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Environmental DNA studies targeting multiple taxa using metabarcoding provide remarkable insights into levels of species diversity in any habitat. The main drawbacks are the presence of primer bias and difficulty in identifying rare species. We tested a DNA sequence‐capture method in parallel with the metabarcoding approach to reveal possible advantages of one method over the other. Both approaches were performed using the same eDNA samples and the same 18S and COI regions, followed by high throughput sequencing. Metabarcoded eDNA libraries were PCR amplified with one primer pair from 18S and COI genes. DNA sequence‐capture libraries were enriched with 3,639 baits targeting the same gene regions. We tested amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in silico approaches for both markers and methods, using for this purpose the metabarcoding data set. ASVs methods uncovered more species for the COI gene, whereas the opposite occurred for the 18S gene, suggesting that clustering reads into OTUs could bias diversity richness especially using 18S with relaxed thresholds. Additionally, metabarcoding and DNA sequence‐capture recovered 80%–90% of the control sample species. DNA sequence‐capture was 8x more expensive, nonetheless it identified 1.5x more species for COI and 13x more genera for 18S than metabarcoding. Both approaches offer reliable results, sharing ca. 40% species and 72% families and retrieve more taxa when nuclear and mitochondrial markers are combined. eDNA metabarcoding is quite well established and low‐cost, whereas DNA‐sequence capture for biodiversity assessment is still in its infancy, is more time‐consuming but provides more taxonomic assignments.  相似文献   
Plant species differ in their ecological amplitude, with some species occurring in very different habitats under strongly differentiated environmental conditions. We were interested in to what extent the occurrence of Linum catharticum in dry calcareous grasslands (Bromion) and wet litter meadows (Molinion), two habitats on opposing ends concerning, for example, moisture level, is reflected on the genetic and epigenetic level. Using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) and MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphisms) analyses, we studied the genetic and epigenetic variation of L. catharticum from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. From each habitat, we included five study sites with 16 individuals per sampling location. We observed lower genetic than epigenetic diversity, but considerable differentiation among habitats, which was stronger on the genetic than the epigenetic level. Additionally, we observed a strong correlation of genetic and epigenetic distance, irrespective of geographic distance. The dataset included a large portion of fragments exclusively found in individuals from one or the other habitat. Some epigenetic fragments even occurred in different methylation states depending on the habitat. We conclude that environmental effects act on both the genetic and epigenetic level, producing the clear differentiation among plant individuals from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. These results may also point into the direction of ecotype formation in this species.  相似文献   
COPII and COPI mediate the formation of membrane vesicles translocating in opposite directions within the secretory pathway. Live-cell and electron microscopy revealed a novel mode of function for COPII during cargo export from the ER. COPII is recruited to membranes defining the boundary between the ER and ER exit sites, facilitating selective cargo concentration. Using direct observation of living cells, we monitored cargo selection processes, accumulation, and fission of COPII-free ERES membranes. CRISPR/Cas12a tagging, the RUSH system, and pharmaceutical and genetic perturbations of ER-Golgi transport demonstrated that the COPII coat remains bound to the ER–ERES boundary during protein export. Manipulation of the cargo-binding domain in COPII Sec24B prohibits cargo accumulation in ERES. These findings suggest a role for COPII in selecting and concentrating exported cargo rather than coating Golgi-bound carriers. These findings transform our understanding of coat proteins’ role in ER-to-Golgi transport.  相似文献   
温度变化和钾添加对扁秆藨草生长及繁殖的影响 人类活动导致的气候变暖和农业面源污染已被认为是影响湿地植物生长和繁殖的重要因素。为了预 测和缓解这些人类活动的影响,研究沼泽植物如何响应这些环境变化具有重要意义。本研究选取在欧亚 大陆广泛分布的莎草科球茎植物扁秆藨草(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)为研究对象,考察气温变化(恒温: 15、20、25 °C及交替温度:20/10和30/15 °C)和钾添加(0、1、3、9 和18 mmol/L)对其生长和繁殖性状 的影响。研究结果表明,高的恒温(20、25 °C)比高的交替温度(30/15 °C)更有利于扁秆藨草球茎的形成, 而地上生物量和株高一般在较高温度下(30/15、25 °C)达到最大值。扁秆藨草的繁殖和生长性状均与施钾量 呈驼峰型关系,最适施钾量在1–3 mmol/L K。高恒温效应和最适钾浓度的交互作用对繁殖性状的促进作 用最大,但是,较高的温度(30/15和25 °C)和0–9 mmol/L的钾浓度只促进了生长性状的生长。综上所述, 扁秆藨草的种群优势度可能受益于全球变暖和额外的钾添加。  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized the highly polymorphic tetra-nucleotide microsatellite S0719 on SSC7q14-q15 adjacent to the porcine testis-specific phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (PGK2) gene and assigned it to the USDA-MARC linkage map on SSC7 position 77.5 cM closely linked to markers SW859 (76.3 cM) and SWR2036 (79.0 cM). In a panel of 344 individuals representing 11 pig breeds (European, Chinese, and North American), a total of 32 alleles were observed, and the overall breeds' calculated PIC (polymorphism information content), HE (heterozygosity), and NE (effective allele number) were 0.94, 0.94, and 16.41. Breed-specific PIC and HE ranged from 0.66 to 0.87, whereas NE was as low as 2.95 and as high as 7.96. Considering the high allelic variation of S0719 within and among pig breeds (79% of the genotyped animals were heterozygous), the marker is useful for individual animal identification and parentage determination. Finally, S0719 is also a valuable STS marker for fine-mapping QTL on SSC7 as position 77.5 cM is located in 25 QTL intervals (http://www.animalgenome.org/QTLdb/).  相似文献   
The estimation of muscle forces in musculoskeletal shoulder models is still controversial. Two different methods are widely used to solve the indeterminacy of the system: electromyography (EMG)-based methods and stress-based methods. The goal of this work was to evaluate the influence of these two methods on the prediction of muscle forces, glenohumeral load and joint stability after total shoulder arthroplasty. An EMG-based and a stress-based method were implemented into the same musculoskeletal shoulder model. The model replicated the glenohumeral joint after total shoulder arthroplasty. It contained the scapula, the humerus, the joint prosthesis, the rotator cuff muscles supraspinatus, subscapularis and infraspinatus and the middle, anterior and posterior deltoid muscles. A movement of abduction was simulated in the plane of the scapula. The EMG-based method replicated muscular activity of experimentally measured EMG. The stress-based method minimised a cost function based on muscle stresses. We compared muscle forces, joint reaction force, articular contact pressure and translation of the humeral head. The stress-based method predicted a lower force of the rotator cuff muscles. This was partly counter-balanced by a higher force of the middle part of the deltoid muscle. As a consequence, the stress-based method predicted a lower joint load (16% reduced) and a higher superior–inferior translation of the humeral head (increased by 1.2 mm). The EMG-based method has the advantage of replicating the observed cocontraction of stabilising muscles of the rotator cuff. This method is, however, limited to available EMG measurements. The stress-based method has thus an advantage of flexibility, but may overestimate glenohumeral subluxation.  相似文献   
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