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PTX3 is a prototypic long pentraxin that plays a non-redundant role in innate immunity against selected pathogens and in female fertility. Here, we report that the infertility of Ptx3(-/-) mice is associated with severe abnormalities of the cumulus oophorus and failure of in vivo, but not in vitro, oocyte fertilization. PTX3 is produced by mouse cumulus cells during cumulus expansion and localizes in the matrix. PTX3 is expressed in the human cumulus oophorus as well. Cumuli from Ptx3(-/-) mice synthesize normal amounts of hyaluronan (HA), but are unable to organize it in a stable matrix. Exogenous PTX3 restores a normal cumulus phenotype. Incorporation in the matrix of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor is normal in Ptx3(-/-) cumuli. PTX3 does not interact directly with HA, but it binds the cumulus matrix hyaladherin tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6, also known as TSG6) and thereby may form multimolecular complexes that can cross-link HA chains. Thus, PTX3 is a structural constituent of the cumulus oophorus extracellular matrix essential for female fertility.  相似文献   
The most biologically active component of vitamin E, -tocopherol, is synthesized in its most effective stereoisomeric form only by photosynthetic organisms. Using sunflower cell cultures, a suitable in vitro production system of natural -tocopherol was established. The most efficient medium was found to be MS basal medium with naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine with the addition of casaminoacids and myo-inositol. Culture feeding experiments using biosynthetic precursors showed that -tocopherol production improved by 30% when homogentisic acid was used. Interestingly, time-course experiments with sunflower suspension cultures showed a possible increase of 78% in -tocopherol production when using cultures of longer subculture intervals. Compared to the starting plant tissue, an overall 100% increase of -tocopherol was reached by these sunflower cell cultures.  相似文献   
The design, synthesis, and preliminary biological evaluation of the first potent radioligand antagonist for the P2X(7) receptor, named [(3)H]-1-[(S)-N,O-bis-(isoquinolinesulfonyl)-N-methyl-tyrosyl]-4-(o-tolyl)-piperazine (compound 13), are reported. This compound bound to human P2X(7) receptors expressed in HEK transfected cells with K(D) and B(max) value of 3.46+/-0.1 nM and 727+/-73 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. The high affinity and facile labeling makes it a promising radioligand for a further characterization of P2X(7) receptor subtype.  相似文献   
The response of cancer cells to treatment with anticancer agents is mediated in part by proteins controlling both the cell cycle progression and the genomic integrity, including p53, p73 and checkpoint proteins chk1 and chk2. We here summarized the cellular functions of these proteins, their alterations in human tumors and the impact of their mutations/alterations on cellular response to treatment, Particular attention has been paid for those studies performed in isogenic cell systems, to minimize as much as possible interference by other alterations invariably present when different cell types are considered. Focus has also be given to the approaches taken to exploit the differential expression of these proteins between normal and tumor cells to improve the selectivity of treatment with anticancer agents.  相似文献   
Polystyrene Petri dishes, aminated by a plasma deposition process, were surface modified by the covalent linking of two different enzymatically modified hairy regions (HRs) from pectin containing, for example, rhamnogalacturonan-I and xylogalacturonan structural elements. The two polysaccharide preparations share the same structural elements of apple pectin, but the relative amounts and lengths of the neutral side chains present differ. Surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, contact angle measurement, and atomic force microscope (AFM) force-separation curves was used to characterize the effects on surface chemistry and interfacial forces of the surface modification process. Cell adhesion experiments using continuous L-929 fibroblasts and primary aortic smooth muscle cells were performed to evaluate the effect of the polysaccharide nature on cell adhesion. Results show that immobilization of the HR affects the interfacial field of forces and the cell behavior: "equilibrium" contact angles, obtained by a recently introduced vibrational approach, decrease after HR immobilization reaching a value close to 20 degrees . AFM force-separation curves show a more extended (or softer) interface in the case of the HR bearing longer side chains. Accordingly, depending on the HR preparation, cells shifted from spread morphology and adhesion behavior quantitatively comparable to that observed on conventional tissue culture polystyrene to rounded morphology and significantly lower adhesion. These data show that engineering of plant pectins can be a valuable tool to prepare novel and finely tuned polysaccharides having different chemico-physical and biological properties, to be used in the surface modification of medical devices and materials.  相似文献   
The neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that are ligands for receptor tyrosine kinase of the ErbB family (namely ErbB3 and ErbB4). To date, four different neuregulin genes have been identified (neuregulin1-4). While NRG1 isoforms have been extensively studied, little is yet known about the other genes of the family. We report the expression of recombinant NRG1beta1, NRG2alpha, NRG2beta, and NRG3 as recombinant fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The cDNA encoding for the EGF-like domain of each protein was cloned from the mouse olfactory bulb and inserted into the pET-19b vector allowing for bacterial expression of the protein fused to an N-terminal His tag. The recombinant NRGs expressed in the inclusion bodies were solubilized under denaturing conditions, purified by affinity chromatography, and refolded via dialysis in the presence of reducing agents. Purified recombinant NRGs were active as they bound to their receptors and induced their phosphorylation. In particular, and in agreement with data on the native proteins, all the molecules were able to bind and activate ErbB4 while only the rNRG1 and the two rNRG2 (but not rNRG3) bound ErbB3.  相似文献   
Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is a constitutively expressed and calcium-dependent enzyme. Despite predominantly expressed in neurons, nNOS has been also found in astrocytes, although at lower expression levels. We have studied the regulation of nNOS expression in cultured rat astrocytes from cortex and spinal cord by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. nNOS was not detectable in cultured astrocytes grown in serum-containing medium (SCM), but was highly expressed after serum deprivation. Accordingly, calcium-dependent NOS activity and both intracellular nitrite levels and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity after glutamate stimulation were higher in serum-deprived astrocytes than in cells grown in SCM. Serum deprivation induced a modification of astrocytes morphology, from flat to stellate. nNOS upregulation was also observed in reactive astrocytes of rat hippocampi after electrically induced status epilepticus, as demonstrated by double-labeling experiments. Thus, nNOS upregulation occurs in both in vitro stellate and in vivo reactive astrocytes, suggesting a possible involvement of glial nNOS in neurological diseases characterized by reactive gliosis.  相似文献   
The pathways of hepatic intra- and peri-cellular lipidation of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) were studied by infecting primary mouse hepatocytes from either apoA-I-deficient or ABCA1-deficient mice with a recombinant adenovirus expressing the human apoA-I (hapoA-I) cDNA (endo apoA-I) or incubating the hepatocytes with exogenously added hapoA-I (exo apoA-I) and examining the hapoA-I-containing lipoproteins formed. The cells, maintained in serum-free medium, were labeled with [(3)H]choline, and the cell medium was separated by fast protein liquid chromatography or immunoprecipitated to quantify labeled choline phospholipids specifically associated with hapoA-I. With the apoA-I-deficient hepatocytes, the high density lipoprotein fraction formed with endo apoA-I contained proportionally more phospholipids than that formed with exo apoA-I. However, the lipoprotein size and electrophoretic mobility and phospholipid profiles were similar for exo apoA-I and endo apoA-I. Taken together, these data demonstrate that a significant proportion of hapoA-I is secreted from hepatocytes in a phospholipidated state but that hapoA-I is also phospholipidated peri-cellularly. With primary hepatocytes from ABCA1-deficient mice, the expression and net secretion of adenoviral-generated endogenous apoA-I was unchanged compared with control mice, but (3)H-phospholipids associated with endo apoA-I and exo apoA-I decreased by 63 and 25%, respectively. The lipoprotein size and electrophoretic migration and their phospholipid profiles remained unchanged. In conclusion, we demonstrated that intracellular and peri-cellular lipidation of apoA-I represent distinct and additive pathways that may be regulated independently. Hepatocyte expression of ABCA1 is central to the lipidation of newly synthesized apoA-I but also contributes to the lipidation of exogenous apoA-I. However, a significant basal level of phospholipidation occurs in the absence of ABCA1.  相似文献   
We have characterized the C215D active-site mutant of protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) and solved the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the apoenzyme to a resolution of 1.6 A. The mutant enzyme displayed maximal catalytic activity at pH approximately 4.5, which is significantly lower than the pH optimum of 6 for wild-type PTP-1B. Although both forms of the enzyme exhibited identical Km values for hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate at pH 4.5 and 6, the kcat values of C215D were approximately 70- and approximately 7000-fold lower than those of wild-type PTP-1B, respectively. Arrhenius plots revealed that the mutant and wild-type enzymes displayed activation energies of 61 +/- 1 and 18 +/- 2 kJ/mol, respectively, at their pH optima. Unlike wild-type PTP-1B, C215D-mediated p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis was inactivated by 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propane, suggesting a direct involvement of Asp215 in catalysis. Increasing solvent microviscosity with sucrose (up to 40% (w/v)) caused a significant decrease in kcat/Km of the wild-type enzyme, but did not alter the catalytic efficiency of the mutant protein. Structurally, the apoenzyme was identical to wild-type PTP-1B, aside from the flexible WPD loop region, which was in both "open" and "closed" conformations. At physiological pH, the C215D mutant of PTP-1B should be an effective substrate-trapping mutant that can be used to identify cellular substrates of PTP-1B. In addition, because of its insensitivity to oxidation, this mutant may be used for screening fermentation broth and other natural products to identify inhibitors of PTP-1B.  相似文献   
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