Waf, and cdc25A. These data suggest that knowledge of the downstream genetic lesions, which may result in loss of growth factor requirement of the affected cells, will be crucial for the selection of the EGFR pathway as an effective target for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was applied to 120 individuals of Marchalina hellenica (Gennadius) representing six populations collected in northern, central and southern mainland Greece. One population was sampled on one species of fir tree and the others on two species of pine trees. Four random decamer primers were used to evaluate genetic variation among the populations examined. The results revealed intra- and interpopulation polymorphism both related to host type and region of origin. Phylogenetic analysis based on genetic distances estimated by the RAPD frequencies revealed an important genetic differentiation in samples collected on fir trees in southern Greece and to a lesser extent in samples from pine trees in central and northern Greece. Furthermore, considerable subdivision and restricted gene flow among the populations examined were observed. The results are discussed in relation to the biology and geographical distribution of M. hellenica in Greece.  相似文献   
An apomictic clone of the tetraploid parthenogenetic Artemia population from M. Embolon (Thessaloniki, Greece) was assayed for 10 reproductive and life span characteristics under laboratory conditions (in various salinity and temperature regimes). Salinity was proved to have significant impact on the majority of the characters used in this study. Discriminant function analysis gave an overall prediction of 97.32% over the three salinities (50, 80 and 120 ppt). The temperature of 30°C seemed to be an extreme one affecting significantly nearly all of the studied variables. The overall prediction according to the discriminant analysis was 94.69% among the three temperatures (22, 26 and 30°C). The clone performed best at 80 ppt and 22°C. The data presented in this study may generate useful suggestions to investigate the potentiality of using a single genetic lineage in order to visualize the effects of different environmental cues on a specific clone.  相似文献   
Formyltransferase catalyzes the reversible formation of formylmethanofuran from N(5)-formyltetrahydromethanopterin and methanofuran, a reaction involved in the C1 metabolism of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing archaea. The crystal structure of the homotetrameric enzyme from Methanopyrus kandleri (growth temperature optimum 98 degrees C) has recently been solved at 1.65 A resolution. We report here the crystal structures of the formyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri (growth temperature optimum 37 degrees C) and from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (growth temperature optimum 83 degrees C) at 1.9 A and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of the structures of the three enzymes revealed very similar folds. The most striking difference found was the negative surface charge, which was -32 for the M. kandleri enzyme, only -8 for the M. barkeri enzyme, and -11 for the A. fulgidus enzyme. The hydrophobic surface fraction was 50% for the M. kandleri enzyme, 56% for the M. barkeri enzyme, and 57% for the A. fulgidus enzyme. These differences most likely reflect the adaptation of the enzyme to different cytoplasmic concentrations of potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which are very high in M. kandleri (>1 M) and relatively low in M. barkeri and A. fulgidus. Formyltransferase is in a monomer/dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is dependent on the salt concentration. Only the dimers and tetramers are active, and only the tetramers are thermostable. The enzyme from M. kandleri is a tetramer, which is active and thermostable only at high concentrations of potassium phosphate (>1 M) or potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Conversely, the enzyme from M. barkeri and A. fulgidus already showed these properties, activity and stability, at much lower concentrations of these strong salting-out salts.  相似文献   
Continued use of antiretroviral therapy despite the emergence of drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been associated with the durable maintenance of plasma HIV RNA levels below pretherapy levels. The factors that may account for this partial control of viral replication were assessed in a longitudinal observational study of 20 HIV-infected adults who remained on a stable protease inhibitor-based regimen despite ongoing viral replication (plasma HIV RNA levels consistently >500 copies/ml). Longitudinal plasma samples (n = 248) were assayed for drug susceptibility and viral replication capacity (measured by using a single-cycle recombinant-virus assay). The initial treatment-mediated decrease in plasma viremia was directly proportional to the reduction in replicative capacity (P = 0.01). Early virologic rebound was associated the emergence of a virus population exhibiting increased protease inhibitor phenotypic resistance, while replicative capacity remained low. During long-term virologic failure, plasma HIV RNA levels often remained stable or increased slowly, while phenotypic resistance continued to increase and replicative capacity decreased slowly. The emergence of primary genotypic mutations within protease (particularly V82A, I84V, and L90M) was temporally associated with increasing phenotypic resistance and decreasing replicative capacity, while the emergence of secondary mutations within protease was associated with more-gradual changes in both phenotypic resistance and replicative capacity. We conclude that HIV may be constrained in its ability to become both highly resistant and highly fit and that this may contribute to the continued partial suppression of plasma HIV RNA levels that is observed in some patients with drug-resistant viremia.  相似文献   
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