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The mitochondrial outer membrane contains two distinct machineries for protein import and protein sorting that function in a sequential manner: the general translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex) and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM complex), which is dedicated to beta-barrel proteins. The SAM(core) complex consists of three subunits, Sam35, Sam37, and Sam50, that can associate with a fourth subunit, the morphology component Mdm10, to form the SAM(holo) complex. Whereas the SAM(core) complex is required for the biogenesis of all beta-barrel proteins, Mdm10 and the SAM(holo) complex play a selective role in beta-barrel biogenesis by promoting assembly of Tom40 but not of porin. We report that Tom7, a conserved subunit of the TOM complex, functions in an antagonistic manner to Mdm10 in biogenesis of Tom40 and porin. We show that Tom7 promotes segregation of Mdm10 from the SAM(holo) complex into a low molecular mass form. Upon deletion of Tom7, the fraction of Mdm10 in the SAM(holo) complex is significantly increased, explaining the opposing functions of Tom7 and Mdm10 in beta-barrel sorting. Thus the role of Tom7 is not limited to the TOM complex. Tom7 functions in mitochondrial protein biogenesis by a new mechanism, segregation of a sorting component, leading to a differentiation of beta-barrel assembly.  相似文献   
In halt: I. Einleitung. — II. Material und Methode. — III. Untersuchungen an Chloroplasten bei Mangelchlorose. — IV. Untersuchungen an Chloroplasten bet funktioncller Chlorose. — V. Diskussion. — Zusammenfassung. — Summary. – Literaturverzeichnis.  相似文献   
Infections caused by species of the genus Mannheimia cause diverse disease complexes in many wild and domestic animals worldwide. Fast and accurate detection of single species within the genus remains an unsolved problem till today. To resolve this diagnostic challenge, we developed a real-time PCR assay for the rapid and specific identification of five species of the genus Mannheimia (M. haemolytica, M. varigena, M. ruminalis, M. granulomatis and M. glucosida) from bacterial cultures and tissue samples. The assay was validated with reference strains, field isolates and bacteria spiked tissue samples. The sodA gene was used as target region for species-specific primer pairs. The real-time PCR assay demonstrated species specificity for all five examined Mannheimia spp. and a rapid test completion time of less than 5 h. This is a considerable advantage compared to the traditional phenotyping methods currently used to distinguish between the species of the genus. The assay was able to detect approximately 10(3) bacterial cells per gram lung tissue sample, as determined with spiked tissue samples. We assume that the assay could become useful for fast laboratory diagnostic assessment particularly of respiratory infections caused by Mannheimia in animals.  相似文献   
The novel candidate phylum Poribacteria is specifically associated with several marine demosponge genera. Because no representatives of Poribacteria have been cultivated, an environmental genomic approach was used to gain insights into genomic properties and possibly physiological/functional features of this elusive candidate division. In a large-insert library harbouring an estimated 1.1 Gb of microbial community DNA from Aplysina aerophoba, a Poribacteria-positive 16S rRNA gene locus was identified. Sequencing and sequence annotation of the 39 kb size insert revealed 27 open reading frames (ORFs) and two genes for stable RNAs. The fragment exhibited an overall G+C content of 50.5% and a coding density of 86.1%. The 16S rRNA gene was unlinked from a conventional rrn operon. Its flanking regions did not show any synteny to other 16S rRNA encoding loci from microorganisms with unlinked rrn operons. Two of the predicted hypothetical proteins were highly similar to homologues from Rhodopirellula baltica. Furthermore, a novel kind of molybdenum containing oxidoreductase was predicted as well as a series of eight ORFs encoding for unusual transporters, channel or pore forming proteins. This environmental genomics approach provides, for the first time, genomic and, by inference, functional information on the so far uncultivated, sponge-associated candidate division Poribacteria.  相似文献   
Autism is a genetically complex neurodevelopmental syndrome in which language deficits are a core feature. We describe results from two complimentary approaches used to identify risk variants on chromosome 7 that likely contribute to the etiology of autism. A two-stage association study tested 2758 SNPs across a 10 Mb 7q35 language-related autism QTL in AGRE (Autism Genetic Resource Exchange) trios and found significant association with Contactin Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2), a strong a priori candidate. Male-only containing families were identified as primarily responsible for this association signal, consistent with the strong male affection bias in ASD and other language-based disorders. Gene-expression analyses in developing human brain further identified CNTNAP2 as enriched in circuits important for language development. Together, these results provide convergent evidence for involvement of CNTNAP2, a Neurexin family member, in autism, and demonstrate a connection between genetic risk for autism and specific brain structures.  相似文献   
The dynamic turnover of integrin-mediated adhesions is important for cell migration. Paxillin is an adaptor protein that localizes to focal adhesions and has been implicated in cell motility. We previously reported that calpain-mediated proteolysis of talin1 and focal adhesion kinase mediates adhesion disassembly in motile cells. To determine whether calpain-mediated paxillin proteolysis regulates focal adhesion dynamics and cell motility, we mapped the preferred calpain proteolytic site in paxillin. The cleavage site is between the paxillin LD1 and LD2 motifs and generates a C-terminal fragment that is similar in size to the alternative product paxillin delta. The calpain-generated proteolytic fragment, like paxillin delta, functions as a paxillin antagonist and impairs focal adhesion disassembly and migration. We generated mutant paxillin with a point mutation (S95G) that renders it partially resistant to calpain proteolysis. Paxillin-deficient cells that express paxillin S95G display increased turnover of zyxin-containing adhesions using time-lapse microscopy and also show increased migration. Moreover, cancer-associated somatic mutations in paxillin are common in the N-terminal region between the LD1 and LD2 motifs and confer partial calpain resistance. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel role for calpain-mediated proteolysis of paxillin as a negative regulator of focal adhesion dynamics and migration that may function to limit cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   
During mitochondrial apoptosis, pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins cause the translocation of cytosolic Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) where it is activated to release cytochrome c from the mitochondrial intermembrane space, but the mechanism is under dispute. We show that most BH3-only proteins are mitochondrial proteins that are imported into the OMM via a C-terminal tail-anchor domain in isolated yeast mitochondria, independently of binding to anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. This C-terminal domain acted as a classical mitochondrial targeting signal and was sufficient to direct green fluorescent protein to mitochondria in human cells. When expressed in mouse fibroblasts, these BH3-only proteins localised to mitochondria and were inserted in the OMM. The BH3-only proteins Bcl-2-interacting mediator of cell death (Bim), tBid and p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis sensitised isolated mitochondria from Bax/Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer-deficient fibroblasts to cytochrome c-release by recombinant, extramitochondrial Bax. For Bim, this activity is shown to require the C-terminal-targeting signal and to be independent of binding capacity to and presence of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. Bim further enhanced Bax-dependent killing in yeast. A model is proposed where OMM-tail-anchored BH3-only proteins permit passive 'recruitment' and catalysis-like activation of extra-mitochondrial Bax. The recognition of C-terminal membrane-insertion of BH3-only proteins will permit the development of a more detailed concept of the initiation of mitochondrial apoptosis.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial outer membrane contains translocase complexes for the import of precursor proteins. The translocase of the outer membrane complex functions as a general preprotein entry gate, whereas the sorting and assembly machinery complex mediates membrane insertion of β-barrel proteins of the outer membrane. Several α-helical outer membrane proteins are known to carry multiple transmembrane segments; however, only limited information is available on the biogenesis of these proteins. We report that mitochondria lacking the mitochondrial import protein 1 (Mim1) are impaired in the biogenesis of multispanning outer membrane proteins, whereas overexpression of Mim1 stimulates their import. The Mim1 complex cooperates with the receptor Tom70 in binding of precursor proteins and promotes their insertion and assembly into the outer membrane. We conclude that the Mim1 complex plays a central role in the import of α-helical outer membrane proteins with multiple transmembrane segments.  相似文献   
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