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Efforts to engineer Catharanthus roseus hairy roots to produce commercially significant amounts of valuable compounds, such as the terpenoid indole alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine, require the development of tools to study the effects of overexpressing key metabolic and regulatory genes. The use of inducible promoters allows researchers to control the timing and level of expression of genes of interest. In addition, use of inducible promoters allows researchers to use a single transgenic line as both the control and experimental line, minimizing the problems associated with clonal variation. We have previously characterized the use of a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter system to study the effects of gene overexpression within the terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway on metabolite production. Here the feasibility of using an ethanol-inducible promoter within C. roseus hairy roots is reported. This ethanol-inducible promoter is highly sensitive to ethanol concentration with a concentration of 0.005% ethanol causing a 6-fold increase in CAT reporter activity after 24 h of induction. The ethanol-inducible CAT activity increased 24-fold over a 72-h induction period with 0.5% ethanol.  相似文献   
Speciation occurs when reproductive barriers substantially reduce gene flow between lineages. Understanding how specific barriers contribute to reproductive isolation offers insight into the initial forces driving divergence and the evolutionary and ecological processes responsible for maintaining diversity. Here, we quantified multiple pre‐ and post‐pollination isolating barriers in a pair of closely related California Jewelflowers (Streptanthus, Brassicaceae) living in an area of sympatry. S. breweri and S. hesperidis are restricted to similar serpentine habitats; however, populations are spatially isolated at fine‐scales and rarely co‐occur in intermixed stands. Several intrinsic postzygotic barriers were among the strongest we quantified, yet, postzygotic barriers currently contribute little to overall reproductive isolation due to the cumulative strength of earlier‐acting extrinsic barriers, including spatial isolation, and flowering time and pollinator differences. Data from multiple years suggest that pre‐pollination barriers may have different strengths depending on annual environmental conditions. Similarly, crossing data suggest that the strength of intrinsic isolation may vary among different population pairs. Estimates of total reproductive isolation in S. breweri and S. hesperidis are robust to uncertainty and variability in individual barrier strength estimates, demonstrating how multiple barriers can act redundantly to prevent gene flow between close relatives living in sympatry.  相似文献   
The distribution of myomodulinlike immunoreactivity in the leech CNS was determined using an antiserum raised against Aplysia myomodulin. Segmental ganglia contained approximately 60 immunoreactive neurons. In addition, numerous fibers containing immunoreactive varicosities were found throughout the neuropil. Using a combination of Lucifer Yellow injections and immunocytochemistry, we identified neurons including the anterior Pagodas (AP), annulus erector (AE), motor neurons, Leydig, longitudinal muscle motoneurons (L), S cells, and coupling interneurons, all of which are active during the touch-elicited shortening reflex. FMRF-amide-like immunoreactivity in three of these cells (L, AP, and AE) was previously demonstrated. Specific staining for myomodulin was abolished by preadsorption of the antiserum with synthetic myomodulin, but not with FMRF-amide. These results suggest a potential role for myomodulin in both intrinsic and extrinsic modulation of the leech touch-elicited shortening reflex. Further, it is possible that several neurons mediating this reflex contain multiple neuromodulatory peptides. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The epithelial components of the vertebrate inner ear and its associated ganglion arise from the otic placode. The cell types formed include neurons, hair-cell mechanoreceptors, supporting cells, secretory cells that make endolymphatic fluid or otolithic membranes, and simple epithelial cells lining the fluid-filled cavities. The epithelial sheet is surrounded by an inner layer of connective and vascular tissues and an outer capsule of bone. To explore the mechanisms of cell fate specification in the ear, retrovirus-mediated lineage analysis was performed after injecting virus into the chicken otocyst on embryonic days 2.5-5.5. Because lineage analysis might reveal developmental compartments, an effort was made to study clonal dispersion by sampling infected cells from different parts of the same ear, including the auditory ganglion, cochlea, saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals. Lineage relationships were confirmed for 75 clones by amplification and sequencing of a variable DNA tag carried by each virus. While mesenchymal clones could span different structural parts of the ear, epithelial clones did not. The circumscribed epithelial clones indicated that their progenitors were not highly migratory. Ganglion cell clones, in contrast, were more dispersed. There was no evidence for a common lineage between sensory cells and their associated neurons, a prediction based on a proposal that the ear sensory organs and fly mechanosensory organs are evolutionarily homologous. As expected, placodal derivatives were unrelated to adjacent mesenchymal cells or to nonneuronal cells of the ganglion. Within the otic capsule, fibroblasts and cartilage cells could be related by lineage.  相似文献   
The N-terminal domain (NTD) of NIP1/eIF3c interacts directly with eIF1 and eIF5 and indirectly through eIF5 with the eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNA(i)(Met) ternary complex (TC) to form the multifactor complex (MFC). We investigated the physiological importance of these interactions by mutating 16 segments spanning the NIP1-NTD. Mutations in multiple segments reduced the binding of eIF1 or eIF5 to the NIP1-NTD. Mutating a C-terminal segment of the NIP1-NTD increased utilization of UUG start codons (Sui(-) phenotype) and was lethal in cells expressing eIF5-G31R that is hyperactive in stimulating GTP hydrolysis by the TC at AUG codons. Both effects of this NIP1 mutation were suppressed by eIF1 overexpression, as was the Sui(-) phenotype conferred by eIF5-G31R. Mutations in two N-terminal segments of the NIP1-NTD suppressed the Sui(-) phenotypes produced by the eIF1-D83G and eIF5-G31R mutations. From these and other findings, we propose that the NIP1-NTD coordinates an interaction between eIF1 and eIF5 that inhibits GTP hydrolysis at non-AUG codons. Two NIP1-NTD mutations were found to derepress GCN4 translation in a manner suppressed by overexpressing the TC, indicating that MFC formation stimulates TC recruitment to 40S ribosomes. Thus, the NIP1-NTD is required for efficient assembly of preinitiation complexes and also regulates the selection of AUG start codons in vivo.  相似文献   
The catabolism of d-galactose in yeast depends on the enzymes of the Leloir pathway. In contrast, Aspergillus nidulans mutants in galactokinase (galE) can still grow on d-galactose in the presence of ammonium—but not nitrate—ions as nitrogen source. A. nidulans galE mutants transiently accumulate high (400 mM) intracellular concentrations of galactitol, indicating that the alternative d-galactose degrading pathway may proceed via this intermediate. The enzyme degrading galactitol was identified as l-arabitol dehydrogenase, because an A. nidulans loss-of-function mutant in this enzyme (araA1) did not show NAD+-dependent galactitol dehydrogenase activity, still accumulated galactitol but was unable to catabolize it thereafter, and a double galE/araA1 mutant was unable to grow on d-galactose or galactitol. The product of galactitol oxidation was identified as l-sorbose, which is a substrate for hexokinase, as evidenced by a loss of l-sorbose phosphorylating activity in an A. nidulans hexokinase (frA1) mutant. l-Sorbose catabolism involves a hexokinase step, indicated by the inability of the frA1 mutant to grow on galactitol or l-sorbose, and by the fact that a galE/frA1 double mutant of A. nidulans was unable to grow on d-galactose. The results therefore provide evidence for an alternative pathway of d-galactose catabolism in A. nidulans that involves reduction of the d-galactose to galactitol and NAD+-dependent oxidation of galactitol by l-arabitol dehydrogenase to l-sorbose.  相似文献   
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is commonly used as a cosolvent to improve the aqueous solubility of small organic compounds. Its use in a screen to identify novel inhibitors of the enzyme NAD(+) synthetase led to this investigation of its potential effects on the structure and stability of this 60-kD homodimeric enzyme. Although no effects are observed on the enzyme's catalytic activity, as low as 2.5% (v/v) DMSO led to demonstrable changes in the stability of the dimer and its unfolding mechanism. In the absence of DMSO, the dimer behaves hydrodynamically as a single ideal species, as determined by equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation, and thermally unfolds according to a two-state dissociative mechanism, based on analysis by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In the presence of 2.5% (v/v) DMSO, an equilibrium between the dimer and monomer is now detectable with a measured dimer association constant, K(a), equal to 5.6 x 10(6)/M. DSC curve analysis is consistent with this finding. The data are best fit to a three-state sequential unfolding mechanism, most likely representing folded dimer <==> folded monomer <==> unfolded monomer. The unusually large change in the relative stabilities of dimer and monomer, e.g., the association equilibrium shifts from an infinitely large K(a) down to approximately 10(6)/M, in the presence of relatively low cosolvent concentration is surprising in view of the significant buried surface area at the dimer interface, roughly 20% of the surface area of each monomer is buried. A hypothetical structural mechanism to explain this effect is presented.  相似文献   
H441 cells, a bronchiolar epithelial cell line, develop a cAMP-regulated benzamil-sensitive Na+ transport pathway on permeable supports (Itani OA, Auerbach SD, Husted RF, Volk KA, Ageloff S, Knepper MA, Stokes JB, Thomas CP. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 282: L631-L641, 2002). To understand the molecular basis for the stimulation of Na+ transport, we delineated the role of specific intracellular pathways and examined the effect of cAMP on alphabetagamma-epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) and sgk1 expression. Na+ transport increases within 5 min of cAMP stimulation and is sustained for >24 h. The sustained effect of cAMP on Na+ transport is abolished by LY-294002, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, by H89, an inhibitor of PKA, or by SB-202190, an inhibitor of p38 MAP kinase. The sustained effect of cAMP was associated with increases in alpha-ENaC mRNA and protein but without a detectable increase in betagamma-ENaC and sgk1. The early effect of cAMP on Na+ transport is brefeldin sensitive and is mediated via PKA. These results are consistent with a model where the early effect of cAMP is to increase trafficking of Na+ channels to the apical cell surface whereas the sustained effect requires the synthesis of alpha-ENaC.  相似文献   
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