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Numerous reports have documented the beneficial effects of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on beta-amyloid production and Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, none of these studies have examined and compared DHA, in combination with other dietary nutrients, for its effects on plaque pathogenesis. Potential interactions of DHA with other dietary nutrients and fatty acids are conventionally ignored. Here we investigated DHA with two dietary regimes; peptamen (pep+DHA) and low fat diet (low fat+DHA). Peptamen base liquid diet is a standard sole-source nutrition for patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Here we demonstrate that a robust AD transgenic mouse model shows an increased tendency to produce beta-amyloid peptides and amyloid plaques when fed a pep+DHA diet. The increase in beta-amyloid peptides was due to an elevated trend in the levels of beta-secretase amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleaving enzyme (BACE), the proteolytic C-terminal fragment beta of APP and reduced levels of insulin degrading enzyme that endoproteolyse beta-amyloid. On the contrary, TgCRND8 mice on low fat+DHA diet (based on an approximately 18% reduction of fat intake) ameliorate the production of abeta peptides and consequently amyloid plaques. Our work not only demonstrates that DHA when taken with peptamen may have a tendency to confer a detrimental affect on the amyloid plaque build up but also reinforces the importance of studying composite lipids or nutrients rather than single lipids or nutrients for their effects on pathways important to plaque development.  相似文献   
Syndecan-syntenin-ALIX regulates the biogenesis of exosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biogenesis of exosomes, small secreted vesicles involved in signalling processes, remains incompletely understood. Here, we report evidence that the syndecan heparan sulphate proteoglycans and their cytoplasmic adaptor syntenin control the formation of exosomes. Syntenin interacts directly with ALIX through LYPX(n)L motifs, similarly to retroviral proteins, and supports the intraluminal budding of endosomal membranes. Syntenin exosomes depend on the availability of heparan sulphate, syndecans, ALIX and ESCRTs, and impact on the trafficking and confinement of FGF signals. This study identifies a key role for syndecan-syntenin-ALIX in membrane transport and signalling processes.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effects of prebiotic fructooligosaccharide (FOS) on the innate immune response, stress resistance, digestive enzyme activities, growth factors and survival of Caspian Roach (Rutilus rutilus) fry. After acclimation, fish (0.67 ± 0.03 g) were allocated into 12 tanks (50 fish per tank) and triplicate groups were fed a control diet or diets containing 1%, 2% or 3% FOS. At the end of the trial (7 weeks), humoral innate immune parameters (serum Ig levels, lysozyme activity and alternative complement activity (ACH50)), resistance to salinity stress (150 g L−1), digestive enzyme activities (amylase, lipase and protease) and growth factors (final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR), and condition factor) were assessed. At the end of the study the innate immune responses (Ig levels, lysozyme activity and ACH50) were significantly higher in 2% and 3% FOS fed fish (P < 0.05), whereas, 1% dietary FOS only elevated serum lysozyme activity. All dietary FOS levels significantly increased resistance to a salinity stress challenge (P < 0.05) and highest survival was observed in the 3% FOS group. Similarly, digestive enzyme activities were significantly elevated with increasing levels of dietary FOS (P < 0.05). Subsequently, elevated growth performance (final weight, SGR and FCR) was observed in roach fed 2% and 3% FOS compared to the control group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that FOS can be considered as a beneficial dietary supplement for improving the immune response, stress resistance, digestive enzyme activities and growth performance of Caspian roach fry.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal patchiness in the soil environment is thought to be crucial for the maintenance of soil biodiversity. It provides diverse microhabitats (allowing resource partitioning), and presents these in a complex mosaic, such that competitors may be spatially and temporally separated (promoting patch dynamics). The objective of our study was to assess the importance of patch dynamics for the maintenance of landscape-level nematode diversity. The spatiotemporal aggregation patterns in populations of five species of the bacterivorous genus Chronogaster were analyzed for a 0.7-ha riparian wetland, during four seasons, using geostatistical methods (spatiotemporal variograms, cross-correlograms, and log-normal kriging). We found that for the three most abundant species, aggregation was significant over distances of 13-39 m, with intraspecific aggregation stronger than interspecific aggregation. In addition, species patterns appeared to be temporally dynamic: local population declines alternated with local blooms at different sites and seasons. One species was consistently present at the same few sites, but the other species showed gradual temporal decreases and increases at different locations in the wetland. Combining nematode patterns with information on soil resource distributions and Chronogaster ecology, indicated that both soil resource patchiness and repeated, but largely unpredictable, disturbances caused by local soil moisture fluctuations could promote landscape-level Chronogaster diversity by providing ample 'probability refuges.' Local species populations, reduced by competition, predation and drought, could recolonize patches either through the awakening of local dormant 'seed populations,' or through limited passive dispersal by wind, water, and phoresis. We suggest that the spatiotemporal Chronogaster data provide preliminary evidence for the importance of patch dynamics in maintaining soil nematode diversity.  相似文献   
Despite its overall excellent outcomes, weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is highly variable. We conducted this study to identify clinical predictors of weight loss after RYGB. We reviewed charts from 300 consecutive patients who underwent RYGB from August 1999 to November 2002. Data collected included patient demographics, medical comorbidities, and diet history. Of the 20 variables selected for univariate analysis, 9 with univariate P values 相似文献   
Soils and roots of field crops in low-rainfall regions of the Pacific Northwest were surveyed for populations of plantparasitic and non-plant-parasitic nematodes. Lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus species) were recovered from 123 of 130 non-irrigated and 18 of 18 irrigated fields. Pratylenchus neglectus was more prevalent than P. thornei, but mixed populations were common. Population densities in soil were affected by crop frequency and rotation but not by tillage or soil type (P < 0.05). Many fields (25%) cropped more frequently than 2 of 4 years had potentially damaging populations of lesion nematodes. Pratylenchus neglectus density in winter wheat roots was inversely correlated with grain yield (r2 = 0.64, P = 0.002), providing the first field-derived evidence that Pratylenchus is economically important in Pacific Northwest dryland field crops. Stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus clarus and Geocenamus brevidens) were detected in 35% of fields and were occasionally present in high numbers. Few fields were infested with pin (Paratylenchus species) and root-knot (Meloidogyne naasi and M. chitwoodi) nematodes. Nematodes detected previously but not during this survey included cereal cyst (Heterodera avenae), dagger (Xiphinema species), and root-gall (Subanguina radicicola) nematodes.  相似文献   
The orientation of the insect antibiotic peptide cecropin A (CecA) in the phospholipid bilayer membrane was determined using (15)N solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Two peptide samples, each specifically labeled with (15)N at Val(11) or Ala(27), were synthesized by solid phase techniques. The peptides were incorporated into phospholipid bilayers, prepared from a mixture of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol, and oriented on glass slides. The (15)N chemical shift solid-state NMR spectra from these uniaxially oriented samples display a single (15)N chemical shift frequency for each labeled residue. Both frequencies are near the upfield end of the (15)N chemical shift powder pattern, as expected for an alpha-helix with its long axis in the plane of the membrane and the NH bonds perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. These results support a mechanism of action in which CecA binds to and covers the membrane surface, thereby causing a general destabilization and leakiness of the lipid bilayer membrane. The data are discussed in relation to a proposed mechanism of membrane lysis and bacterial killing via an ion channel activity of CecA.  相似文献   
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