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Germ line control of female sex determination in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A major transition during development of the gonad is commitment from an undifferentiated “bi-potential” state to ovary or testis fate. In mammals, the oogonia of the developing ovary are known to be important for folliculogenesis. An additional role in promoting ovary fate or female sex determination has been suggested, however it remains unclear how the germ line might regulate this process. Here we show that the germ line is required for the ovary versus testis fate choice in zebrafish. When the germ line is absent, the gonad adopts testis fate. These germ line deficient testes have normal somatic structures indicating that the germ line influences fate determination of surrounding somatic tissues. In germ line deficient animals the expression of the ovary specific gene cyp19a1a fails to be maintained whereas the testis genes sox9a and amh remain expressed. Furthermore, we observed decreased levels of the ovary specific genes cyp19a1a and foxL2 in germ line deficient animals prior to morphological sex differentiation of the gonad. We propose that the germ line has a common role in female sex determination in fish and mammals. Additionally, we show that testis specification is sufficient for masculinization of the fish pointing to a direct role of hormone signaling from the gonad in directing sex differentiation of non-gonadal tissues.  相似文献   
The subpellicular microtubules of the trypanosome cytoskeleton are cross-linked to each other and the plasma membrane, creating a cage-like structure. We have isolated, from Trypanosoma brucei, two related low-molecular-weight cytoskeleton-associated proteins (15- and 17-kDa), called CAP15 and CAP17, which are differentially expressed during the life cycle. Immunolabeling shows a corset-like colocalization of both CAPs and tubulin. Western blot and electron microscope analyses show CAP15 and CAP17 labeling on detergent-extracted cytoskeletons. However, the localization of both proteins is restricted to the anterior, microtubule minus, and less dynamic half of the corset. CAP15 and CAP17 share properties of microtubule-associated proteins when expressed in heterologous cells (Chinese hamster ovary and HeLa), colocalization with their microtubules, induction of microtubule bundle formation, cold resistance, and insensitivity to nocodazole. When overexpressed in T. brucei, both CAP15 and CAP17 cover the whole subpellicular corset and induce morphological disorders, cell cycle-based abnormalities, and subsequent asymmetric cytokinesis.  相似文献   
High background fluorescence and unspecific staining hampered the epifluorescence enumeration of bacteria in 45% of the tested soil and sediment samples with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and polycarbonate membrane filters. These problems of the determination of total cell counts can be circumvented by using green fluorescent high-affinity nucleic acid dyes and aluminum oxide membrane filters. Due to the bright staining of cells, we recommend SYBR Green II as dye.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized from l-arginine by the Ca(2+)/calmodulin-sensitive endothelial NO synthase (NOS) isoform (eNOS). The present study assesses the role of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II) in endothelium-dependent relaxation and NO synthesis. The effects of three CaMK II inhibitors were investigated in endothelium-intact aortic rings of normotensive rats. NO synthesis was assessed by a NO sensor and chemiluminescence in culture medium of cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells stimulated with the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 and thapsigargin. Rat aortic endothelial NOS activity was measured by the conversion of l-[(3)H]arginine to l-[(3)H]citrulline. Three CaMK II inhibitors, polypeptide 281-302, KN-93, and lavendustin C, attenuated the endothelium-dependent relaxation of endothelium-intact rat aortic rings in response to acetylcholine, A23187, and thapsigargin. None of the CaMK II inhibitors affected the relaxation induced by NO donors. In a porcine aortic endothelial cell line, KN-93 decreased NO synthesis and caused a rightward shift of the concentration-response curves to A23187 and thapsigargin. In rat aortic endothelial cells, KN-93 significantly decreased bradykinin-induced eNOS activity. These results suggest that CaMK II was involved in NO synthesis as a result of Ca(2+)-dependent activation of eNOS.  相似文献   
Using polyclonal antibodies raised against a previously cloned potato Mg2+-dependent soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase (ppa1 gene) [8], a second gene, called ppa2, could be isolated. A single locus homologous to ppa2 was mapped on potato chromosomes, unlinked to the two loci identified for ppa1. From a phylogenetic and structural point of view, the PPA1 and PPA2 polypeptides are more closely related to prokaryotic than to eukaryotic Mg2+-dependent soluble inorganic pyrophosphatases (soluble PPases). Subcellular localization by immunogold electron microscopy, using sections from leaf parenchyma cells, showed that PPA1 and PPA2 are localized to the cytosol. Based on these observations, the likely phylogenetic origin and the physiological significance of the cytosolic soluble pyrophosphatases are discussed.  相似文献   
Highlights? Disruption of intestinal IRP function constrains iron absorption in adult mice ? IRPs must limit mucosal ferritin for efficient iron absorption ? IRPs control ferroportin directly and DMT1 directly or through HIF2α ? IRPs define a set point for hepcidin-mediated regulation of iron absorption  相似文献   
Staphylococcus intermedius cultures from dogs, pigeons, horses and mink were investigated for the prevalence of the insertion elements IS 256 and IS 257 in relation to their antibiotic resistance. Copies of IS 256 could not be detected in any of the Staph. intermedius isolates tested whereas single copies of IS 257 occurred in the isolates from dogs and horses. The mink strains did not harbour IS 257 elements, whereas Staph. intermedius isolates from pigeons carried multiple copies of IS 257 as predicted from the hybridization patterns obtained with a gene probe derived from the internal part of the IS 257 -encoded transposase gene. Independently of the origin of the Staph. intermedius isolates, all IS 257 copies were found to be located in the chromosomal DNA. The large number of chromosomal IS 257 copies in the pigeon strains might help to explain chromosomal multiresistance in many of those strains.  相似文献   
When discussing health risks for children due to electromagnetic fields it is crucial to translate scientific knowledge both into adequate protection and precautionary measures for the general public and, more particularly into specific recommendations for children. It is often aimed at influencing health-related attitudes and behaviour by means of information about health affecting behaviour, health risk factors, and health promoting possibilities. Children have to be treated differently from adults in addressing their ability and willingness to modify behaviour and their competence to comprehend cognitively the sense of behavioural recommendations. Research has shown that adults can be motivated to adjust their own behaviour in order to protect their children or to be role models for their children. Hence one way to modify children’s behaviour is to address the parents and care persons. Generally education in the family, the social environment and in peer groups, nursery school and at school plays an important role in forming and influencing individual behaviour. The age of the target group has also to be taken into consideration.An important question is how to deal with scientific uncertainties when expressing EMF recommendations for children. Accentuating scientific uncertainties may under certain circumstances raise risk awareness. This can be an intended effect. But the expression of scientific uncertainties can also lead to unintended consequences in parent’s behaviour or even senseless dealing with the respective EMF source.The paper points out relevant aspects of risk communication regarding EMF and children and suggests how recommendations for children might be designed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Laufe der Cytoplasmareduktion während der Spermiogenese von Eisenia foetida sind zwei Vorgänge zu unterscheiden: 1. Die Bildung autophagischer Vakuolen. Sie entstehen, indem Teile des Grundcytoplasmas in das Kompartiment des ER verlagert werden. Da sie keine Reaktion auf saure Phosphatase geben, sind sie als nicht lysosomale Anfangstadien der zellulären Autophagie zu betrachten. 2. Die Bildung primärer Lysosomen. Sie entstehen in Form von lytische Enzyme enthaltenden Golgivesikeln, die von einer neu im Cytoplasma entstehenden Membran zu größeren Einheiten zusammengefaßt werden: den multivesicular bodies. Autophagische Vakuolen und multivesicular bodies gelangen ins Cytophor das am Ende der Spermiogenese den Charakter eines ausgedehnten Autophagosoms annimmt. Als Struktureigentümlichkeit entstehen in ihm undulierende Tubulikörper. Der coat an den Hüllmembranen junger multivesicular bodies und am Plasmalemm der Spermatidenverbindung zum Cytophor wird in Zusammenhang mit der Membrandifferenzierung diskutiert.
Ultrastructural equivalents of cellular autophagyElectronmicroscopical observations on spermatids of Eisenia foetida during the cytoplasmic reduction
Summary During the cytoplasmic reduction phase in the spermiogenesis of Eisenia foetida two different processes may be defined: 1. The formation of autophagic vacuoles, which arise by the displacement of cytoplasmic portions into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Since they exhibit no acid phosphatase activity they are considered to be early stages in cellular autophagy. 2. The formation of primary lysosomes. They originate in Golgi vesicles and are then enveloped by a membrane, formed in the cytoplasm de novo, which transforms them into multivesicular bodies. Autophagic vacuoles and multivesicular bodies subsequently transfer to the cytophor, which contains at the end of the spermiogenesis the characteristics of a large autophagosom, showing aggregates of undulating tubules. The outer coat of the limiting membranes in the early multivesicular bodies and of the cell membrane of the connecting piece between spermatid and cytophor appear to be associated with the membrane development.
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