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The surface glycoprotein S of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) has two binding activities. (i) Binding to porcine aminopeptidase N (pAPN) is essential for the initiation of infection. (ii) Binding to sialic acid residues on glycoproteins is dispensable for the infection of cultured cells but is required for enteropathogenicity. By comparing parental TGEV with mutant viruses deficient in the sialic acid binding activity, we determined the contributions of both binding activities to the attachment of TGEV to cultured cells. In the presence of a functional sialic acid binding activity, the amount of virus bound to two different porcine cell lines was increased sixfold compared to the binding of the mutant viruses. The attachment of parental virus was reduced to levels observed with the mutants when sialic acid containing inhibitors was present or when the cells were pretreated with neuraminidase. In virus overlay binding assays with immobilized cell surface proteins, the mutant virus only recognized pAPN. In addition, the parental virus bound to a high-molecular-mass sialoglycoprotein. The recognition of pAPN was sensitive to reducing conditions and was not dependent on sialic acid residues. On the other hand, binding to the sialic acid residues of the high-molecular-mass glycoprotein was observed regardless of whether the cellular proteins had been separated under reducing or nonreducing conditions. We propose that binding to a surface sialoglycoprotein is required for TGEV as a primary attachment site to initiate infection of intestinal cells. This concept is discussed in the context of other viruses that use two different receptors to infect cells.  相似文献   
Eight hundred and fifty Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion lines have been selected on a phenotypic basis. The T-DNA flanking sequences (FST) have been isolated using a PCR amplification procedure and sequenced. Seven hundred plant DNA sequences have been obtained revealing a T-DNA insertion in, or in the immediate vicinity of 482 annotated genes. Limited deletions of plant DNA have been observed at the site of insertion of T-DNA as well as in its left (LB) and right (RB) T-DNA signal sequences. The distribution of the T-DNA insertions along the chromosomes shows that they are essentially absent from the centrometric and pericentrometric regions.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa displays an epidemic population structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacteria can have population structures ranging from the fully sexual to the highly clonal. Despite numerous studies, the population structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is still somewhat contentious. We used a polyphasic approach in order to shed new light on this issue. A data set consisting of three outer membrane (lipo)protein gene sequences (oprI, oprL and oprD), a DNA-based fingerprint (amplified fragment length polymorphism), serotype and pyoverdine type of 73 P. aeruginosa clinical and environmental isolates, collected across the world, was analysed using biological data analysis software. We observed a clear mosaicism in the results, non-congruence between results of different typing methods and a microscale mosaic structure in the oprD gene. Hence, in this network, we also observed some clonal complexes characterized by an almost identical data set. The most recent clones exhibited serotypes O1, 6, 11 and 12. No obvious correlation was observed between these dominant clones and habitat or, with the exception of some recent clones, geographical origin. Our results are consistent with, and even clarify, some seemingly contradictory results in earlier epidemiological studies. Therefore, we suggest an epidemic population structure for P. aeruginosa, comparable with that of Neisseria meningitidis, a superficially clonal structure with frequent recombinations, in which occasionally highly successful epidemic clones arise.  相似文献   
Regulation of alternative oxidase gene expression in soybean   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Soybean (Glycine max cv. Stevens) suspension cells were used to investigate the expression of the alternative oxidase (Aox) multigene family. Suspension cells displayed very high rates of cyanide-insensitive respiration, but Aox3 was the only isoform detected in untreated cells. Incubation with antimycin A, citrate, salicylic acid or at low temperature (10 °C) specifically induced the accumulation of the Aox1 isoform. Aox2 was not observed under any conditions in the cells. Increases in Aox1 protein correlated with increases in Aox1 mRNA. Treatment of soybean cotyledons with norflurazon also induced expression of Aox1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were detected upon incubation of cells with antimycin, salicylic acid or at low temperature, but not during incubation with citrate. Aox1 induction by citrate, but not by antimycin, was prevented by including the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine in the medium. The results suggest that multiple pathways exist in soybean to regulate expression of Aox genes and that Aox1 specifically is induced by a variety of stress and metabolic conditions via at least two independent signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
Free iron is capable of stimulating the production of free radicals which cause oxidative damage such as lipid peroxidation. One of the most important mechanisms of antioxidant defense is thus the sequestration of iron in a redox-inactive form by transferrin. In diabetes mellitus, increased oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation contribute to chronic complications but it is not known if this is related to abnormalities in transferrin function. In this study we investigated the role of transferrin concentration and glycation. The antioxidant capacity of apotransferrin to inhibit lipid peroxidation by iron-binding decreased in a concentration-dependent manner from 89% at > or = 2 mg/ml to 42% at 0.5 mg/ml. Pre-incubation of apotransferrin with glucose for 14 days resulted in a concentration-dependent increase of glycation: 1, 5 and 13 micromol fructosamine/g transferrin at 0, 5.6 and 33.3 mmol/l glucose respectively, p < 0.001. This was accompanied by a decrease in the iron-binding antioxidant capacity of apotransferrin. In contrast, transferrin glycation by up to 33.3 mmol/l glucose did not affect chemiluminescence-quenching antioxidant capacity, which is iron-independent. Colorimetric evaluation of total iron binding capacity in the presence of an excess of iron (iron/transferrin molar ratio = 2.4) also decreased from 0.726 to 0.696 and 0.585mg/g transferrin after 0, 5.6 and 33.3 mmol/l glucose, respectively, p < 0.01. In conclusion, these results suggest that lower transferrin concentration and its glycation can, by enhancing the pro-oxidant effects of iron, contribute to the increased lipid peroxidation observed in diabetes.  相似文献   
The general objective of this study was to compare the precise grasping behavior and intermanual differences in performance between three Pan paniscus and five Homo sapiens in grasping small objects. We compared the temporal pattern of two submovements of consecutive grasping cycles, the (visuomotor) reaching and the (sensorimotor) grasping. Both species were similarly successful in this task, they showed a behavioral right-hand preference and preferred specific types of grips. Bonobos required less time for reaching an object but a much longer time to grasp it than humans did. Thus, the species pursued different strategies. We assumed that this might be due to the different grip techniques. However, grip preferences did not serve a quicker intramanual performance but they pronounced differences between hands. Intermanual differences in timing were restricted to the reaching part and more strongly in bonobos than in humans. However, the right hand need not necessarily perform quicker. As in the case of humans, we assume that attentional cues were focused more on preparing a proper grip with the right hand than on a quick performance. However, strong intermanual differences in bonobos may indicate an overall stronger neuronal asymmetry in the motor organization of the finger musculature that prepare a proper grip than is true of humans.  相似文献   
Abstract— The glucose analogues 3-O-methyl-D-glucose and α-methyl-D-glucoside were not metabolized in brain tissue.
The uptake of these two sugars into the intracellular compartment of brain cortex slices was investigated using media with normal and low Na+ concentration (replacement of all NaCl with choline Cl). The cellular transport was not Na+-dependent. The transport mechanism clearly distinguished between the two sugars in both normal and low Na+ media.  相似文献   
Contemporary research hypothesizes that biological inheritance and ontogenetic factors shape the development of gestural communication in nonhuman great apes. However, little is known about the specific role that mothers play in the acquisition of their infants’ gestures. We observed 6 bonobo (Pan paniscus) and 4 chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) mother–infant dyads and recorded their gesture types and frequency. We analyzed all behavioral contexts in which gestures occurred as well as the play context alone. Infants of both species were unlikely to share gestures with their mother or unrelated adult females. However, gestural sharing was prevalent within age groups. Within and across species, infant–infant and mother–mother groups were homogeneous regarding the types of gestures they shared, although there was individual variation in the frequency of gesture use. Our findings provide limited evidence that infants learned their gestures by imitating their mothers. Phylogenetic influences seem to be vital in gestural acquisition but, we suggest, repertoire development cannot be disentangled from individual social encounters during life.  相似文献   
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