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Specific absorption rates (SARs) were determined theoretically and experimentally for several spherical models of tissue exposed to electrical fields of TE101 mode in a rectangular cavity of 57.3 MHz resonant frequency. The approximate theoretical SAR can be calculated according to the Mie theory by superposition of four plane waves representing the fields excited in the cavity. The theoretical and thermographically determined SAR patterns in spheres with radii of 5, 7.5, and 10 cm and with conductivities of 0.1, 1, and 10 S/m were compared. For a sphere with radius less than 7.5 cm and conductivity less than 1 S/m, the SAR was quite uniform. When conductivity was increased to 10 S/m, the SAR patterns showed higher absorption in the periphery of the largest sphere (10-cm radius). These characteristics are important in evaluating the scaling technique of exposing a model of a human to very-high-frequency fields to obtain power absorption data in humans exposed to high-frequency or very-low-frequency fields.  相似文献   
Average specific absorption rates (SARs) for live rats exposed in 2,450-MHz circularly polarized waveguides were estimated from the total system loss determined from measurements using five power meters, and a correction factor representing actual SAR/apparent SAR. The actual SAR was measured by twin-well calorimetry and the apparent SAR by power meters. Values were obtained for carcasses of various body masses for five orientations. The average SAR with free movement in the cages changed less than threefold as the rats grew from 200 to 700 g. The ratio of peak to average SAR in the body was less than 3. These results indicate relatively constant energy disposition in rats exposed in the circularly polarized waveguide.  相似文献   
Summary Thirty-seven strains of HeLa cells were examined for their ability to synthesize human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and its alpha subunit (hCG-α) in culture. Synthesis of hCG-α and hCG also was investigated in the presence of sodium butyrate and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd). All HeLa strains synthesized hCG-α in culture. Sodium butyrate increased the synthesis of hCG-α in all HeLa cells; BrdUrd increased synthesis in 32 of the 37 strains examined. Although few HeLa strains synthesized hCG in the absence of inducers, hCG was detected in most strains in the presence of sodium butyrate. The synthesis of hCG and its alpha subunit is, therefore, a stable genetic characteristics of HeLa cells. Certain preparations of hCG and its subunits were generously provided through the Center for Population Research of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH.  相似文献   
Abstract— Chromatography of myelin basic protein (BP) on carboxymethylcellulose gives a pattern of multiple components, of which three are major. Component 1 is considered the unmodified species of BP while component 2 has been found to be modified primarily by deamidation and component 3 by phosphorylation (Chou et al., 1976). 3 3 The numbering system for the components is that used by DEIBLER & MARTENSON (1973) for guinea pig BP and is preferred over the reverse system of numbering used by CHOU et al. (1976); i.e. components 1, 2 and 3 of DEIBLER & MARTENSON (1973) are the same as components 6, 5 and 4 of CHOU et al. (1976), respectively.
In contrast to BP prepared from tissue delipidated in the standard fashion in chloroform–methanol (CM powder), BP prepared from tissue delipidated first in acetone and then in chloroform–methanol (ACM powder) gave an elution pattern on carboxymethylcellulose characterized by a decrease in component 1 and an increase in the earlier eluting, less basic components. Studies with radiolabelled component 1 showed that this difference in elution patterns was due to the partial conversion of component 1 to less basic components during the extraction of ACM powder at neutral pH. The components derived from component 1 (D2, D3 and D4) were then isolated and subjected to tryptic peptide map analyses and determination of their carboxy-terminal arginine content and content of phosphorus. None of the derived components contained phosphorus but tryptic peptide map analyses did show the presence of two minor peptides, T14M2 and T20M, previously found in component 2 from CM powder and considered to be the deamidation products of their parent peptides T14 and T20 (Chou et al., 1976). In addition components D3 and D4 were shown to have lost appreciable arginine from their carboxy-termini. Since none of the efforts to reduce enzyme activity in vitro had any appreciable effect on components 2 and 3 it was concluded that phosphorylation probably occurs exclusively in vivo, that deamidation occurs both in vivo and in vitro and that loss of carboxy-terminal arginine occurs exclusively in vitro.  相似文献   
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system mediated by T cells bearing TCR of restricted heterogeneity. Thus, in the murine PL strain, V beta-8.2 is used by 80% of the encephalitogenic T cells. This observation has led to the successful prevention and reversal of EAE by the in vivo use of mAb directed to these restricted gene products. In SJL mice, the V beta-17a gene product has been shown to be used by approximately 50% of encephalitogenic T cells subsequent to immunization with a myelin basic protein (MBP)-derived peptide. However, the other V beta genes used by encephalitogenic T cells in SJL EAE have remained uncharacterized. We now report, for the first time, the beta-chain-encoding DNA sequence of two encephalitogenic, MBP-reactive, SJL-derived T cell clones. These clones which are specific for H-2s and the carboxyl-terminus (amino acid 92-103) of MBP, use TCR encoded by V beta-4. In addition, we demonstrate that the transfer of EAE by a heterogenous SJL-derived encephalitogenic T cell line can be prevented using an anti-V beta-4 antibody in vivo. V beta-4 usage has been previously described in a H-2u/MBP amino-terminus-reactive encephalitogenic T cell. The present findings may thus further support the "V region-disease" hypothesis.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibody HNK-1 reacts with a carbohydrate epitope present in proteins, proteoglycans, and sulfoglucuronylglycolipids (SGGLs). On high-performance TLC plates, SGGLs of the CNS from several species migrated consistently slower than those from the PNS, a result indicating possible differences in the structures. The structural characteristics of the major SGGL, sulfoglucuronylneolactotetraosylceramide (SGGL-1), from CNS was compared with those of SGGL-1 from PNS. Although the composition, sequence, and linkages of the carbohydrate moiety of the SGGL-1 species were identical, SGGL-1 from CNS contained mainly short-chain fatty acids, 16:0, 18:0, and 18:1, amounting to 85% of the total fatty acids, whereas SGGL-1 from PNS contained large proportions (59%) of long-chain fatty acids (greater than 18:0). These differences in the fatty acid composition accounted for the different migration pattern observed. The developmental expression of SGGLs and HNK-1-reactive proteins was studied in rat cerebral cortex between embryonic day (ED) 15 to adulthood. SGGLs in the rat cortex were maximally expressed around ED 19 and almost completely disappeared by postnatal day (PD) 20. This expression was contrary to their increasing expression in the cerebellum and sciatic nerve with postnatal development. Six to eight protein bands with a molecular mass of greater than 160 kDa were HNK-1 reactive in the rat cerebral cortex at different ages. The major HNK-1 reactivity to the 160-kDa protein band seen in ED 19 to PD 10 cortex decreased and completely disappeared from the adult cortex, whereas several other proteins remained HNK-1 reactive even in the adult. Western blot analyses of the neural cell adhesion molecules (N-CAMs) during development of the rat cortex with a polyclonal anti-N-CAM antibody showed that the major HNK-1-reactive protein bands were not N-CAMs. Between PD 1 and 10, 190-200-kDa N-CAM was the major N-CAM, and between PD 15 to adulthood, 180-kDa N-CAM was the only N-CAM present in the rat cortex.  相似文献   
Based on CHARMM potential (Brooks et al., 1983) an energetic analysis has been carried out for four typical 4-alpha-helix bundle proteins, i.e., methemerythrin, cytochrome b-562, cytochrome c', and bovine somatotropin. The bovine somatotropin possesses long loops, but all the other three proteins have short loops. It was found that in all these four 4-alpha-helix bundle motif structures the interaction between loops and helices was much stronger than the interaction among the four helices themselves. Particularly for the electrostatic interaction energy, the loop-helix interaction is overwhelmingly stronger than the interhelix interaction although the latter involves the favorable helix dipole interaction due to the antiparallel arrangement of neighboring alpha-helices. The present study indicates that such a conclusion holds true regardless of what loops, long or short, are in the 4-alpha-helix bundle protein, and also regardless of which empirical potential, ECEPP or CHARMM, is used for calculations although in CHARMM the electrostatic energy is much more heavily emphasized than in ECEPP. Therefore, no appropriate conclusion can be drawn in arguing whether the dipole interaction among the four alpha-helices play a stabilizing role or destabilizing role for a 4-alpha-helix bundle protein without taking into consideration the effect of interaction between helices and loops. The calculated results reported here provide, from a different point of view, insights that might be useful for revealing the essence of the driving forces during the folding of proteins.  相似文献   
In the methodology development for statistical prediction of protein structures, the founders of different methods usually selected different sets of proteins to test their predicted results. Therefore, it is hard to make a fair comparison according to the results they reported. Even if the predictions by different methods are performed for the same set of proteins, there is still such a problem: a method better that the other for one set of proteins would not necessarily remain so when applied to another set of proteins. To tackle this problem, a Monte Carlo simulation method is proposed to establish an objective criterion to measure the accuracy of prediction for the protein folding type. Such an objective accuracy is actually corresponding to the asymptotical limit genereated during the Monte Carlo simulation process. Based on that, it has been found that the average objective accuracy for predicting the all-alpha, all-beta, alpha + beta, and alpha/beta proteins by the least Euclid's distance method (Nakashima, H., K. Nishikawa, and T. Ooi. 1986. J. Biochem. 99:152-162) is 73.0% and that by the least Minkowski's distance method (Chou, P.Y. 1989. Prediction in Protein Structure and the Principles of Protein Conformation. Plenum Press. New York. 549-586) is 70.9%, indicating that the former is better than the latter. However, according to the original reports, the latter claimed a rate of correct prediction with 79.7% but the former with only 70.2%, leading to a completely opposite conclusion. This indicates the necessity of establishing an objective criterion, and a comparison is meaningful only when it is based on the objective criterion. The simulation method and the idea developed here also can be applied to examine any other statistical prediction methods.  相似文献   
The extracellular anionic polysaccharide produced by the bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter (ATCC 53271) contains D-galactose, D-glucose, and pyruvic acid in the molar ratio 2:15:2. Analysis of the methylated polysaccharide indicated the presence of terminal, non-reducing glucosyl, 3-, 4-, 6-, 2,4-, and 4,6-linked glucosyl residues, 3-linked 4,6-O-[(S)-1-carboxyethylidene]glucosyl residues, and 3-linked galactosyl residues. Partial acid hydrolysis of the methylated polysaccharide, followed by reduction with NaB2H4 and then O-ethylation, gave a mixture of alkylated oligoglycosyl alditols that were separated by reversed-phase h.p.l.c. and analyzed by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. Smith degradation of the polysaccharide gave three diglycosyl alditols that were separated by semi-preparative, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, and were analyzed by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. The polymer obtained by NaBH4 reduction of the periodate-oxidized polysaccharide was methylated, and the noncyclic acetals were hydrolyzed with aq. 90% formic acid to generate a mixture of partially O-methylated mono- and di-glycosyl alditols. The partially O-methylated oligoglycosyl alditols were O-ethylated. The resulting alkylated oligoglycosyl alditols were separated by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. and then characterized by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. The results from the studies described here provide strong evidence that the acidic polysaccharide secreted by A. radiobacter (ATCC 53271) has a heptadecasaccharide repeating unit.  相似文献   
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