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A series of analogues of andrographolide, prepared through chemo-selective functionalization at C14 hydroxy, have been evaluated for in vitro cytotoxicities against human leukemic cell lines. Two of the analogues (6a, 9b) exhibited significant potency. Preliminary studies on structure-activity relationship (SAR) revealed that the α-alkylidene-γ-butyrolactone moiety of andrographolide played a major role in the activity profile. The structures of the analogues were established through spectroscopic and analytical data.  相似文献   
4,4'-bis(1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Bis-ANS), an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe for hydrophobic region of proteins, binds specifically to the C-terminal domain of lambda repressor. The binding is characterized by positive cooperativity, the magnitude of which is dependent on protein concentration in the concentration range where dimeric repressor aggregates to a tetramer. In this range, positive cooperativity becomes more pronounced at higher protein concentrations. This suggests a preferential binding of Bis-ANS to the dimeric form of the repressor. Binding of single operator OR1 to the N-terminal domain of the repressor causes enhancement of fluorescence of the C-terminal domain bound Bis-ANS. The binding of single operator OR1 also leads to quenching of fluorescence of tryptophan residues, all of which are located in the hinge or the C-terminal domain. Thus two different fluorescent probes indicate an operator-induced conformational change which affects the C-terminal domain. The significance of this conformational change with respect to the function of lambda repressor has been discussed.  相似文献   
Exopolysaccharide produced by a unique avirulent Bacillus anthracis strain PFAB2 of hot spring origin has been characterized and its functional properties are investigated which is a first report. Maximum yield of EPS is 7.66 g/l with 2% glucose and 1% peptone as optimum carbon and nitrogen source respectively. The EPS is found to be a homopolymer consisting of only glucose as principle monosaccharide component. Through 1H NMR study, different dextran-like proton peaks are observed. Molecular weight of the EPS resembles low molecular weight bacterial origin polysaccharides. Melting transition of the EPS has started after 276 °C which indicates good thermal stability. The EPS also shows potent antioxidant activity in terms of DPPH and ABTS mediated free radical scavenging property compared to standard ascorbic acid. Emulsifying property of the EPS is also observed and has shown good emulsification of vegetable oils. The polysaccharide forms a thermo resistant gel during the heating phase, with G′ higher than G″ indicating excellent shear-thinning behaviour and viscoelastic nature of the EPS.  相似文献   
Hepcidin mediated ferroportin (Fpn) degradation in macrophages is a well adopted strategy to limit iron availability towards invading pathogens. Leishmania donovani (LD), a protozoan parasite, resides within macrophage and competes with host for availing iron. Using in vitro and in vivo model of infection, we reveal that LD decreases Fpn abundance in host macrophages by hepcidin independent mechanism. Unaffected level of Fpn‐FLAG in LD infected J774 macrophage confirms that Fpn down‐regulation is not due its degradation. While increased Fpn mRNA but decreased protein expression in macrophages suggests blocking of Fpn translation by LD infection that is confirmed by 35S‐methionine labelling assay. We further reveal that LD blocks Fpn translation by induced binding of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) to the iron responsive element present in its 5′UTR. Supershift analysis provides evidence of involvement of IRP2 particularly during in vivo infection. Accordingly, a significant increase in IRP2 protein expression with simultaneous decrease in its stability regulator F‐box and leucine‐rich repeat Protein 5 (FBXL5) is detected in splenocytes of LD‐infected mice. Increased intracellular growth due to compromised expressions of Fpn and FBXL5 by specific siRNAs reveals that LD uses a novel strategy of manipulating IRP2‐FBXL5 axis to inhibit host Fpn expression.  相似文献   
Nucleoid‐associated protein HU, a conserved protein across eubacteria is necessary for maintaining the nucleoid organization and global regulation of gene expression. Mycobacterium tuberculosis HU (MtHU) is distinct from the other orthologues having 114 amino acid long carboxyl terminal extensions with a high degree of sequence similarity to eukaryotic histones. In this study, we demonstrate that the DNA binding property of MtHU is regulated by posttranslational modifications akin to eukaryotic histones. MtHU purified from M. tuberculosis cells is found to be acetylated on multiple lysine residues unlike the E. coli expressed recombinant protein. Using coimmunoprecipitation assay, we identified Eis as one of the acetyl transferases that interacts with MtHU and modifies it. Although Eis is known to acetylate aminoglycosides, the kinetics of acetylation showed that its protein acetylation activity on MtHU is robust. In vitro Eis modified MtHU at various lysine residues, primarily those located at the carboxyl terminal domain. Acetylation of MtHU caused reduced DNA interaction and alteration in DNA compaction ability of the NAP. Over‐expression of the Eis leads to hyperacetylation of HU and decompaction of genome. These results provide first insights into the modulation of the nucleoid structure by lysine acetylation in bacteria.  相似文献   
Alpha-synuclein (α-syn) protein is abundantly expressed mainly within neurons, and exists in a number of different forms - monomers, tetramers, oligomers and fibrils. During disease, α-syn undergoes conformational changes to form oligomers and high molecular weight aggregates that tend to make the protein more insoluble. Abnormally aggregated α-syn is a neuropathological feature of Parkinson''s disease (PD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). Biochemical characterization and analysis of insoluble α-syn using buffers with increasing detergent strength and high-speed ultracentrifugation provides a powerful tool to determine the development of α-syn pathology associated with disease progression. This protocol describes the isolation of increasingly insoluble/aggregated α-syn from post-mortem human brain tissue. This methodology can be adapted with modifications to studies of normal and abnormal α-syn biology in transgenic animal models harbouring different α-syn mutations as well as in other neurodegenerative diseases that feature aberrant fibrillar deposits of proteins related to their respective pathologies.  相似文献   
Endogenous glucocorticoid (GC) activation is regulated by the intracellular GC-activating and -inactivating enzymes 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD)1 and 11β-HSD2, respectively, that catalyze interconversion of inert cortisone and its bioactive metabolite cortisol. Because endogenous GCs are critically implicated in suppressing the asthmatic state, this study examined the roles of the 11β-HSD enzymes in regulating GC activation and bronchoprotection during proasthmatic stimulation. Airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine and inflammation were assessed in rabbits following inhalation of the proasthmatic/proinflammatory cytokine IL-13 with and without pretreatment with the 11β-HSD inhibitor carbenoxolone (CBX). Additionally, IL-13-induced changes in 11β-HSD isozyme expression and GC metabolism were examined in epithelium-intact and -denuded tracheal segments and peripheral lung tissues. Finally, the effects of pretreatment with CBX or 11β-HSD2-targeted siRNAs were investigated with respect to cortisol prevention of IL-13-induced airway constrictor hyperresponsiveness and eotaxin-3 production by airway epithelial cells. IL-13-exposed rabbits exhibited airway hyperresponsiveness, inflammation, and elevated bronchoalveolar lung fluid levels of eotaxin-3. These responses were inhibited by pretreatment with CBX, suggesting a permissive proasthmatic role for 11β-HSD2. Supporting this concept, extended studies demonstrated that 1) IL-13-treated tracheal epithelium and peripheral lung tissues exhibit upregulated 11β-HSD2 activity, 2) the latter impairs cortisone-induced cortisol accumulation and the ability of administered cortisol to prevent both IL-13-induced heightened airway contractility and eotaxin-3 release from epithelial cells, and 3) these proasthmatic responses are prevented by cortisol administration in the presence of 11β-HSD2 inhibition. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the proasthmatic effects of IL-13 are enabled by impaired endogenous GC activation in the lung that is attributed to upregulation of 11β-HSD2 in the pulmonary epithelium.  相似文献   
Deletion of chromosomal 3p12.3 was suggested to be associated with dysplastic lesions of head and neck. This region harbors two candidate tumor suppressors ROBO1/DUTT1, ROBO2 and two non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) located at intron 2 of ROBO1/DUTT1. Aim of this study is to understand the role of these genes in development of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. A collection of 72 dysplastic lesions and 116 HNSCC samples and two oral cancer cell lines were analyzed for ROBO1/DUTT1 and ROBO2 deletion and promoter methylation. ROBO1/DUTT1, ROBO2 and two ncRNAs mRNA expression were analyzed by Q-PCR. Immunohistochemical analysis of ROBO1/DUTT1 and ROBO2 was performed. Alterations of these genes were correlated with different clinicopathological parameters. High frequency of molecular alterations (deletion/methylation) was seen in ROBO1/DUTT1 than ROBO2. In mild dysplastic lesions both of these genes showed high molecular alterations and remained more or less constant in subsequent stages. Q-PCR analysis showed reduced expression of these genes and the two ncRNAs. In vitro demethylation experiment by 5-aza-dC showed upregulation of ROBO1/DUTT1 and ROBO2 while the expression of the ncRNAs remained unchanged. Immunohistochemical analysis of ROBO1/DUTT1 and ROBO2 showed concordance with their mRNA expression and molecular alterations. Poor patients’ outcome was predicted in the cases with alteration of ROBO1/DUTT1 along with tobacco addiction and nodal involvement. Our data suggests (a) ROBO1/DUTT1 and the ncRNAs are transcribed from different promoters, and (b) inactivation of ROBO1/DUTT1 could be used as molecular signature for early detection and prognosis of the head and neck cancer. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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