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The use of four stereoisomers of isoleucine by Lactobacillus fermenti strain 36 was studied in detail. All four isoleucine isomers were used for growth in the presence of vitamin B(6) compounds, but only l-isoleucine was active in the absence of these vitamins. Of the vitamin B(6) compounds, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine were equally more effective than pyridoxine for the utilization of these isomers. Lowering the initial pH, decreasing the amounts of leucine and valine, and adapting the organism to d-alloisoleucine medium accelerated the use of isoleucine isomers. Thus, the conditions were established under which respective isomers gave the same growth response, and these findings were applied to the separate microbiological assay of l-isoleucine and total isoleucine isomers.  相似文献   
A gene for alkaline cellulase from the alkalophilic Bacillus sp. KSM-635 was cloned into the HindIII site of pBR322 and expressed in Escherichia coli HB101. Although the recombinant plasmid contained two HindIII inserts of 2.6 kb and 4.0 kb, the inserts were found to be contiguous in the Bacillus genome by hybridization analysis. Nucleotide sequences of a 2.4 kb region which was indispensable for the production of cellulase, and the flanking, 1.1 kb region, were determined. There was an open reading frame (ORF) of 2823 bp in the 3498 bp sequence determined, which encoded 941 amino acid residues. Two putative ribosome-binding sites and a sigma 43-type, promoter-like sequence were found upstream from an initiation codon in the ORF. The deduced amino-terminal sequence resembles the signal peptide of extracellular proteins. A region of amino acids, 249 to 568, of the deduced amino acid sequence of the cellulase from this organism is homologous with those of alkaline and neutral enzymes of other micro-organisms, but nine amino acid residues were found to be conserved only in the alkaline enzymes.  相似文献   
IL-7 induced the proliferation of normal thymocytes and the effect was synergistically potentiated by a small dose of IL-2, which by itself hardly affected thymocyte proliferation. No synergism was observed between IL-7 and any one of the other lymphokines including IL-1, IL-3, and IL-4. The thymocyte culture stimulated with IL-7 and IL-2 consisted of single positive (CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+) and double negative (CD4-CD8-) populations, and double positive (CD4+CD8+) cells were completely deleted. Both single positive and double negative thymocytes expressed CD3, but only the former exhibited V beta 8 and V beta 6 in an expected proportion (approximately 30% in BALB/c mice) and the latter none at all. Immunoprecipitation of the cultured thymocytes by anti-TCR gamma antibody, on the other hand, revealed the presence of a TCR gamma chain. Taken together, these results indicated that the thymocyte cultured with IL-7 and IL-2 consisted of mature T cells bearing alpha beta or gamma delta TCR. Experiments using preselected thymocyte subpopulations indicated that double negative cells responded to both IL-7 and IL-2 with positive synergism when combined, while thymocytes enriched for single positive cells preferentially responded to IL-7 with little response to IL-2 and no detectable synergism. Double positive thymocytes showed no proliferation in response to IL-7 and IL-2. In contrast to single positive thymocytes, splenic T cells hardly responded to IL-7, although significant proliferation was induced in the presence of a low dose of IL-2. Thymocytes cultured with IL-7 and IL-2 showed little nonspecific cytotoxic activity, but responded to Con A or alloantigen, whereas those stimulated with a high dose of IL-2 alone exhibited potent cytotoxic activity. These results indicated that IL-7 was involved in the generation of immunocompetent T cells in the thymus in concert with IL-2.  相似文献   
The expression of a number of enzymes involved in drug metabolism, membrane function etc. was compared in hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions of the rat bladder and in human bladder tumours. Transitional cell carcinomas (TCC) in both rat and Man were characterized by decreased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and increased gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), beta-glucuronidase (beta-G1), succinate dehydrogenase (SD) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activities. In addition, binding for antibodies specific for different cytochrome P-450 species (UT50, PB3a, MC1, MC2) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEHb) was elevated in both murine and human tumours. Comparison of the enzyme phenotype in hyperplastic lesions induced by freeze ulceration or uracil administration with that in preneoplastic papillary or nodular hyperplasia (PNH) and TCC suggested, however, that most of the alteration in enzyme content or activity was non-specific and related to requirements for epithelial cell proliferation. On the other hand, the decreased ALP, and increased GGT and beta-G1 activity appeared more directly related to neoplastic transformation. The results suggested that qualitative differences exist between reactive hyperplasia and preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions in the urinary bladder. The finding of increased cytochrome P-450, in clear contrast to the reduction characteristic of preneoplastic hepatic lesions, may be important with regard to the observed difference in neoplastic transformation between the bladder and liver in response to drug metabolising enzyme inducers.  相似文献   
Two different protease genes were cloned fromRhodocyclus gelatinosa APR 3-2 inEscherichia coli HB 101/ with pBR329 or its derivatives. The recombinant plasmids designated as pRP100 and pRP300 contained 11.2 and 10.6 kb DNA fragments, respectively. The differences of both plasmids in restriction enzyme maps indicate that these plasmids contained different protease genes. DNA fragments coding for protease, 6.4 kb and 4.5 kb from pRP100 and pRP300, were subcloned into pRP329 and designated as pRP101 and pRP301, respectively. The two cloned proteases were excreted in culture medium ofE. coli, and ß-lactamase ofE. coli, which was originally localized in periplasmic space, was also excreted in the medium.  相似文献   
The lep gene of Escherichia coli encodes the leader peptidase which cleaves amino-terminal leader sequences of secreted proteins. To facilitate the study of structure-function relationships of the leader peptidase, 22 amber mutations in lep were isolated by localized mutagenesis. These amber mutants grew at 32 degrees C but not at 42 degrees C in the presence of a temperature-sensitive amber suppressor. Most of them were lethal under sup0 conditions. However, one amber mutant, the lep-9 mutant, exhibited temperature-sensitive growth in the sup0 strain, indicating that the amber fragment is active at 32 degrees C but not at 42 degrees C. Protein precursors of the maltose-binding protein and OmpA accumulate strikingly in the lep-9 mutant.  相似文献   
In the previous study (Oda, T., et al. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 150, 415-421), we isolated a cDNA clone which expressed in Escherichia coli a specific size of product having the activity of rat liver serine:pyruvate aminotransferase (SPTm). This specific product (SPT10) was purified to homogeneity through three different column chromatographies. The amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme agreed with those predicted from the nucleotide sequence of cDNA and showed that SPT10 consists of the whole amino acid sequence of mature SPTm and several extra amino acid residues at the N-terminus. The catalytic and physical properties of SPT10, such as substrate specificity, Km for alpha-keto acids, electric charge, and quaternary structure, were all very similar to those of SPTm. Using several cDNA clones which lack a 5'-terminal sequence corresponding to a portion of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of SPTm, we examined the expression profile of the specific product in bacteria transformed with each cDNA clone. The products encoded by these cDNAs were segregated into inclusion bodies and were neither catalytically active nor easily solubilized by sonication. In contrast, the inclusion bodies were not formed in the bacteria transformed with the cDNA clone for SPT10.  相似文献   
Five lines of transgenic mice, which had integrated the human apolipoprotein (apo) A-I gene and various amounts of flanking sequences, were established. Normally, apoA-I is expressed mainly in liver and intestine, but all of the transgenic lines only expressed apoA-I mRNA in liver, strongly suggesting that 256 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequence was sufficient for liver apoA-I gene expression but that 5.5 kilobase pairs was not sufficient for intestinal expression. Mean plasma levels of human apoA-I varied in different lines from approximately 0.1 to 200% of normal mouse levels. This was not dependent on the amount of flanking sequence. Lipoprotein levels were studied in detail in one of the lines with a significantly increased apoA-I pool size. In one study, the total plasma apoA-I level (mouse plus human) was 381 +/- 43 mg/dl in six animals from this line, compared to 153 +/- 17 mg/dl in matched controls. Total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were increased 60% in transgenic animals, compared to controls (total cholesterol: 125 +/- 12 versus 78 +/- 13 mg/dl, p = 0.0001; HDL-C 90 +/- 7 versus 55 +/- 11 mg/dl, p = 0.0001). The molar ratio of HDL-C/apoA-I was significantly lower in transgenic animals, 17 +/- 1 versus 25 +/- 2 (p = 0.0001), suggesting the increase was in smaller HDL particles. This was confirmed by native gradient gel electrophoresis. This was not due to aberrant metabolism of human apoA-I in the mouse, since human apoA-I was distributed throughout the HDL particle size range and was catabolized at the same rate as mouse apoA-I. In another study of 23 transgenic mice, HDL-C and human apoA-I levels were highly correlated (r = 0.87, p less than 0.001). The slope of the correlation line also indicated the additional HDL particles were in the smaller size range. We conclude that human apoA-I can be incorporated into mouse HDL, and excessive amounts increase HDL-C levels primarily by increasing smaller HDL particles, comparable to human HDL3 (HDL-C/apoA-I molar ratio = 18).  相似文献   
The alpha-amylase of Bacillus licheniformis (BLA) is stable and active at high temperature. More than 80% of its activity is retained after heat treatment at 90 degrees C for 30 min, and the optimum temperature for its activity is 80-85 degrees C. In contrast, the alpha-amylase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA), the amino acid sequence of which shows 80% homology with that of BLA, is rapidly inactivated at 90 degrees C. Various chimeric genes were constructed from the structural genes for the two enzymes, and their products were analyzed for stability as to irreversible thermoinactivation. Two regions in the amino acid sequence of BLA comprising Gln178 (region I) and the 255th-270th residues (region II), respectively, were shown to determine the thermostability of BLA. Region I plays a major role in determining the thermostability. By means of site-directed mutagenesis of the BAA gene, deletion of Arg176 and Gly177 in region I and substitutions of alanine for Lys269 and aspartic acid for Asn266 in region II were shown to be responsible for the enhancement of the thermostability. Mutant BAAs containing the above deletion and substitutions showed almost the same thermostability as BLA as to irreversible thermoinactivation. Nevertheless, the mutant BAAs showed a temperature optimum as low as that of BAA (65 degrees C), indicating that they are still susceptible to reversible inactivation at temperatures higher than 65 degrees C.  相似文献   
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