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Peptide-based vaccines that directly target T cell or B cell epitopes may have significant advantages over conventional vaccines. Further, synthetic chimeric peptides that combine strong T cell epitopes with poorly immunogenic, but immunodominant, B cell epitopes or strain-conserved B cell epitopes may be useful in eliciting antibody to such important regions. Here we characterize a human T cell epitope analyzed in 54 individuals immunized with a hepatitis B virus surface Ag vaccine. Primary cultures from a total of 59 immunized donors were assessed for their ability to respond to hepatitis B virus surface Ag and peptides, and five were non-responders (8.5%). T cell lines were established from the remaining 54 responders. Of the responders, it was found that the peptide representing amino acids 19 through 33 (19-33) elicited significant proliferation in lines derived from 50 donors. This "universal" T cell epitope, which was recognized in donors of many different HLA-DR and -DQ haplotypes, was then used to construct a chimeric peptide containing 19-33 and the third V region loop structure (V3 loop) of HIV-1 envelope gp 120, in an attempt to augment the immune response to the V3 loop peptide. The V3 loop is the region to which significant neutralizing antibody is directed. Thus, a strong immune response to a synthetic peptide that contains the strain-conserved V3 loop region could have significant therapeutic implications. The V3 loop/19-33 peptide was then used to prime mice, to determine whether V3 loop-specific antibody could be induced. The peptide elicited potent 19-33-specific proliferation in T cells isolated from draining lymph nodes, and in six of six mice anti-V3 loop antibody was elicited. Further, V3 loop/19-33-primed animals made significant levels of antibody that bound rgp120. These data suggest that, when a major T cell epitope is synthesized in tandem with the V3 loop, a significant immune response against the loop can be elicited. Thus, given the finding that neutralizing antibody may play a role in the control and/or prevention of HIV infection, an HIV vaccine composed of a T cell epitope-containing peptide may prove effective. In addition, this type of approach can be generalized to the design of peptide-based vaccines.  相似文献   
We report a series of 5 representative patients in California who experienced adverse reactions from the illicitly marketed substance gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB). The drug is a putative neurotransmitter marketed as a growth hormone releaser for bodybuilders. The most commonly reported symptoms included abrupt drowsiness, dizziness, and a "high". Other effects were headache, nausea, vomiting, myoclonic jerking, and short-term coma. There have been no reported deaths. If product use is discontinued, full recovery with no long-term side effects is universal. No clear dose-response effect was observed; this may be attributable to differences in susceptibility, wide variations in doses taken by the same person, or the coingestion of other substances. Case interviews confirm that, despite being banned by the US Food and Drug Administration, GHB is still widely available in the underground drug market. Athletes and bodybuilders may take drugs for which there are claims of improved performance or body image. Physicians should be alert for signs of GHB poisoning in emergency department and clinic patients.  相似文献   
The general attributes of ecosystems are examined and a naturally occurring reference ecosystem is established, comparable with the isolated system of classical thermodynamics. Such an autonomous system with a stable, periodic input of energy is shown to assume certain structural characteristics that have an identifiable thermodynamic basis. Individual species tend to assume a state of least dissipation; this is most clearly evident in the dominant species (the species with the best integration of energy acquisition and conservation). It is concluded that ecosystem structure results from the antagonistic interaction of two nearly equal forces. These forces have their origin in the Principle of Most Action (least dissipation or least entropy production) and the universal Principle of Least Action. Most action is contingent on the equipartitioning of the energy available, through uniform interaction of similar individuals. The trend to Least action is contingent on increased dissipation attained through increasing diversity and increasing complexity. These principles exhibit a basic asymmetry. Given the operation of these opposing principles over evolutionary time, it is argued that ecosystems originated in the vicinity of thermodynamic equilibrium through the resonant amplification of reversible fluctuations. On account of the basic asymmetry the system was able to evolve away from thermodynamic equilibrium provided that it remained within the vicinity of ergodynamic equilibrium (equilibrium maintained by internal work, where the opposing forces are equal and opposite).At the highest level of generalization there appear to be three principles operating: i) maximum association of free-energy and materials; ii) energy conservation (deceleration of the energy flow) through symmetric interaction and increased homogeneity; and iii) the principle of least action which induces acceleration of the energy flow through asymmetrical interaction. The opposition and asymmetry of the two forces give rise to natural selection and evolution.  相似文献   
Permanent preparations of air dried synovial fluids were prepared by staining calcium compounds with alizarin red S stain; each slide was coverslipped with Permount. Variables studied were: (a) concentration of the solution of alizarin red S, (b) pH of staining solution, (c) time of incubation in staining solution and aqueous and ethanolic content of staining solution. The staining effect of each solution was tested on calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate, calcium oxalate, apatite and monosodium urate (MSU). Of all the solutions, best results were obtained with 0.25% alizarin red S in 50% ethanol at pH 7.0 for 30 min. With this solution, the calcium-containing compounds were well stained. MSU did not stain and still preserved negative birefringence on polarizaton. Fixation of smears with ethanol served a double purpose: It fixed the slides without dissolving or removing MSU or the calcium compounds, yet it did dissolve five corticosteroids commonly used for intra-articular injection which may interfere with interpretation of compensated polarized light microscopy of synovial fluids.  相似文献   
Recent studies from this laboratory have demonstrated the presence of thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) in the 5'-flanking region of the rat alpha and TSH beta subunit genes. Using an avidin-biotin complex DNA binding assay, we have shown that these TREs bind the thyroid hormone (T3) receptor present in nuclear extracts of GH3 cells, as well as the in vitro synthesized Hc-erbA beta, which has been identified as a member of the family of T3 receptors. The binding of Hc-erbA beta to the alpha subunit TRE can be enhanced 3-4-fold by including GH3 nuclear extract in the binding assay. Binding to the TRE present in the TSH beta gene or the rat growth hormone gene was similarly enhanced, although to a lesser degree. The enhanced binding activity is trypsin-sensitive and heat labile, and is not reproduced by the addition of histones, bovine serum albumin, or cytosol instead of nuclear extract. Gel exclusion chromatography suggests a molecular size of approximately 65,000 Da. This protein, which is present in several different cell types, is also able to complement binding of the rat erbA alpha-1 and the pituitary-specific erbA beta-2 forms of the receptor. These data suggest that the binding of the T3 receptor to a TRE is augmented by another nuclear protein, which may be involved in the mechanism of action of thyroid hormone.  相似文献   
Somatic embryos in liquid culture can serve as a mass cloning system in a plant propagation program. A quantitative formulation of embryo development obtained from cell suspension cultures is used to develop a segregated kinetic model. The model is based on standard classification schemes as previously developed by plant physiologists. Dependent variables include carbohydrate concentrations (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) and biomass apportioned among the inoculum (free single cells, cell clusters), normal developmental stages, and aberrant cell and embryo types. Good agreement between the model and experimental results is indicated and allows for a rigorous approach to media optimization and reactor scaleup for embryo formation.  相似文献   
The Cambodian I strain of Plasmodium falciparum, originally from Kampuchea was adapted for development in three different types of Aotus monkeys. High-level parasitemias were readily produced in splenectomized Colombian A. trivirgatus griseimembra monkeys. Initially, only minimal parasitemias developed in A. t. trivirgatus monkeys from Colombia. However, in one animal, adaptation occurred and high-level parasitemias were obtained during the second recrudescence of the infection. Passage to other A. t. trivirgatus monkeys indicated that the parasite was well adapted for development in splenectomized animals; low to moderate parasitemias were still produced in intact animals. This line of the parasite produced high level parasitemias when inoculated into splenectomized Aotus monkeys from Peru. Infections in Anopheles freeborni mosquitoes were obtained as late as the 7th passage in A. t. griseimembra monkeys and as late as the 7th recrudescence of the infection in an individual monkey (348 days after inoculation). The sporogonic cycle was completed in An. freeborni mosquitoes, and one transmission to an A. t. griseimembra monkey via the bites of infected mosquitoes was obtained.  相似文献   
Brain Tubulin Microheterogeneity in the Mouse During Development and Aging   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Abstract: Mouse brain tubulin was analyzed on isoelectric focusing gels. High-resolution gels utilizing Bio-Rad ampholytes (pH 4-6) revealed 5-6 bands in the region corresponding to the α-subunit of tubulin and 10 or more for the β-subunit. The same general banding pattern was observed regardless of the method of preparation of the tubulin. Two species prominent in the brains of immature mice, α6 and β2, virtually disappeared during maturation, while species β6 to β10 appeared. No significant changes from the mature pattern were seen during aging (examined at 12, 23, and 30 months of age).  相似文献   
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