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Leaf area index (LAI) of a stand of adult black alder trees(Alnus glutinosa L., Gaertn.) was determined by means of threeindependent methods. (1) The seasonal course of LAI was directlyobtained by counting leaves in situ and adding up their areas,estimated from harvested subsamples of leaves. (2) The seasonalvariation of LAI in the stand was estimated using the Li-CorLAI-2000 PCA in parallel and with this instrument a VegetationArea Index (VAI, projected area of all phyto-elements) was actuallymeasured. (3) Maximum LAI was calculated from leaf litter collectionstaking into account specific leaf area within different layersof the alder crown. Direct LAI estimates (1) and calculationsfrom leaf litter (3) revealed the same figure of maximum LAI(4.8). This LAI was reached in August. The LAI-2000 PCA capturedthe seasonal variation and underestimated, by 11% on average,the LAI obtained directly. Compared with results gained withother broad-leaved tree species the LAI-2000 PCA values foralder were reliable. It is suggested that this is due to thehorizontal homogeneous structure of the main leaf layer. Thisis in the periphery of the crown, where 90% of the light interceptionoccurs. Taking the het-erogeneity into account a satisfactorycompatibility of the three methods applied to the alder standwas achieved. Key words: Alnus glutinosa, leaf area index, in situ counting, LAI-2000 PCA, litter collections  相似文献   
Both naive and vaccinated macaques acquired a virus-specific proliferative helper T-cell reactivity in response to infection with the nonpathogenic human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2). In contrast, macaques infected with the pathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus of the macaque strain (SIVmac) did not develop a helper T-cell response. Furthermore, a vaccine-induced preexisting T-cell reactivity was abrogated after SIVmac infection in vaccine failures. These differences may reflect the different pathogenicity of the two closely related viruses.  相似文献   
We have investigated the use of the tetracycline-dependent gene expression system to regenerate and propagate tobacco plants transformed with a gene whose product — when highly expressed — interferes with regeneration and/or further reproduction. Plants transformed with the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB gene under the control of the tetracycline-dependent expression system were phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type owing to efficient repression of the promoter. Induction of the rolB gene with tetracycline led to high-level expression of the rolB mRNA, which resulted in extremely stunted plants with necrotic and wrinkled leaves that did not develop a floral meristem. Upon cessation of tetracycline treatment healthy shoots developed even from severely affected meristems. Data on the dose response of the rolB phenotype as a function of tetracycline concentration demonstrate that the tetracycline-dependent gene expression system can be used to modulate the manifestation of a particular phenotype.  相似文献   
Paired sera and CSF samples were collected from SIVmac-infected macaques. Animals infected with SIVmac251 maintained low gag and high env-specific antibody levels in plasma. Increasing env-specific antibody titers in CSF were associated in one animal with strong intrathecal synthesis. SIVmac239-infected monkeys revealed high antibody titers of gag and env-specificity, in one animal accompanied by weak intrathecal synthesis of virus-specific antibodies. In all animals, the CD4/CD8 ratio in CSF decreased faster compared to blood.  相似文献   
Summary Caco-2 cell human colon adenocarcinoma cell line was used to study the hormonal regulation of small intestinal epithelial cell differentiation. We had previously shown that insulin-transferrin-selenium and triiodothyronine (5 × 10−8 M)-supplemented medium can best replace serum after 2 days of culture for both the maintenance and differentiation of Caco-2 cells. The present study demonstrates that precoating petri dishes with complete serum allows the growth and differentiation of Caco-2 cells seeded directly in serum-free medium. On the other hand, precoating with dialyzed serum inhibits alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl-dipeptidase IV activities by more than 50%. The results obtained with complete serum-precoated culture plates indicate that there is no synergy between insulin and triiodothyronine because cells maintained in transferrin-selenium and triiodothyronine-supplemented medium, with or without insulin, express comparable enzyme activities. Moreover, large increases in alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl-dipeptidase IV activities were observed when triiodothyronine was added to the culture medium by the time confluency was reached. In contrast, γ-glutamyltransferase was lowered to a greater extent when triiodothyronine was present from the beginning of culture. These findings show that triiodothyronine preferentially stimulates alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl-dipeptidase IV activities during the differentiation period whereas it selectively inhibits γ-glutamyltransferase during the proliferation phase. Triiodothyronine acts in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1992 konnte ein Schreiadler mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie nach dem Abzug aus dem Brutgebiet in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2125 km weit verfolgt werden. Die Ortung erfolgte durch das AGROS-System. Der Abzug erfolgte am 16. oder 17. August in SE-Richtung. Nach 660 km Luftlinie in den polnisch-slowakischen West-Beskiden schwenkte der Vogel nach Süden ab und flog fast geradlinig zwischen dem 19 ° und 22 ° E weite auf dem kürzesten Weg in Richtung Nordafrika, bis er nach 1340 km am 29. September im äußersten Südwesten des Peloponnes eintraf. Dort zögerte er, seinen Zug fortzusetzen und flog mindestens 12 Tage in nördlicher und südlicher Richtung an der Westküste hin und her. Das plötzliche Ausbleiben von Signalen nach dem 8. Oktober bei bestem Ladezustand der Batterien wird dahingehend gedeutet, daß der Adler abgeschossen wurde oder bei dem Versuch, das Mittelmeer zu überqueren, umkam.
Satellite tracking of a juvenile Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) during autumn migration
Summary In 1992, for the first time a Lesser Spotted Eagle was tracked with a satellite transmitter (PTT) for 2,125 km on its migration route from its birthplace in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Northern Germany). Locations were obtained by the ARGOS system. The migration began on 16 or 17 August in a south-easterly direction. After 660 km the young eagle veered south in the Beskidy mountains on the Polish-Slovak border (about 80 km south of Katowice) and flew in an almost straight line between 19 ° and 22 ° E on the shortest route to North Africa (not towards the Bosphorus) until after covering another 1,340 km it reached the extreme south-west of the Peloponnese (Greece) on 24 September. There it lingered for at least 12 days flying north and south, up and down the west coast before probably continuing on its migration. The abrupt cessation of signals after 8 October, notwithstanding the prime condition of the batteries, indicated that the eagle had been shot or perished in an attempt to cross the Mediterranean.
Thylakoid lamellae extend into the pyrenoids of only two genera of cryptomonad algae, Chroomonas and Hemiselmis, We used immunoelectron microscopy to assess the photosynthetic competency of cryptomonad intrapyrenoid thylakoids. Intrapyrenoid thylakoids possess phycobiliproteins and the chlorophyll a/c2 light-harvesting complex, both of which are associated with photosystem (PS) II in a light-harvesting capacity. In addition, thylakoids that extend into the pyrenoid of Hemiselmis brunnescens were immunolabelled by anti-PSI. These results indicate that cryptomonad intrapyrenoid thylakoids likely function in a manner analogous to thylakoids of the chloroplast stroma. Moreover, our observation that the Calvin cycle enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is pyrenoid-localized in these two cryptophytes indicates that the processes of photosynthetic O2-evolution and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation/oxygenation are not spatially separated in these algae.  相似文献   
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