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Water relations, desiccation tolerance and longevity of Taxus brevifolia (Nutt.) seeds were studied to determine the optimal stage of development and storage conditions for seeds of this species. Seeds equilibrated to a range of relative humidities (RHs) had unusually low water contents which can be accounted for by the high lipid content of gametophyte tissues (71% of the dry mass). Water relations of embryonic tissue were more typical of those reported for other seed species. The water content below which freezing transitions were not observable in the embryo was ca 0.24 g H2O (g dry weight)−1 (g g−1) for all maturity classes studied. Embryos did not achieve significant levels of desiccation tolerance (survival to water contents less than 0.5 g g−1) until the latter stages of development when dry matter was maximal. Mature embryos could be dried to 0.025 g g−1 (seed water content of 0.010 g g−1) with no loss of viability. Thus, at the latter stages of development, embryo water content could be optimized to avoid both desiccation and freezing damage. Survival of mature seeds declined over a 2-year period when seeds were stored at temperatures between 5 and 35°C and RHs between 14 and 75%, corresponding to seed water contents between 0.015 and 0.07 g g−1. The deterioration rate was slowest for seeds stored at the lowest RH and temperature. Our data indicate that seeds of Taxus brevifolia show orthodox rather than recalcitrant storage characteristics, but that the optimum water content for storage was extremely low. The results suggest that even if stored at optimal water contents and low temperatures, T. brevifolia seeds will be relatively short lived. The high quantity of lipids or reducing sugars may be contributing factors in the poor storage characteristics.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number X96986. The nameDPB1 * 6601 was officially assigned by the WHO Nomenclature Committee in May 1996. This follows the agreed policy that, subject to the conditions stated in the most recent Nomenclature Report (Bodmer et al. 1995), names will be assigned to new sequences as they are identified. Lists of such sequences will be published in the following WHO Nomenclature Report  相似文献   
In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   
Gravitropically-stimulated seedlings show autotropism in weightlessness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a spaceflight experiment, autotropism by oat ( Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles following gravitropic responses was prominent in weightlessness: counter-reactions led to the straightening of the curved coleoptiles. This was not the case during clinorotation on earth. The autotropic reactions appeared to be related to the stimulus received during the stimulus period, i.e. the greater the response the greater the autotropic counter-reaction. Previous models of the gravitropic system which predicted that coleoptiles would not straighten in weightlessness are disproved. A modification to one of the models is proposed which includes the autotropic response observed in spaceflight. The nature of the counter-reactions in the absence of gravitropic stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   
A plentiful supply of fixed nitrogen as ammonium (or other compounds such as nitrate or amino acids) inhibits nitrogen fixation in free-living bacteria by preventing nitrogenase synthesis and/or activity. Ammonium and nitrate have variable effects on the ability ofRhizobiaceae (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium andAzorhizobium) species to nodulate legume hosts and on nitrogen fixation capacity in bacteroid cells contained in nodules or in plant-free bacterial cultures. In addition to effects on nitrogen fixation, excess ammonium can inhibit activity or expression of other pathways for utilization of nitrogenous compounds such as nitrate (through nitrate and nitrite reductase), or glutamine synthetase (GS) for assimilation of ammonium. This paper describes the roles of two key genesglnB andglnD, whose gene products sense levels of fixed nitrogen and initiate a cascade of reactions in response to nitrogen status. While work onEscherichia coli and other enteric bacteria provides the model system,glnB and, to a lesser extent,glnD have been studied in several nitrogen fixing bacteria. Such reports will be reviewed here. Recent results on the identity and function of theglnB andglnD gene products inAzotobacter vinelandii (a free-living soil diazotroph) and inRhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae, hereinafter designatedR.l. viciae will be presented. New data suggests thatAzotobacter vinelandii probably contains aglnB-like gene and this organism may have twoglnD-like genes (one of which was recently identified and namednfrX). In addition, evidence for uridylylation of theglnB gene product (the PII protein) ofR. l. viciae in response to fixed nitrogen deficiency is presented. Also, aglnB mutant ofR. l. viciae has been isolated; its characteristics with respect to expression of nitrogen regulated genes is described.  相似文献   
In pot experiments cuttings of grapevine rootstock cultivar 5C were grown on a soil from a grapevine nursery affected with replant disease (replant soil) and on a similar soil that had not been planted with grapevines before (non-replant soil). Plants were also inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungus,Glomus mosseae, or left without mycorrhizal fungus inoculation. Shoot and root growth, mycorrhization of roots and numbers of total aerobic bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonads on the rhizoplane of grapevines were determined at several sampling dates. On replant soil, numbers of fluorescent pseudomonads on the rhizoplane were higher compared to non-replant soil, before differences in shoot and root weight between replant and non-replant soil occurred. Without inoculation withG. mosseae, the mycorrhization of roots was much lower on replant soil (13%) than on non-replant soil (51%). On replant soil, inoculation withG. mosseae increased mycorrhization to 39% and increased shoot length, leaf area and shoot weight. The beneficial effect of VA-fungus inoculation on replant soil was not due to increased nutrient concentrations in leaves. On replant soil, the inoculation withG. mosseae reduced the number of fluorescent pseudomonads on rhizoplane of grapevine, while the numbers of total aerobic bacteria were not influenced by inoculation withG. mosseae. These results suggest a direct or indirect role of fluorescent pseudomonads in replant disease of grapevine.  相似文献   
The locus responsible for the childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) has recently been mapped to an area of 2–3 Mb in the region q12–13.3 of chromosome 5. We have used a series of radiation hybrids (RHs) containing distinct parts of the SMA region as defined by reference markers. A cosmid library was constructed from one RH. Thirteen clones were isolated and five of these were mapped within the SMA region. Both RH mapping and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that two clones map in the region between loci D5S125 and D5S351. One of the cosmids contains expressed sequences. Polymorphic dinucleotide repeats were identified in both clones and used for segregation analysis of key recombinant SMA families. One recombination between the SMA locus and the new marker 9Ic (D5S685) indicates that 9Ic is probably the closest distal marker. The absence of recombination between the SMA locus and marker Fc (D5S684) suggests that Fc is located close to the disease gene. These new loci should refine linkage analysis in SMA family studies and may facilitate the isolation of the disease gene.  相似文献   
The levels of GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8 in genotypes Le, le and led of Pisum sativum L. were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) after feeds of [3H, 13C]-GA20 to each genotype. The levels of endogenous and [13C]-labelled metabolites were determined by reverse isotope dilution with unlabelled GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8. The results demonstrate a quantitative relationship between the level of GA1 and the extent of elongation both on a per plant and a per g fresh weight basis. These results are consistent with previous findings in peas and other species possessing a predominant early 13-hydroxylation pathway for GA biosynthesis.
The levels of 3-epiGA1 also decreased in the genotypic sequence Le, le, led although not as rapidly as for the level of GA1. This may suggest that the alleles at the le locus also influence the formation of 3-epiGA1.  相似文献   
Conifers of the boreal zone encounter considerable combined stress of low temperature and high light during winter, when photosynthetic consumption of excitation energy is blocked. In the evergreen Pinus sylvestris L. these stresses coincided with major seasonal changes in photosystem II (PSII) organisation and pigment composition. The earliest changes occurred in September, before any freezing stress, with initial losses of chlorophyll, the D1-protein of the PSII reaction centre and of PSII light-harvesting-complex (LHC II) proteins. In October there was a transient increase in F0, resulting from detachment of the light-harvesting antennae as reaction centres lost D1. The D1-protein content eventually decreased to 90%, reaching a minimum by December, but PSII photochemical efficiency [variable fluorescence (Fv)/maximum fluorescence (Fm)] did not reach the winter minimum until mid-February. The carotenoid composition varied seasonally with a twofold increase in lutein and the carotenoids of the xanthophyll cycle during winter, while the epoxidation state of the xanthophylls decreased from 0.9 to 0.1 from October to January. The loss of chlorophyll was complete by October and during winter much of the remaining chlorophyll was reorganised in aggregates of specific polypeptide composition, which apparently efficiently quench excitation energy through non-radiative dissipation. The timing of the autumn and winter changes indicated that xanthophyll de-epoxidation correlates with winter quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence while the drop in photochemical efficiency relates more to loss of D1-protein. In April and May recovery of the photochemistry of PSII, protein synthesis, pigment rearrangements and zeaxanthin epoxidation occurred concomitantly. Indoor recovery of photosynthesis in winter-stressed branches under favourable conditions was completed within 3 d, with rapid increases in F0, the epoxidation state of the xanthophylls and in light-harvesting polypeptides, followed by recovery of D1-protein content and Fv/Fm, all without net increase in chlorophyll. The fall and winter reorganisation allow Pinus sylvestris to maintain a large stock of chlorophyll in a quenched, photoprotected state, allowing rapid recovery of photosynthesis in spring.Abbreviations Elips early light-induced proteins - EPS epoxidation state - F0 instantaneous fluorescence - Fm maximum fluorescence - Fv variable fluorescence - LHC II light-harvesting complex of PSII - LiDS lithium dodecyl sulfate This research was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. We wish to thank Dr. Adrian Clarke1 (Department of Plant Physiology, University of Umeå, Sweden) for advice on electrophoresis, valuable discussion and providing antibodies. Dr. Stefan Jansson1 and Dr. Torill Hundal (Department for Biochemistry, University of Stockholm, Sweden) provided antibodies. Jan Karlsson1 helped with the HPLC, Dr. Marianna Krol gave advice on green gels and Dr. Vaughan Hurry (Cooperative Research Centre for Plant Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) provided valuable discussion.  相似文献   
Attempts to induce enantioselectivity in the catalytic hydrogenation of unsymmetrically substituted aromatics using covalently bound, well known chiral auxiliaries are described. Marked differences in stereoselectivity and rate of hydrogenolysis are noted as a function of the auxiliary used. Enantioselectivities obtained in the resulting cyclohexyl derivatives are rather poor. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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