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Nucleostemin is a nucleolar protein known to play a variety of roles in cell-cycle progression, apoptosis inhibition, and DNA damage protection in embryonic stem cells and tissue stem cells. However, the role of nucleostemin in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is yet to be determined. Here, we identified an indispensable role of nucleostemin in mouse HSCs. Depletion of nucleostemin using short hairpin RNA strikingly impaired the self-renewal activity of HSCs both in vitro and in vivo. Consistently, nucleostemin depletion triggered apoptosis rather than cell-cycle arrest in HSCs. Furthermore, DNA damage accumulated during cultivation upon depletion of nucleostemin. The impaired self-renewal activity of HSCs induced by nucleostemin depletion was partially rescued by p53 deficiency but not by p16Ink4a or p19Arf deficiency. Taken together, our study demonstrates that nucleostemin protects HSCs from DNA damage accumulation and is required for the maintenance of HSCs.  相似文献   
The colicins are bacteriocins that target Escherichia coli and kill bacterial cells through different mechanisms. Colicin A forms ion channels in the inner membranes of nonimmune bacteria. This activity resides exclusively in its C-terminal fragment (residues 387–592). The soluble free form of this domain is a 10 α-helix bundle. The hydrophobic helical hairpin, H8–H9, is buried inside the structure and shielded by eight amphipathic surface helices. The interaction of the C-terminal colicin A domain and several chimeric variants with lipidic vesicles was examined here by isothermal titration calorimetry. In the mutant constructions, natural sequences of the hydrophobic helices H8 and H9 were either removed or substituted by polyalanine or polyleucine. All the constructions fully associated with DOPG liposomes including the mutant that lacked helices H8 and H9, indicating that amphipathic rather than hydrophobic helices were the major determinants of the exothermic binding reactions. Alanine is not specially favored in the lipid-bound form; the chimeric construct with polyalanine produced lower enthalpy gain. On the other hand, the large negative heat capacities associated with partitioning, a characteristic feature of the hydrophobic effect, were found to be dependent on the sequence hydrophobicity of helices H8 and H9.  相似文献   
The neural crest is a unique structure in vertebrates. Wnt1‐cre and Wnt1‐GAL4 double transgenic (dTg) mice have been used in a variety of studies concerning neural crest cell lineages in which the Cre/loxP or GAL4/UAS system was applied. Here, we show psychiatric disorder‐related behavioral abnormalities and histologic alterations in a neural crest‐derived brain region in dTg mice. The dTg mice exhibited increased locomotor activity, decreased social interaction, and impaired short‐term spatial memory and nesting behavior. The choline acetyltransferase‐ and vesicular glutamate transporter 2‐immunoreactive habenulointerpeduncular fiber tracts that project from the medial habenular nucleus of the epithalamus to the interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrain tegmentum appeared irregular in the dTg mice. Both the medial habenula nucleus and the interpeduncular nucleus were confirmed to be derived from the neural crest. The findings of this study suggest that neural crest‐derived cells have pathogenic roles in the development of psychiatric disorders and that the dTg mouse could be a useful animal model for studying the pathophysiology of mental illness such as autism and schizophrenia. Scientists that use the dTg mice as a cre‐transgenic deleter line should be cautious in its possible toxicity, especially if behavioral analyses are to be performed.  相似文献   
Parkinsonism typified by sporadic Parkinson disease is a prevalent neurodegenerative disease. Mutations in PINK1 (PTEN-induced putative kinase 1), a mitochondrial Ser/Thr protein kinase, or PARKIN, a ubiquitin-protein ligase, cause familial parkinsonism. The accumulation and autophosphorylation of PINK1 on damaged mitochondria results in the recruitment of Parkin, which ultimately triggers quarantine and/or degradation of the damaged mitochondria by the proteasome and autophagy. However, the molecular mechanism of PINK1 in dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) has not been fully elucidated. Here we show by fluorescence-based techniques that the PINK1 complex formed following a decrease in ΔΨm is composed of two PINK1 molecules and is correlated with intermolecular phosphorylation of PINK1. Disruption of complex formation by the PINK1 S402A mutation weakened Parkin recruitment onto depolarized mitochondria. The most disease-relevant mutations of PINK1 inhibit the complex formation. Taken together, these results suggest that formation of the complex containing dyadic PINK1 is an important step for Parkin recruitment onto damaged mitochondria.  相似文献   
Sound localization relies on minute differences in the timing and intensity of sound arriving at both ears. Neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) in the brainstem process these interaural disparities by precisely detecting excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. Aging generally induces selective loss of inhibitory synaptic transmission along the entire auditory pathways, including the reduction of inhibitory afferents to LSO. Electrophysiological recordings in animals, however, reported only minor functional changes in aged LSO. The perplexing discrepancy between anatomical and physiological observations suggests a role for activity-dependent plasticity that would help neurons retain their binaural tuning function despite loss of inhibitory inputs. To explore this hypothesis, we use a computational model of LSO to investigate mechanisms underlying the observed functional robustness against age-related loss of inhibitory inputs. The LSO model is an integrate-and-fire type enhanced with a small amount of low-voltage activated potassium conductance and driven with (in)homogeneous Poissonian inputs. Without synaptic input loss, model spike rates varied smoothly with interaural time and level differences, replicating empirical tuning properties of LSO. By reducing the number of inhibitory afferents to mimic age-related loss of inhibition, overall spike rates increased, which negatively impacted binaural tuning performance, measured as modulation depth and neuronal discriminability. To simulate a recovery process compensating for the loss of inhibitory fibers, the strength of remaining inhibitory inputs was increased. By this modification, effects of inhibition loss on binaural tuning were considerably weakened, leading to an improvement of functional performance. These neuron-level observations were further confirmed by population modeling, in which binaural tuning properties of multiple LSO neurons were varied according to empirical measurements. These results demonstrate the plausibility that homeostatic plasticity could effectively counteract known age-dependent loss of inhibitory fibers in LSO and suggest that behavioral degradation of sound localization might originate from changes occurring more centrally.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to characterize the time course of development of the renal hyperemia induced by chronic portal vein stenosis (PVS) in the rat, and to assess the possibility that vasoactive blood-borne gastrointestinal peptides mediate the renal hyperemia in established portal hypertension. Blood flow to the kidneys was measured with radioactive microspheres over a ten day time course. On day 2, no difference in renal blood flow (RBF) was observed in PVS rats as compared with controls. However, by day 4, RBF significantly increased by 35% in PVS vs. control animals. On day 6, the renal hyperemia in PVS rats reached a maximal value that was 42% higher than controls. A steady state hyperemia (approximately 40%) was maintained thereafter. Radioimmunoassay of plasma from control and established portal hypertensive rats (10 days samples) revealed that vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, cholecystokinin, gastrin, neurotensin, pancreatic polypeptide, beta-endorphin and peptide histidine-isoleucine amide are not elevated in arterial plasma of portal hypertensive rats. These data suggest that the renal hyperemia induced by chronic portal vein stenosis is apparent within 4 days of the onset of a hypertensive state and attains a steady state by day 8. Furthermore, at least eight blood-borne gastrointestinal peptides are not directly involved in the renal hyperemia associated with chronic portal hypertension.  相似文献   
Sphingosine increases the permeability of model and cell membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Sphingosine, at 5-15 mol % total lipids, remarkably increases the permeability to aqueous solutes of liposomal and erythrocyte ghost membranes. The increased permeability cannot be interpreted in terms of leakage occurring at the early stages of a putative membrane solubilization by sphingosine, nor is it due to a sphingosine-induced generation of nonlamellar structures, or flip-flop lipid movement. Instead, sphingosine stabilizes (rigidifies) gel domains in membranes, raising their melting temperatures and increasing the transition cooperativity. Structural defects originating during the lateral phase separation of the "more rigid" and "less rigid" domains are likely sites for the leakage of aqueous solutes to the extravesicular medium. The presence of coexisting domains in the plasma membrane makes it a target for sphingosine permeabilization. The sphingosine-induced increase in rigidity and breakdown of the plasma membrane permeability barrier could be responsible for some of the physiological effects of sphingosine.  相似文献   
Abstract We have encountered clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii which are resistant to all available antibiotics used in hospitals except for polymyxin B and the beta-lactamase inhibitor, sulbactam. To investigate the mechanisms of this unique activity, affinities of sulbactam and other beta-lactamase inhibitors for penicillin binding proteins were compared using imipenem-resistant and imipenem-sensitive isolates. The results of competition binding experiments indicate that all three beta-lactamase inhibitors bound to imipenem-susceptible Acinetobacter . Binding of sulbactam was greater than that of tazobactam and not detected with clavulanic acid to penicillin binding proteins of the imipenem-resistant strain of Acinetobacter .  相似文献   
As the important molecular machinery for membrane protein sorting in eukaryotic cells, the endosomal sorting and transport complexes (ESCRT-0/I/II/III and VPS4) usually participate in various replication stages of enveloped viruses, such as endocytosis and budding. The main subunit of ESCRT-I, Tsg101, has been previously revealed to play a role in the entry and replication of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). However, the effect of the whole ESCRT machinery during CSFV infection has not yet been well defined. Here, we systematically determine the effects of subunits of ESCRT on entry, replication, and budding of CSFV by genetic analysis. We show that EAP20 (VPS25) (ESCRT-II), CHMP4B and CHMP7 (ESCRT-III) regulate CSFV entry and assist vesicles in transporting CSFV from Clathrin, early endosomes, late endosomes to lysosomes. Importantly, we first demonstrate that HRS (ESCRT-0), VPS28 (ESCRT-I), VPS25 (ESCRT-II) and adaptor protein ALIX play important roles in the formation of virus replication complexes (VRC) together with CHMP2B/4B/7 (ESCRT-III), and VPS4A. Further analyses reveal these subunits interact with CSFV nonstructural proteins (NS) and locate in the endoplasmic reticulum, but not Golgi, suggesting the role of ESCRT in regulating VRC assembly. In addition, we demonstrate that VPS4A is close to lipid droplets (LDs), indicating the importance of lipid metabolism in the formation of VRC and nucleic acid production. Altogether, we draw a new picture of cellular ESCRT machinery in CSFV entry and VRC formation, which could provide alternative strategies for preventing and controlling the diseases caused by CSFV or other Pestivirus.  相似文献   
T Nishikawa  N Go 《Proteins》1987,2(4):308-329
The normal mode analysis of conformational fluctuation is carried out for a small globular protein, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Results are analyzed mainly to reveal the mechanical construction of the protein molecule. We take dihedral angles, including peptide omega angles, as independent variables for the normal mode analysis. There are 306 such angles in this molecule. Motions in modes with frequencies lower than 120 cm-1 are shown to involve atoms in the whole protein molecule, and spatial change of displacement vectors is continuous, i.e., those of atoms near in space are similar. To quantitate the observation of the continuity, a correlation function of direction vectors of atomic displacements is calculated. From this function we define a quantity that is interpreted as the wave length of an equivalent elastic plane wave. From this quantity we deduce effective Young's modulus for each mode. For the mode with the lowest frequency 4.4 cm-1, it turned out to be 0.8 x 10(9) dyn cm-2, the value two orders of magnitude softer than, for instance, alpha-helices. Prompted by this observation, the four lowest frequency modes and also the harmonic motions in the thermal equilibrium are analyzed further mainly to detect relatively rigid structural elements in the molecule. From this analysis emerges a mechanical picture of the protein molecule that is made up of relatively rigid elements held together by very soft parts.  相似文献   
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