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The apparent incidence of hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is low in pregnancy but will likely increase now that more asymptomatic HPT is being diagnosed. However, since the serum calcium levels are decreased in pregnant women, mild primary HPT may go unrecognized. In untreated cases of HPT, complications during pregnancy or during the neonatal period have included spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, neonatal death, neonatal tetany and hypercalcemia. A review of the literature indicates a substantial improvement in fetal outcome when parathyroidectomy is done during pregnancy, as in the case reported here. Therefore, parathyroidectomy is the treatment of choice when the diagnosis is made during pregnancy, although oral phosphate therapy may be an alternative if surgery is contraindicated.  相似文献   
Behavior can be regarded as a result of various processes ofdecision based on the information provided by the sensory organs.In this review the role of the so-called additional heat sense,next to vision, smell and mechanoreception is discussed withrespect to the feeding behavior of snakes. The hierarchy ofthe sensory information in various phases of the feeding behaviordiffers between snakes possessing heat receptors (e.g., speciesof the Crotalinae and Pythoninae) and those without (e.g., speciesof the Viperinae and Colubrinae). Probably depending on theinfluence of ecological demands, visual or chemical cues arethe main information in the behavioral phases before the strikeHowever, in situations with little visual input, e.g., in darkness,rodents' burrows, etc., hunting behavior is guided in the firstplace by radiation of warm objects in Crotalus, Python and Trimeresurusflavoviridis, and by substrate vibrations in Vipera aspis, Pituophismelanoleucus and Boa constrictor. I suggest that in the sensoryhierarchy, heat information functionally replaces the mechanicalinformation which is utilized by snakes without pit organs.Poststrike behavior on the other hand is mainly guided by chemicalcues in all snakes.  相似文献   
Crataegus curvisepala Lindm., C. laevigata (Poiret) DC. and C. monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae) form hybrid complexes in Denmark due to introgression. C. palmstruchii Lindm. seems to be variously introgressed individuals of C. laevigata. C. eremitagensis Raunk., C. raavadensis Raunk. and C. schumacheri Raunk. apparently belong to C. curvisepala x laevigata. The delimitation between C. curvisepala x laevigata and C. laevigata x monogyna is discussed.  相似文献   
Determination of nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry requires comparison with a reference standard. The use of external standards such as lymphocytes or granulocytes is time-consuming and inaccurate. Chicken red blood cells (CRBC) have a DNA content of 35% of the human diploid value and have been widely used as internal standard. The ratio calculated on the basis of the peak channel numbers of the standard and the sample and used to indicate the DNA content (DNA ratio) is, however, very sensitive to changes in the zero level adjustment of the flow cytometer. If two internal standards are used the DNA ratio becomes independent of the zero level. Rainbow trout red blood cells (TRBC) have a DNA content of 80% of human diploid cells. A mixture of CRBC and TRBC was prepared and stored in small aliquots at -80 degrees C. This mixture was added to the sample before staining. The day-to-day variation of the DNA ratio obtained by use of the two standards was smaller than that obtained by CRBC alone. The possibility of sex related differences in DNA content of CRBC and TRBC was examined. The results indicated that a new batch of standards should be tested against the old batch to avoid the introduction of a systematic error.  相似文献   
Heating locally the hypocotyl of Bidens pilosa L. elicits awave of depolarization. The mechanism of the wave has been investigatedby means of microelectrophysiological techniques. The amplitudeof the transmembrane potential variation induced by an extracellularion concentration change (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl) was thesame in the resting conditions as during the slow wave. At pH4.0, the amplitude of the slow wave was reduced by 56% comparedwith the control performed at pH 7.0. In the presence of theuncoupler CCCP, the slow wave was not observed. The Ca2+ -chelatorEGTA and the Ca22+ -channel blocker La3+ reduced, respectively,the amplitude of the slow wave by 78% and 68%. These resultsindicate the involvement of Ca2+ in triggering the slow wave.A transient modification of the electrogenic H+ pump activity(inactivation-activation) and of the transmembrane H+ flux inthe slow wave are discussed. Key words: Slow wave (of depolarization), wounding, electrogenic pump, calcium, Bidens pilosa L  相似文献   
Exposure of Biomphalaria alexandrina to sublethal concentrations (0.125, 0.25 and 0.05 ppm) of the organophosphorous insecticide, chlorpyrifos (Dursban), induced a reduction in egg production and egg hatchability. Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia to the insecticide (60 min, 0.50 ppm) prior to infection of B. alexandrina did not affect the subsequent production of cercariae. However, exposure of S. mansoni-infected snails to the insecticide until day 55, from day 20 to day 62 and from day 35 to 62 following infection resulted in blockage of cercarial shedding. Cercarial shedding commenced in some snails when the treatment stopped. Exposure to the insecticide in concentrations of 0.125 and 0.25 ppm during the first 20 days following infection did not affect the subsequent production of cercariae, but exposure to 0.5 ppm during the first 20 days affected markedly the production of cercariae due to a high snail mortality. The findings indicate that the cercaria is the target stage for the activity of chlorpyrifos on the intramolluscan larval development. It is suggested that S. mansoni cercarial production in B. alexandrina may be a useful system for monitoring the effect of low concentrations of pesticides on the aquatic environment, and that the ability by chemical means to interrupt the cercarial production might be a useful tool in further analyses of important aspects of the snail/parasite relationship.  相似文献   
gp330, a large glycoprotein located in renal proximal tubules, has sequence similarities with the low-density lipoprotein receptor and the alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor/low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. The 40 KD human alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein is a newly discovered heparin binding protein homologous to a major rat Heymann nephritis factor and exhibiting high affinity binding to the alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor. The present study shows by ligand blotting, light and electron microscopic autoradiography, and cytochemistry that gp330 located in coated apical membrane regions of the rat proximal tubule strongly binds the 40 KD protein. Furthermore, 45Ca2+ blotting experiments disclosed gp330 as a quantitatively important Ca2+ binding protein in renal cortex. Binding of 125I-labeled 40 KD protein to electroblotted gp330 and to coated apical membrane regions in sections of renal proximal tubules was abolished by excess unlabeled 40 KD protein, heparin, and EDTA. The endocytic properties of gp330 were investigated by in vivo microperfusion of rat proximal tubules. After 6 min, 125I-labeled 40 KD protein was mainly found in endocytic vacuoles and later accumulated in lysosomes. These data demonstrate that gp330 is a Ca2+ binding receptor for endocytosis of protein and is functionally related to the alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor/low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. Furthermore, our results demonstrate the usefulness of semi-thin and ultra-thin cryosections in studies of ligand binding and subcellular localization of receptors with autoradiographic techniques.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments have shown appreciable losses of ammonia after injection of anhydrous ammonia into dry and wet soils. In this study losses of ammonia injected into a moist (tension 10 kPa), dry (tension 160 kPa) and a wet (tension 1.6 kPa) sandy loam were measured under field conditions using wind tunnels. Losses were insignificant from a moist soil. However losses from a dry and a wet soil were 20% and 50% of injected ammonia, respectively. From the dry soil, losses of gaseous ammonia took place within the first hours after injection, which indicates a rapid transport through cracks and voids. From the wet soil, 20% of the injected ammonia was lost more gradually between 6 h and 6 d. This indicates that upward movement of water due to evaporation may be the cause of these ammonia losses which proceeded for longer periods.  相似文献   
This study compared the exercise catecholamine and metabolic responses to a caffeine challenge in trained subjects before and after a 6-wk period of increased caffeine ingestion. Trained subjects (n = 6) were challenged with 500 mg of caffeine followed by prolonged exercise before and after 6 wk of increased caffeine ingestion (500 mg ingested before each daily run). A control group (n = 6) of trained subjects followed the same protocol except for caffeine ingestion. Acute caffeine ingestion resulted in increased plasma epinephrine and decreased respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during exercise. After 6 wk of caffeine supplementation, the epinephrine response to exercise or caffeine plus exercise was decreased, although the latter still resulted in a lower RER value compared with exercise without caffeine ingestion. Activity of key metabolic enzymes (hexokinase, citrate synthase, phosphorylase, and 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase) from biopsies of the gastrocnemius showed no response to 6 wk of this increased adrenergic receptor stimulation and, on the basis of the lower RER, enhanced fat metabolism. This study suggests that caffeine ingestion by trained subjects causes increases in plasma epinephrine and reduces the RER during exercise. However, habitual stimulation results in a general dampening of the epinephrine response to caffeine or exercise. There was no indication that increased adrenergic stimulation and fat oxidation caused any adaptation in the activity of metabolic enzymes.  相似文献   
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