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Subunits of multiple molecular forms of dimeric glutathione S-transferase in rat liver cytosol were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing/sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis) followed by staining with Coomassie blue dye. The five subunits, Ya, Yb, Yb', Yc, and Yp (Mr's 26,500, 27,500, 27,500, 28,500, and 26,000, respectively) of seven molecular forms, A2, AC, C2, B2, BL, L2, and GST-P, were identified by comparison of molecular weights and pI values with those of purified molecular forms and by immunoadsorption of the molecular forms in the cytosol as well as those synthesized in vitro using antibodies against the seven forms. Yp is the subunit of placental glutathione S-transferase, GST-P (YpYp), which is markedly increased in carcinogen-treated rat livers [A. Kitahara et al. (1984) Cancer Res. 44, 2698-2703; K. Satoh et al. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 3964-3968]. Microheterogeneity was detectable within Yb, Yb', and Yp subunits, the different forms, termed Yb1, Yb2, Yb'1, Yb'2, and Yp1, Yp2, being similar in size but differing by approx. 0.3 pI unit within each subunit. These microheterogeneous forms were also detectable in the polypeptides translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation system from liver poly(A)-containing RNAs, suggesting that they are translatable from distinct mRNAs.  相似文献   
Ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P) kinase (ATP:D-ribulose 5-phosphate1-phosphotrans- ferase; EC [EC] ), an enzyme in the reductivepentose phosphate cycle, was purified from the green alga Bryopsismaxima and its activity and peptide composition were studied.The specific activity of purified Ru5P kinase was 20 µmoleRuBP formed (mg protein)–1 min–1 corresponding toa 490-fold purification from the supernatant of chloroplasts.The Km values of Ru5P kinase for ATP and Ru5P were 69 µMand 330 µM, respectively. The molecular size of Ru5P kinase was estimated as 90 kDa bygel filtration and that of its polypeptide as 41 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. A small portion of the Ru5P kinase wasfound in a large molecular state (500 kDa) which was consideredto be an inactive form of the enzyme. Ru5P kinase activity has been reported in the pyrenoid of Eremosphaeraviridis as well as ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase(RuBisCO) and ribose 5-phosphate isomerase activity (Holdsworth1971). In Bryopsis maxima, among the pyrenoid polypeptides otherthan that of RuBisCO, we found a polypeptide of 42 kDa, similarto that of Ru5P kinase in molecular size and ratio to RuBisCO.A peptide map of the 42 kDa pyrenoid polypeptide, however, showedthat it differed from that of Ru5P kinase. In conclusion, Ru5Pkinase may be not involved in the pyrenoid of this alga. (Received January 19, 1985; Accepted May 15, 1985)  相似文献   
A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae defective in the cell wall beta-glucan structure was obtained. The mutant cells are extremely sensitive to (beta 1-3)-glucanase digestion and mild alkali treatment. Structural analysis revealed that the alkali-insoluble, skeletal glucan from wild type cells contains two components, a (beta 1-3) linked glucan with a laminated structure, and a highly branched glucan containing predominantly (beta 1-6) linkages. The mutant cells lack the latter component.  相似文献   
Gastric ulcerogenicity and depletion of endogenous prostaglandins (PGs) content induced by tiaprofenic acid, dicrofenac and indomethacin were examined using the same antiinflammatory effective doses. Male Wistar rats were given each of these drugs intragastrically 24, 18, and 3 hrs before sacrifice in the following doses (mg/kg): indomethacin (0.8, 4 and 20); tiaprofenic acid (1.2, 6 and 30); dicrofenac (0.8, 4 and 20). Endogenous prostacyclin (PGI2) and PGE2 in fundic mucosa were determined by radioimmunoassay. The three compounds produced fundic mucosal lesions in a dose-dependent manner. However, tiaprofenic acid and dicrofenac were both less potent than indomethacin in producing gastric mucosal lesions at similar antiinflammatory doses. Mucosal PGE2 content was abolished by the three compounds in the following doses (mg/kg): indomethacin (4 and 20); tiaprofenic acid (6 and 30); dicrofenac (20). Mucosal PGI2 was maintained around 50% of the control value in rats given tiaprofenic acid in a dose of 6 mg/kg or dicrofenac in a dose of 4 mg/kg, while indomethacin in a dose of 4 mg/kg markedly reduced mucosal PGI2 to 17% of the control value. In larger doses, tiaprofenic acid and dicrofenac were also significantly less potent in reducing mucosal PGI2 than indomethacin. These results suggest that the difference in ulcerogenicity between indomethacin and the other two compounds was closely related to their potency in decreasing PGI2 in the gastric (fundic) mucosa.  相似文献   
Summary Electrophoretic screening of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, G6PD) was conducted one sample of 9,260 children born to the atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima (Honshu) and Nagasaki (Kyushu). The prevalence of electrophoretic variants was 0.11% in males and 0.42% in females in Hiroshima, and 0.16% in males and 0.31% in females in Nagasaki. Enzymologic characteristics of 10 variants obtained from three males and seven hemizygous fathers of heterozygous females were examined. As a result, three new types of G6PD variants were identified among five variants detected in Hiroshima, and three new types among five variants in Nagasaki. All the variants except one belonged to Class 3, as defined by Yoshida et al. (1971).  相似文献   
BCG- or glucan-elicited murine peripheral macrophages released a cytotoxin in the presence of loach egg lectin, whereas proteose peptone-, glycogen-, or thioglycollate-elicited or resident macrophages did not. The macrophages that released cytotoxin coincided with those that showed lectin-dependent macrophage-mediated cytolysis (LDMC) in response to loach egg lectin. The cytotoxin released by BCG-elicited macrophages in response to loach egg lectin had a molecular weight of 55 K daltons. The macrophages that released cytotoxin and other cytotoxic macrophages such as those that showed LDMC- and antibody-dependent macrophage-mediated cytolysis (ADMC) were examined by using several antibodies to surface antigens of macrophages. The results showed that murine peripheral macrophages could be divided into three types. Resident macrophages (Type I) which had common macrophage antigens (Mac-1 and B12) showed only LDMC in response to wheat germ agglutinin. Some elicited macrophages (Type II) were asialo GM1-positive and showed both ADMC and LDMC in response to wheat germ agglutinin. Activated macrophages (Type III) showed LDMC in response to loach egg lectin and cytotoxin-release, but had no antigen detectable with monoclonal anti-macrophage antibody (C14). These three types of macrophages were clearly distinguished diagrammatically by their roof-shaped, rocket-shaped and irregular-shaped profiles of activities and antigens. These data suggest that several selected surface antigens of macrophages are associated with distinct cytotoxic stages of peripheral macrophages.  相似文献   
Dynamics of the steroid receptors seems to be the consequence of receptor recycling. In the present study, as a clue to elucidate the mechanism of receptor recycling, factors which affect the rate of liberation of nuclear bound 3H-glucocorticoids were examined in vitro. Among the factors examined, NAD, NADPH, cAMP and p-nitrophenyl phosphate accelerated the liberation of radioactivity from nuclei in a temperature-dependent manner when added to the incubation mixture. The presence of a large amount of unlabeled dexamethasone (Dex) did not modify the rate of liberation. From these results, it was concluded that the metabolism of ligand bound to the receptor is not a necessary step in the liberation of receptor from nuclei. These agents did not influence the binding process of 3H-Dex-receptor complex to DNA-cellulose. Therefore the stimulation of receptor release does not seem to be mediated by reducing the binding affinity between nuclei and receptor complexes. The liberated radioactivity was eluted on a Sephadex G-100 column in the void volume and in macromolecule-unbound fractions. In both fractions, the majority of the radioactivity comigrated with authentic glucocorticoids on thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   
Eleven human enzymes, chosen for this study because of relatively small coefficients of variation for mean activity, have been surveyed for the frequency with which activities less than or equal to 66% of the mean value occur. This criterion should detect almost all heterozygotes for variants lacking any activity plus a fraction of the persons with variants characterized by markedly depressed activity and/or instability. The enzymes surveyed are TPI, PGK, AK1, LDH, GAPD, GPI, PK, 6PGD, G6PD, GOT1, and HK. The number of determinations per enzyme ranged from 310 to 3,173, for a total of 26,634 determinations. Family studies have thus far been possible in 52 instances in which the initial observation of activity less than or equal to 66% of normal was confirmed. In every instance, a parent exhibited a similar finding, giving confidence that a true genetic entity was being detected. With this approach, the frequency of heterozygotes per 1,000 determinations varied from 0.0 (AK1, 6PGD) to 13.8 (PK), with an average of 2.4. For these same systems, in this laboratory the frequency of "rare" electrophoretic variants is 2.3/1,000, the ratio of the latter to the former thus being 1.0 in Japanese. Our experience with these deficiency phenotypes to date suggests that for selected enzymes such phenotypes can be incorporated into a program designed to detect mutational events.  相似文献   
This contribution describes the biogenetic-type syntheses of some isoquinoline alkaloids and related compounds which, without duplicating our previous review (1), is based on papers published after 1970.  相似文献   
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