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Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) is a main inducer of growth hormone (GH) pulses in most species studied to date. There is no information regarding the pattern of GHRH secretion as a regulator of GH gene expression. We investigated the roles of the parameters of exogenous GHRH administration (frequency, amplitude, and total amount) upon induction of pituitary GH mRNA, GH content, and somatic growth in the female rat. Continuous GHRH infusions were ineffective in altering GH mRNA levels, GH stores, or weight gain. Changing GHRH pulse amplitude between 4, 8, and 16 microg/kg at a constant frequency (Q3.0 h) was only moderately effective in augmenting GH mRNA levels, whereas the 8 microg/kg and 16 microg/kg dosages stimulated weight gain by as much as 60%. When given at a 1.5-h frequency, GHRH doubled the amount of GH mRNA, elevated pituitary GH stores, and stimulated body weight gain. In the rat model, pulsatile but not continuous GHRH administration is effective in inducing pituitary GH mRNA and GH content as well as somatic growth. These studies suggest that the greater growth rate, pituitary mRNA levels, and GH stores seen in male compared with female rats are likely mediated, in part, by the endogenous episodic GHRH secretory pattern present in males.  相似文献   
Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) has been widely used for studying the structure and function of proteins. A one-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based multiple site-directed plasmid mutagenesis method with extended non-overlapping sequence at the 3′ end of the primer increases the PCR amplification efficiency and the capacity of multi-site mutagenesis. Here, we introduced silent restriction sites in the primers used in this PCR-based SDM method by utilizing SDM-Assist software to generate mutants of Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein (HP-NAP), whose gene has low GC content. The HP-NAP mutants were efficiently generated by this modified mutagenesis method and quickly identified by a simple restriction digest due to the presence of the silent restriction site. This modified PCR-based SDM method with the introduction of a silent restriction site on the primer is efficient for generation and identification of mutations in the gene of interest.  相似文献   
PR39, a peptide regulator of angiogenesis   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Although tissue injury and inflammation are considered essential for the induction of angiogenesis, the molecular controls of this cascade are mostly unknown. Here we show that a macrophage-derived peptide, PR39, inhibited the ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha protein, resulting in accelerated formation of vascular structures in vitro and increased myocardial vasculature in mice. For the latter, coronary flow studies demonstrated that PR39-induced angiogenesis resulted in the production of functional blood vessels. These findings show that PR39 and related compounds can be used as potent inductors of angiogenesis, and that selective inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha degradation may underlie the mechanism of inflammation-induced angiogenesis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The predominant mode of HIV-1 transmission is by heterosexual contact. The cervical/vaginal mucosa is the main port of HIV entry in women. A safe and effective topical microbicide against HIV is urgently needed to prevent sexual transmission. Hence, we evaluated griffithsin (GRFT), a 12.7 kDa carbohydrate-binding protein, both native and recombinant GRFT, potently inhibited both CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic HIV infection and transmission in vitro. METHODS: The antiviral efficacy of native and recombinant GRFT against CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic HIV and SHIV strains and SIVmac251 was evaluated by in vitro assays. We also evaluated the time course of antiviral activity and stability of GRFT in cervical/vaginal lavage as a function of pH 4-8. RESULTS: Griffithsin blocked CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic viruses at less than 1 nm concentrations and exhibited a high potency. GRFT was stable in cervical/vaginal lavage fluid and maintained a similar potency of anti-HIV activity. GRFT is not only a highly potent HIV entry inhibitor, but also prevents cell fusion and cell-to-cell transmission of HIV. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro efficacy of GRFT revealed low cytotoxicity, high potency, rapid onset of antiviral activity and long-term stability in cervical/vaginal lavage. GRFT is an excellent candidate for anti-HIV microbicide development.  相似文献   
Because lignin limits the use of wood for fiber, chemical, and energy production, strategies for its downregulation are of considerable interest. We have produced transgenic aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) trees in which expression of a lignin biosynthetic pathway gene Pt4CL1 encoding 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) has been downregulated by antisense inhibition. Trees with suppressed Pt4CL1 expression exhibited up to a 45% reduction of lignin, but this was compensated for by a 15% increase in cellulose. As a result, the total lignin-cellulose mass remained essentially unchanged. Leaf, root, and stem growth were substantially enhanced, and structural integrity was maintained both at the cellular and whole-plant levels in the transgenic lines. Our results indicate that lignin and cellulose deposition could be regulated in a compensatory fashion, which may contribute to metabolic flexibility and a growth advantage to sustain the long-term structural integrity of woody perennials.  相似文献   
We compared the microbial community composition in soils from the Brazilian Amazon with two contrasting histories; anthrosols and their adjacent non-anthrosol soils of the same mineralogy. The anthrosols, also known as the Amazonian Dark Earths or terra preta, were managed by the indigenous pre-Colombian Indians between 500 and 8,700 years before present and are characterized by unusually high cation exchange capacity, phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) contents, and soil carbon pools that contain a high proportion of incompletely combusted biomass as biochar or black carbon (BC). We sampled paired anthrosol and unmodified soils from four locations in the Manaus, Brazil, region that differed in their current land use and soil type. Community DNA was extracted from sampled soils and characterized by use of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. DNA bands of interest from Bacteria and Archaea DGGE gels were cloned and sequenced. In cluster analyses of the DNA fingerprints, microbial communities from the anthrosols grouped together regardless of current land use or soil type and were distinct from those in their respective, paired adjacent soils. For the Archaea, the anthrosol communities diverged from the adjacent soils by over 90%. A greater overall richness was observed for Bacteria sequences as compared with those of the Archaea. Most of the sequences obtained were novel and matched those in databases at less than 98% similarity. Several sequences obtained only from the anthrosols grouped at 93% similarity with the Verrucomicrobia, a genus commonly found in rice paddies in the tropics. Sequences closely related to Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria sp. were recovered only from adjacent soil samples. Sequences related to Pseudomonas, Acidobacteria, and Flexibacter sp. were recovered from both anthrosols and adjacent soils. The strong similarities among the microbial communities present in the anthrosols for both the Bacteria and Archaea suggests that the microbial community composition in these soils is controlled more strongly by their historical soil management than by soil type or current land use. The anthrosols had consistently higher concentrations of incompletely combusted organic black carbon material (BC), higher soil pH, and higher concentrations of P and Ca compared to their respective adjacent soils. Such characteristics may help to explain the longevity and distinctiveness of the anthrosols in the Amazonian landscape and guide us in recreating soils with sustained high fertility in otherwise nutrient-poor soils in modern times.  相似文献   
Coffee genes associated with systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and incompatible reaction against coffee leaf rust inoculation were identified by suppression subtractive hybridization. Analysis of 384 clones of each of the subtracted cDNA libraries identified genes involved in oxidative burst/apoptosis/hypersensitive response, synthesis of antimicrobial proteins, synthesis and transport of antimicrobial metabolites, signal perception and transduction, metabolism of lipids, regulated protein degradation and cell maintenance and development. Induction of distinct sets of genes in the two resistance responses was observed. A wide range of genes involved in defence responses described in other plant species was also found in coffee plants. Semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR analysis of seven selected genes showed differences in their expression profile within 72 h after treatment. Full-length cDNA sequences of two β-1,3-glucanases, one induced during SAR and the other in the incompatible reaction, were obtained by 5' and 3' RACE and the sequence data suggest different properties and cellular localization of the encoded proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Two sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes, REL-1 and REL-2, were used to measure the level of somatic embryo and shoot production from hormone-autonomous callus plated under varied nutrient medium combinations of abscisic acid with the growth regulators 6-benzyladenine, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, with eight sole nitrogen sources, or with different sucrose concentrations. Clone REL-2 produced embryos up to 35-fold more frequently than clone REL-1. Inclusion of abscisic acid at some concentrations consistently improved embryo production in all experiments and was observed to stimulate shoot production. At some concentrations, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid as well as urea and glutamine stimulated greater embryo production over the control, but only for REL-1, for which there was greater room for improvement. Three and five percent sucrose were superior to 1, 7, and 9%. Higher initial 6-benzyladenine concentration [in the range 0, 0.1−1.0 mg/L (0.44−4.44 μM)] was associated with lower embryo production but greater shoot regeneration for both clones. REL-2 was significantly better than REL-1 in shoot regeneration. The range of embryo production was more than 35-fold between genotypes, whereas the range of physiological effects was no greater than 10-fold. REL-2 has been released to sugarbeet researchers because of its superior embryogenic and shoot regeneration abilities for application in biotechnology.  相似文献   
Factors enhancing protein thermostability   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Cholera toxin exerts its effects on cells in large part through the ADP-ribosylation of guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. Toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation is enhanced by approximately 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins termed ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs), which are allosteric activators of the toxin catalytic unit. Rabbit antiserum against a purified bovine brain ARF (sARF II) reacted on immunoblots with two approximately 20-kDa ARF-like proteins (sARF I and II) in tissue extracts from bovine, rat, frog, and chicken. Levels of ARF were higher in brain than in non-neural tissues. In rat brain, on the second postnatal day, amounts of sARF I and II were similar. By the 10th postnatal day and thereafter, sARF II predominated. Relative levels of ARF determined by immunoreactivity were in agreement with levels assessed in functional assays of cholera toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation. Based on nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of human and bovine cDNAs, there appear to be at least six different ARF-like genes. Northern blots of rat brain poly(A)+ RNA were hybridized with cDNA and oligonucleotide probes specific for each of the human and bovine ARF genes. From the second to the 27th postnatal day, ARF 3 mRNA increased, whereas mRNAs for ARFs 2 and 4 decreased; and those for ARFs 1, 5, and 6 were apparently unchanged. Partial amino acid sequence of sARF II is consistent with it being either the ARF 1 or 3 gene product. The developmental changes in rat brain ARF parallel neuronal maturation and synapse formation.  相似文献   
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