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Oxidative stress occurs as a consequence of disturbance in the balance between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the antioxidant defence mechanisms. The interaction of ROS with DNA can cause single-, or double-strand breaks that subsequently can lead to the activation of p53, which is central for the regulation of cellular response, e.g. apoptosis, to a range of environmental and intracellular stresses. Previous reports have suggested a regulatory role of p53 in the early activation of caspase-2, upstream of mitochondrial apoptotic signaling. Here we show that excessive ROS formation, induced by 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMNQ) exposure, induces apoptosis in primary cultured neural stem cells (NSCs) from cortices of E15 rat embryos. Following DMNQ exposure cells exhibited apoptotic hallmarks such as Bax oligomerization and activation, cytochrome c release, caspase activation and chromatin condensation. Additionally, we could show early p53 accumulation and a subsequent activation of caspase-2. The attenuation of caspase-2 activity with selective inhibitors could antagonize the mitochondrial signaling pathway and cell death. Overall, our results strongly suggest that DMNQ-induced oxidative stress causes p53 accumulation and consequently caspase-2 activation, which in turn initiates apoptotic cell death via the mitochondria-mediated caspase-dependent pathway in NSCs.  相似文献   
Summary The organization of vesicular profiles in the endothelium of cerebral capillaries of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, has been reinvestigated. Judged from random thin sections the endothelial cells contain numerous vesicles and tubules, in contrast to brain endothelia of most other vertebrates. However, three-dimensional reconstructions based on ultrathin serial sections (thickness 18 nm) showed that the profiles represent a system of irregular tubular invaginations of the cell membrane, comparable to the vesicular invaginations demonstrated in extracerebral capillary endothelia of frogs and rats. In addition, smooth-surfaced cisternae were present in close relation to the invaginations. The function of endothelial invaginations is unknown. They do not transport macromolecules, because the blood-brain barrier is practically impermeable to proteins. However, since the system of the invaginations and smooth-surfaced cisternae is structurally similar to the system of caveolae and sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle cells, a common function seems likely. It is proposed that endothelial invaginations and smooth-surfaced cisternae are involved in regulation of cytosolic Ca++-concentration.  相似文献   
Neurochemical Research - Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological conditions. Today, close to 30 different medications to prevent epileptic seizures are in use; yet, far from all...  相似文献   


In addition to their use in detecting undesired real-time PCR products, melting temperatures are useful for detecting variations in the desired target sequences. Methodological improvements in recent years allow the generation of high-resolution melting-temperature (Tm) data. However, there is currently no convention on how to statistically analyze such high-resolution Tm data.  相似文献   
Multivariate analyses of fatty acid composition of Astarte sulcata, collected in Northwest Norway in October 2005, showed significant differences between geographically close populations. This biochemical heterogeneity may have been caused by high genetic drift due to the direct development of the species. The results indicate that deep basins may provide an alternative bathymetric guide for spreading of offspring rather than being carried on currents crossing such basins. Thus, the combination of biology and topography might have led to the observed pattern that populations from opposite sides of a fjord are biochemically more distant than populations along the same side of a fjord/basin.  相似文献   
Studies conducted in terrestrial ecosystems have shown that increasing plant diversity enhances ecosystem processes such as primary production. In marine systems, knowledge of how plant diversity influences ecosystem processes and higher trophic levels is still limited. To examine how plant richness and composition influence recruitment and colonization processes, defaunated eelgrass (Zostera marina), sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) and perfoliate pondweed (Potamogeton perfoliatus) were planted on an unvegetated, sandy bottom in all possible combinations in July and August. Both field experiments lasted 1 week. Our results showed that in these plant assemblages plant richness had a negative effect on faunal diversity (H′) and evenness (J′), while total abundance showed strong temporal variation with weak, positive relationships with plant species richness in both August and July. Plant species composition had strong effects on amphipods (Gammarus spp.), thus both the abundance and biomass were higher in treatments containing P. perfoliatus. The colonization process was significantly influenced by the numerical dominance of a few faunal species, e.g. the settlement of lagoon cockles (Cerastoderma glaucum), and by the timing of the experiments. The results indicate that faunal colonization in these communities is rapid and significantly influenced by the traits of particular plant species.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic localization of the prion protein (PrP) has been observed in different species and cell types. We have investigated this poorly understood phenomenon by expressing fusion proteins of sheep prion protein and green fluorescent protein (GFPPrP) in N2a cells, with variable sequence context surrounding the start codon Met1. GFPPrP expressed with the wild-type sequence was transported normally through the secretory pathway to the cell surface with acquisition of N-glycan groups, but two N-terminal fragments of GFPPrP were detected intracellularly, starting in frame from Met17. When GFPPrP was expressed with a compromised Kozak sequence (GFPPrP*), dispersed intracellular fluorescence was observed. A similar switch from pericellular to intracellular PrP localization was seen when analogous constructs of sheep PrP, without inserted GFP, were expressed, showing that this phenomenon is not caused by the GFP tag. Western blotting revealed a reduction in glycosylated forms of GFPPrP*, whereas the N-terminal fragments starting from Met17 were still present. Formation of these N-terminal fragments was completely abolished when Met17 was replaced by Thr, indicating that leaky ribosomal scanning occurs for normal sheep PrP and that translation from Met17 is the cause of the aberrant cytoplasmic localization observed for a fraction of the protein. In contrast, the same phenomenon was not detected upon expression of similar constructs for mouse PrP. Analysis of samples from sheep brain allowed immunological detection of N-terminal PrP fragments, indicating that sheep PrP is subject to similar processing mechanisms in vivo.PrPC 2 is a cell surface glycoprotein with an essential role in the pathogenesis of transmissible neurodegenerative prion diseases (1, 2). According to the prion hypothesis, a misfolded, pathogenic form of the protein (PrPSc) is the sole constituent of transmissible prions (3, 4), but the molecular details and required environs for the misfolding are incompletely understood. As would be expected for a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein with N-linked glycans, PrPC is observed at the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, the end point of the secretory route. The half-time at the plasma membrane is fairly short, because the protein may undergo shedding or endocytic internalization (59). Thus, PrPC can be encountered throughout the secretory and endocytic routes and is also able to leave cells via exosomes derived from multivesicular endosomes (10). In agreement with this, studies of the subcellular distribution of PrPC in mammalian brain have identified localization to the outer cell membrane, in the Golgi apparatus, and in endosomal vesicles (11, 12). However, others have found that PrPC is not solely associated with membranes, but, in some subpopulations of neurons, is localized to the cytoplasm (13, 14). In line with the latter observations, transgenic mice expressing PrP carrying a C-terminal GFP tag demonstrated intense cytoplasmic fluorescence from a limited number (approximately 1%) of the neurons in certain brain areas, such as the hippocampus (15). Immunohistochemical detection of intracellular, possibly cytoplasmic, PrP has also been reported from large mononuclear cells in the gut wall of sheep (16) and from enteric neurons in mice (17). The recent observations of pronounced cytoplasmic aggregation of PrP in pancreatic β-cells of rats prone to development of diabetes mellitus provide a perplexing example of nonstandard PrP localization in non-neuronal cells (18).The flexibility observed in the subcellular localization of PrPC has been suggested to be a requirement for normal functions of the protein (14, 19, 20), but how cytoplasmic and nuclear variants arise has not been established. Cytoplasmic PrP could be a result of retro-translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), as part of an unfolded protein response (2123) or from attenuated ER import of PrP under conditions of lumenal stress in the ER (24, 25). The finding of intact ER-targeting signal sequences on cytoplasmic PrPs (25, 26) favors the latter mechanism, namely a reduced ER import of PrP, possibly caused by saturation of the ER translocation machinery or an overload of unfolded proteins within the ER. However, no signs of stress or pathology could be detected in neurons of wild-type mice expressing cytoplasmic PrP (14), which led to the suggestion that the cytoplasmic appearance of PrP could constitute a physiologically relevant, but minor, pathway for the protein.Forced cytoplasmic expression of PrP in transgenic mice (22) and in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (27) resulted in neurodegenerative disease, suggesting that toxic mislocalization of PrP could be part of the pathogenic mechanism in prion diseases (28). However, transgenic mice expressing cytoplasmic PrP, on a PrP-null background, developed cerebellar atrophy but were resistant to experimental prion infection (29), suggesting that cytoplasmic PrP is unlikely to serve as substrate for prion replication. Furthermore, data obtained from transgenic mice expressing an anchorless secretory PrP show that, although these mice accumulate PrP-containing amyloid plaques upon challenge with PrPSc, they fail to develop clinical prion disease (30). Thus, membrane-attached PrP appears to be a prerequisite for development of prion-derived neurodegeneration.In eukaryotes, ribosomes bind specifically to linear mRNAs carrying a 7-methylguanosine 5′-end cap and slide along the mRNA in the 5′ → 3′ direction until they encounter the first start codon (AUG), from which the protein translation starts exclusively. Therefore, eukaryotic mRNAs are generally monocistronic. However, deviations from this standard principle have been reported, in which protein translation is initiated at alternative start codons either up or downstream from the primary AUG. The best characterized mechanism is known as context-dependent leaky ribosomal scanning (LRS) (31). This cap-dependent mechanism is particularly operative when the optimal (5′-GCCRCCaugG-3′) sequence context surrounding the first AUG codon is compromised, most notably at positions R−3 (where R= purine, A or G, but optimally G) and G+4 (32, 33).In this work, we report that in a cell culture system, sheep PrP mRNA displays a tendency to allow alternative translation initiation through LRS. Met17 serves as an internal in-frame alternative start codon giving rise to PrP with a severely shortened ER-targeting peptide.Although the LRS mechanism is active in sheep PrP, it appears to occur much less in mouse PrP (34). The molecular explanation and possible pathophysiological relevance of these observations in relation to PrP function await further studies. Interestingly, during the review process of this paper, observations of cytoplasmic PrP similar to some of those described herein were reported for human and hamster PrP (35).  相似文献   
Unilateral nuclear migration (UNM) is a striking deviation from the normal reciprocal exchange of nuclei in mating between otherwise compatible monokaryons in Basidiomycetes. UNM has rarely been subject to systematical investigation. Here, we examine the scientific history of UNM in Basidiomycetes and evaluate the explanations brought forward. We suggest that UNM could have an evolutionary role in mating-system reversion from tetrapolarity by assuring a more stable (reciprocal) nuclear migration.  相似文献   
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