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Commercially available chromium supplements were tested for their DNA cleavage ability compared with synthetic chromium(III) complexes, including chromium(III) tris-picolinate [Cr(pic)3], basic chromium acetate [Cr3O(OAc)6]+, model complexes, and recently patented Cr-complexes for use in supplements or therapy. Four different supplements (P1-P4) were tested for their DNA cleaving activity in the presence and the absence of H2O2, dithiothreitol (DTT) or ascorbate. One supplement, P1, showed nicking of DNA in the absence of oxidant or reductant at 120 microM metal concentration. Different lot numbers of P1 were also tested for DNA cleavage activity with similar results. Commercial supplements containing Cr(pic)3 nicked DNA at 120 microM metal concentrations in the presence of 5 mM ascorbate or with excess hydrogen peroxide, analogous to reactions with synthetic Cr(pic)3 reported elsewhere. Another chromium (non-Cr(pic)3) supplement, P2, behaves in a comparable manner to simple Cr(III) salts in the DNA nicking assay. Chromium(III) malonate [Cr(mal)2] and chromium(III) acetate [Cr(OAc)] can nick DNA in the presence of ascorbate or hydrogen peroxide, respectively, only at higher metal concentrations. The Cr(III) complexes of histidine, succinate or N-acetyl-L-glutamate do not nick DNA to a significant degree.  相似文献   
The ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to catalyse the reduction reaction of carboxylic acids into alcohols is described. Earlier reports have led to the characterization of the reduction of carbonyl groups into alcohols mediated by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. We investigated the ability of this organism to catalyse the said conversion using the carboxylic acids, acetic acid and butyric acid. In the absence of any previous characterization, whole cell catalysis proved effective. The uptake of these acids from the medium was estimated using a plate assay method involving litmus-agar. The plate assay was found to be a convenient and extremely adaptable method for quantitation of acids in organic as well as aqueous medium. The comparison of existing paradigms in pure protein catalysis with whole cells catalysis proved anomalous. We report that it is solvent toxicity rather than hydrophobic index that correlates with the activity observed in non-aqueous conditions for whole cell biocatalysis. Reduction of acetic acid as well as butyric acid occurred, with efficiency of reaction with butyric acid being marginally higher. The reduction therefore occurs for both the short chain carboxylic acids used in this study. We therefore illustrate the reduction route of acids into alcohols and propose a model two-step pathway for the reaction. Process optimization may be further attempted to enhance the presently moderate reaction efficiencies. Steps made in the direction by studying the pH dependency and use of sacrificial substrate have yielded encouraging results.  相似文献   
A unique feature of the Toxoplasma gondii purine salvage pathway is the expression of two isoforms of the hypoxanthine-xanthine-guanine phosophoribosyltransferase (HXGPRT) of the parasite encoded by a single genetic locus. These isoforms differ in the presence or absence of a 49-amino acid insertion (which is specified by a single differentially spliced exon) but exhibit similar substrate specificity, kinetic characteristics, and temporal expression patterns. To examine possible functional differences between the two HXGPRT isoforms, fluorescent protein fusions were expressed in parasites lacking the endogenous hxgprt gene. Immunoblot analysis of fractionated cell extracts and fluorescence microscopy indicated that HXGPRT-I (which lacks the 49-amino acid insertion) is found in the cytosol, whereas HXGPRT-II (which contains the insertion) localizes to the inner membrane complex (IMC) of the parasite. Simultaneous expression of both isoforms resulted in the formation of hetero-oligomers, which distributed between the cytosol and IMC. Chimeric constructs expressing N-terminal peptides from either isoform I (11 amino acids) or isoform II (60 amino acids) fused to a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter demonstrated that the N-terminal domain of isoform II is both necessary and sufficient for membrane association. Metabolic labeling experiments with transgenic parasites showed that isoform II or an isoform II-CAT fusion protein (but not isoform I or isoform I-CAT) incorporate [(3)H]palmitate. Mutation of three adjacent cysteine residues within the isoform II-targeting domain to serines blocked both palmitate incorporation and IMC attachment without affecting enzyme activity, demonstrating that acylation of N-terminal isoform II cysteine residues is responsible for the association of HXGPRT-II with the IMC.  相似文献   
Two dosages (1 and 2 mg/kg) of vitamin K1 supplementation for 5 and 15 days were given to Indian gerbil T. indica fed on difethialone bait (0.0025%) for one day. The results indicated that the lower dosage could not reverse the anticoagulation process, however the period of mortality was considerably increased from 3-9 days (in control) to 5-14 days (5 days supplementation regime). Subsequently when the vitamin K1 dosage was doubled and given for 15 days, there was 100% reversal of anticoagulation process and all the test gerbils became normal within a month of poisoning with difethialone bait.  相似文献   
To understand the role of INSECATUS (INS) gene in pea, the leaf blades of wild-type, ins mutant and seven other genotypes, constructed by recombining ins with uni-tac, af, tl and mfp gene mutations, were quantitatively compared. The ins was inherited as a recessive mutant allele and expressed its phenotype in proximal leaflets of full size leaf blades. In ins leaflets, the midvein development was arrested in distal domain and a cleft was formed in lamina above this point. There was change in the identity of ins leaflets such that the intercalary interrupted midvein bore a leaf blade. Such adventitious blades in ins, ins tl and ins tl mfp were like the distal segment of respective main leaf blade. The ins phenotype was not seen in ins af and ins af uni-tac genotypes. There was epistasis of uni-tac over ins. The ins, tl and mfp mutations interacted synergistically to produce highly pronounced ins phenotype in the ins tl mfp triple mutant. The role(s) of INS in leaf-blade organogenesis are: positive regulation of vascular patterning in leaflets, repression of UNI activity in leaflet primordia for ectopic growth and in leaf-blade primordium for indeterminate growth of rachis, delimitation of proximal leaflet domain and together with TL and MFP homeostasis for meristematic activity in leaflet primordia. The variant apically bifid shape of the affected ins leaflets demonstrated that the leaflet shape is dependent on the venation pattern.  相似文献   
Considerable clinical and experimental evidence now supports the idea that deficiencies or imbalances in certain highly unsaturated fatty acids may contribute to a range of common developmental disorders including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Few intervention studies with LCPUFA supplementation have reported inconsistent and marginal results. This pilot study evaluates the effect of alpha linolenic acid (ALA)-rich nutritional supplementation in the form of flax oil and antioxidant emulsion on blood fatty acids composition and behavior in children with ADHD. Post-supplementation levels of RBC membrane fatty acids were significantly higher than pretreatment levels as well as the levels in control. There was significant improvement in the symptoms of ADHD reflected by reduction in total hyperactivity scores of ADHD children derived from ADHD rating scale.  相似文献   
A set of 104 wheat recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from a cross between parents resistant (HD 29) and susceptible (WH 542) to karnal bunt (KB) (caused by Neovossia indica) were screened and used to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked with resistance to karnal bunt as these would allow indirect marker assisted selection of KB resistant genotypes. The two parents were analysed with 92 RAPD primers. A total of 65 primers proved functional by giving scorable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Of these, 21 (32 %) primers detected polymorphism between the two parental genotypes. Using these primers, bulked segregant analysis was carried out on two bulk DNAs, one obtained by pooling DNA from 10 KB resistant RILs and the other similarly derived by pooling 10 KB susceptible RILs. One marker, OPM-20 showed apparent association with resistance to KB. This was confirmed following selective genotyping of individual RILs included in the bulks.  相似文献   
The most frequently reported symptom of exposure to high altitude is loss of body mass and decreased performance which has been attributed to altered protein metabolism affecting skeletal muscles mass. The present study explores the mechanism of chronic hypobaric hypoxia mediated skeletal muscle wasting by evaluating changes in protein turnover and various proteolytic pathways. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 200 g were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (7,620 m) for different durations of exposure. Physical performance of rats was measured by treadmill running experiments. Protein synthesis, protein degradation rates were determined by (14)C-Leucine incorporation and tyrosine release, respectively. Chymotrypsin-like enzyme activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and calpains were studied fluorimetrically as well as using western blots. Declined physical performance by more than 20%, in terms of time taken in exhaustion on treadmill, following chronic hypobaric hypoxia was observed. Compared to 1.5-fold increase in protein synthesis, the increase in protein degradation was much higher (five-folds), which consequently resulted in skeletal muscle mass loss. Myofibrillar protein level declined from 46.79 ± 1.49 mg/g tissue at sea level to 37.36 ± 1.153 (P < 0.05) at high altitude. However, the reduction in sarcoplasmic proteins was less as compared to myofibrillar protein. Upregulation of Ub-proteasome pathway (five-fold over control) and calpains (three-fold) has been found to be important factors for the enhanced protein degradation rate. The study provided strong evidences suggesting that elevated protein turnover rate lead to skeletal muscle atrophy under chronic hypobaric hypoxia via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and calpains.  相似文献   
Chaudhary AA  Hemant  Mohsin M  Ahmad A 《Protoplasma》2012,249(2):417-422
In this study, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-based molecular marker was developed for authentication of Catharanthus roseus, a medicinal plant. Samples of this plant were collected from different geographical locations in India. Random amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis of collected samples was carried out with 25 random primers. A 610-bp DNA fragment, common to all accessions, was eluted, cloned, and sequenced. Four LAMP primers were designed on the basis of sequence of 610 bp DNA fragment. LAMP reaction, containing 10× Bst DNA polymerase reaction buffer, Bst DNA polymerase, four in-house designed primers, dNTPs, MgSO4, and betaine, was incubated at 65°C for 1 h. The resulting amplicon was visualized by adding SYBR Green I to the reaction tube. The data showed confirmatory results. Since the assay method is simple, sensitive, and cost-effective, it is a feasible method for identifying and authentication of C. roseus.  相似文献   
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