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At low serum concentrations (3% or less), individual Swiss 3T3 cells display marked heterogeneity in proliferative capacity. Here we show that this heterogeneity arises at extremely high frequency within a clone, often with sister cells showing considerable differences in capacity for further proliferation. The heterogeneity is unlikely to be due to genetic instability or mutation. Instead, it appears to reflect physiological differences between cells in their requirement for serum growth factors. It is suggested that these differences arise because cells are unable to sustain production, at low growth factor concentrations, of some rare component which is itself required for growth factor action. We believe that the generation of heterogeneity in 3T3 cells has much in common with the phenomenon of senescence in diploid cells.  相似文献   
Seed morphology was studied in 15 species of four subgenera ofJuncus occurring in Kansas, to determine if seeds provide traits useful in assessing systematic relations within the genus. In this study seed size and shape were of limited value, while surface ornamentation of the hard inner seed coat provided encouraging results. SubgenusPoiophylli showed little variation in surface ornamentation among taxa; similar ornamentation was observed in subgenusGenuini. SubgeneraGraminifolii andSeptati were separately distinct with the taxa in theSeptati forming a continuum of variation.  相似文献   
A series of experiments were conducted to characterize patterns of eclosion by Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) to their adult stage and to determine how these patterns are influenced by certain environmental parameters. Under a constant temperature of 29.5±0.6°C and a photoperiod of 14:10LD, 90% of the adults emerged from their pupal cases between 0600 and 0930 h (with lights on occurring at 0600 h). Few emerged during hours of darkness. The peak time of adult emergence was delayed when temperatures were fluctuated. Under a series of constant temperatures, a significant inverse correlation was found between the time of median emergence (i.e., eclosion of 50% of the total number of adults) and temperature (P<0.001). No emergence was observed at temperatures below 17±0.3°C. Emergence patterns persisted under conditions of continuous light and continuous darkness, suggesting the presence of a circadian system.
Zusammenfassung Um das Verständnis über den Lebenslauf von Bemisia tabaci zu ergänzen, wurde eine Serie von Experimenten durchgeführt, deren Zweck die Charakterisierung des Ausschlüpfvorgangs in das Endstadium war und die Feststellung, wie dieser Vorgang von gewissen Umweltparametern beeinflusst wird. Bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 29.5±0.6°C und einem Beleuchtungszyklus von 14: 10 LD (Licht/Dunkelheit) schlüpften 90% der Ausgewachsenen zwischen 0600 Uhr and 0930 Uhr (ab 0600 Uhr mit Licht) aus ihren Puppenhüllen aus. Wenig Ausschlüpfen geschah während der unbeleuchteten Stunden. Der Höhepunkt des Ausschlüpfens wurde bei wechselnden Temperaturen verschoben. Bei einer Serie von gleichbleibenden Temperaturen wurde eine bedeutende inverse Korrelation zwischen der medianen Ausschlüpfzeit (d.h. 50% der gesamten Ausgewachsenen schlüpften aus) und der Temperatur festgestellt (P<0.001). Kein Ausschlüpfen wurde beobachtet bei Temperaturen unter 17°C. Das Ausschlüpfschema war gleichbleibend bei dauerndem Licht oder dauernder Dunkelheit, was auf das Vorhandensein eines circadianen Systems hinweist.
cDNA clones coding for two closely related androgen-dependent sperm-coating glycoproteins secreted by the rat epididymis were selected by screening an epididymal cDNA library constructed in lambda gt 11 with affinity-purified antibody directed against the glycoproteins. The largest clone of 956 nucleotides provided coding information for a protein of 246 amino acids of which the first 19 residues comprise a putative signal peptide sequence which when cleaved would produce a mature protein of 227 residues and a molecular mass of 26 kDa. Confirmation of the identity of the clone was provided by a match between the amino acid sequence predicted from the cDNA sequence and the actual amino acid sequence determined for a tryptic peptide fragment of one of the pure glycoproteins. It is probable that the primary amino acid sequence of the two glycoproteins is identical. Northern blot and slot-blot analysis revealed that the mRNA for the glycoproteins is approximately 1250 nucleotides long and that the concentration of the mRNA in the epididymis is androgen-dependent. The glycoproteins and their mRNAs were unique to the epididymis as determined by Western and Northern blots, respectively, since signals were absent from skin, brain, liver, kidney, heart, skeletal muscle and testis. Cross-reacting proteins of slightly smaller apparent molecular mass were detected in extracts of mouse and guinea-pig epididymis, but not rabbit or bull epididymis. Comparison with existing protein data bases revealed that the epididymal glycoproteins display significant sequence homology with yeast carboxypeptidase Y.  相似文献   
Two-polymer aqueous-phase systems were used to compare via partitioning the surface properties of strains of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida which differed in their ability to produce the surface protein array known as the A layer and in their ability to produce smooth lipopolysaccharide. In these two-phase systems, biological particles are known to partition between the phases in a manner related to a variety of surface properties, including hydrophobicity, charge, and lipid composition. Both the presence of the superficial protein layer and the O polysaccharide chains of lipopolysaccharide were shown to play an important role in the partitioning behavior of A. salmonicida cells. The presence of the A layer, which is crucial to the virulence of A. salmonicida, appeared to decrease the surface hydrophilicity of this pathogen and to increase, in a somewhat specific manner, its surface affinity for fatty acid esters of polyethylene glycol. The ability of two-polymer aqueous-phase systems to differentially partition A. salmonicida cells on the basis of differences in surface architecture suggests their general usefulness for the analysis of surface properties important in bacterial virulence and should permit their use in the selection of strains and mutants exhibiting specific surface characteristics.  相似文献   
Self-aggression in an adult male stumptailed monkey (Macaca arctoides) resulted in severe lower eyelid distortion, conjunctivitis and epiphora. The behavior ceased with a change in environment, but the eyelid defect, conjunctivitis and epiphora persisted, requiring corrective surgery. Surgical correction was partially successful, although the animal died due to unrelated medical problems before final correction could be accomplished.  相似文献   
Summary We have isolated and characterized a new mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, carrying a single mutant allele that we designate ngm2-1, which is defective with respect to induced mutagenesis. This mutant was isolated by screening mutagenized clones for reduced frequencies of reversion of the his1-7 allele, induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. As judged by the reversion of his1-7 and ilv1-92, ngm2-1 mutant strains are also deficient with respect to mutability induced by methyl methane sulfonate, ethyl methane sulfonate and, at least partially, by UV. UV-induced reversion of the ochre mutation arg4-17 and the frameshift mutation his4-38 was not much affected by ngm2-1, however. Like rev3 and rev7 mutations, ngm2-1 also has little influence on the reversion of the proline missense allele, cyc1-115. Ngm2-1 mutants are only at best very slightly more sensitive to the toxicity of the four mutagens used, and homozygous diploids sporulate normally.  相似文献   
Summary Mobilization of the plasmid ColE1 from cells containing a conjugative plasmid (such as F) requires the synthesis of ColE1 mob proteins, and the presence, in cis, of bom (basis of mobility), a region of ColE1 containing the origin of transfer (oriT). The process of ColE1 transfer is thought to resemble that of the conjugative plasmid F, although the plasmids share little sequence homology. In F, conjugation is preceded by a strand-specific nicking event at oriT. The nicked strand is then conducted to the recipient with the 5 end leading. This is believed also to occur with ColE1, but direct biochemical confirmation has been precluded by its small size (6.65 kb). To test this hypothesis genetically, a novel method, using a dv-based vector, has been devised to site-specifically integrate bom (or any other cloned sequence) into the chromosome of Escherichia coli. When provided with suitable mobilizing plasmids, such strains were found to transfer the chromosome in a polar way. From these data, the orientation of transfer of ColE1 was deduced and shown to be analogous to F.  相似文献   
Transglutaminase and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Alzheimer''s Disease   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Transglutaminase [EC, (R)-glutaminyl-peptide:amine gamma-glutamyltransferase], an enzyme that catalyzes the introduction of glutamine-lysine cross-links into proteins, was purified. Neurofilament and microtubule proteins were substrates for this enzyme but the insoluble neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) isolated from Alzheimer's disease brain were not substrates. In vitro cross-linking of neurofilaments and microtubules by the enzyme did not produce paired helical filaments (PHF), which are the major ultrastructural component of NFT. These results make it unlikely that PHF are formed by the straightforward cross-linking of neurofilaments or microtubules.  相似文献   
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