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For the transfer of genes from B. tournefortii (TT) to the allotetraploid oilseed brassicas, B. juncea AABB, B. carinata BBCC and B. napus AACC, B. tournefortii was first crossed with the three basic diploid species, B. campestris (AA), B. nigra (BE) and B. oleracea (CC), to produce the allodiploids TA, TB and TC. These were tetraploidized by colchicine treatment to produce the allotetraploids TTAA, TTBB and TTCC, which were further crossed with B. juncea and B. napus to produce three-genome hybrids with substitution-type genomic configurations: TACC, TBAA and TCAA. These hybrids along with another hybrid TCBB produced earlier, the three allodiploids, their allotetraploids and the four diploid parent species were studied for their male meiotic behaviour. The diploid parent and the allotetraploids (TTAA, TTBB and TTCC) showed regular meiosis although the pollen viability was generally low in the allotetraploids. In the allodiploids (TA, TB and TC) only some end-to-end associations were observed without any clearly discernible chiasmata or exchange points. Chromosomes involved in end-to-end associations were randomly distributed at the metaphase/anaphase-I stages. In contrast, the three-genome hybrids (TACC, TBAA, TCAA and TCBB) showed normal bivalents whose number exceeded the expected bivalent values. Bivalents arising out of homoeologous pairing were indistinguishable from normal pairs by their disjunction pattern but could be distinguished on the basis of the heteromorphy of the homoeologous chromosomes. The three-genome hybrids could be backcrossed to allotetraploid oilseed brassicas as they had some fertility. In contrast, the allodiploids could neither be selfed nor back-crossed. On the basis of their meiotic stability, in terms of more pronounced homoeologous pairing and fertility for backcrossing, the three-genome configurations provide the best possible situation for the introgression of alien genes from the secondary gene pool to the allotetraploid oilseed crops B. juncea, B. napus and B. carinata.  相似文献   
Most of the alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems are known to be associated with a number of floral abnormalities that result from nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibilities. One such system, tour, which is derived from Brassica tournefortii, induces additional floral abnormalities and causes chlorosis in Brassica spp. While the restorer for this CMS has been reported to be present in B. napus, in B. juncea, where the abnormalities are more pronounced, no restorer has yet been identified. Rectification of these floral abnormalities through mitochondrial recombinations and chloroplast replacement might result in the improvement of this CMS system. As organelle recombinations can possibly be achieved only by somatic cell hybridization, fusion experiments were carried out between hygromycin-resistant B. juncea AABB carrying tour cytoplasm and phosphinotricin-resistant, normal B. oleracea CC to generate AABBCC hexaploid somatic hybrids. The presence of selectable marker genes facilitated the selection of hybrids in large numbers. The resulting hybrids showed wide variation in floral morphology and organelle composition. Regenerants with normal, male-sterile flowers having recombinant tour-or oleracea-type mitochondria and oleracea-type chloroplasts were obtained. Hybrids with male-fertile flowers were also obtained that had recombined tour mitochondria. The AABBCC hexaploid hybrids synthesized in the present study were successfully utilized as a bridging material for transferring variability in the organelle genome simultaneously to all the digenomic Brassica species, and all of these hybrids are now being stabilized through repeated backcrosses to the allopolyploid crop brassicas.  相似文献   
Microcytic hypochromic anemia is a common condition in clinical practice and alpha-thalassemia has to be considered as a differential diagnosis. Molecular diagnosis of alpha-thalassemia is possible by polymerase chain reaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of alpha-gene numbers in subjects with microcytosis. In total, 276 subjects with microcytic hypochromic anemia [MCV<80fl; MCH<27pg] were studied. These include 125 with thalassemia trait, 48 with thalassemia major, 26 with sickle-cell thalassemia, 15 with E beta-thalassemia, 40 with iron-deficiency anemia, 8 with another hemolytic anemia, and 14 patients with no definite diagnosis. Genotyping for -alpha3.7 deletion, -alpha4.2 deletion, Hb Constant Spring, and a-triplications was done with polymerase chain reaction. The overall frequency of -alpha3.7 deletion in 276 individuals is 12.7%. The calculated allele frequency for a-thalassemia is 0.09. The subgroup analysis showed that co-inheritance of a-deletion is more frequent with the sickle-cell mutation than in other groups. We were able to diagnose 1/3 of unexplained cases of microcytosis as a-thalassemia carriers. The a-gene mutation is quite common in the Indian subcontinent. Molecular genotyping of a-thalassemia helps to diagnose unexplained microcytosis, and thus prevents unnecessary iron supplementation.  相似文献   
Microsatellite marker technology in combination with three doubled haploid mapping populations of Brassica juncea were used to map and tag two independent loci controlling seed coat colour in B. juncea. One of the populations, derived from a cross between a brown-seeded Indian cultivar, Varuna, and a Canadian yellow-seeded line, Heera, segregated for two genes coding for seed coat colour; the other two populations segregated for one gene each. Microsatellite markers were obtained from related Brassica species. Three microsatellite markers (Ra2-A11, Na10-A08 and Ni4-F11) showing strong association with seed coat colour were identified through bulk segregant analysis. Subsequent mapping placed Ra2-A11 and Na10-A08 on linkage group (LG) 1 at an interval of 0.6 cM from each other and marker Ni4-F11 on LG 2 of the linkage map of B. juncea published previously (Pradhan et al., Theor Appl Genet 106:607–614, 2003). The two seed coat colour genes were placed with markers Ra2-A11 and Na10-A08 on LG 1 and Ni4-F11 on LG 2 based on marker genotyping data derived from the two mapping populations segregating for one gene each. One of the genes (BjSC1) co-segregated with marker Na10-A08 in LG 1 and the other gene (BjSC2) with Ni4-F11 in LG 2, without any recombination in the respective mapping populations of 130 and 103 segregating plants. The identified microsatellite markers were studied for their length polymorphism in a number of yellow-seeded eastern European and brown-seeded Indian germplasm of B. juncea and were found to be useful for the diversification of yellow seed coat colour from a variety of sources into Indian germplasm.  相似文献   
Biomining comprises of processing and extraction of metal from their ores and concentrates using microbial techniques. Currently this is used by the mining industry to extract copper, uranium and gold from low grade ores but not for low grade manganese ore in industrial scale. The study of microbial genomes, metabolites and regulatory pathways provide novel insights to the metabolism of bioleaching microorganisms and their synergistic action during bioleaching operations. This will promote understanding of the universal regulatory responses that the biomining microbial community uses to adapt to their changing environment leading to high metal recovery. Possibility exists of findings ways to imitate the entire process during industrial manganese biomining endeavor. This paper reviews the current status of manganese biomining research operations around the world, identifies factors that drive the selection of biomining as a processing technology, describes challenges in exploiting these innovations, and concludes with a discussion of Mn biomining’s future.  相似文献   
Beta-sitosterol (β-SITO), a phytosterol present in many edible vegetables, has been reported to possess antineoplastic properties and cancer treatment potential. We have shown previously that it binds at a unique site (the ‘SITO-site’) compared to the colchicine binding site at the interface of α- and β-tubulin. In this study, we investigated the anticancer efficacy of β-SITO against invasive breast carcinoma using MCF-7 cells. Since ‘isotypes’ of β-tubulin show tissue-specific expression and many are associated with cancer drug resistance, using computer-assisted docking and atomistic molecular dynamic simulations, we also examined its binding interactions to all known isotypes of β-tubulin in αβ-tubulin dimer. β-SITO inhibited MCF-7 cell viability by up to 50%, compared to vehicle-treated control cells. Indicating its antimetastatic potential, the phytosterol strongly inhibited cell migration. Immunofluorescence imaging of β-SITO-treated MCF-7 cells exhibited disruption of the microtubules and chromosome organization. Far-UV circular dichroism spectra indicated loss of helical stability in tubulin when bound to β-SITO. Docking and MD simulation studies, combined with MM-PBSA and MM-GBSA calculations revealed that β-SITO preferentially binds with specific β-tubulin isotypes (βII and βIII) in the αβ-tubulin dimer. Both these β-tubulin isotypes have been implicated in drug resistance against tubulin-targeted chemotherapeutics. Our data show the tubulin-targeted anticancer potential of β-SITO, and its potential clinical utility against βII and βIII isotype-overexpressing neoplasms.  相似文献   
Our laboratory has identified a number of small molecules that bind to G protein βγ subunits (Gβγ) by competing for peptide binding to the Gβγ “hot spot.” M119/Gallein were identified as inhibitors of Gβγ subunit signaling. Here we examine the activity of another molecule identified in this screen, 12155, which we show that in contrast to M119/Gallein had no effect on Gβγ-mediated phospholipase C or phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) γ activation in vitro. Also in direct contrast to M119/Gallein, 12155 caused receptor-independent Ca2+ release, and activated other downstream targets of Gβγ including extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK), protein kinase B (Akt) in HL60 cells differentiated to neutrophils. We show that 12155 releases Gβγ in vitro from Gαi1β1γ2 heterotrimers by causing its dissociation from GαGDP without inducing nucleotide exchange in the Gα subunit. We used this novel probe to examine the hypothesis that Gβγ release is sufficient to direct chemotaxis of neutrophils in the absence of receptor or G protein α subunit activation. 12155 directed chemotaxis of HL60 cells and primary neutrophils in a transwell migration assay with responses similar to those seen for the natural chemotactic peptide n-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe. These data indicate that release of free Gβγ is sufficient to drive directional chemotaxis in a G protein-coupled receptor signaling-independent manner.  相似文献   
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