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5S rRNA sequences were determined for the green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium limicola, Chlorobium phaeobacteroides and Prosthecochloris aestuarii, for Thermomicrobium roseum, which is a relative of the green non-sulphur bacteria, and for Cytophaga aquatilis, Cytophaga heparina, Cytophaga johnsonae, Flavobacterium breve, Flexibacter sp. and Saprospira grandis, organisms allotted to the phylum 'Bacteroides-Cytophaga-Flavobacterium' and relatives as determined by 16S rRNA analyses. By using a clustering algorithm a dendrogram was constructed from these sequences and from all other known eubacterial 5S RNA sequences. The dendrogram showed differences, as well as similarities, with respect to results obtained by 16S RNA analyses. The 5S RNA sequences of green sulphur bacteria were closely related to one another, and to a cluster containing 5S RNA sequences from Bacteroides and its relatives, including Cytophaga aquatilis. 5S RNA sequences of all other representatives of the 'Bacteroides-Cytophaga-Flavobacterium' phylum as distinguished by 16S RNA analysis failed to group with Bacteroides and related clusters. On the basis of 5S RNA sequences, Thermomicrobium roseum clustered with Chloroflexus aurantiacus, as was expected from 16S RNA analysis.  相似文献   
Modulation of acetylcholine (ACh) release from superfused hippocampal slices was examined when the release of ACh was stimulated by exposure of slices to elevated K+ concentration. Evoked release was not sensitive to inhibition by 0.1 microM tetrodotoxin, but it could be inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by a muscarinic agonist (10-100 nM oxotremorine) and a purinergic agonist (10-100 nM 2-chloroadenosine). The alpha-dendrotoxin (100 nM), which selectively blocks voltage-gated inactivating K+ channels in nerve endings, did not affect the release of ACh under resting or depolarized conditions. However, alpha-dendrotoxin reduced the 2-chloroadenosine-induced inhibition of release, but did not alter the oxotremorine-induced inhibition. These results suggest that an alpha-dendrotoxin-sensitive K+ channel may be activated as an obligatory step in the modulation of ACh release by presynaptic purinergic receptor activation, but not in the modulation by presynaptic muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   
Senile dementia of Lewy body type is characterized clinically by a relatively acute onset of fluctuating memory loss and confusion, frequently accompanied by visual hallucinations. Neurochemical analyses of temporal cortex has revealed a distinction between hallucinating and nonhallucinating patients in both cholinergic and monaminergic transmitter activities. In contrast with the cholinergic enzyme choline acetyltransferase, which was more extensively reduced in hallucinating individuals, serotonergic S2 receptor binding and both dopamine and serotonin metabolites were significantly decreased in nonhallucinating cases. These results suggest that an imbalance between monaminergic and cholinergic transmitters is involved in hallucinogenesis in the human brain.  相似文献   
Regulation of the goldfish neuronal intermediate filament proteins ON1 and ON2 was investigated in a retinal explant system. The synthesis of these proteins in explanted retina decreased with increasing time in culture, despite continuing neurite outgrowth. Thus, ON1/ON2 neurofilament expression is regulated independently from neurite outgrowth. During regeneration of the goldfish optic nerve in vivo, the expression of these proteins increased during the later phase of the process, when growing axons make contact with the optic tectum. The declining synthesis of ON1 and ON2 during neurite outgrowth in culture suggests that factors extrinsic to the retina are necessary to support synthesis of these proteins. Treating retinal explants with retinoic acid stimulated the synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins in a dose-dependent manner. This stimulation was effective during a period of declining synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins, restoring their synthesis towards initial levels of expression. These results show that retinoic acid serves as a modulator of neurofilament expression in this in vitro model of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
A series of amphiphilic polymethylenecarboxymaleimides has been synthesized for use as sulfhydryl reagents applicable to membrane proteins. Physical properties of the compounds which are relevant to their proposed mode of action have been determined. By comparing rates of reaction in aqueous and aprotic solvents, the compounds have been shown to react exclusively with the thiolate ion. The effects of the reagents on three membrane-associated proteins are reported, and in two cases a comparative study has been made of the effects on the proteins in the absence of membranes. A mechanism is proposed whereby the reagents are anchored at the lipid/water interface by the negatively charged carboxyl group, thus siting the reactive maleimide in a plane whose depth is defined by the length of the reagent. Supporting evidence for this model is provided by the inability of the reagents to traverse membranes, and variation of their inhibitory potency with chain length when the proteins are embedded in the membrane, but not when extracted into solution. As examples of general use of the reagents to probe sulfhydryl groups in membrane proteins, the reagents have been used to (a) determine the depths in the membrane at which two populations of sulfhydryl groups occur in the mitochondrial phosphate transporter; (b) locate a single sulfhydryl associated with the active site ofD--hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in the inner mitochondrial membrane; (c) examine sulfhydryl groups in theD-3-glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase associated with the human red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   
Summary The respiratory surface area (SAR) per kilogram body mass (MB), the harmonic mean thickness of the air-blood barrier (htR) in the gas exchange tissue, and the anatomical diffusion factor (ADF=SAR/htR per MB) were calculated for four juvenile Nile crocodiles. The ADF of three small specimens (mean MB=3.59 kg) was 625 cm2·m–1·kg–1. The values varied considerably among individuals and were similar to that of a 5.68-kg specimen (593 cm2·m–1·kg–1). Only 9% of the ADF is located in the anterior third of the lung, which because of its conical shape makes up only 14 percent of the total lung volume. Particularly in the middle third of the lung, the proximal region near the intrapulmonary bronchus displays a greater ratio of respiratory/non-respiratory surface areas than do more distally located sampling sites. The htR is also significantly smaller proximally than distally. The cumulative ADF per unit MB is greater than that previously reported for this species on the basis of overall estimates of SAR and htR, but is still less than that of lizards and testudinids. The disposition of ADF between distal air storage region and the intrapulmonary bronchus is consistent with a bidirectional cross-current gas exchange model.Abbreviations ADF anatomical diffusion factor - %AR percent of SA included in the effective respiratory zone - M B body mass - NVP non-ventilatory period - %P percent of total lung volume containing parenchyma - S A total surface area of intrapulmonary septa - S ANR that portion ofS A lying out the effective respiratory zone - S V surface-to-volume ratio in the parenchyma - htR harmonic mean thickness of the air-blood tissue barrier within the respiratory zone - V P parenchymal volume - VP ventilatory period  相似文献   
Summary American eels (Anguilla rostrata) were exposed to acute (30 min) external hypercapnia (1% CO2 or 5% CO2 in air) in order to assess the involvement of circulating catecholamines in regulating red blood cell (RBC) pH and oxygen content during whole blood acidosis. Plasma adrenaline levels increased approximately 5-fold during severe hypercapnia yet absolute levels remained below 1.0 nM; plasma noradrenaline levels were unchanged. Both RBC pH and oxygen bound to haemoglobin ([O2]/[Hb]) conformed to in vitro relationships with whole blood pH (pHe) indicating absence of regulation during hypercapnia in vivo. Pre-treatment of eels with - or -adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine or propranolol was without effect on RBC pH or [O2]/[Hb] during hypercapnia. Further, intra-arterial injection of adrenaline (final plasma concentration=134 nM) or noradrenaline (final plasma concentration = 34 nM) into hypercapnic eels 5 min prior to blood sampling did not modify any measured blood variable RBC nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) levels, RBC pH and [O2]/[Hb]. In vitro, the application of adrenaline or noradrenaline to eel RBC's during graded normoxic hypercapnia or hypoxic hypercapnia (noradrenaline only) did not affect RBC pH significantly. RBC NTP levels were depressed by noradrenaline in vitro but only during hypoxic hypercapnia.The results demonstrate adrenergic insensitivity of eel RBC's in vivo even under conditions (acidosis, hypoxemia) known to enhance catecholamine-mediated RBC responses in other species. We conclude that the American eel has no capacity to regulate RBC pH during hypercapnia and consequently [O2]/[Hb] is reduced in accordance with the in vitro Root effect.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity of allozymes, genetic identity based on allozyme variability, and phylogenetic relationships were studied with respect to breeding system diversity, population size, and island age in 20 of the 29 species of Schiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a monophyletic lineage endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Average levels of genetic variability in Schiedea and Alsinidendron were comparable to or higher than those found in other Hawaiian lineages for which equivalent data are available [Bidens, Tetramolopium, and the silversword alliance (Asteraceae: Madiinae)] and similar to average values for species of dicots. Allozyme variability was strongly dependent on breeding system, which varies widely in the Hawaiian Alsinoideae. Species with autogamous breeding systems showed very low variability, measured as the number of alleles per locus, percent polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity per locus. Outcrossing hermaphroditic and dimorphic species (those with gynodioecious, subdioecious, and dioecious breeding systems) showed significantly higher genetic variability. Small population size was associated with lower values for all measures of genetic variability. Nearly half of the species occurring in small populations are also autogamous; thus, both factors may have influenced levels of genetic variability in these species. Founder effect was apparent in one species (Schiedea adamantis), which occurs in a single large population, has a gynodioecious breeding system but a very low genetic variability. Island age appeared to have little effect on genetic variability. Slightly lower values of genetic variability for species occurring on Kaua'i and O'ahu result primarily from the occurrence of autogamous Alsinidendron species on those islands. Values for Nei's genetic identity for different species pairs were 0.201–0.942, a far greater range than in Bidens, the silversword alliance, and Tetramolopium. Using UPGMA clustering, there was only moderate support for relationships detected through cladistic analysis. Nei's unbiased genetic identity (I) was greatest among species with outcrossing breeding systems, which for the most part clustered together. Nei's genetic identities for self-fertilizing species were low, indicating that these species are less similar to one another and to outcrossing species, regardless of their affinities based on cladistic analysis. Parsimony analysis of allele frequency data supported two clades also found in phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data. Clades recognized in parsimony analysis of allele frequencies were those lineages containing selfing species, indicating that conditions favoring fixation of alleles occurred in ancestral species. In contrast, maintenance of high genetic diversity in outcrossing species interferes with recognition of phylogenetic relationships using allozyme variability.  相似文献   
As livestock disease control programs in Africa begin to rely more upon para-professionals and livestock producers as deliverers of animal health care services, understanding the role different household members play in providing animal health care becomes increasingly important. This paper presents a framework for the analysis of gender aspects of livestock disease control based on a similar framework developed by Feldstein and Poats (1989). The utility of this framework is illustrated using household-level data collected from a district in central Kenya. Adult women and elderly men in the sample have primary responsibility for livestock care, and are therefore well placed to diagnose illness. Dipping and spraying of animals to prevent tick-borne and other diseases is the primary responsibility of adult males. Decisions regarding use of milk from the morning milking are more likely to be made by adult men. It is morning milk that is most often sold. Adult women, however, make decisions about use of evening milk, which is most often kept for household consumption. Knowledge of livestock diseases did not appear to vary significantly by gender, although some elderly men did possess extensive knowledge of indigenous disease categories and traditional remedies. The importance of recognizing gender issues in planning and implementing livestock disease control programs is discussed.  相似文献   
Two different genes encoding class II chitinases from peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. NC4), A.h.Chi2;1 and A.h.Chi2;2, have been cloned. In peanut cell suspension cultures, mRNA levels of A.h.Chi2;2 increased after ethylene or salicylate treatment and in the presence of conidia from Botrytis cinerea. The second gene, A.h.Chi2;1, was only expressed after treatment with the fungal spores. Transgenic tobacco plants containing the complete peanut A.h.Chi2;1 gene exhibited essentially the same expression pattern in leaves as observed in peanut cell cultures. Expression characteristics of transgenic tobacco carrying a promoter-GUS fusion of A.h.Chi2;1 are described.  相似文献   
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