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Hydrogenase expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be artificially induced by anaerobic adaptation or is naturally established under sulphur deprivation. In comparison to anaerobic adaptation, sulphur-deprived algal cultures show considerably higher expression rates of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydA1) and develop a 25-fold higher in vitro hydrogenase activity. Based on this efficient induction principle we have established a novel purification protocol for the isolation of HydA1 that can also be used for other green algae. From an eight liter C. reinhardtii culture 0.52 mg HydA1 with a specific activity of 741 μmol H2 min− 1 mg− 1 was isolated. Similar amounts were also purified from Chlorococcum submarinum and Chlamydomonas moewusii. The extraordinarily large yields of protein allowed a spectroscopic characterization of the active site of these smallest [FeFe]-hydrogenases for the first time. An initial analysis by EPR spectroscopy shows characteristic axial EPR signals of the CO inhibited forms that are typical for the Hox-CO state of the active site from [FeFe]-hydrogenases. However, deviations in the g-tensor components have been observed that indicate distinct differences in the electronic structure between the various hydrogenases. At cryogenic temperatures, light-induced changes in the EPR spectra were observed and are interpreted as a photodissociation of the inhibiting CO ligand.  相似文献   
A novel family of antimicrobial peptides, named raniseptins, has been characterized from the skin secretion of the anuran Hypsiboas raniceps. Nine cDNA molecules have been successfully cloned, sequenced, and their respective polypeptides were characterized by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. The encoded precursors share structural similarities with the dermaseptin prepropeptides from the Phyllomedusinae subfamily and the mature 28-29 residue long peptides undergo further proteolytic cleavage in the crude secretion yielding consistent fragments of 14-15 residues. The biological assays performed demonstrated that the Rsp-1 peptide has antimicrobial activity against different bacterial strains without significant lytic effect against human erythrocytes, whereas the peptide fragments generated by endoproteolysis show limited antibiotic potency. MALDI imaging mass spectrometry in situ studies have demonstrated that the mature raniseptin peptides are in fact secreted as intact molecules within a defined glandular domain of the dorsal skin, challenging the physiological role of the observed raniseptin fragments, identified only as part of the crude secretion. In this sense, stored and secreted antimicrobial peptides may confer distinct protective roles to the frog.  相似文献   
A single-domain fragment, cAb-HuL22, of a camelid heavy-chain antibody specific for the active site of human lysozyme has been generated, and its effects on the properties of the I56T and D67H amyloidogenic variants of human lysozyme, which are associated with a form of systemic amyloidosis, have been investigated by a wide range of biophysical techniques. Pulse-labeling hydrogen-deuterium exchange experiments monitored by mass spectrometry reveal that binding of the antibody fragment strongly inhibits the locally cooperative unfolding of the I56T and D67H variants and restores their global cooperativity to that characteristic of the wild-type protein. The antibody fragment was, however, not stable enough under the conditions used to explore its ability to perturb the aggregation behavior of the lysozyme amyloidogenic variants. We therefore engineered a more stable version of cAb-HuL22 by adding a disulfide bridge between the two beta-sheets in the hydrophobic core of the protein. The binding of this engineered antibody fragment to the amyloidogenic variants of lysozyme inhibited their aggregation into fibrils. These findings support the premise that the reduction in global cooperativity caused by the pathogenic mutations in the lysozyme gene is the determining feature underlying their amyloidogenicity. These observations indicate further that molecular targeting of enzyme active sites, and of protein binding sites in general, is an effective strategy for inhibiting or preventing the aberrant self-assembly process that is often a consequence of protein mutation and the origin of pathogenicity. Moreover, this work further demonstrates the unique properties of camelid single-domain antibody fragments as structural probes for studying the mechanism of aggregation and as potential inhibitors of fibril formation.  相似文献   
Geobacillus stearothermophilus NRS 2004/3a possesses an oblique surface layer (S-layer) composed of glycoprotein subunits as the outermost component of its cell wall. In addition to the elucidation of the complete S-layer glycan primary structure and the determination of the glycosylation sites, the structural gene sgsE encoding the S-layer protein was isolated by polymerase chain reaction-based techniques. The open reading frame codes for a protein of 903 amino acids, including a leader sequence of 30 amino acids. The mature S-layer protein has a calculated molecular mass of 93,684 Da and an isoelectric point of 6.1. Glycosylation of SgsE was investigated by means of chemical analyses, 600-MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Glycopeptides obtained after Pronase digestion revealed the glycan structure [-->2)-alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->3)-beta-L-Rhap-(1-->2)-alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->](n = 13-18), with a 2-O-methyl group capping the terminal trisaccharide repeating unit at the non-reducing end of the glycan chains. The glycan chains are bound via the disaccharide core -->3)-alpha-l-Rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-L-Rhap-(L--> and the linkage glycose beta-D-Galp in O-glycosidic linkages to the S-layer protein SgsE at positions threonine 620 and serine 794. This S-layer glycoprotein contains novel linkage regions and is the first one among eubacteria whose glycosylation sites have been characterized.  相似文献   
Tangier disease (TD) is an inherited disorder of lipid metabolism characterized by very low high density lipoprotein (HDL) plasma levels, cellular cholesteryl ester accumulation and reduced cholesterol excretion in response to HDL apolipoproteins. Molecular defects in the ATP binding cassette transporter 1 (ABCA1) have recently been identified as the cause of TD. ABCA1 plays a key role in the translocation of cholesterol across the plasma membrane, and defective ABCA1 causes cholesterol storage in TD cells. Not only cholesterol efflux, but also phospholipid efflux was shown to be impaired in TD cells. By use of thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, we characterized the cellular phospholipid content in fibroblasts from three homozygous TD patients. The cellular content of the major phospholipids was not found to be significantly altered in TD fibroblasts. However, the two phospholipids cardiolipin and lysocardiolipin, which make up minute amounts in normal cells, were at least 3–5-fold enriched in fibroblasts from TD subjects. A structurally closely related phospholipid (lysobisphosphatidic acid) has recently been shown to be enriched in Niemann–Pick type C, another lipid storage disorder. Altogether these data may indicate that the role of these phospholipids is a regulatory one rather than that of a bulk mediator of cholesterol solubilization in sterol trafficking and efflux.  相似文献   
Integration of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA in the nuclear genome is catalyzed by the retroviral integrase (IN). In addition to IN, viral and cellular proteins associated in the high-molecular-weight preintegration complex have been suggested to be involved in this process. In an attempt to define host factors interacting with IN, we used an in vitro system to identify cellular proteins in interaction with HIV-1 IN. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was chosen since (i) its complete sequence has been established and the primary structure of all the putative proteins from this eucaryote has been deduced, (ii) there is a significant degree of homology between human and yeast proteins, and (iii) we have previously shown that the expression of HIV-1 IN in yeast induces a lethal phenotype. Strong evidences suggest that this lethality is linked to IN activity in infected human cells where integration requires the cleavage of genomic DNA. Using IN-affinity chromatography we identified four yeast proteins interacting with HIV-1 IN, including the yeast chaperonin yHSP60, which is the counterpart of human hHSP60. Yeast lethality induced by HIV-1 IN was abolished when a mutated HSP60 was coexpressed, therefore suggesting that both proteins interact in vivo. Besides interacting with HIV-1 IN, the hHSP60 was able to stimulate the in vitro processing and joining activities of IN and protected this enzyme from thermal denaturation. In addition, the functional human HSP60-HSP10 complex in the presence of ATP was able to recognize the HIV-1 IN as a substrate.  相似文献   
The effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) on floweringand on endogenous levels of isoprenoid cytokinins wasinvestigated in explanted terminal shoots of Chenopodium rubrum cultivated in vitro. Themother plants were grown under continuous light andexplants were cut off when the 6th leaf primordiumoriginated at the shoot apex. The explants wereexposed to one dark period of 13 hours inductive forflowering or to continuous light on medium with orwithout BAP (0.05;0.2;0.4 mg.l-1). Undernon-inductive conditions no flowering was observedeither in the control or after BAP treatment. Afterreceiving one inductive dark period, the controlexplants flowered. However, BAP application either atthe beginning of the inductive dark period and/orduring the following light cultivation inhibitedflowering and stimulated initiation and growth of leafprimordia. In the case of the most efficient BAPconcentration (0.05 mg.l-1) flowering wasinhibited by 80% and the number of leaf primordia wasincreased by 3. Explantation caused a significantincrease in the total amount of endogenous cytokininsin the explants within first 13 h, provided they werekept in light. When explants were kept in darkness,only a slight increase in cytokinin levels wasobserved. BAP treatment had no influence on the levelsof endogenous cytokinins either in light or indarkness. We may thus conclude, that BAP applicationinhibited flowering of photoperiodically inducedterminal shoot explants and stimulated leaf primordiaformation with no significant effect on changes inlevels of endogenous isoprenoid cytokinins. This maysuggest the direct ability of BAP to regulate morphogenesis.  相似文献   
When males engage in conspicuous courtship displays, it seems obvious that females would use characteristics of that display in mating decisions. However, males must also have a way to identify and evaluate females prior to engaging in what might be a costly mating ritual. Although it was known that female wolf spiders of the species Pardosa milvina (Araneae; Lycosidae) attract males using volatile chemical cues, the nature of the cues used by males and females in mate selection had not been investigated. Specifically we determined whether males could detect the mating status of the female and if chemotactile cues from the female played a role in that process. In addition, we quantified conspicuous aspects of the male courtship (leg raises and body shakes) to determine if courtship intensity was related to female choice. Although repeated mating occurred in our studies, males were more likely to court and mate with virgin females. Males used substrate‐borne cues deposited by females to discriminate between mated and virgin females. Females used the conspicuous behaviors of males during courtship, body shakes and leg raises, in mate selection. Thus males and females use different kinds of information and different sensory modalities to assess the suitability of a potential mate.  相似文献   
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