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The ruminant pathogen Mycoplasma agalactiae possesses a family of abundantly expressed variable surface lipoproteins called Vpmas. Phenotypic switches between Vpma members have previously been correlated with DNA rearrangements within a locus of vpma genes and are proposed to play an important role in disease pathogenesis. In this study, six vpma genes were characterized in the M. agalactiae type strain PG2. All vpma genes clustered within an 8-kb region and shared highly conserved 5' untranslated regions, lipoprotein signal sequences, and short N-terminal sequences. Analyses of the vpma loci from consecutive clonal isolates showed that vpma DNA rearrangements were site specific and that cleavage and strand exchange occurred within a minimal region of 21 bp located within the 5' untranslated region of all vpma genes. This process controlled expression of vpma genes by effectively linking the open reading frame (ORF) of a silent gene to a unique active promoter sequence within the locus. An ORF (xer1) immediately adjacent to one end of the vpma locus did not undergo rearrangement and had significant homology to a distinct subset of genes belonging to the lambda integrase family of site-specific xer recombinases. It is proposed that xer1 codes for a site-specific recombinase that is not involved in chromosome dimer resolution but rather is responsible for the observed vpma-specific recombination in M. agalactiae.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic characteristics of heparin fractions in a 0.2 M NaCl solution have been determined. Experimental values varied over the following ranges: the sedimentation coefficient (at 20.0 °C), 1.3<s0×1013<3.2 s; the Gralen coefficient (sedimentation concentration-dependence parameter), 10<ks<70 cm3 g–1; the translational diffusion coefficient, 3.9<D0×107<15.4 cm2 s–1; the intrinsic viscosity, 7.9<[]<40 cm3 g–1. Combination of s0 with D0 using the Svedberg equation yielded molecular weights in the range 3.9<M×10–3<37 g mol–1. The value of the mass per unit length of the heparin molecule, ML, was determined using the theory of hydrodynamic properties of a weakly bending rod, giving ML=570±50 g nm–1 mol–1. The equilibrium rigidity, Kuhn segment length (A=9±2 nm) and hydrodynamic diameter (d=0.9±0.1 nm) of heparin were evaluated on the basis of the worm-like coil theory without the excluded volume effect, using the combination of hydrodynamic data obtained from fractions of different sizes. Small-angle X-ray scattering for three heparin fractions allowed an estimate for the cross-sectional radius of gyration as 0.43 nm; from the evolution with the macromolecule contour length of the radius of gyration, a value for the Kuhn segment length of 9±1 nm was obtained. A good correlation is thus observed for the conformational parameters of heparin from hydrodynamic and X-ray scattering data. These values describe heparin as a semi-rigid polymer, with an equilibrium rigidity that is essentially determined by a structural component, the electrostatic contribution being negligible in 0.2 M NaCl.Presented at the conference for Advances in Analytical Ultracentrifugation and Hydrodynamics, 8–11 June 2002, Grenoble, France  相似文献   
Cathepsin D (CatD) is a lysosomal aspartic proteinase and plays an important role in the degradation of proteins and in apoptotic processes induced by oxidative stress, cytokines, and aging. All of these stimuli are potent inducers of endothelial cell apoptosis. Therefore, we investigated the role of CatD in endothelial cell apoptosis and determined the underlying mechanisms. Incubation with 100-500 microm H2O2 for 12 h induced apoptosis in endothelial cells. To determine a role for CatD, we co-incubated endothelial cells with the CatD inhibitor pepstatin A. Pepstatin A as well as genetic knock down of CatD abolished H2O2-induced apoptosis. In contrast, overexpression of CatD wild type but not a catalytically inactive mutant of CatD (CatDD295N) induced apoptosis under basal conditions. To gain insights into the underlying mechanisms, we investigated the effect of CatD on reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. Indeed, knocking down CatD expression reduced H2O2-induced ROS formation and apoptosis. The major redox regulator in endothelial cells is thioredoxin-1 (Trx), which plays a crucial role in apoptosis inhibition. Thus, we hypothesized that CatD may alter Trx protein levels and thereby promote formation of ROS and apoptosis. Incubation with 100 microm H2O2 for 6 h decreased Trx protein levels, whereas Trx mRNA was not altered. H2O2-induced Trx degradation was inhibited by pepstatin A and genetic knock down of CatD but not by other protease inhibitors. Incubation of unstimulated cell lysates with recombinant CatD significantly reduced Trx protein levels in vitro, which was completely blocked by pepstatin A pre-incubation. Overexpression of CatD reduced Trx protein in cells. Moreover, H2O2 incubation led to a translocation of Trx to the lysosomes prior to the induction of apoptosis. Taken together, CatD induces apoptosis via degradation of Trx protein, which is an essential anti-apoptotic and reactive oxygen species scavenging protein in endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Ectopic cystatin expression has long been used in plant pest management, but the cysteine protease, targets of these inhibitors, might also have important functions in the control of plant lifespan and stress tolerance that remain poorly characterized. We therefore characterized the effects of expression of the rice cystatin, oryzacystatin‐I (OCI), on the growth, development and stress tolerance of crop (soybean) and model (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants. Ectopic OCI expression in soybean enhanced shoot branching and leaf chlorophyll accumulation at later stages of vegetative development and enhanced seed protein contents and decreased the abundance of mRNAs encoding strigolactone synthesis enzymes. The OCI‐expressing A. thaliana showed a slow‐growth phenotype, with increased leaf numbers and enhanced shoot branching at flowering. The OCI‐dependent inhibition of cysteine proteases enhanced drought tolerance in soybean and A. thaliana, photosynthetic CO2 assimilation being much less sensitive to drought‐induced inhibition in the OCI‐expressing soybean lines. Ectopic OCI expression or treatment with the cysteine protease inhibitor E64 increased lateral root densities in A. thaliana. E64 treatment also increased lateral root densities in the max2‐1 mutants that are defective in strigolactone signalling, but not in the max3‐9 mutants that are defective in strigolactone synthesis. Taken together, these data provide evidence that OCI‐inhibited cysteine proteases participate in the control of growth and stress tolerance through effects on strigolactones. We conclude that cysteine proteases are important targets for manipulation of plant growth, development and stress tolerance, and also seed quality traits.  相似文献   
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are among the commonest and most severe forms of developmental defect, characterized by disruption of the early embryonic events of central nervous system formation. NTDs have long been known to exhibit a strong genetic dependence, yet the identity of the genetic determinants remains largely undiscovered. Initiation of neural tube closure is disrupted in mice homozygous for mutations in planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway genes, providing a strong link between NTDs and PCP signaling. Recently, missense gene variants have been identified in PCP genes in humans with NTDs, although the range of phenotypes is greater than in the mouse mutants. In addition, the sequence variants detected in affected humans are heterozygous, and can often be detected in unaffected individuals. It has been suggested that interactions between multiple heterozygous gene mutations cause the NTDs in humans. To determine the phenotypes produced in double heterozygotes, we bred mice with all three pairwise combinations of Vangl2Lp, ScribCrc and Celsr1Crsh mutations, the most intensively studied PCP mutants. The majority of double-mutant embryos had open NTDs, with the range of phenotypes including anencephaly and spina bifida, therefore reflecting the defects observed in humans. Strikingly, even on a uniform genetic background, variability in the penetrance and severity of the mutant phenotypes was observed between the different double-heterozygote combinations. Phenotypically, Celsr1Crsh;Vangl2Lp;ScribCrc triply heterozygous mutants were no more severe than doubly heterozygous or singly homozygous mutants. We propose that some of the variation between double-mutant phenotypes could be attributed to the nature of the protein disruption in each allele: whereas ScribCrc is a null mutant and produces no Scrib protein, Celsr1Crsh and Vangl2Lp homozygotes both express mutant proteins, consistent with dominant effects. The variable outcomes of these genetic interactions are of direct relevance to human patients and emphasize the importance of performing comprehensive genetic screens in humans.KEY WORDS: Neural tube defects, Planar cell polarity, Genetic interactions, Craniorachischisis, Multiple heterozygosity  相似文献   
The pretarsus of the female miteVarroa jacobsoni Oudemans (1904) consists of two main parts, a cuticular basal stalk and an extrudable, membranous ambulacral pad, the caruncle. The caruncle, when fully extruded and expanded, becomes a bilobed sucker, and when deflated, the entire caruncle is retracted into the basal stalk. The basal stalk of the pretarsus with the sucker fully retracted into it resembles an inverted cone with its narrow portion attached to the apex of the tarsus. The basal stalk consists of three large plates; two lateral and one median. The proximal end of each lateral plate bears a sclerotized claw-like structure which functions to support the expanded caruncle. The median plate possesses a long, narrow ridge process connecting the basal stalk with the caruncle, and functions to control retraction and protraction of the caruncle. The morphology and function of the basal stalk suggest that the claw-like structure are the ungues; the median plate is the unguifer, and the median ridge is the tendon of the retractor/depressor muscles of the pretarsus. The significance of the pretarsal suckers to the control of the mite is also discussed.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) - undifferentiated cells originating from preimplantation stage embryos - have prolonged self-renewal capacity and are pluripotent. Activation of the canonical Wnt pathway is implicated in maintenance of and exit from the pluripotent state. Recent findings demonstrate that the essential mediator of canonical Wnt signaling, β-catenin, is dispensable for ESC maintenance; however, its activation inhibits differentiation through derepression of T cell factor 3 (Tcf3)-bound genes. Wnt agonists are useful in deriving ESCs from recalcitrant mouse strains and the rat and in nuclear reprogramming of somatic stem cells. We discuss recent advances in our understanding of the role of canonical Wnt signaling in the regulation of ESC self-renewal and how its manipulation can improve pluripotent ESC derivation and maintenance.  相似文献   
The self-renewal capacity ascribed to embryonic stem cells (ESC) is reminiscent of cancer cell proliferation, raising speculation that a common network of genes may regulate these traits. A search for general regulators of these traits yielded a set of microRNAs for which expression is highly enriched in human ESCs and liver cancer cells (HCC) but attenuated in differentiated quiescent hepatocytes. Here, we show that these microRNAs promote hESC self-renewal, as well as HCC proliferation, and when overexpressed in normally quiescent hepatocytes, induce proliferation and activate cancer signaling pathways. Proliferation in hepatocytes is mediated through translational repression of Pten, Tgfbr2, Klf11, and Cdkn1a, which collectively dysregulates the PI3K/AKT/mTOR and TGFβ tumor suppressor signaling pathways. Furthermore, aberrant expression of these miRNAs is observed in human liver tumor tissues and induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in hepatocytes. These findings suggest that microRNAs that are essential in normal development as promoters of ESC self-renewal are frequently upregulated in human liver tumors and harbor neoplastic transformation potential when they escape silencing in quiescent human hepatocytes.  相似文献   
It is well established that fat distribution rather than the total quantity of fat is the major determinant of cardiovascular risk in overweight subjects. However, it is not known whether the concept of fat distribution still makes sense in severely obese subjects. Particularly, the role of visceral fat accumulation and/or of adipocyte hypertrophy in insulin resistance (IR) has not been studied in this population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to clarify the determinants of metabolic disorders in severely obese women. We performed a cross‐sectional study in 237 severely obese women (BMI >35 kg/m2). We assessed total body fat mass and fat distribution by anthropometric measurements (BMI and waist‐to‐hip ratio (WHR)) and by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA). In 22 women, we measured subcutaneous and visceral adipocyte size on surgical biopsies. Mean BMI was 44 ± 7 kg/m2 (range 35–77), mean age 37 ± 11 years (range 18–61). Lipid parameters (triglycerides, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol) and IR markers (fasting insulin and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index) correlated with fat distribution, whereas inflammatory parameters (C‐reactive protein, fibrinogen) correlated only with total fat mass. An association was observed between android fat distribution and adipocyte hypertrophy. Visceral adipocyte hypertrophy was associated with both IR and hypertension, whereas subcutaneous fat‐cell size was linked only to hypertension. Our results obtained in a large cohort of women showed that fat distribution still predicts metabolic abnormalities in severe obesity. Furthermore, we found a cluster of associations among fat distribution, metabolic syndrome (MS), and adipocyte hypertrophy.  相似文献   
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