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The fossil record provides direct empirical data for understanding macroevolutionary patterns and processes. Inherent biases in the fossil record are well known to confound analyses of this data. Sampling bias proxies have been used as covariates in regression models to test for such biases. Proxies, such as formation count, are associated with paleobiodiversity, but are insufficient for explaining species dispersal owing to a lack of geographic context. Here, we develop a sampling bias proxy that incorporates geographic information and test it with a case study on early tetrapodomorph biogeography. We use recently-developed Bayesian phylogeographic models and a new supertree of early tetrapodomorphs to estimate dispersal rates and ancestral habitat locations. We find strong evidence that geographic sampling bias explains supposed radiations in dispersal rate (potential adaptive radiations). Our study highlights the necessity of accounting for geographic sampling bias in macroevolutionary and phylogenetic analyses and provides an approach to test for its effect.  相似文献   


Critical to the development of new drugs for treatment of malaria is the capacity to safely evaluate their activity in human subjects. The approach that has been most commonly used is testing in subjects with natural malaria infection, a methodology that may expose symptomatic subjects to the risk of ineffective treatment. Here we describe the development and pilot testing of a system to undertake experimental infection using blood stage Plasmodium falciparum parasites (BSP). The objectives of the study were to assess the feasibility and safety of induced BSP infection as a method for assessment of efficacy of new drug candidates for the treatment of P. falciparum infection.

Methods and Findings

A prospective, unblinded, Phase IIa trial was undertaken in 19 healthy, malaria-naïve, male adult volunteers who were infected with BSP and followed with careful clinical and laboratory observation, including a sensitive, quantitative malaria PCR assay. Volunteers were randomly allocated to treatment with either of two licensed antimalarial drug combinations, artemether–lumefantrine (A/L) or atovaquone-proguanil (A/P). In the first cohort (n = 6) where volunteers received ∼360 BSP, none reached the target parasitemia of 1,000 before the day designated for antimalarial treatment (day 6). In the second and third cohorts, 13 volunteers received 1,800 BSP, with all reaching the target parasitemia before receiving treatment (A/L, n = 6; A/P, n = 7) The study demonstrated safety in the 19 volunteers tested, and a significant difference in the clearance kinetics of parasitemia between the drugs in the 13 evaluable subjects, with mean parasite reduction ratios of 759 for A/L and 17 for A/P (95% CI 120–4786 and 7–40 respectively; p<0.01).


This system offers a flexible and safe approach to testing the in vivo activity of novel antimalarials.

Trial Registration:

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01055002  相似文献   
Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL; gene designation lukF/S-PV) is likely an important virulence factor for Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), as qualitative expression of the protein correlates with severity for specific clinical presentations, including skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs). Development of genetic approaches for risk-assessment of patients with S. aureus infections may prove clinically useful, and whether lukF/S-PV gene expression correlates with specific clinical presentations for S. aureus has been largely unexplored. In the present study, we quantified lukS-PV mRNA among 96 S. aureus isolates to determine whether expression levels correlated with specific clinical presentations in adults and children. Expression level of lukS-PV mRNA among isolates from skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) was significantly greater than among isolates from blood stream infection (BSIs), and expression level of lukS-PV mRNA among BSI isolates from children was significantly greater than for BSI isolates among adults. Moreover, expression level of lukS-PV mRNA among community-acquired (CA) isolates was significantly greater than for hospital-acquired (HA) isolates. These data justify additional studies to determine the potential clinical utility for lukS-PV mRNA quantification as a predictive tool for severity of S. aureus infection.  相似文献   
The E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl has been implicated in intracellular signaling pathways induced by the engagement of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) as a negative regulator. Here we showed that Cbl deficiency results in a reduction of B cell proliferation. Cbl-/- B cells show impaired tyrosine phosphorylation, reduced Erk activation, and attenuated calcium mobilization in response to BCR engagement. The phosphorylation of Syk and Btk is also down-modulated. Interestingly, Cbl-/- B cells display enhanced BCR-induced phosphorylation of CD19 and its association with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Importantly, Lyn kinase activity is up-regulated in Cbl-/- B cells, which correlates inversely with the Cbl-mediated ubiquitination of Lyn. Because Lyn has both negative and positive roles in B cells, our results suggested that Cbl differentially modulates the BCR-mediated signaling pathways through targeting Lyn ubiquitination, which affects B cell development and activation.  相似文献   
Na+ and Ca2+ regulation were compared in two euryhaline species, killifish (normally estuarine-resident) and rainbow trout (normally freshwater-resident) during an incremental salinity increase. Whole-body unidirectional fluxes of Na+ and Ca2+, whole body Na+ and Ca2+, and plasma concentrations (trout only), were measured over 1-h periods throughout a total 6-h protocol of increasing salinity meant to simulate a natural tidal flow. Killifish exhibited significant increases in both Na+ influx and efflux rates, with efflux slightly lagging behind efflux up to 60% SW, but net Na+ balance was restored by the time killifish reached 100% SW. Whole body Na+ did not change, in agreement with the capacity of this species to tolerate daily salinity fluctuations in its natural habitat. In contrast, rainbow trout experienced a dramatic increase in Na+ influx (50-fold relative to FW values), but not Na+ efflux between 40 and 60% SW, resulting in a large net loading of Na+ at higher salinities (60–100% SW), and increases in plasma Na+ and whole body Na+ at 100% SW. Killifish were in negative Ca2+ balance at all salinities, whereas trout were in positive Ca2+ balance throughout. Ca2+ influx rate increased two- to threefold in killifish at 80 and 100% SW, but there were no concomitant changes in Ca2+ efflux. Ca2+ flux rates were affected to a larger degree in trout, with twofold increases in Ca2+ influx at 40% SW and sevenfold increases at 100% SW. Again, there was no change in Ca2+ efflux with salinity, so plasma Ca2+ concentration increased in 100% SW. As the killifish is regularly submitted to increased salinity in its natural environment, it is able to rapidly activate changes in unidirectional fluxes in order to ensure ionic homeostasis, in contrast to the trout.  相似文献   
Life history parameters including longevity, developmental time, and reproduction were determined for whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), kept in clip-on cages on susceptible parent, Lycopersicon esculentum, resistant parent, L. hirsutum glabratum, and intermediate breeding lines of tomato. Using the Lewontin triangular reproductive function, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was calculated for each genotype. This is an elegant tool for detecting resistance, as it incorporates all salient factors of life history. Comparing rm to the other parameters measured, selection criteria were chosen. Developmental time is not a suitable selection criterion as it varies very little even between the most susceptible and the most resistant genotypes. Additionally, developmental time of T. vaporariorum offspring was found to be highly significantly correlated to parental age on all tomato genotypes except L. hirsutum glabratum. Total reproduction, truncated population counts, and longevity appear good criteria for selection. This test, focusing on antibiotic factors, shows large differences between the resistant and susceptible parent genotypes, but much smaller differences between the breeding lines and the susceptible parent. Earlier screenings relying on a variety of tests appear to have maintained antixenotic rather than antibiotic properties in the breeding lines.  相似文献   
Hyperhomocysteinemia due to cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) deficiency is associated with diverse brain disease. Whereas the biological actions linking hyperhomocysteinemia to the cognitive dysfunction are not well understood, we tried to establish relationships between hyperhomocysteinemia and alterations of signaling pathways. In the brain of CBS-deficient mice, a murine model of hyperhomocysteinemia, we previously found an activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway and an increase of Dyrk1A, a serine/threonine kinase involved in diverse functions ranging from development and growth to apoptosis. We then investigated the relationship between Dyrk1A and the signaling pathways initiated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), the ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways. We found a significant increase of phospho-ERK, phospho-MEK, and phospho-Akt in the brain of CBS-deficient and Dyrk1a-overexpressing mice. This increase was abolished when CBS-deficient and Dyrk1A-transgenic mice were treated with harmine, an inhibitor of Dyrk1A kinase activity, which emphasizes the role of Dyrk1A activity on ERK and Akt activation. Sprouty 2 protein level, a negative feedback loop modulator that limits the intensity and duration of RTK activation, is decreased in the brain of CBS-deficient mice, but not in the brain of Dyrk1A transgenic mice. Furthermore, a reduced Dyrk1A and Grb2 binding on sprouty 2 and an increased interaction of Dyrk1A with Grb2 were found in the brain of Dyrk1A transgenic mice. The consequence of Dyrk1A overexpression on RTK activation seems to be a decreased interaction of sprouty 2/Grb2. These observations demonstrate ERK and Akt activation induced by Dyrk1A in the brain of hyperhomocysteinemic mice and open new perspectives to understand the basis of the cognitive defects in hyperhomocysteinemia.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be obtained from various sources. MSCs from different origins appear to have different preferences for differentiation. In this study, we have compared the in vivo osteogenic potential of adult MSCs from adipose tissue (AT) and bone marrow (BM) with fetal MSCs from umbilical cord (UC) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) by using a rat critical-sized femoral defect model. We have also sought to determine whether pretreatment with an osteogenic medium promotes osteogenesis in MSCs. Study groups were divided as follows: (1) defect only, (2) scaffold only, (3) AT MSCs in scaffolds, (4) BM MSCs in scaffolds, (5) UC MSCs in scaffolds and (6) UCB MSCs in scaffolds. Groups with MSCs were further divided with respect to their pretreatment. At 12 weeks after surgery, in vivo osteogenesis was measured radiographically and by micro-computed tomography (CT). Based on quantitative assessment by micro-CT, no significant difference of the mean bone volume fraction value (BV/TV) was seen between adult MSCs (AT and BM MSCs) and fetal MSCs (UC and UCB MSCs). The mean BV/TVs were significantly higher in non-pretreated BM MSC (14.2±1.4%) and UCB MSC (14.0±1.2%) and pretreated UC MSC (14.8±2.0%) than in those with the scaffold only (11.3±1.3%; P<0.05). In addition, AT (from 10.4±1.2% to 13.1±2.2%) and UC (from 10.3±0.7% to 14.8±2.0%) MSCs from solid tissues showed a significant increase in the mean BV/TV with pretreatment (P<0.05). In contrast, BM MSC (from 14.2±1.4% to 10.9±1.2%) and UCB MSC (from 14.0±1.2% to 11.6±1.0%) from non-solid tissues showed a significant decrease with pretreatment (P<0.05).  相似文献   
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