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In a previous report we have found that a number of short DNA fragments methylated at CpG sequences bound more tightly to a methyl-CpG binding column than DNA fragments having a larger number of methyl-CpG sequences. The column consists of a polypeptide comprising the DNA binding domain of the rat MeCP2 protein attached to a solid support. In the present study, we have investigated the features of short DNA fragments which bind tightly to a methyl-CpG binding column. Tight binding was observed when the DNA fragment had a high density of methyl-CpG sequences. Many of these fragments, derived from human genomic DNA, contained Alu repeated sequences supporting the previous observation that the highly-abundant Alu sequences are highly methylated. Our results suggest that methyl-CpG density is an important factor in the interaction between DNA fragments and the DNA binding domain of MeCP2 attached to a solid support.  相似文献   
Oxysterols are oxidation products of cholesterol. Cholestane-3β, 5α, 6β-triol (abbreviated as triol) is one of the most abundant and active oxysterols. Here, we report that triol exhibits anti-cancer activity against human prostate cancer cells. Treatment of cells with triol dose-dependently suppressed proliferation of LNCaP CDXR-3, DU-145, and PC-3 human prostate cancer cells and reduced colony formation in soft agar. Oral administration of triol at 20 mg/kg daily for three weeks significantly retarded the growth of PC-3 xenografts in nude mice. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that triol treatment at 10–40 µM caused G1 cell cycle arrest while the TUNEL assay indicated that triol treatment at 20–40 µM induced apoptosis in all three cell lines. Micro-Western Arrays and traditional Western blotting methods indicated that triol treatment resulted in reduced expression of Akt1, phospho-Akt Ser473, phospho-Akt Thr308, PDK1, c-Myc, and Skp2 protein levels as well as accumulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip. Triol treatment also resulted in reduced Akt1 protein expression in PC-3 xenografts. Overexpression of Skp2 in PC-3 cells partially rescued the growth inhibition caused by triol. Triol treatment suppressed migration and invasion of DU-145, PC-3, and CDXR-3 cells. The expression levels of proteins associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition as well as focal adhesion kinase were affected by triol treatment in these cells. Triol treatment caused increased expression of E-cadherin protein levels but decreased expression of N-cadherin, vimentin, Slug, FAK, phospho-FAK Ser722, and phospho-FAK Tyr861 protein levels. Confocal laser microscopy revealed redistribution of β-actin and α-tubulin at the periphery of the CDXR-3 and DU-145 cells. Our observations suggest that triol may represent a promising therapeutic agent for advanced metastatic prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Regulatory T cells (Tr cells) play a critical role in inducing immune tolerance. It remains largely unclear how various types of Tr cells perform their regulatory function. We have studied the underlying regulatory mechanism of a population of autoantigen-specific CD4+ Tr cells. These T cells are specific for the glutamic acid decarboxylase p206-220 peptide and are isolated from the diabetes-resistant nonobese-resistant mice. Although these T cells express T-bet and display a Th1 phenotype, they are able to inhibit diabetes. Their regulatory function is dependent on both IFN-gamma and cell contact with target cells. These Tr cells can mediate their cell contact-dependent regulatory function by secreting IFN-gamma which stimulates APCs to produce NO. NO is necessary for the Tr cells to inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic T cells and the development of diabetes. Therefore, we have identified a novel mechanism by which these Tr cells can exert their regulatory function. These results also provide an explanation as to why IFN-gamma may play both pathogenic and immunomodulatory roles in autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   


The cross-talk between pathogenic T lymphocytes and regulatory T cells (Tregs) plays a major role in the progression of autoimmune diseases. Our objective is to identify molecules and/or pathways involved in this interaction and representing potential targets for innovative therapies. Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) and its ligand are key players in the T effector/Treg interaction. GITR is expressed at low levels on resting T cells and is significantly up-regulated upon activation. Constitutive high expression of GITR is detected only on Tregs. GITR interacts with its ligand mainly expressed on antigen presenting cells and endothelial cells. It has been suggested that GITR triggering activates effector T lymphocytes while inhibiting Tregs thus contributing to the amplification of immune responses. In this study, we examined the role of GITR/GITRLigand interaction in the progression of autoimmune diabetes.

Methods and Findings

Treatment of 10-day-old non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, which spontaneously develop diabetes, with an agonistic GITR-specific antibody induced a significant acceleration of disease onset (80% at 12 weeks of age). This activity was not due to a decline in the numbers or functional capacity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs but rather to a major activation of ‘diabetogenic’ T cells. This conclusion was supported by results showing that anti-GITR antibody exacerbates diabetes also in CD28−/− NOD mice, which lack Tregs. In addition, treatment of NOD mice, infused with the diabetogenic CD4+BDC2.5 T cell clone, with GITR-specific antibody substantially increased their migration, proliferation and activation within the pancreatic islets and draining lymph nodes. As a mirror image, blockade of the GITR/GITRLigand pathway using a neutralizing GITRLigand-specific antibody significantly protected from diabetes even at late stages of disease progression. Experiments using the BDC2.5 T cell transfer model suggested that the GITRLigand antibody acted by limiting the homing and proliferation of pathogenic T cells in pancreatic lymph nodes.


GITR triggering plays an important costimulatory role on diabetogenic T cells contributing to the development of autoimmune responses. Therefore, blockade of the GITR/GITRLigand pathway appears as a novel promising clinically oriented strategy as GITRLigand-specific antibody applied at an advanced stage of disease progression can prevent overt diabetes.  相似文献   
Although expression of the ErbB4 receptor tyrosine kinase in breast cancer is generally regarded as a marker for favorable patient prognosis, controversial exceptions have been reported. Alternative splicing of ErbB4 pre-mRNAs results in the expression of distinct receptor isoforms with differential susceptibility to enzymatic cleavage and different downstream signaling protein recruitment potential that could affect tumor progression in different ways. ErbB4 protein expression from nontransfected cells is generally low compared with ErbB1 in most cell lines, and much of our knowledge of the role of ErbB4 in breast cancer is derived from the ectopic overexpression of the receptor in non-breast-derived cell lines. One of the primary functions of ErbB4 in vivo is in the maturation of mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation induction. Pregnancy and extended lactation durations have been correlated with reduced risk of breast cancer, and the role of ErbB4 in tumor suppression may therefore be linked with its role in lactation. Most reports are consistent with a role for ErbB4 in reversing growth stimuli triggered by other ErbB family members during puberty. In this report, we provide a systems-level examination of several reports highlighting the seemingly opposing roles of ErbB4 in breast cancer and potential explanations for the discrepancies and draw the conclusion that future studies examining the function of ErbB4 in breast cancer should also take into account the pregnancy history, lactation status, and hormone supplementation or ablation history of the patient from whom the tumor or tumor cells are derived.  相似文献   
First-generation interaction maps of Src homology 2 (SH2) domains with receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) phosphosites have previously been generated using protein microarray (PM) technologies. Here, we developed a large-scale fluorescence polarization (FP) methodology that was able to characterize interactions between SH2 domains and ErbB receptor phosphosites with higher fidelity and sensitivity than was previously achieved with PMs. We used the FP assay to query the interaction of synthetic phosphopeptides corresponding to 89 ErbB receptor intracellular tyrosine sites against 93 human SH2 domains and 2 phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains. From 358,944 polarization measurements, the affinities for 1,405 unique biological interactions were determined, 83% of which are novel. In contrast to data from previous reports, our analyses suggested that ErbB2 was not more promiscuous than the other ErbB receptors. Our results showed that each receptor displays unique preferences in the affinity and location of recruited SH2 domains that may contribute to differences in downstream signaling potential. ErbB1 was enriched versus the other receptors for recruitment of domains from RAS GEFs whereas ErbB2 was enriched for recruitment of domains from tyrosine and phosphatidyl inositol phosphatases. ErbB3, the kinase inactive ErbB receptor family member, was predictably enriched for recruitment of domains from phosphatidyl inositol kinases and surprisingly, was enriched for recruitment of domains from tyrosine kinases, cytoskeletal regulatory proteins, and RHO GEFs but depleted for recruitment of domains from phosphatidyl inositol phosphatases. Many novel interactions were also observed with phosphopeptides corresponding to ErbB receptor tyrosines not previously reported to be phosphorylated by mass spectrometry, suggesting the existence of many biologically relevant RTK sites that may be phosphorylated but below the detection threshold of standard mass spectrometry procedures. This dataset represents a rich source of testable hypotheses regarding the biological mechanisms of ErbB receptors.  相似文献   
Jou Y  Chiang CP  Jauh GY  Yen HE 《Plant physiology》2006,141(1):135-146
A salt-induced gene mcSKD1 (suppressor of K+ transport growth defect) able to facilitate K+ uptake has previously been identified from the halophyte ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum). The sequence of mcSKD1 is homologous to vacuolar protein sorting 4, an ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities-type ATPase that participates in the sorting of vacuolar proteins into multivesicular bodies in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Recombinant mcSKD1 exhibited ATP hydrolytic activities in vitro with a half-maximal rate at an ATP concentration of 1.25 mm. Point mutations on active site residues abolished its ATPase activity. ADP is both a product and a strong inhibitor of the reaction. ADP-binding form of mcSDK1 greatly reduced its catalytic activity. The mcSKD1 protein accumulated ubiquitously in both vegetative and reproductive parts of plants. Highest accumulation was observed in cells actively engaging in the secretory processes, such as bladder cells of leaf epidermis. Membrane fractionation and double-labeling immunofluorescence showed the predominant localization of mcSKD1 in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi network. Immunoelectron microscopy identified the formation of mcSKD1 proteins into small aggregates in the cytosol and associated with membrane continuum within the endomembrane compartments. These results indicated that this ATPase participates in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi mediated protein sorting machinery for both housekeeping function and compartmentalization of excess Na+ under high salinity.  相似文献   
Collaboration between heterogeneous pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) leading to synergistic coordination of immune response is important for the host to fight against invading pathogens. Although complement receptor 3 (CR3) and Dectin-1 are major PRRs to detect fungi, crosstalk between these two receptors in antifungal immunity is largely undefined. Here we took advantage of Histoplasma capsulatum which is known to interact with both CR3 and Dectin-1 and specific particulate ligands to study the collaboration of CR3 and Dectin-1 in macrophage cytokine response. By employing Micro-Western Array (MWA), genetic approach, and pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that CR3 and Dectin-1 act collaboratively to trigger macrophage TNF and IL-6 response through signaling integration at Syk kinase, allowing subsequent enhanced activation of Syk-JNK-AP-1 pathway. Upon engagement, CR3 and Dectin-1 colocalize and form clusters on lipid raft microdomains which serve as a platform facilitating their cooperation in signaling activation and cytokine production. Furthermore, in vivo studies showed that CR3 and Dectin-1 cooperatively participate in host defense against disseminated histoplasmosis and instruct adaptive immune response. Taken together, our findings define the mechanism of receptor crosstalk between CR3 and Dectin-1 and demonstrate the importance of their collaboration in host defense against fungal infection.  相似文献   
Liver X receptors (LXRs) are important regulators of cholesterol, fatty acid, and glucose homeostasis. LXR agonists are effective for treatment of murine models of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Recently we observed that LXR agonists suppressed proliferation of prostate and breast cancer cells in vitro and treatment of mice with the LXR agonist T0901317 suppressed the growth of prostate tumor xenografts. LXR agonists appear to cause G1 cell cycle arrest in cells by reducing expression of Skp2 and inducing the accumulation of p27Kip. T0901317 induced expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and delayed the progression of androgen-dependent human prostate tumor xenografts towards androgen-independency in mice. Phytosterols, the plant equivalent of mammalian cholesterol, have recently been shown to be agonists for LXRs. β-Sitosterol and campesterol, the two most common phytosterols, suppressed proliferation of prostate and breast cancer cells. The anticancer activity of phytosterols may be due to LXR signaling. This review examines the potential use of LXR signaling as a therapeutic target in prostate and other cancers.  相似文献   
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