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Lipid rafts (glycosphingolipid/cholesterol-enriched membrane microdomains) have been isolated as low temperature, detergent-resistant membranes from many cell types, but despite their presumed importance as lateral sorting and signaling platforms, fundamental questions persist concerning raft function and even existence in vivo. The nonionic detergent Brij 98 was used to isolate lipid rafts from microvillar membrane vesicles of intestinal brush borders at physiological temperature to compare with rafts, obtained by "conventional" extraction using Triton X-100 at low temperature. Microvillar rafts prepared by the two protocols were morphologically different but had essentially similar profiles of protein- and lipid components, showing that raft microdomains do exist at 37 degrees C and are not "low temperature artifacts." We also employed a novel method of sequential detergent extraction at increasing temperature to define a fraction of highly detergent-resistant "superrafts." These were enriched in galectin-4, a beta-galactoside-recognizing lectin residing on the extracellular side of the membrane. Superrafts also harbored the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked alkaline phosphatase and the transmembrane aminopeptidase N, whereas the peripheral lipid raft protein annexin 2 was essentially absent. In conclusion, in the microvillar membrane, galectin-4, functions as a core raft stabilizer/organizer for other, more loosely raft-associated proteins. The superraft analysis might be applicable to other membrane microdomain systems.  相似文献   
Bone regenerates via dedifferentiation of osteoblasts in the zebrafish fin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While mammals have a limited capacity to repair bone defects, zebrafish can completely regenerate amputated bony structures of their fins. Fin regeneration is dependent on formation of a blastema, a progenitor cell pool accumulating at the amputation plane. It is unclear which cells the blastema is derived from, whether it forms by dedifferentiation of mature cells, and whether blastema cells are multipotent. We show that mature osteoblasts dedifferentiate and form part of the blastema. Osteoblasts downregulate expression of intermediate and late bone differentiation markers and induce genes expressed by bone progenitors. Dedifferentiated osteoblasts proliferate in a FGF-dependent manner and migrate to form part of the blastema. Genetic fate mapping shows that osteoblasts only give rise to osteoblasts in the regenerate, indicating that dedifferentiation is not associated with the attainment of multipotency. Thus, bone can regenerate from mature osteoblasts via dedifferentiation, a finding with potential implications for human bone repair.  相似文献   
The use of short-read metabarcoding for classifying microeukaryotes is challenged by the lack of comprehensive 18S rRNA reference databases. While recent advances in high-throughput long-read sequencing provide the potential to greatly increase the phylogenetic coverage of these databases, the performance of different sequencing technologies and subsequent bioinformatics processing remain to be evaluated, primarily because of the absence of well-defined eukaryotic mock communities. To address this challenge, we created a eukaryotic rRNA operon clone-library and turned it into a precisely defined synthetic eukaryotic mock community. This mock community was then used to evaluate the performance of three long-read sequencing strategies (PacBio circular consensus sequencing and two Nanopore approaches using unique molecular identifiers) and three tools for resolving amplicons sequence variants (ASVs) (USEARCH, VSEARCH, and DADA2). We investigated the sensitivity of the sequencing techniques based on the number of detected mock taxa, and the accuracy of the different ASV-calling tools with a specific focus on the presence of chimera among the final rRNA operon ASVs. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations and best practice protocols for how to cost-effectively obtain essentially error-free rRNA operons in high-throughput. An agricultural soil sample was used to demonstrate that the sequencing and bioinformatic results from the mock community also translates to highly diverse natural samples, which enables us to identify previously undescribed microeukaryotic lineages.  相似文献   
Factors shaping community patterns of microorganisms are controversially discussed. Physical and chemical factors certainly limit the survival of individual taxa and maintenance of diversity. In recent years, a contribution of geographic distance and dispersal barriers to distribution patterns of protists and bacteria has been demonstrated. Organismic interactions such as competition, predation and mutualism further modify community structure and maintenance of distinct taxa. Here, we address the relative importance of these different factors in shaping protists and bacterial communities on a European scale using high-throughput sequencing data obtained from lentic freshwater ecosystems. We show that community patterns of protists are similar to those of bacteria. Our results indicate that cross-domain organismic factors are important variables with a higher influence on protists as compared with bacteria. Abiotic physical and chemical factors also contributed significantly to community patterns. The contribution of these latter factors was higher for bacteria, which may reflect a stronger biogeochemical coupling. The contribution of geographical distance was similar for both microbial groups.  相似文献   
Alterations to the mucosal environment of the female genital tract, such as genital inflammation, have been associated with increased HIV acquisition in women. As the microbiome and hormonal contraceptives can affect vaginal mucosal immunity, we hypothesized these components may interact in the context of HIV susceptibility. Using previously published microbiome data from 685 women in the CAPRISA-004 trial, we compared relative risk of HIV acquisition in this cohort who were using injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN), and combined oral contraceptives (COC). In women who were Lactobacillus-dominant, HIV acquisition was 3-fold higher in women using DMPA relative to women using NET-EN or COC (OR: 3.27; 95% CI: 1.24–11.24, P = 0.0305). This was not observed in non-Lactobacillus-dominant women (OR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.44–2.15, P = 0.895) (interaction P = 0.0686). Higher serum MPA levels associated with increased molecular pathways of inflammation in the vaginal mucosal fluid of Lactobacillus-dominant women, but no differences were seen in non-Lactobacillus dominant women. This study provides data suggesting an interaction between the microbiome, hormonal contraceptives, and HIV susceptibility.  相似文献   
Genetic data have great potential for improving fisheries management by identifying the fundamental management units—that is, the biological populations—and their mixing. However, so far, the number of practical cases of marine fisheries management using genetics has been limited. Here, we used Atlantic cod in the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the applicability of genetics to a complex management scenario involving mixing of two genetically divergent populations. Specifically, we addressed several assumptions used in the current assessment of the two populations. Through analysis of 483 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed across the Atlantic cod genome, we confirmed that a model of mechanical mixing, rather than hybridization and introgression, best explained the pattern of genetic differentiation. Thus, the fishery is best monitored as a mixed‐stock fishery. Next, we developed a targeted panel of 39 SNPs with high statistical power for identifying population of origin and analyzed more than 2,000 tissue samples collected between 2011 and 2015 as well as 260 otoliths collected in 2003/2004. These data provided high spatial resolution and allowed us to investigate geographical trends in mixing, to compare patterns for different life stages and to investigate temporal trends in mixing. We found similar geographical trends for the two time points represented by tissue and otolith samples and that a recently implemented geographical management separation of the two populations provided a relatively close match to their distributions. In contrast to the current assumption, we found that patterns of mixing differed between juveniles and adults, a signal likely linked to the different reproductive dynamics of the two populations. Collectively, our data confirm that genetics is an operational tool for complex fisheries management applications. We recommend focussing on developing population assessment models and fisheries management frameworks to capitalize fully on the additional information offered by genetically assisted fisheries monitoring.  相似文献   
Considerable effort has been devoted to refining experimental protocols to reduce levels of technical variability and artifacts in single-cell RNA-sequencing data (scRNA-seq). We here present evidence that equalizing the concentration of cDNA libraries prior to pooling, a step not consistently performed in single-cell experiments, improves gene detection rates, enhances biological signals, and reduces technical artifacts in scRNA-seq data. To evaluate the effect of equalization on various protocols, we developed Scaffold, a simulation framework that models each step of an scRNA-seq experiment. Numerical experiments demonstrate that equalization reduces variation in sequencing depth and gene-specific expression variability. We then performed a set of experiments in vitro with and without the equalization step and found that equalization increases the number of genes that are detected in every cell by 17–31%, improves discovery of biologically relevant genes, and reduces nuisance signals associated with cell cycle. Further support is provided in an analysis of publicly available data.  相似文献   
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