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Dendritic cells (DCs) are among the first cells to encounter HIV-1 and play important roles in viral transmission and pathogenesis. Immature DCs allow productive HIV-1 replication and long-term viral dissemination. The pro-inflammatory factor lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces DC maturation and enhances the efficiency of DC-mediated HIV-1 transmission. Type I interferon (IFN) partially inhibits HIV-1 replication and cell-cell transmission in CD4+ T cells and macrophages. Tetherin is a type I IFN-inducible restriction factor that blocks HIV-1 release and modulates CD4+ T cell-mediated cell-to-cell transmission of HIV-1. However, the role of type I IFN and tetherin in HIV-1 infection of DCs and DC-mediated viral transmission remains unknown.


We demonstrated that IFN-alpha (IFNα)-induced mature DCs restricted HIV-1 replication and trans-infection of CD4+ T cells. Tetherin expression in monocyte-derived immature DCs was undetectable or very low. High levels of tetherin were transiently expressed in LPS- and IFNα-induced mature DCs, while HIV-1 localized into distinct patches in these DCs. Knockdown of induced tetherin in LPS- or IFNα-matured DCs modestly enhanced HIV-1 transmission to CD4+ T cells, but had no significant effect on wild-type HIV-1 replication in mature DCs. Intriguingly, we found that HIV-1 replication in immature DCs induced significant tetherin expression in a Nef-dependent manner.


The restriction of HIV-1 replication and transmission in IFNα-induced mature DCs indicates a potent anti-HIV-1 response; however, high levels of tetherin induced in mature DCs cannot significantly restrict wild-type HIV-1 release and DC-mediated HIV-1 transmission. Nef-dependent tetherin induction in HIV-1-infected immature DCs suggests an innate immune response of DCs to HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) plays a dual role as a tRNA and an mRNA in trans-translation, during which the ribosome replaces mRNA with tmRNA encoding the tag-peptide. These processes have been suggested to involve several tmRNA-binding proteins, including SmpB and ribosomal protein S1. To investigate the molecular mechanism of trans-translation, we developed in vitro systems using purified ribosome, elongation factors, tmRNA and SmpB from Thermus thermophilus. A stalled ribosome in complex with polyphenylalanyl-tRNA(Phe) was prepared as a target of tmRNA. A peptidyl transfer reaction from polyphenylalanyl-tRNA(Phe) to alanyl-tmRNA was observed in an SmpB-dependent manner. The next peptidyl transfer to aminoacyl-tRNA occurred specifically to the putative resume codon for the tag-peptide, which was confirmed by introducing a mutation in the codon. Thus, the in vitro systems developed in this study are useful to investigate the early steps of trans-translation. Using these in vitro systems, we investigated the function of ribosomal protein S1, which has been believed to play a role in trans-translation. Although T. thermophilus S1 tightly bound to tmRNA, as in the case of Escherichia coli S1, it had little or no effect on the early steps of trans-translation.  相似文献   


Adaptation changes in postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) for the elderly were investigated during repeated forward floor translation.


Fifteen healthy elderly persons, living in the suburban area of Kanazawa City, Japan, underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward-floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). A set with 20 trials was repeated until a negative peak of late CNV was recognized in the 600-ms period before S2, and the last set was defined as the final set. Electroencephalograms, center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap), and electromyograms of postural muscles were analyzed.


CoPap displacement generated by the floor translation was significantly decreased until the twelfth trial in the first set, and mean CoPap displacement was smaller in the second and final sets than in the first set. The mean displacement was significantly smaller in the final set than the previous set. A late CNV with a negative peak was not recognized in the first and second sets. However, most subjects (13/15) showed a negative peak by the fourth set, when the late CNV started to increase negatively from about 1,000 ms after S1 and peaked at about 300 ms before S2. At about 160 ms before the CNV peak, the CoPap forward shift started. The increase in timing of the gastrocnemius activity related to the CoPap shift was significantly correlated with the CNV peak timing (r = 0.64). After S2, peak amplitudes of the anterior postural muscles were significantly decreased in the final set compared to the first set.


It was demonstrated that even for the elderly, with so many repetitions of postural disturbance, a late CNV with a negative peak was recognized, leading to accurate postural preparation. This suggests the improvement of frontal lobe function (e.g., anticipatory attention and motor preparation) in the elderly.  相似文献   
The basement membrane (BM) proteins laminins, which consist of alpha, beta and gamma chains, play critical roles in the maintenance of tissue structures. One of laminin alpha chains, alpha3 has two isoforms, the truncated form alpha3A and the full-sized form alpha3B. In contrast to alpha3A laminins, little is known about alpha3B laminins. To show the histological distribution of the laminin alpha3B chain, we prepared alpha3B-specific monoclonal antibodies. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the alpha3B chain was colocalized with the alpha3A, beta3 and gamma2 chains in the epithelial BMs of the skin, esophagus, breast and lung, suggesting the presence of laminin-3B32 (laminin-5B) and laminin-3A32 (laminin-5A). In the lung alveoli, laminin-3B32 was dominant over laminin-3A32, but vice versa in other epithelial BMs. In contrast, the BMs of blood vessels including capillaries were strongly positive for alpha3B, but almost or completely negative for alpha3A, beta3 and gamma2. alpha3B was colocalized with beta1 and gamma1 in these BMs. The alpha3B chain was scarcely detected in the vessels of malignant skin cancers, though the gamma2 and beta3 chains were highly expressed in the cancer cells. These results strongly suggest that the laminin alpha3B chain is widely expressed in vascular BMs of normal tissues, probably as laminin-3B11/3B21 (laminin-6B/7B).  相似文献   
During severe sepsis, several immunological defense mechanisms initiate a cascade of inflammatory events leading to multiorgan failure, including septic encephalopathy and ultimately death. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has recently been investigated in different cerebral pathologies. Some reports suggest the involvement of ET-1 in sepsis. However, no study to date has reported the alterations in expression of the genes encoding preproET-1 and ET receptors in the frontal cortex of the septic brain. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats 8 weeks of age were administered either saline or 15 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at different time points (1, 3, 6, and 10 hrs). Rats that did not receive LPS were considered to be controls. The rats were sacrificed with ether, and the brain tissues were harvested. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased 1 hr after LPS administration and then gradually returned to normal, without any change in the heart rate. We confirmed the induction of endotoxemia in the brains of SD rats by measuring the expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) mRNA induced in the cerebrum. The expression of inducible NOS (iNOS) mRNA in the brains of SD rat after LPS administration was 30-fold higher than that in the brains of control rats. mRNA expression of preproET-1 in the frontal cortex of SD rats after LPS administration was 2-fold higher than that in control rats. A time-dependent increase in the expression of the gene encoding the ET(A) receptor (vasoconstrictive property) after LPS administration was observed in SD rat brain, whereas expression of the gene encoding the ET(B) receptor (vasodilatatory property) showed an initial upregulation and then gradually decreased as sepsis progressed. In conclusion, we report for the first time that expressions of the genes encoding ET-1 and ET receptors are altered in the endotoxemic brain and that these alterations are time-dependent in SD rats. The alterations in the ET system in brain tissue observed in the present study may contribute to the understanding of the pathophysiological changes in the endotoxemic brain.  相似文献   


Septic shock, the severe form of sepsis, is associated with development of progressive damage in multiple organs. Kidney can be injured and its functions altered by activation of coagulation, vasoactive-peptide and inflammatory processes in sepsis. Endothelin (ET)-1, a potent vasoconstrictor, is implicated in the pathogenesis of sepsis and its complications. Protease-activated receptors (PARs) are shown to play an important role in the interplay between inflammation and coagulation. We examined the time-dependent alterations of ET-1 and inflammatory cytokine, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in kidney tissue in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced septic rat model and the effects of PAR2 blocking peptide on the LPS-induced elevations of renal ET-1 and TNF-α levels.

Main methods

Male Wistar rats at 8 weeks of age were administered with either saline solution or LPS at different time points (1, 3, 6 and 10 h). Additionally, we treated LPS-administered rats with PAR2 blocking peptide for 3 h to assess whether blockade of PAR2 has a regulatory role on the ET-1 level in septic kidney.

Key findings

An increase in ET-1 peptide level was observed in kidney tissue after LPS administration time-dependently. Levels of renal TNF-α peaked (around 12-fold) at 1 h of sepsis. Interestingly, PAR2 blocking peptide normalized the LPS-induced elevations of renal ET-1 and TNF-α levels.


The present study reveals a distinct chronological expression of ET-1 and TNF-α in LPS-administered renal tissues and that blockade of PAR2 may play a crucial role in treating renal injury, via normalization of inflammation, coagulation and vaso-active peptide.  相似文献   
We have previously found that a peptide corresponding to residues 35–47 of the ras-p21 protein, from its switch 1 effector domain region, strongly inhibits oocyte maturation induced by oncogenic p21, but not by insulin-activated cellular wild-type p21. Another ras–p21 peptide corresponding to residues 96–110 that blocks ras–jun and jun kinase (JNK) interactions exhibits a similar pattern of inhibition. We have also found that c-raf strongly induces oocyte maturation and that dominant negative c-raf strongly blocks oncogenic p21-induced oocyte maturation. We now find that the p21 35–47, but not the 96–110, peptide completely blocks c-raf-induced maturation. This finding suggests that the 35–47 peptide blocks oncogenic ras at the level of raf; that activated normal and oncogenic ras–p21 have differing requirements for raf-dependent signaling; and that the two oncogenic-ras-selective inhibitory peptides, 35–47 and 96–110, act at two different critical downstream sites, the former at raf, the latter at JNK/jun, both of which are required for oncogenic ras-p21 signaling.  相似文献   
Inference of genetic structure and demographic history is fundamental issue in evolutionary biology. We examined the levels and patterns of genetic variation of a widespread mangrove species in the Indo‐West Pacific region, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, using ten nuclear gene regions. Genetic variation of individual populations covering its distribution range was low, but as the entire species it was comparable to other plant species. Genetic differentiation among the investigated populations was high. They could be divided into two genetic clusters: the West and East clusters of the Malay Peninsula. Our results indicated that these two genetic clusters derived from their ancestral population whose effective size of which was much larger compared to the two extant clusters. The point estimate of speciation time between B. gymnorrhiza and Bruguiera sexangula was two times older than that of divergence time between the two clusters. Migration from the West cluster to the East cluster was much higher than the opposite direction but both estimated migration rates were low. The past Sundaland and/or the present Malay Peninsula are likely to prevent gene flow between the West and East clusters and function as a geographical or land barrier.  相似文献   
To improve the efficacy of the conformationally restricted BACE1 inhibitors, structural modifications were investigated using two strategies: (a) modification of the terminal aromatic ring and (b) insertion of a spacer between the aromatic rings. In the latter approach, another type of inhibitor 17 bearing an ethylene spacer between two aromatic rings was found to exhibit good BACE1 inhibitory activity, while the corresponding conformationally unrestricted compound 25 showed no activity. This result revealed an interesting effect of a conformational restriction with a cyclopropane ring.  相似文献   
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