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Host DNA synthesis is suppressed by the culture fluid of cell cultures infected with measles virus. This activity in the culture fluid is initiated somewhat later than the growth of infectious virus. Ninety percent of host DNA synthesis in HeLa cells is inhibited by culture fluid of 3-day-old cell cultures of Vero or HeLa cells infected with measles virus. This suppressing activity is not a property of the virion, but is due to nonvirion-associated component which shows none of the activities of measles virus such as hemagglutination, hemolysis, or cell fusion nor does it have the antigenicity of measles virus as tested by complement-fixation or hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody blocking tests. Neutralization of the activity of this component is not attained with the pooled sera of convalescent measles patients. This component has molecular weights of about 45,000, 20,000, and 3,000 and appears to be a heat-stable protein. The production of host DNA suppressing factor (DSF) is blocked by cycloheximide. Neither UV-inactivated nor antiserum-neutralized measles virus produce DSF. Furthermore, such activity of nonvirion-associated component is not detected in the culture fluid of cultures infected with other RNA viruses such as poliovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus, or Sindbis virus.  相似文献   
Saiki, Chikako, and Jacopo P. Mortola. Effect of2,4-dinitrophenol on the hypometabolic response to hypoxia of conscious adult rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):537-542, 1997.During acute hypoxia, a hypometabolic response iscommonly observed in many newborn and adult mammalian species. Wehypothesized that, if hypoxic hypometabolism were entirely a regulatedresponse with no limitation in O2availability, pharmacological uncoupling of the oxidativephosphorylation should raise O2consumption(O2) bysimilar amounts in hypoxia and normoxia. Metabolic, ventilatory, andcardiovascular measurements were collected from conscious rats in airand in hypoxia, both before and after intravenous injection of themitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). In hypoxia (10%O2 breathing, 60% arterialO2 saturation),O2, as measured by anopen-flow technique, was less than in normoxia (~80%). SuccessiveDNP injections (6 mg/kg, 4 times) progressively increasedO2 in both normoxia andhypoxia by similar amounts. Body temperature slightly increased innormoxia, whereas it did not change in hypoxia. The DNP-stimulatedO2 during hypoxia couldeven exceed the control normoxic value. A single DNP injection (17 mg/kg iv) had a similar metabolic effect; it also resulted inhypotension and a drop in systemic vascular resistance. We concludethat pharmacological stimulation ofO2 counteracts theO2 drop determined byhypoxia and stimulates O2not dissimilarly from normoxia. Hypoxic hypometabolism is likely toreflect a regulated process of depression of thermogenesis, with nolimitation in cellular O2availability.

Abstract: Regional distribution of endogenous γ- aminobutyric acid (GABA), its synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), and metabolic enzyme, GABA transaminase (GABA-T), were determined in the intestinal tract of guinea pigs and cats and the findings compared with the number of ganglion cells in Auerbach's plexus. There were positive correlations among the GABA contents and the numbers of neural cells of the plexus. The precise localization of GABA and GAD in individual layers (mucosa, circular and longitudinal muscles, and Auerbach's plexus) in the human and cat colon was also determined. The endogenous GABA contents and GAD activity were the highest in Auerbach's plexus in tissues of both species. These results indicate that GABA is synthesized and localized in Auerbach's plexus and probably plays a significant role in the enteric nervous system.  相似文献   
A rapid and sensitive method termed “time difference analysis” for the determination of reduced ascorbic acid even in the presence of excess triose reductone has been developed by using a stopped-flow apparatus in excess 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol. The lowest limit of the concentration of ascorbic acid was about 2 × 10?7m. A single stopped-flow trace can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid. The contamination of triose reductone, which disturbs the analysis in the ordinary static measurement, can be safely distinguished because of the sluggishness of the reaction.  相似文献   
We used an 8987-EST collection to construct a cDNA microarray system with various genomics information (full-length cDNA, expression profile, high accuracy genome sequence, phenotype, genetic map, and physical map) in rice. This array was used as a probe to hybridize target RNAs prepared from normally grown callus of rice and from callus treated for 6 hr or 3 days with the hormones abscisic acid (ABA) or gibberellin (GA). We identified 509 clones, including many clones that had never been annotated as ABA-or GA-responsive. These genes included not only ABA- or GA-responsive genes but also genes responsive to other physiological conditions such as pathogen infection, heat shock, and metal ion stress. Comparison of ABA- and GA-responsive genes revealed antagonistic regulation for these genes by both hormones except for one defense-related gene, thionin. The gene for thionin was up-regulated by both hormone treatments for 3 days. The upstream regions of all the genes that were regulated by both hormones had cis-elements for ABA and GA response. We performed a clustering analysis of genes regulated by both hormones and various expression profiles that showed three notable clusters (seed tissues, low temperature and sugar starvation, and thionin-gene related). A comparison of the cis-elements for hormone response genes between rice and Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified cis-elements for dehydration-stress response or for expression of amylase gene as Arabidopsis gene-specific or rice gene-specific, respectively.  相似文献   
Earlier studies demonstrated that knock-out of fibroblast growth factor-5 gene (Fgf-5) prolonged anagen VI phase of hair cycle, resulting long hairs in the mice. We showed the activities on hair growth of the two Fgf-5 gene products, one of which, FGF-5 suppressed hair growth by inhibiting anagen proceeding and inducing the transition from anagen to catagen, and FGF-5S, a shorter polypeptide with FGF-5-antagonizing activity translated from alternatively spliced mRNA, suppressed this activity of FGF-5. As the results suggested that FGF-5 antagonist would increase hair growth, we synthesized various peptides having partial sequences of human FGF-5 and FGF-5S and determined their FGF-5 antagonist activity. Among them, a decapeptide designated P3 (95-VGIGFHLQIY-104) that aligns with receptor binding sites of FGF-1 and FGF-2 suppressed FGF-5-induced proliferation of BALB/3T3 A31 and NIH/3T3 murine fibroblasts, and FGF receptor-1c (FGFR-1c)-transfected Ba/F3 cell line (FR-Ba/F3 cells). IC50s of this peptide on these cell proliferations were 64, 28, 146 microM, respectively. On the other hand, IC50 of this peptide on binding of FGF-5 to the FGFR-1(IIIc)/Fc chimera was 483 microM. Examination in dorsal depilated mice revealed that the P3 peptide reduced the activity of FGF-5 to recover hair pigmentation and hair follicle lengths. The classification of histologically observed skin sections showed FGF-5-induced delations of anagen procedure had reduced by the P3 peptide. The anti-Ki67 antibody staining of hair follicles was inhibited by administration of FGF-5, and this inhibition by FGF-5 was recovered by administration of the P3 peptide. The P3 peptide alone did not affect hair follicle length and hair cell proliferation. These results indicate that the decapeptide antagonized FGF-5 activity in vivo, and reduced the inhibition of FGF-5 in hair growth, confirming that FGF-5 inhibitors are promising substances against hair loss and/or for promoting hair growth.  相似文献   
Arthropod population field studies undertaken to understand the impacts and population dynamics of the target organism rely on sampling methods that provide accurate measurements of population density. Unsuitable methods may underestimate or provide widely variable measures of population density. The suitability of three vacuum sampling methods: a domestic vacuum cleaner, Vortis™, and blower-vac (G-vac), plus heat extraction of turves were compared for sampling common species in an intensively grazed irrigated dairy pasture. Each method used a different approach to sampling with the number of samples per method based on protocols that had been used in grasslands. Overall, for adults of the weevil Listronotus bonariensis, no method provided a consistently high mean density, while for adults of the weevil Sitona obsoletus, the vacuum cleaner and turf heat extraction methods gave generally higher mean densities. For predatory beetles and lacewings, heat extraction was the most effective for density measurements, while for ladybirds and spiders, the Vortis™ provided the best estimate of mean density. Increasing pasture dry matter (kg Dm/ha) generally had a significant negative effect on S. obsoletus density but not for L. bonariensis. While no method was consistently superior than another, the vacuum cleaner and heat extraction methods generally provided higher mean densities. The G-vac generally produced the lowest density estimates, but the sampling protocol meant a larger collection area per unit effort and therefore the probability of detection was higher compared with the three other methods. In conclusion, the study showed that the optimal sampling method depends on the taxa targeted, and more than one method may be required to measure density and diversity of species in both natural and modified grasslands.  相似文献   
To evaluate the possible role of germ cells on sex differentiation of the gonads in vertebrates, the teleost fish, medaka ( Oryzias latipes ), was used to generate a gonad without germ cells. The germ cell-deficient medaka reveals multiple effects of germ cells on the process of sex differentiation. The previously isolated mutant medaka, hotei , with the excessive number of germ cells may support the contention that the proliferation of germ cells is related to feminization of the gonad. Futhermore, we show that two modes of proliferation for either maintenance of germ cells or commitment to gametogenesis are important components of the sex differentiation of medaka developing gonads. An intimate cross talk between germ cells and gonadal somatic cells during the sex differentiation will be discussed.  相似文献   
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