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中国野生牡丹研究(一)芍药属牡丹组新分类群   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
洪涛  张家勋 《植物研究》1992,12(3):223-234
牡丹为我国特产珍贵花树和药用树种,已有1500余年栽培历史,建国以来,各地栽培品种已达500余个。 有关牡丹分类的主要研究成果多为西方科学家根据18—19世纪从我国引种到英、美、法等国的栽培牡丹和腊叶标本加以描述和定名。 作者近几年来在安徽、河南、湖南、山西、陕西、甘肃、四川、云南等地对我国野生牡丹进行了较广泛的调查和研究。 本文发表3个新种和1个新等级,这对研究我国栽培牡丹的起源和栽培品种的自然分类,发掘、保护、利用我国珍稀野生牡丹基因资源,培育新品种,扩大牡丹栽培地区等方面提供了科学理论依据。  相似文献   
华东地区黑果蝇自然群体同工酶遗传多态的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
顾少华  孔原 《遗传学报》1992,19(3):228-235
我们用标准垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和水平板琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术检测了黑果蝇(D.virilis)在合肥、芜湖、九江、南昌、福州、泉州和常州7个自然群体中Est-α、Est-β、Amy、Acph和α-Gpdh 5个座位的遗传变异,发现Est-α、Est-β和Amy 3个座位是高度多态的,Acph、α-Gpdh两个座位则是单态的。根据这5个座位等位基因的频率,我们计算了群体间的遗传距离。综合何朝珍报道的宁波、杭州、南京和洪泽4个群体的结果和我们的结果,我们作出系统树并发现泉州、福州两群体和其他群体在基因频率的分布和遗传距离方面有显著差异;分析显示这种差异与群体间地理隔离有关。  相似文献   
Oxygen-dependent reperfusion injury in the isolated rat lung.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To further define the relationship between oxygen dependence of lung injury during ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion, we used the isolated, perfused, and ventilated rat lung model, so that oxygenation and perfusion could be separated. During ischemia, lungs were ventilated with various oxygen concentrations and then ventilated with 95% oxygen during the 60-min reperfusion period. Other lungs were ventilated with 0% oxygen (nitrogen) during ischemia, and the reperfusion phase oxygen concentration was varied. Tissue and perfusate lipid peroxidation products (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and conjugated dienes), dry-to-wet weight ratio, and lactate dehydrogenase were measured as indexes of lung damage. In addition, electron microscopy of some lungs was performed. Results demonstrate an oxygen dependence of lipid peroxidation in both the ischemic and reperfusion phases, but lipid peroxidation is severalfold greater in the reperfusion than in the ischemic phase. Products of lipid peroxidation closely correlate with indexes of lung injury (dry-to-wet weight ratio, lactate dehydrogenase, and electron microscopy).  相似文献   
Cells from autochthonous mouse mammary carcinomas which display estrogen-independent growth vivo were studied for their hormonal responses in primary culture. A culture system employing insulin-supplemented, serum-free medium and basement membrane Matrigel as a substratum was used to cultivate tumor cells. The cells did not exhibit in vitro estrogenor prolactin-dependent growth. Primary tumors still displayed a constitutional expression of α-, β-, and γ-casein mRNAs. These messages were dramatically reduced during the culture period. However, seven to eightfold increases in α- and β-casein mRNAs were inducible in the 5-day cultures by treatment with prolactin and hydrocortisone. If the hormones were present through a 2-week culture period, the levels of α-, β-, and γ-casein mRNAs in the cells were maintained and displayed in a time-dependent increase with a peak at 10–14 days. The accumulation of β-casein mRNA in vitro did not require DNA synthesis. Administration of prolactin directly into the growing tumors in vivo could also enhance β-casein mRNA levels in the tumor cells. Morphological studies of the cells cultured in the presence of prolactin and hydrocortisone did not reveal visible changes compared with those without hormonal treatment. Transplantation of tumor cells cultured in the presence or absence of hormones resulted in the development of tumors in mice at approximately the same time. The current studies suggest that the autochthonous mammary tumor cells, independent of estrogen for cell growth, were still inducible for casein gene expression in vitro and in vivo by appropriate hormones. The induction and maintenance of casein messages by a single hormonal treatment did not appear to correlate with morphology and DNA synthesis of cells in vitro or with tumor-producing capacities in vivo.  相似文献   
Flow cytometric multiparameter analysis of two proliferation-associated nuclear antigens (proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)/cyclin and Ki-67) was performed on seven human hematopoietic cell lines. PCNA/cyclin, an S phase-related antigen, was detected using an autoantibody and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled anti-human antibody. The Ki-67 antigen, which in cycling cells is expressed with increasing levels during the S phase with a maximum in the M phase, was detected using a monoclonal antibody and a phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-mouse antibody. In some experiments the PCNA/Ki-67 staining was combined with a DNA stain, 7-amino actinomycin D, and simultaneous detection of the three stains was performed by a single laser flow cytometer. Using this technique four distinct cell populations, representing G1, S, G2, and M, respectively, could be demonstrated in cycling cells on the basis of their PCNA/cyclin and Ki-67 levels. The cell cycle phase specificity could be verified using metaphase (vinblastine, colcemide) and G2 phase (mitoxantrone) blocking agents, as well as by stainings with a mitosis-specific antibody (MPM-2). Also, G0 cells could be discriminated from G1 cells in analysis of a mixture of resting peripheral mononuclear blood cells and a proliferating cell line. This technique can be valuable in detailed cell cycle analysis, since all cell cycle phases can be visualized and calculated using a simple double staining procedure.  相似文献   
Recent studies from this laboratory have demonstrated the presence of thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) in the 5'-flanking region of the rat alpha and TSH beta subunit genes. Using an avidin-biotin complex DNA binding assay, we have shown that these TREs bind the thyroid hormone (T3) receptor present in nuclear extracts of GH3 cells, as well as the in vitro synthesized Hc-erbA beta, which has been identified as a member of the family of T3 receptors. The binding of Hc-erbA beta to the alpha subunit TRE can be enhanced 3-4-fold by including GH3 nuclear extract in the binding assay. Binding to the TRE present in the TSH beta gene or the rat growth hormone gene was similarly enhanced, although to a lesser degree. The enhanced binding activity is trypsin-sensitive and heat labile, and is not reproduced by the addition of histones, bovine serum albumin, or cytosol instead of nuclear extract. Gel exclusion chromatography suggests a molecular size of approximately 65,000 Da. This protein, which is present in several different cell types, is also able to complement binding of the rat erbA alpha-1 and the pituitary-specific erbA beta-2 forms of the receptor. These data suggest that the binding of the T3 receptor to a TRE is augmented by another nuclear protein, which may be involved in the mechanism of action of thyroid hormone.  相似文献   
All of the 181 possible overlapping hexapeptides as well as 179 octapeptides covering the amino acid sequence of human dihydrofolate reductase (hDHFR) were synthesized on polyethylene supports. The synthetic procedure of Geysen et al. (Geysen, H. M., Rodda, S. J., Mason, T. J., Tribbick, G., and Schoofs, P. G. (1987) J. Immunol. Methods 102, 259-274) was modified to obtain up to 100 nmol of peptide on each pin. Peptides constituting antigenic epitopes on hDHFR were identified by examining the binding of antibodies raised against both native and denatured hDHFR to these peptides by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The peptides bound in a similar pattern to polyclonal antibodies against both native and denatured dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Six major epitopes were located corresponding to residues 27-33, 45-51, 67-74, 133-139, 153-158, and 176-181 using both hexapeptides and octapeptides. An additional epitope, constituting residues 14-21, was found by the use of octapeptides. Most of the epitopes are hydrophilic and reside largely in "loop" regions at the boundaries of secondary structural elements of hDHFR. This observation is consistent with our previous results which suggested that ligand binding at the active site of the enzyme can cause a dramatic reduction in antibody binding to DHFR due to conformational constraints in flexible loop regions in various parts of the molecule. The similarity of the immunogenic profiles of native versus denatured hDHFR indicates that the two forms of the antigen share the same amino acid sequence-specific epitopes. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the binding of anti-hDHFR antiserum to both native and denatured hDHFR was inhibited by approximately 30% by the seven antigenic peptides, indicating that a significant proportion of the antibodies elicited by this enzyme is specific for short peptides. Besides revealing the antigenic structure of DHFR our results provide a rational basis for the design of mutant DHFRs to study the importance of loop residues in the conformational dynamics of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Raman spectroscopy was employed to examine the secondary structure of the cAMP receptor protein (CRP). Spectra were obtained over the range 400-1900 cm-1 from solutions of CRP and from CRP-cAMP cocrystals. The spectra of CRP dissolved in 30 mM sodium phosphate and 0.15 M NaCl buffered at either pH 6 or pH 8 or dissolved in 0.15-0.2 M NaCl at protein concentrations of 5, 15, and 30 mg/mL were examined. Estimates of the secondary structure distribution were made by analyzing the amide I region of the spectra (1630-1700 cm-1). CRP secondary structure distributions were essentially the same in either pH and at all protein concentrations examined. The amide I analyses indicated a structural distribution of 44% alpha-helix, 28% beta-strand, 18% turn, and 10% undefined for CRP in solution. Raman spectra of CRP-cAMP cocrystals differed from the spectra of CRP in solution. Some differences were assigned to interfering background bands, whereas other spectral differences were attributed to changes in CRP structure. Differences in the amide III region and in the intensity at 935 cm-1 were consistent with alterations in secondary structure. Analysis of the amide I region of the CRP-cAMP cocrystal spectrum indicated a secondary structure distribution of 37% alpha-helix, 33% beta-strand, 17% turn, and 12% undefined. This result is in agreement with a published secondary structure distribution derived from X-ray analysis of CRP-cAMP cocrystals (37% alpha-helix and 36% beta-strand).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Somatic embryos in liquid culture can serve as a mass cloning system in a plant propagation program. A quantitative formulation of embryo development obtained from cell suspension cultures is used to develop a segregated kinetic model. The model is based on standard classification schemes as previously developed by plant physiologists. Dependent variables include carbohydrate concentrations (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) and biomass apportioned among the inoculum (free single cells, cell clusters), normal developmental stages, and aberrant cell and embryo types. Good agreement between the model and experimental results is indicated and allows for a rigorous approach to media optimization and reactor scaleup for embryo formation.  相似文献   
The Cambodian I strain of Plasmodium falciparum, originally from Kampuchea was adapted for development in three different types of Aotus monkeys. High-level parasitemias were readily produced in splenectomized Colombian A. trivirgatus griseimembra monkeys. Initially, only minimal parasitemias developed in A. t. trivirgatus monkeys from Colombia. However, in one animal, adaptation occurred and high-level parasitemias were obtained during the second recrudescence of the infection. Passage to other A. t. trivirgatus monkeys indicated that the parasite was well adapted for development in splenectomized animals; low to moderate parasitemias were still produced in intact animals. This line of the parasite produced high level parasitemias when inoculated into splenectomized Aotus monkeys from Peru. Infections in Anopheles freeborni mosquitoes were obtained as late as the 7th passage in A. t. griseimembra monkeys and as late as the 7th recrudescence of the infection in an individual monkey (348 days after inoculation). The sporogonic cycle was completed in An. freeborni mosquitoes, and one transmission to an A. t. griseimembra monkey via the bites of infected mosquitoes was obtained.  相似文献   
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