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We present a comprehensive experimental and computational study on the electromagnetic field distribution in sphere segment void arrays. Surface plasmon polaritons can be excited in these void arrays, resulting in greatly enhanced electromagnetic fields. With the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) we are able to measure the electromagnetic field distribution at the sample surface. For this purpose, an array of relatively large voids with a sphere diameter of 900 nm was fabricated, allowing for an easy access of the scanning glass-fibre tip and yielding very detailed scans. Complementary, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) calculations on a complete void array have been performed and compared with the SNOM intensity maps and experimental reflectivity data. We show in a direct way both the existence of extended and localised modes in the Au void array for three different void depths. We also show and discuss the changes that the modes undergo for the different void depths and excitation wavelengths. Moreover, since the simulations were performed for two different void geometries, one containing perfectly spherical void surfaces and another more realistic one, which considers the presence of interstitial wall holes and other imperfections, as observed in scanning electron micrographs, we were able to determine by comparison with the experiment under which conditions an array of idealised sphere segment voids is a meaningful model. This demonstrates that both SNOM and FDTD simulations are powerful tools for understanding the plasmonic response of metallic nanostructures, thus enabling, for instance, a design for applications in ultra-sensitive optical detection.  相似文献   
The theoretical model of proteins on the two-dimensional square lattice, introduced previously, is extended to include the specific short-range interactions. Attractive long-range interactions with various specificities and non-specific repulsive long-range interactions in the form of self-avoidance of the polymer chain are also operative in the model. Dynamics of the model protein is studied by a Monte Carlo method. The short-range interactions are found to accelerate the folding and unfolding transitions. Non-specific part of the attractive long-range interactions have a competing effect of decelerating the transitions. When the short-range interactions are weighted beyond a certain extent over the attractive long-range interactions are weighted beyond a certain extent over the attractive long-range interactions, the all-or-none character of the folding and unfolding transitions is destroyed. How the destruction proceeds is quantitatively expressed in terms of the S-H curves. The limiting case of dominance of the specific short-range interactions over the attractive long-range interactions is studied in detail. The lattice polymer in this limit does not behave like a globular protein at all. This observation leads to a reexamination of the currently popular notion of the dominance of the short-range interactions. A new concept of consistency is proposed to replace it. Possible mechanisms of the acceleration of the transitions by the specific short-range interactions are discussed.  相似文献   
The hippocampal formation is a key structure for memory function in the brain. The functional anatomy of the brain suggests that the hippocampus may be a convergence zone, as it receives polysensory input from distributed association areas throughout the neocortex. However, recent quantitative graph-theoretic analyses of the static large-scale connectome have failed to demonstrate the centrality of the hippocampus; in the context of the whole brain, the hippocampus is not among the most connected or reachable nodes. Here we show that when communication dynamics are taken into account, the hippocampus is a key hub in the connectome. Using a novel computational model, we demonstrate that large-scale brain network topology is organized to funnel and concentrate information flow in the hippocampus, supporting the long-standing hypothesis that this region acts as a critical convergence zone. Our results indicate that the functional capacity of the hippocampus is shaped by its embedding in the large-scale connectome.  相似文献   
Conformational analysis of conotoxin GI, one of the neurotoxic peptides produced by a marine snail, genus Conus, was performed by a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and distance geometry calculations. The resulting conformers on minimization of the target function were classified into two groups. The difference in the structures of the conformers is mainly due to the difference in the orientation of the side chain of the tyrosyl residue. The results show that the solution structure of conotoxin GI satisfies the conformational requirements for the biological activity of an antagonist toward nicotinic cholinergic receptors elucidated in a series of studies on alkaloids. The structure is discussed on the basis of the results of comparison of the atomic arrangements of the active sites of snake venom peptides and molecular models based on the results of secondary structure prediction.  相似文献   
The Arenaviridae family includes several hemorrhagic fever viruses which are important emerging pathogens. Junín virus, a member of this family, is the etiological agent of Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever (AHF). A collaboration between the Governments of Argentina and the USA rendered the attenuated Junín virus vaccine strain Candid#1. Arenaviruses are enveloped viruses with genomes consisting of two single-stranded RNA species (L and S), each carrying two coding regions separated by a stably structured, non-coding intergenic region. Molecular characterization of the vaccine strain and of its more virulent ancestors, XJ13 (prototype) and XJ#44, allows a systematic approach for the discovery of key elements in virulence attenuation. We show comparisons of sequence information for the S RNA of the strains XJ13, XJ#44 and Candid#1 of Junín virus, along with other strains from the vaccine lineage and a set of Junín virus field strains collected at the AHF endemic area. Comparisons of nucleotide and amino acid sequences revealed different point mutations which might be linked to the attenuated phenotype. The majority of changes are consistent with a progressive attenuation of virulence between XJ13, XJ#44 and Candid#1. We propose that changes found in genomic regions with low natural variation frequencies are more likely to be associated with the virulence attenuation process. We partially sequenced field strains to analyze the genomic variability naturally occurring for Junín virus. This information, together with the sequence analysis of strains with intermediate virulence, will serve as a starting point to study the molecular bases for viral attenuation.  相似文献   
Ferula L. is one of the most species-rich and taxonomically difficult genera of Apiaceae. In this study, we obtained nrDNA ITS sequences of seven poorly known species of Ferula (Ferula anatolica, Ferula sp. (tentatively identified as F. candelabrum by collectors), F. drudeana, F. huber-morathii, F. marmarica, F. talassica, and F. tunetana) and explored their phylogenetic positions using 148 ITS sequences of the subtribe Ferulinae from GenBank. Five of these newly sequenced species fall into three groups, corresponding to clades recognized in earlier molecular studies. Ferula sp. are added to clade, which is mostly composed of Central Asian species. This placement showed that identification as F. candelabrum was erroneous. The second clade, which is mostly composed of Mediterranean taxa, includes two species from North Africa: F. marmarica and F. tunetana. Despite the well-supported monophyly of this clade, the relationships inside this group need to be revised, as broadly distributed F. communis is paraphyletic with respect to other species. Ferula drudeana and F. huber-morathii, two narrow endemics from Turkey, are placed in the Central Asian clade. Two species, F. anatolica and F. talassica, do not fall into any of the recognized clades. In addition, we examined the sequence variation of three potentially highly variable pDNA regions, the trnH-psbA, trnS-trnG, and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers, for a subset of 18 specimens. The resulting pDNA and ITS based phylogenetic trees were incongruent, as supported by significant ILD tests. The cause of this incongruence can be manifold, including hybridization, a lack of a phylogenetic signal, and homoplastic substitutions. Our analyses suggest that only trnS-trnG can be added to the list of pDNA markers used for phylogenetic studies of Ferula, as it has the highest number of parsimony informative characters and is easy to amplify from degraded material.  相似文献   
In the present study, we investigated the effects of ascorbic acid on lead-exposed developing cerebellum. Female rats were divided into the following three groups: control (distilled water), lead (0.2% lead acetate), and lead plus ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg/day, 10% solution). To evaluate the effect of lead exposure and ascorbic acid treatment accurately on the cerebellar development for the gestational period, we halted further treatment with lead and ascorbic acid in the dams after delivery of the pups. Although the ascorbic acid slightly decreased the lead level in pups, lead level was still high in the group treated with lead plus ascorbic acid group compared with the control group. The blood lead levels indicated that the ascorbic acid could facilitate both the excretion and transfer of lead from a dam to its pups via milk. At postnatal day 21, lead exposure significantly reduced the number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex of pups. Additionally, lead treatment induced degenerative changes such as reduction of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) and c-kit expressions are observed in the developing cerebellar cortex. In the cerebellum of the pups from the lead plus ascorbic acid group, reduction of the number of Purkinje cells, GAD67 expression, and c-kit immunopositivity were remarkably restored compared with the lead group. Our present results suggested that ascorbic acid treatment to lead-exposed dam exerted protective effects on the developing cerebellum against lead-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
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