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Summary Maize and tomato cDNA clones have been hybridized in Southern blotting experiments to plant genomic DNA prepared from different lines to detect restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFPs). In maize we have found that a high degree of genetic variability is present, even among domestic inbred lines. Most randomly chosen maize cDNA clones can be used to detect elements of this variability. Similar levels of polymorphism are observed when genomic DNA is digested with any of a number of different restriction enzymes and probed with individual clones. When a clone is hybridized to genomic DNAs prepared from several different maize lines, a number of different alleles are often detected at a single locus. At the same time one clone can often detect more than one independently segregating locus by cross hybridization to related sequences at other loci. As expected these markers are inherited as simple codominant Mendelian alleles from one generation to the next and colinkage of these markers can be demonstrated in the progeny from a heterozygous parent. In similar studies with tomato, remarkably different results were found. Few RFPs were demonstrable among domestic Lycopersicon esculentum lines although a higher level of variability could be detected when comparing esculentum with its wild Lycopersicon relatives. These results are discussed in relation to the applied uses of RFPs in plant breeding as well as the inherent variability of different plant genomes.This work was supported in part by funds from Sandoz Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland) and its subsidiary company, Northrup King Co. (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.) as well as by NSF SBIR grant #BSR-8360870.  相似文献   
Summary A general method is presented for the formulation and numerical evaluation of mathematical models describing epithelial transport. The method is based on the principles of conservation of mass, and maintenance of electroneutrality within the cells and bathing solutions. It is therefore independent of the specific membrane transport mechanisms, and can be used to evaluate different models describing arbitrary transport processes (including passive, active and cotransport processes). Detailed numerical methods are presented that allow computation of steady-state and transient responses under open-circuit, current-clamp and voltage-clamp conditions, using a general-purpose laboratory minicomputer. To evaluate the utility of this approach, a specific model is presented that is consistent with the Koefoed-Johnson and Ussing hypothesis of sodium transport in tight epithelia (Acta Physiol. Scand. 42:298–308, 1958). This model considers passive transport of an arbitrary number of permeant solutes, active transport of sodium and potassium, and osmotically induced water transport across the apical and basolateral membranes. Results of the model are compared to published experimental measurements in rabbit urinary bladder epithelium.  相似文献   
Summary We studied the effect of removing and adding plant litter in different seasons on biomass, density, and species richness in a Solidago dominated old-field community in New Jersey, USA. We removed all the naturally accumulated plant litter in November (658 g/m2) and in May (856 g/m2) and doubled the amount of litter in November and May in replicated plots (1 m2). An equal number of plots were left as controls. Litter removal and addition had little impact on total plant biomass or individual species biomass in the growing season following the manipulations. Litter removal, however, significantly increased plant densities but this varied depending upon the season of litter removal, species, and life history type. Specifically, the fall litter removal had a much greater impact than the spring litter removal suggesting that litter has its greatest impact after plant senescence in the fall and prior to major periods of early plant growth in spring. Annual species showed the greatest response, especially early in the growing season. Both spring and fall litter removal significantly increased species richness throughout the study. Litter additions in both spring and fall reduced both plant densities and species richness in June, but these differences disappeared near the end of the growing season in September. We concluded than in productive communities where litter accumulation may be substantial, litter may promote low species richness and plant density. This explanation does not invoke resource competition for the decline in species richness. Finally, we hypothesize that there may be broad thresholds of litter accumulation in different community types that may act to either increase or decrease plant yield and diversity.  相似文献   
The present study describes the variability of the opisthaptoral hard parts ofGyrodactylus callariatis Malmberg, 1957 infesting juvenile Atlantic codGadus morhua L. in the Oslo Fjord, Norway. Samples were taken monthly or bimonthly from January 1993 to July 1994. The length of the 14 characters measured varied considerably throughout the period, and showed a significant regression on the water temperature: as the water temperature increased the length of the hard parts decreased andvice versa. There were no significant differences in the size of the hard parts between young worms (without penis) and older worms (with penis). Some of the characters (especially the anchor shaft) from parasites located on the skin and fins were significantly longer than those of parasites located in the oral cavity, pharynx and gills. Generally, the variation in the shape of the hard parts was small; the anchor root, ventral bar membrane and ventral bar processes were the most variable parts. The shape of the hard parts did not vary as a consequence of seasonal changes in the water temperature, age of the worms or site on the host.  相似文献   
The organization of the nervous system ofProcerodes littoralis (Tricladida, Maricola, Procerodidae) was studied by immunocytochemistry, using antibodies to authentic flatworm neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa). Compared to earlier investigations of the neuroanatomy of tricladid flatworms, the pattern of NPF immunoreactivity inProcerodes littoralis reveals differences in the following respects: 1. Shape and structure of the brain. 2. Number and composition of longitudinal nerve cords. 3. Shape of branches of, and transverse connections between, main ventral nerve cords. 4. Composition of the pharyngeal nervous system. The rich innervation by NPF immunoreactive (IR) fibres and cells of the subepithelial muscle layer, the pharynx musculature and the musculature of the male copulatory apparatus indicates a neurotransmitter or neuromodulatory influence on muscular activity.  相似文献   
Bilateral asymmetry in the structure of the second metacarpal was examined in relation to functional hand dominance in a large, clinically nonselected, healthy population sample from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Bilateral bone measurements were made from anteroposterior hand radiographs of a total of 992 individuals, 609 males and 383 females, with an age range of 19–94 years. Hand dominance was determined on the basis of personal impression. Total width and medullary width at the midshaft of the second metacarpal were measured to 0.05 mm using a Helios caliper. These two measurements were used to derive cortical thickness, cortical bone area, periosteal (total) area, medullary area, percent cortical area, and the second moment of area in the mediolateral plane. In both right and left-handed individuals, statistically significant side differences were found in the calculated bone areas and the second moment of area, with the dominant hand being larger. Cortical thickness did not show significant side-related differences for either handedness. These results show that functional handedness leads to periosteal and endosteal expansion of the second metacarpal cortex on the dominant side, increasing bone strength without increasing cortical thickness. This is the first time this pattern of asymmetry has been reported in left-handers as well as right-handers. Our results argue for the primacy of environmental (mechanical) effects in determining bilateral asymmetry of limb bone structural properties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Transfer of N from legumes to associated non-legumes has been demonstrated under a wide range of conditions. Because legumes are able to derive their N requirements from N2 fixation, legumes can serve, through the transfer of N, as a source of N for accompanying non-legumes. Studies, therefore, are often limited to the transfer of N from the legume to the non-legume. However, legumes preferentially rely on available soil N as their source of N. To determine whether N can be transferred from a non-legume to a legume, two greenhouse experiments were conducted. In the short-term N-transfer experiment, a portion of the foliage of meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rhem.) or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was immersed in a highly labelled 15N-solution and following a 64 h incubation, the roots and leaves of the associated alfalfa and bromegrass were analyzed for 15N. In the long-term N transfer experiment, alfalfa and bromegrass were grown in an 15N-labelled nutrient solution and transplanted in pots with unlabelled bromegrass and alfalfa plants. Plants were harvested at 50 and 79 d after transplanting and analyzed for 15N content. Whether alfalfa or bromegrass were the donor plants in the short-term experiment, roots and leaves of all neighbouring alfalfa and bromegrass plants were enriched with 15N. Similarly, when alfalfa or bromegrass was labelled in the long-term experiment, the roots and shoots of neighbouring alfalfa and bromegrass plants became enriched with 15N. These two studies conclusively show that within a short period of time, N is transferred from both the N2-fixing legume to the associated non-legume and also from the non-legume to the N2-fixing legume. The occurrence of a bi-directional N transfer between N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing plants should be taken into consideration when the intensity of N cycling and the directional flow of N in pastures and natural ecosystems are investigated.  相似文献   
A novel photorespiratory mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, designatedgld2, was isolated based on a growth requirement for abnormallyhigh levels of atmospheric CO2. Photosynthetic CO2 fixationwas inhibited in the mutant following illumination in air butnot in atmosphere containing 2% O2. Photosynthetic assimilationof 14CO2 in an atmosphere containing 50% O2 resulted in accumulationof 48% of the soluble label in glycine in the mutant comparedto 9% in the wild type. The rate of glycine decarboxylationby isolated mitochondria from the mutant was reduced to 6% ofthe wild type rate. In genetic crosses, the mutant complementedtwo previously described photorespiratory mutants of A. thalianathat accumulate glycine during photosynthesis in air due todefects in glycine decarboxylase (glyD, now designated gld1)and serine transhydroxymethylase (stm). Because glycine decarboxylaseis a complex of four enzymes, these results are consistent witha mutation in a glycine decarboxylase subunit other than thataffected in the gld1 mutant. The two gld loci were mapped tochromosomes 2 and 5, respectively. 3Present address: Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, MichiganState University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A. 4Present address: Department of Applied Bioscience, Facultyof Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, 060 Japan 5Present address: Department of Biology, Carnegie Institutionof Washington, 290 Panama Street, Standford, CA 94305, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Abstract Screening of a Clostridium difficile ψEMBL3 gene library with antisera raised against C. difficile culture supernatant identified several clones expressing a 31-kDa protein. A 1.8-kb Hin dIII fragment subcloned from one of the clones was sufficient for expression of the 31-kDa polypeptide. Southern blot analysis showed a region homologous to this fragment to be present in all of 13 different C. difficile strains tested. Sequence analysis of the 1.8-kb fragment revealed three adjacent open reading frames. A database search showed that these three open reading frames appeared to encode homologues of three consecutive enzymes in the butanol/butyrate-producing pathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum (crotonase, β-hydroxybutyryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase and thiolase).  相似文献   
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