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Zusammenfassung Im Ebrodelta ist, abgesehen von einigen Seen und Sümpfen, nur noch ein schmaler Küstenstreifen landwirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Hier hat sich ein Teil ursprünglichen Vogelreichtums erhalten, und hier wurde seit einigen Jahren eine Reihe faunistischer Erhebungen durchgeführt.Diese erbrachten mehrere erste Brutnachweise für Spanien oder die spanische Mittelmeerküste:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougallii, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Als Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiet ist das Delta von großer Bedeutung, z. B. fürEgretta garzetta undPhoenicopterus ruber. Enge Beziehungen zur Camargue sind vielfach erkennbar, vielleicht sogar hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung vonLarus ridibundus undHaematopus ostralegus. Regelmäßige Wintervorkommen vonMarmaronetta angustirostris sind erwähnenswert.Es wird mit einigen bisher unbekannten Brutplätzen von Laro-Limicolen bekanntgemacht, von denen eine Kolonie vonSterna albifrons mit 300–400 Paaren besonders vermerkt sei. Für weitere Arten können Bestandsangaben gemacht werden.Dieses einzige, bedeutende Brut- und Rastgebiet zwischen Camargue und Coto Doñana ist in höchster Gefahr, durch intensivere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und touristische Erschließung vernichtet zu werden.
Resumen Datos ornitologicos sobre el Delta del Ebro. — Sin contar con charcas y marismas, el Delta del Ebro es una franja costera aun no explotada por la agricultura. Gracias a esto una numerosa variedad de aves ha podido mantenerse aprovechando las todavia persistentes condiciones orginarias del medio ambiente. Sobre estas aves se han venido acumulando en los ultimos años un buen acopio de observaciones.Se pudo constatar como nidificantes por primera vez en España o costas mediterranes a las siguientes especies:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougalli, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Como lugar de invernada o refugio durante el paso el Delta del Ebro tiene un especial interes, por ejemplo paraEgretta garzetta yPhoenicopterus ruber. Se establecen algunas relaciones con la Camarga principalmente en cuanto a la expansión deLarus ridibundus yHaematopus ostralegus. Se mencionan invernadas regulares deMarmaronetta angustirostris. Se señalan algunos nuevos lugares de cria para Laro-Limicolas, merece destacarse el hallazgo de una colonia deSterna albifrons compuesta por unos 300–400 pares. Para otras especies se dan datos numerieos estimativos.El Delta del Ebro es un lugar unico y de gran importancia, situado entre la Camarga y el Coto de Doñana, que está hoy en peligro de desaparición debido a la colonización intensiva de la agricultura y a la creciente afluencia turistica.
The viviparous-1 (vp1) locus in maize is a developmental gene that controls diverse aspects of the maturation phase of seed development. Mutations of vp1 alter embryo sensitivity to the hormone abscisic acid and block formation of anthocyanin pigment. Molecular cloning of a Robertson Mutator-induced mutant allele, vp1-mum-1, by transposable element tagging has allowed analysis of several transposon-induced vp1 mutants. In the vp1-Mc mutation, the gene is disrupted by 4.0 kbp insertion, which results in expression of a 3′ truncated mRNA. Phenotypically, this allele is at least partially functional in causing embryo dormancy, but is ineffective in controlling anthocyanin expression. This result suggests that disruption of the C-terminal domain of the Vp1 protein specifically affects regulation of the anthocyanin pathway. A second Mutator- derived allele, vp1-mum2, exhibits an unusual form of somatic mutability in which endosperm cells revert from wild-type vp1 expression to a mutant condition. The vp1-mum2 allele contains a 1.5 kbp Insertion that has no detectable homology to known Mu elements. This element is retained In wild-type germinal revertants derived from vp1-mum2 An apparent DNA modification affecting cleavage at an internal Sstl restriction site in the element correlates with vp1-mum2 states that exhibit wild-type Vp1 expression. A model involving mitotic assortment of modified and unmodified DNA strands during development is proposed for vp1-mum2 somatic mutation.  相似文献   
Xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate in preparations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (ribulose-P2) arises from non-enzymic epimerization and inhibits the enzyme. Another inhibitor, a diketo degradation product from ribulose-P2, is also present. Both compounds simulate the substrate inhibition of ribulose-P2 carboxylase/oxygenase previously reported for ribulose-P2. Freshly prepared ribulose-P2 had little inhibitory activity. The instability of ribulose-P2 may be one reason for a high level of ribulose-P2 carboxylase in chloroplasts where the molarity of active sites exceeds that of ribulose-P2. Because the KD of the enzyme/substrate complex is ≤1 μM, all ribulose-P2 generated in situ may be stored as this complex to prevent decomposition.  相似文献   
Periphytic communities in running waters were examined as they developed on granite rocks, concrete balls and glass slides. At equivalent cell densities, no differences in pigment concentrations, species diversity or production levels were found among the different substrata examined. Development of the assemblage appeared to result from the elongation of short algal filaments which had initially settled on the surface. As these communities matured, a distinct canopy and understory developed. Cellular metabolisms were comparable among the communities. In the understory of the communities, even though the cellular content of chl a and b did not differ, chl c and carotenoid pigment concentrations were higher than those in the over-story. Bicarbonate assimilation of Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyng.) Külz. and Eunotia pectinalisi var. pectinalis (O. F. Müll?) Rabh. was higher than that of the more abundant Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth.)Kütz. var. flocculosa IV (sensu Koppen) at both high and low cell densities. This probably reflects a seasonal succession of colonizing species. Glucose assimilation appeared to be mainly attributable to bacterial activity, and algal cells of the upper layer were less active than those of the bottom. The small amount of glucose that was incorporated by the algal cells was probably absorbed passively since its amount was in direct proportion to cell volumes.  相似文献   
Ephippia ofCeriodaphnia pulchella Sars were collected at 2 sites from successive sediment layers. Hatching observed in the laboratory gave information about the duration of their viability. Conclusions about the hatching situation in the lake were drawn from the ratio of intact to total ephippia at various lake depths. The results are discussed.  相似文献   
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