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Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a phospholipid binding protein that has been implicated in many membrane-related cellular functions. AnxA2 is able to bind different acidic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI2P). This binding is mediated by Ca2 +-dependent and Ca2 +-independent mechanisms. The specific functions of annexin A2 related to these two phospholipids and the molecular mechanisms involved in their interaction remain obscure. Herein we studied the influence of lipid composition on the Ca2 +-dependency of AnxA2-mediated membrane bridging and on membrane fluidity. Membrane models of ten different lipid compositions and detergent-resistant membranes from two cellular sources were investigated. The results show that the AnxA2-mediated membrane bridging requires 3 to 50 times less calcium for PS-membranes than for PI2P-membranes. Membrane fluidity was measured by the ratiometric fluorescence parameter generalized polarization method with two fluorescent probes. Compared to controls containing low phospholipid ligand, AnxA2 was found to reduce the membrane fluidity of PI2P-membranes twice as much as the PS-membranes in the presence of calcium. On the contrary, at mild acidic pH in the absence of calcium AnxA2 reduces the fluidity of the PS-membranes more than the PI2P-membranes. The presence of cholesterol on the bilayer reduced the AnxA2 capacity to reduce membrane fluidity. The presented data shed light on the specific roles of PI2P, PS and cholesterol present on membranes related to the action of annexin A2 as a membrane bridging molecule during exocytosis and endocytosis events and as a plasma membrane domain phospholipid packing regulator.  相似文献   

The Valles-Penedes Basin (Catalonia, Spain) is classical area for the study of Miocene land mammal faunas. Nevertheless, the early Miocene part of the record has deserved little attention as compared to younger intervals. Most notably, the small mammals of this age have not been described in detail, consequently hampering the correlation of the Valles-Penedes record with other chronological schemes. In this work we describe the rich and diverse small mammal fauna from Les Cases de la Valenciana site (Gelida, Alt Penedès) which includes marsupials, eulipotyphlans, lagomorphs and rodents. On the basis of the presence of the cricetids Megacricetodon and Democricetodon this site is correlated with European Neogene zone MN4, yielding an age of 17–16 Ma. However, the rodent assemblage is comparable to that of chronologically close localities of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin (Aragon, Spain), indicating that the same biochronological scheme can be applied to both areas. In this way, the coexistence of the eomyids Ligerimys ellipticus and Ligerimys florancei coupled with the presence of Megacricetodon primitivus indicates a correlation with local biozone Ca of the Calatayud-Montalban Basin, ranging from 16.3 to 16 Ma. Finally, the correlation of other early Miocene sites of the Valles-Penedes Basin is discussed and refined.  相似文献   
Quantifying patterns of fine root dynamics is crucial to the understanding of ecosystem structure and function, and in predicting how ecosystems respond to disturbance. Part of this understanding involves consideration of the carbon lost through root turnover. In the context of the rainfall pattern in the tropics, it was hypothesised that rainfall would strongly influence fine root biomass and longevity. A field study was conducted to determine root biomass, elemental composition and the influence of rainfall on longevity of fine roots in a tropical lowland evergreen rainforest at Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia. A combination of root coring, elemental analysis and rhizotron observation methods were used. Fine (less than 2 mm diameter) root biomass was relatively low (1700 kg ha −1) compared with previously described rainforest data. Standing root biomass was positively correlated with preceding rainfall, and the low fine root biomass in the dry season contained higher concentrations of N and lower concentrations of P and K than at other times. Observations on rhizotrons demonstrated that the decrease in fine root biomass in the dry season was a product of both a decrease in fine root length appearance and an increase in fine root length disappearance. Fitting an overall model to root survival time showed significant effects of rainfall preceding root disappearance, with the hazard of root disappearance decreasing by 8 for each 1 mm increase in the average daily (30 day) rainfall preceding root disappearance. While it is acknowledged that other factors have a part to play, this work demonstrates the importance of rainfall and soil moisture in influencing root biomass and root disappearance in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   
Blood glucose, insulin and prolactin concentrations were determined before and after sulpiride injection (50 mg i.m.) in 20 non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients (10 with retinopathy and 10 without evidence of retinal damage) and 10 subjects with normal glucose tolerance. Prolactin response to sulpiride was significantly higher in diabetics than in controls (at 20 min., p less than 0.01; at 30 and 60 min., p less than 0.005; at 90 min., p less than 0.01; at 120 min., p less than 0.05). The sulpiride induced hyperprolactinemia did not influence blood glucose and plasma insulin levels in controls as well as in diabetic patients. Prolactin response to sulpiride was the same in diabetics with and in those without retinal changes. We conclude that acute hyperprolactinemia seems to have no influence on glucose homeostasis in normal and non insulin-dependent diabetic subjects.  相似文献   
Here we have characterized perthamide C, a cyclopeptide from a Solomon Lithistid sponge Theonella swinhoei, which displays an anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory activity. The study has been performed using the carragenan-induced mouse paw edema that displays an early (0–6 h) and a late phase (24–96 h). Perthamide C significantly inhibits neutrophils infiltration in tissue both in the early and late phases. This effect was coupled to a reduced expression of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the early phase while cyclooxygenase-1 and 2 (COX-1, COX-2), and inducible NOS (iNOS) expression were unaffected. In the late phase perthamide C reduced expression of both NOS isoforms without affecting COXs expression. This peculiar selectivity toward the two enzymes deputed to produce NO lead us to investigate on a possible action of perthamide C on lymphocytes infiltration and activation. We found that perthamide C inhibited the proliferation of peripheral lymphocytes, and that this effect was secondary to its metabolic activation in vivo. Indeed, in vitro perthamide C did not inhibit proliferation as opposite to its metabolite perthamide H.In conclusion, perthamide C selectively interferes with NO generation triggered by either eNOS or iNOS without affecting either COX-1 or COX-2. This in turn leads to modulation of the inflammatory response through a reduction of vascular permeability, neutrophil infiltration as well as lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   
Glial cell line‐derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and retinoic acid (RA) are two molecules crucial for the regulation of the spermatogonial compartment of the testis. During the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, their relative concentration oscillates with lower GDNF levels in stages where RA levels are high. It has been recently shown that RA negatively regulates Gdnf expression but the mechanisms behind are so far unknown. Here, we show that RA directly downregulates Gdnf mRNA levels in primary murine Sertoli cells through binding of RARα to a novel DR5‐RARE on Gdnf promoter. Pharmacological inhibition and chromatin immunoprecipitation–quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis suggested that the underlying mechanism involved histone deacetylase activity and epigenetic repression of Gdnf promoter upon RA treatment.  相似文献   
Changing climate can modify predator–prey interactions and induce declines or local extinctions of species due to reductions in food availability. Species hoarding perishable food for overwinter survival, like predators, are predicted to be particularly susceptible to increasing temperatures. We analysed the influence of autumn and winter weather, and abundance of main prey (voles), on the food‐hoarding behaviour of a generalist predator, the Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum), across 16 years in Finland. Fewer freeze–thaw events in early autumn delayed the initiation of food hoarding. Pygmy owls consumed more hoarded food with more frequent freeze–thaw events and deeper snow cover in autumn and in winter, and lower precipitation in winter. In autumn, the rotting of food hoards increased with precipitation. Hoards already present in early autumn were much more likely to rot than the ones initiated in late autumn. Rotten food hoards were used more in years of low food abundance than in years of high food abundance. Having rotten food hoards in autumn resulted in a lower future recapture probability of female owls. These results indicate that pygmy owls might be partly able to adapt to climate change by delaying food hoarding, but changes in the snow cover, precipitation and frequency of freeze–thaw events might impair their foraging and ultimately decrease local overwinter survival. Long‐term trends and future predictions, therefore, suggest that impacts of climate change on wintering food‐hoarding species could be substantial, because their ‘freezers’ may no longer work properly. Altered usability and poorer quality of hoarded food may further modify the foraging needs of food‐hoarding predators and thus their overall predation pressure on prey species. This raises concerns about the impacts of climate change on boreal food webs, in which ecological interactions have evolved under cold winter conditions.  相似文献   
A detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying the capacity of a virus to break the species barrier is crucial for pathogen surveillance and control. New World (NW) mammarenaviruses constitute a diverse group of rodent-borne pathogens that includes several causative agents of severe viral hemorrhagic fever in humans. The ability of the NW mammarenaviral attachment glycoprotein (GP) to utilize human transferrin receptor 1 (hTfR1) as a primary entry receptor plays a key role in dictating zoonotic potential. The recent isolation of Tacaribe and lymphocytic choriominingitis mammarenaviruses from host-seeking ticks provided evidence for the presence of mammarenaviruses in arthropods, which are established vectors for numerous other viral pathogens. Here, using next generation sequencing to search for other mammarenaviruses in ticks, we identified a novel replication-competent strain of the NW mammarenavirus Tamiami (TAMV-FL), which we found capable of utilizing hTfR1 to enter mammalian cells. During isolation through serial passaging in mammalian immunocompetent cells, the quasispecies of TAMV-FL acquired and enriched mutations leading to the amino acid changes N151K and D156N, within GP. Cell entry studies revealed that both substitutions, N151K and D156N, increased dependence of the virus on hTfR1 and binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Moreover, we show that the substituted residues likely map to the sterically constrained trimeric axis of GP, and facilitate viral fusion at a lower pH, resulting in viral egress from later endosomal compartments. In summary, we identify and characterize a naturally occurring TAMV strain (TAMV-FL) within ticks that is able to utilize hTfR1. The TAMV-FL significantly diverged from previous TAMV isolates, demonstrating that TAMV quasispecies exhibit striking genetic plasticity that may facilitate zoonotic spillover and rapid adaptation to new hosts.  相似文献   
The perception of predation risk could affect prey phenotype both within and between generations (via parental effects). The response to predation risk could involve modifications in physiology, morphology, and behavior and can ultimately affect long‐term fitness. Among the possible modifications mediated by the exposure to predation risk, telomere length could be a proxy for investigating the response to predation risk both within and between generations, as telomeres can be significantly affected by environmental stress. Maternal exposure to the perception of predation risk can affect a variety of offspring traits but the effect on offspring telomere length has never been experimentally tested. Using a live‐bearing fish, the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), we tested if the perceived risk of predation could affect the telomere length of adult females directly and that of their offspring with a balanced experimental setup that allowed us to control for both maternal and paternal contribution. We exposed female guppies to the perception of predation risk during gestation using a combination of both visual and chemical cues and we then measured female telomere length after the exposure period. Maternal effects mediated by the exposure to predation risk were measured on offspring telomere length and body size at birth. Contrary to our predictions, we did not find a significant effect of predation‐exposure neither on female nor on offspring telomere length, but females exposed to predation risk produced smaller offspring at birth. We discuss the possible explanations for our findings and advocate for further research on telomere dynamics in ectotherms.  相似文献   
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