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Size structure of the metazoan community in a Piedmont stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We characterized the size structure of virtually the entire metazoan community in a fourth order, sandybottomed Piedmont stream during late summer. Our study, the first to sample across all habitat types and sizes of metazoans in an aquatic ecosystem, indicates that at the community level, stream size spectra may be bimodal for the benthos or trimodal when fish are included. Animals spanning 10 orders of magnitude in dry mass (from gastrotrichs to fish) were quantitatively collected from nine habitat types. The bimodal benthic size spectrum was characterized by a meiofaunal component (mostly oligochaetes and micro-crustacea) and a macrobenthic component (mostly the introduced asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea). Insects contributed little to overall standing crop. Size-specific contribution to whole-community metabolism was assessed using allometric equations for respiration, and we found a distinctly bimodal distribution across the entire metazoan size range, with peaks in the meiofaunal and benthic macrofaunal size ranges. Our bimodal benthic size spectrum is similar to that observed for marine benthos but not to other freshwater benthic systems, possibly because the entire range of habitat types and/or animal sizes were not sampled in the latter. Numerous factors may influence size spectra in stream ecosystems, including local geomorphic (habitat) conditions, water level fluctuations, species introductions, and predation processes.  相似文献   
Scytonema ocellatum (Cyanobacteria or Cyanophyta) produces macrolide antibiotics of the scytophycin family that are antifungal, cytostatic agents and act by disrupting actin microfilaments. Scytophycin accumulation paralleled vegetative growth. Tolytoxin continued to accumulate throughout the growth cycle, whereas 6-hydroxy-7-O-methylscytophycin E (HMSE) and 19-O-demethylscytophycin C (DMSC) reached plateau levels prior to cessation of growth, suggesting a logical biosynthetic pathway of DMSC → ? → HMSE → tolytoxin. A rapid decrease in scytophycin content observed in newly inoculated cultures suggests that the scytophycins are continuously metabolized. The optimal temperature for production was 25°C. Continuous illumination at an intensity of at least 25 μml photons m?2 s?1 was required for maximum yield. Growth and metabolite production were optimal in the pH range of 8.0 to 8.5.  相似文献   
The Value of a hoard: not just energy   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
We present a stochastic dynamic programming model of the contributionof stored food to winter survival. Using the acorn woodpecker(Melanerpes formtcivorus) as a model organism, we demonstratethat a hoard of small energetic value can impart considerableimprovement in the probability of surviving the winter and soimprove fitness. With this model we hope to resolve Koenig andMumme's paradox, that acorn woodpeckers expend much time andeffort to create and maintain hoards of acorns which provideno more that 16% of their energetic needs over the period inwhich they are used. We further demonstrate that the contributionof hoarded acorns to survival depends on the variability inforaging outcome, independently of the energetic value of thehoard in absolute terms. We point out that the results applyin principle to all hoarding animals and suggest a number offurther elaborations of the model.  相似文献   
Summary All modern mammals contain a distinctive, highly repeated (⩾50,000 members) family of long interspersed repeated DNA called the L1 (LINE 1) family. While the modern L1 families were derived from a common ancestor that predated the mammalian radiation ∼80 million years ago, most of the members of these families were generated within the last 5 million years. However, recently we demonstrated that modern murine (Old World rats and mice) genomes share an older long interspersed repeated DNA family that we called Lx. Here we report our analysis of the DNA sequence of Lx family members and the relationship of this family to the modern L1 families in mouse and rat. The extent of DNA sequence divergence between Lx members indicates that the Lx amplification occurred about 12 million years ago, around the time of the murine radiation. Parsimony analysis revealed that Lx elements were ancestral to both the modern rat and mouse L1 families. However, we found that few if any of the evolutionary intermediates between the Lx and the modern L1 families were extensively amplified. Because the modern L1 families have evolved under selective pressure, the evolutionary intermediates must have been capable of replication. Therefore, replicationcompetent L1 elements can reside in genomes without undergoing extensive amplification. We discuss the bearing of our findings on the evolution of L1 DNA elements and the mammalian genome.  相似文献   
Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from approximately 600 strains of cultured cyanophytes, representing some 300 species, were examined for antiviral activity against three pathogenic viruses. Approximately 10% of the cultures produced substances that caused significant reduction in cytopathic effect normally associated with viral infection. The screening program identified the order Chroococcales as commonly producing antiviral agents.  相似文献   
Diverse proteins that are 35% to 55% identical to actins have been discovered recently in yeasts, nematodes, and vertebrates. In order to study these proteins systematically and relate their functions to those of conventional actins, we are isolating the corresponding genes from the genetically tractable eukaryote,Drosophila melanogaster. Here we report the isolation and partial characterization of aDrosophila homologue of theSchizosaccharomyces pombe act2 gene. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers specifying peptides that are highly conserved within the actin protein superfamily were used in conjunction with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify a portion of theDrosophila gene that we have namedactr66B. The corresponding full-length cDNA sequence encodes a protein of 418 residues that is 65% identical to the product of theS. pombe act2 gene, 80% identical to the bovineact2 homologue, but only 48% identical to the principalDrosophila cytoplasmic actin encoded by theAct5C actin gene. Alignment of the yeast, bovine, andDrosophila actin-related proteins shows that they have four peptide insertions, relative to conventional actins, three of which are well placed to modify actin polymerization and one that is likely to perturb the binding of myosin. Locations of two of the fiveactr66B introns are conserved betweenDrosophila and yeast genes, further attesting that they evolved from a common ancestor and are likely to encode proteins having similar functions. We demonstrate that theDrosophila gene is located on the left arm of chromosome 3, within subdivision 66B. Finally, we show by RNA blot-hybridization that the gene is expressed at low levels, relative to conventional nonmuscle actin, in all developmental stages. From these and other observations we infer that the actr66B protein is a minor component of all cells, perhaps serving to modify the polymerization, structure, and dynamic behavior of actin filaments. Our work was supported by grants from the NIH and the Muscular Dystrophy Association to E.A.F. Sequences described herein have been filed in the GenBank Database under Accession Number X71789.  相似文献   
Abstract The putative chaperone-like protein ClpE, required for biogenesis of the Escherichia coli capsule-like antigen CS31A, was compared with ten known periplasmic chaperones from E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae and Yersinia pestis . The amino acid sequence alignment was superimposed onto the three-dimensional structure of the PapD chaperone of uropathogenic E. coli , and amino acid residues involved in maintaining the structure integrity of the suggested binding site were found identical in most of the 11 chaperones. Construction of a phylogenetic tree to investigate the relationship within the chaperone family has revealed interesting degrees of relatedness between the different proteins.  相似文献   
Abstract An internal fragment from each of the penicillinebinding protein (PBP) 1A, 2B and 2X genes of Streptococcus pneumoniae , which included the region encoding the active-site serine residue, was replaced by a fragment encoding spectinomycin resistance. The resulting constructs were tested for their ability to transform S. pneumoniae strain R6 to spectinomycin resistance. Spectinomycin-resistant transformants could not be obtained using either the inactivated PBP 2X or 2B genes, suggesting that deletion of either of these genes was a lethal event, but they were readily obtained using the inactivated PBP 1A gene. Analysis using the polymerase chain reaction confirmed that the latter transformants had replaced their chromosomal copy of the PBP 1A gene with the inactivated copy of the gene. Deletion of the PBP 1A gene was therefore tolerated under laboratory conditions and appeared to have little effect on growth or susceptibility to benzylpenicillin.  相似文献   
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