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对水稻淀粉黏度特性特征值测定的统计分析表明:在避光自然温度储藏期间,不同类型稻谷淀粉黏度特征值均有明显的变化,各特征值在储藏1~5个月内变化较小,而6~7个月期间变化较大,大部分特征值变化差异达到显著或极显著水平。不同类型稻谷在储藏期间黏度特征值发生明显差异的时间点不同,粳糯类水稻品种在储藏期间发生明显差异的时间点明显早于粳稻和籼稻类。储藏时间与淀粉黏度特征值优化方程建立结果显示:与籼稻类品质变化关系密切的主要特征值为最高黏度(PKV)、崩解值(BDV)和峰值时间(PeT),粳稻类为热浆黏度(HPV)、冷胶黏度(CPV)和回复值(CSV),而粳糯类为PKV、BDV、CSV和起浆温度(PAT)。研究结果表明,通过RVA谱主要特征值来评价不同类型水稻品种稻谷耐储藏性具有可行性。  相似文献   
不同孵化湿度下的乌龟卵孵化成功率及新生幼体特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杜卫国  郑荣泉 《动物学报》2004,50(1):133-136
A total of 51 Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii eggs were incubated on wet and dry substrates (water potentials of - 12 kPa and - 300 kPa, respectively) at 30℃ to assess the influence of the hydric environments on egg survival and hatchling traits. Eggs incubated in the dry condition lost weight, whereas those incubated in the wet condition did not. The hydric environments did not affect incubation lengths (60.3 vs 60.7 days) as well as hatching successes (69.2% vs 88.0% ). Except for wet body mass and carapace width, which were larger for hatchlings from the -12 kPa treatment than from the -300 kPa treatment, the hydric environments did not affect most hatchling traits. These unaffected traits included dry body mass, carapace length, tail length, limb length, hatehling components (carcass, residual yolk and fat bodies), swimming performance and critical thermal minimum. In conclusion, within the water potential of -12 to -300 kPa, hydric environments have little effect on embryonic development and hatchling traits in Chinese three-keeled pond turtles [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1) : 133 - 136, 2004].  相似文献   
a-lactalbumin(a-Lac),amajorwheyprotein,isacalciummetalloprotein,thathasbeenfoundinallmilksstudiedsofar.ItinteractswithUDP-galactosyl-transferasetoformthelactosesynthetaseandthusmightbeakeyproteinforlactogenesis.Lactosesyn-thetaseispostulatedtobetherate-limitingenzymeforlactosebiosynthesis.Theincreaseda-Lacactivitycanproducesufficientlactosesynthetaseforthesynthesisoflactose,andinmilkyieldbydrawingwaterintomilk,sincelactoseisanosmoreactivemolecule.Transgenicswineoverexpressingbovinea-lactalbu…  相似文献   
Human obesity is characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation in white adipose tissue and is often associated with hypertension. The potential induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1), the rate-limiting enzyme in tryptophan/kynurenine degradation pathway, by proinflammatory cytokines, could be associated with these disorders but has remained unexplored in obesity. Using immunohistochemistry, we detected IDO1 expression in white adipose tissue of obese patients, and we focused on its contribution in the regulation of vascular tone and on its immunoregulatory effects. Concentrations of tryptophan and kynurenine were measured in sera of 36 obese and 15 lean women. The expression of IDO1 in corresponding omental and subcutaneous adipose tissues and liver was evaluated. Proinflammatory markers and T-cell subsets were analyzed in adipose tissue via the expression of CD14, IL-18, CD68, TNFα, CD3ε, FOXP3 [a regulatory T-cell (Treg) marker] and RORC (a Th17 marker). In obese subjects, the ratio of kynurenine to tryptophan, which reflects IDO1 activation, is higher than in lean subjects. Furthermore, IDO1 expression in both adipose tissues and liver is increased and is inversely correlated with arterial blood pressure. Inflammation is associated with a T-cell infiltration in obese adipose tissue, with predominance of Th17 in the omental compartment and of Treg in the subcutaneous depot. The Th17/Treg balance is decreased in subcutaneous fat and correlates with IDO1 activation. In contrast, in the omental compartment, despite IDO1 activation, the Th17/Treg balance control is impaired. Taken together, our results suggest that IDO1 activation represents a local compensatory mechanism to limit obesity-induced inflammation and hypertension.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONGal a(1, 3) Gal (gal epitope) is a carbohydrate epitope, which is produced in large amounton the cells of pigs, mice and New World monkey(monkey of South America) by the glycosylationenzyme G alal 1 ) 4G IcNAc3- a- D- galactosyltransferase[or(1, 3)GT; EC2.4.1.511111. This enzyme is active in the Golgi appaxatus of cells and transfers galactose from the sugandonor uridine diphoSphate galactose (UDP-galactose) to the acceptor Nacetyllactosamine residue (Galaal-4GlcNAc-R…  相似文献   
关于几种避孕植物药的药理初筛及成份预试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对云南滇西地区民间用于避孕和绝育秘方中的槌果藤,野花椒寄生、花椒寄生、螃蟹树寄生、鸡矢藤及野花椒的醇提取物进行了小鼠最大耐受量测定及小鼠抗生育实验,结果表明,花椒寄生、螃蟹树寄生的醇提取物具有明显抗生育活性,槌果藤也具有一定的抗生育作用。此外,还对槌果藤、野花椒寄生进行了化学成份预试。  相似文献   
用四臂嗅觉仪测定了小菜蛾对薇甘菊挥发油、芋烯、α-松油烯、里哪醇、β-石竹烯、马鞭草烯酮6种挥发物嗅觉反应,在网室,比较了挥发油及5种挥发物对小菜蛾雌虫产卵的驱避效果。结果表明:薇甘菊挥发油不仅对小菜蛾成虫有明显的驱避作用,而且能显著地减少其成虫在寄主植物上的产卵量。薇甘菊挥发油所含的5种挥发性化合物中芋烯、α-松油烯和里哪醇表现出较强的驱避效果(流量为100-180mL/min)和产卵抑制作用(剂量为10-20μL/株),而小菜蛾对马鞭草烯酮和β-石竹烯的嗅觉反应以及小菜蛾在这两种化合物处理的寄主植物上的产卵量与对照相比无显著差异。  相似文献   
生精细胞凋亡相关基因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是一种基因控制的细胞生理性自杀行为,用以维持细胞数量的相对恒定,可由某种刺激或抑制剂的移除而激活。在哺乳动物精子发生过程中,各级生精细胞都会发生相应的凋亡,通过严格调控以确保成熟精子生成的数量和质量。生精细胞的凋亡是一个许多基因参与的复杂的不可逆过程,其中Bcl-2/Bax基因族、p53基因、Fas-Fasl基因、C-myc基因、CREM基因、HSP基因族、c-Kit/SCF基因、Insl3基因、iNOS基因、BMP8B基因、TR基因和存活蛋白(survivin)基因等发挥了重要作用。研究哺乳动物睾丸生精细胞凋亡相关基因,有利于了解生精细胞凋亡机制,为进一步阐明精子发生的调控机制,预防和治疗精子发生相关疾病提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
XeCl准分子激光辐照对溶菌酶结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用荧光光谱、SDS-PAGE和NMR方法,考察308 nm XeCl准分子激光辐照对溶菌酶结构与活性的影响。使用能量密度为0.3 mJ/mm2的激光辐照溶菌酶,脉冲数分别为25、50、100、200、600、1200、1800、3600和7200。结果表明,用低强度激光辐照(低于200个脉冲)时,溶菌酶的活性出现增高趋势。随着激光辐照脉冲数的进一步增大,溶菌酶的活性又开始逐步降低。激光辐照处理后,溶菌酶的荧光强度发生了与生物活性相对应的先增高再降低现象,说明溶菌酶的高级结构发生了显著变化。SDS-PAGE结果显示,经激光辐照后,溶菌酶出现了分子间的聚合。分析溶菌酶的1H-NMR谱发现,辐照后,溶菌酶色氨酸(Trp)111、Trp63和Trp62的化学位移发生了变化,此结果进一步说明,激光辐照使溶菌酶的高级结构发生了变化。该实验可为激光辐照诱导蛋白质去折叠的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Symmetric and asymmetric protoplast fusion between long term cell suspension-derived protoplasts of Triticum aestivum (cv. Jinan 177) and protoplasts of Haynaldia villosa prepared from one-year-old embryogeneric calli was performed by PEG method. In asymmetric fusion, donor calli were treated with gamma ray at a dose of 40, 60, 80 Gy (1.3 Gy/min) respectively and then used to isolate protoplasts. Results of morphological, cytological, biochemical (isozyme) and 5S rDNA spacer sequence analysis revealed that we obtained somatic hybrid lines at high frequency from both symmetric and asymmetric fusion. Hybrid plants were recovered from symmetric and low dose γ-fusion combinations. GISH (genomic in situ hybridization) analysis proved exactly the existence of both parental chromosomes and the common occurrence of several kinds of translocation between them in the hybrid clones regenerated from symmetric and asymmetric fusion. And the elimination of donor DNA in hybrid clones regenerated from asymmetric fusion  相似文献   
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