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The degree of racemization in the several activated ester methods of the peptide synthesis was measured in using the critical racemization test, Pro-Val+Pro, with help of gas chromatography. The results were compared with that in the coupling reaction, Leu-Phe+Val, in which no racemization had been reported in the corresponding reaction conditions by F. Weygand et al., when the activated dipeptide esters had been prepared from Z-Leu+Phe-activated esters. The significantly higher racemization was observed in the methods of N-hydroxypiperidine ester and thiophenyl ester, even when the activated dipeptide esters were prepared from Z-Pro+Val-activated esters. On the other hand, almost no racemization was observed in the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester and p-nitrophenyl ester methods. A great extent of the racemization was detected when the activated dipeptide esters were prepared directly from Z-Pro-Val-OH.  相似文献   
In ferns, intra-gametophytic selfing occurs as a mode of reproduction where two gametes from the same gametophyte form a completely homozygous sporophyte. Intra-gametophytic selfing is considered to be prevented by lethal or deleterious recessive genes in several diploid species. In order to investigate the modes and tempo of selection acting different developmental stages, doubled haploids obtained from intra-gametophytic selfing within isolated gametophytes of a putative F1 hybrid between Osmunda japonica and O. lancea were analyzed with EST_derived molecular markers, and the distribution pattern of transmission ratio distortion (TRD) along linkage map was clarified. As the results, the markers with skewness were clustered in two linkage groups. For the two highly distorted regions, gametophytes and F2 population were also examined. The markers skewed towards O. japonica on a linkage group (LG_2) showed skewness also in gametophytes, and the TRD was generated in the process of spore formation or growth of gametophytes. Also, selection appeared to be operating in the gametophytic stage. The markers on other linkage group (LG_11) showed highest skewness towards O. lancea in doubled haploids, and it was suggested that the segregation of LG_11 were influenced by zygotic lethality or genotypic evaluation and that some deleterious recessive genes exist in LG_11 and reduce the viability of homozygotes with O. japonica alleles. It is very likely that a region of LG_11were responsible for the low frequencies of intra-gametophytic selfing in O. japonica.  相似文献   
Epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation or histone modifications are essential for the regulation of gene expression and development of tissues. Alteration of epigenetic modifications can be used as an epigenetic biomarker for diagnosis and as promising targets for epigenetic therapy. A recent study explored cancer-cell specific epigenetic biomarkers by examining different types of epigenetic modifications simultaneously. However, it was based on microarrays and reported biomarkers that were also present in normal cells at a low frequency. Here, we first analyzed multi-omics data (including ChIP-Seq data of six types of histone modifications: H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K9me3, H3K36me3, H3K27me3, and H3K4me3) obtained from 26 lung adenocarcinoma cell lines and a normal cell line. We identified six genes with both H3K27ac and H3K4me3 histone modifications in their promoter regions, which were not present in the normal cell line, but present in ≥85% (22 out of 26) and ≤96% (25 out of 26) of the lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Of these genes, NUP210 (encoding a main component of the nuclear pore complex) was the only gene in which the two modifications were not detected in another normal cell line. RNA-Seq analysis revealed that NUP210 was aberrantly overexpressed among the 26 lung adenocarcinoma cell lines, although the frequency of NUP210 overexpression was lower (19.3%) in 57 lung adenocarcinoma tissue samples studied and stored in another database. This study provides a basis to discover epigenetic biomarkers highly specific to a certain cancer, based on multi-omics data at the cell population level.  相似文献   
Rice is an important crop and major model plant for monocot functional genomics studies. With the establishment of various genetic resources for rice genomics, the next challenge is to systematically assign functions to predicted genes in the rice genome. Compared with the robustness of genome sequencing and bioinformatics techniques, progress in understanding the function of rice genes has lagged, hampering the utilization of rice genes for cereal crop improvement. The use of transfer DNA (T‐DNA) insertional mutagenesis offers the advantage of uniform distribution throughout the rice genome, but preferentially in gene‐rich regions, resulting in direct gene knockout or activation of genes within 20–30 kb up‐ and downstream of the T‐DNA insertion site and high gene tagging efficiency. Here, we summarize the recent progress in functional genomics using the T‐DNA‐tagged rice mutant population. We also discuss important features of T‐DNA activation‐ and knockout‐tagging and promoter‐trapping of the rice genome in relation to mutant and candidate gene characterizations and how to more efficiently utilize rice mutant populations and datasets for high‐throughput functional genomics and phenomics studies by forward and reverse genetics approaches. These studies may facilitate the translation of rice functional genomics research to improvements of rice and other cereal crops.  相似文献   
DNA polymerase ζ (pol ζ) is exceptionally important for maintaining genome stability. Inactivation of the Rev3l gene encoding the polymerase catalytic subunit causes a high frequency of chromosomal breaks, followed by lethality in mouse embryos and in primary cells. Yet it is not known whether the DNA polymerase activity of pol ζ is specifically essential, as the large REV3L protein also serves as a multiprotein scaffold for translesion DNA synthesis via multiple conserved structural domains. We report that Rev3l cDNA rescues the genomic instability and DNA damage sensitivity of Rev3l-null immortalized mouse fibroblast cell lines. A cDNA harboring mutations of conserved catalytic aspartate residues in the polymerase domain of REV3L could not rescue these phenotypes. To investigate the role of REV3L DNA polymerase activity in vivo, a Rev3l knock-in mouse was constructed with this polymerase-inactivating alteration. No homozygous mutant mice were produced, with lethality occurring during embryogenesis. Primary fibroblasts from mutant embryos showed growth defects, elevated DNA double-strand breaks and cisplatin sensitivity similar to Rev3l-null fibroblasts. We tested whether the severe Rev3l-/- phenotypes could be rescued by deletion of DNA polymerase η, as has been reported with chicken DT40 cells. However, Rev3l-/- Polh-/- mice were inviable, and derived primary fibroblasts were as sensitive to DNA damage as Rev3l-/- Polh+/+ fibroblasts. Therefore, the functions of REV3L in maintaining cell viability, embryonic viability and genomic stability are directly dependent on its polymerase activity, and cannot be ameliorated by an additional deletion of pol η. These results validate and encourage the approach of targeting the DNA polymerase activity of pol ζ to sensitize tumors to DNA damaging agents.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences of three independent fragments (designated no. 3, 4, and 9; each 15–20 kb in size) of the genome of alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. C-125 cloned in a λ phage vector have been determined. Thirteen putative open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in sequenced fragment no. 3 and 11 ORFs were identified in no. 4. Twenty ORFs were also identified in fragment no. 9. All putative ORFs were analyzed in comparison with the BSORF database and non-redundant protein databases. The functions of 5 ORFs in fragment no. 3 and 3 ORFs in fragment no. 4 were suggested by their significant similarities to known proteins in the database. Among the 20 ORFs in fragment no. 9, the functions of 11 ORFs were similarly suggested. Most of the annotated ORFs in the DNA fragments of the genome of alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. C-125 were conserved in the Bacillus subtilis genome. The organization of ORFs in the genome of strain C-125 was found to differ from the order of genes in the chromosome of B. subtilis, although some gene clusters (ydh, yqi, yer, and yts) were conserved as operon units the same as in B. subtilis. Received: April 17, 1998 / Accepted: June 23, 1998  相似文献   
Above a certain level of cerebral activation the brain increases its uptake of glucose more than that of O(2), i.e., the cerebral metabolic ratio of O(2)/(glucose + 12 lactate) decreases. This study quantified such surplus brain uptake of carbohydrate relative to O(2) in eight healthy males who performed exhaustive exercise. The arterial-venous differences over the brain for O(2), glucose, and lactate were integrated to calculate the surplus cerebral uptake of glucose equivalents. To evaluate whether the amount of glucose equivalents depends on the time to exhaustion, exercise was also performed with beta(1)-adrenergic blockade by metoprolol. Exhaustive exercise (24.8 +/- 6.1 min; mean +/- SE) decreased the cerebral metabolic ratio from a resting value of 5.6 +/- 0.2 to 3.0 +/- 0.4 (P < 0.05) and led to a surplus uptake of glucose equivalents of 9 +/- 2 mmol. beta(1)-blockade reduced the time to exhaustion (15.8 +/- 1.7 min; P < 0.05), whereas the cerebral metabolic ratio decreased to an equally low level (3.2 +/- 0.3) and the surplus uptake of glucose equivalents was not significantly different (7 +/- 1 mmol; P = 0.08). A time-dependent cerebral surplus uptake of carbohydrate was not substantiated and, consequently, exhaustive exercise involves a brain surplus carbohydrate uptake of a magnitude comparable with its glycogen content.  相似文献   
In the accompanying paper, we found, using molecular dynamics calculations, four domains of the ras-specific SOS guanine nucleotide exchange protein (residues 589-601, 654-675, 746-761, and 980-989) that differ markedly in conformation when SOS is complexed with either oncogenic (Val 12-) ras-p21 or wild-type ras-p21. Three of these domains contain three crystallographically undefined loops that we modeled in these calculations, and one is a newly identified non-loop domain containing SOS residues 980-989. We have now synthesized peptides corresponding to these four domains and find that all of them block Val 12-ras-p21-induced oocyte maturation. All of them also block insulin-induced oocyte maturation, but two of these peptides, corresponding to SOS residues 589-601 and 980-989, block oncogenic ras to a significantly greater extent. These results suggest that SOS contains domains, including the three loop domains, that are important for ras signaling and that several of these domains can activate different pathways specific to oncogenic or wild-type ras-p21.  相似文献   
Oncogenic ras-p21 directly activates jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and its substrate, jun as a unique step on its mitogenic signal transduction pathway. This activation is blocked by the specific JNK-jun inhibitor, glutathione-S-transferase-pi (GST-pi). Four domains of GST-pi have been implicated in this regulatory function: 34-50, 99-121, 165-182, and 194-201. The 34-50 domain is unique in that it does not affect GST-pi binding to JNK-jun but blocks jun phosphorylation by JNK. We now find that it completely blocks oncogenic (Val 12-) ras-p21-induced oocyte maturation but has no effect on insulin-induced oocyte maturation. Because the latter process requires activation of wild-type ras-p21, this peptide appears to be specific for inhibiting only the oncogenic form of ras-p21, suggesting its use in treating ras-induced tumors.  相似文献   
When continuation of exercise calls for a "will," the cerebral metabolic ratio of O2 to (glucose + lactate) decreases, with the largest reduction (30-50%) at exhaustion. Because a larger effort is required to exercise with the arms than with the legs, we tested the hypothesis that the reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio would become more pronounced during arm cranking than during leg exercise. The cerebral arterial-venous differences for blood-gas variables, glucose, and lactate were evaluated in two groups of eight subjects during exhaustive arm cranking and leg exercise. During leg exercise, exhaustion was elicited after 25 +/- 6 (SE) min, and the cerebral metabolic ratio was reduced from 5.6 +/- 0.2 to 3.5 +/- 0.2 after 10 min and to 3.3 +/- 0.3 at exhaustion (P < 0.05). Arm cranking lasted for 35 +/- 4 min and likewise decreased the cerebral metabolic ratio after 10 min (from 6.7 +/- 0.4 to 5.0 +/- 0.3), but the nadir at exhaustion was only 4.7 +/- 0.4, i.e., higher than during leg exercise (P < 0.05). The results demonstrate that exercise decreases the cerebral metabolic ratio when a conscious effort is required, irrespective of the muscle groups engaged. However, the comparatively small reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio during arm cranking suggests that it is influenced by the exercise paradigm.  相似文献   
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