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The presence of high concentrations of sulfate, iron, and hydrogen (acid) ions in drainage from coal mines and other areas containing waste pyritic materials is a serious water pollution problem. Sulfate can be removed from solution by microbial reduction to sulfide and subsequent precipitation as FeS. A mixed culture of microorganisms degraded wood dust cellulose, and the degradation products served as carbon and energy sources for sulfate-reducing bacteria. Metabolism of carbon compounds resulted in a net pH increase in the system. Oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) and temperature and carbon supplements were studied in an effort to accelerate the sulfate reduction process, with the ultimate objective of utilizing the process as a pollution abatement procedure.  相似文献   
Genetic polymorphism in C4 in the chimpanzee was studied by agarose gel electrophoresis of desialated plasma and development of patterns by immunofixation with antiserum to human C4 and by a C4-sensitive hemolytic overlay. In general, immunofixation patterns showed multiple partially overlapping bands of which only the most cathodal had strong hemolytic activity. In analogy to human C4, the latter were designated C4B, whereas those detected by immunofixation which had little hemolytic activity were designated C4A. Chimp C4A and C4B reacted with human and mouse (monoclonal) anti-C4B and human anti-Ch1 but neither reacted with monoclonal anti-C4A or human anti-Ch2, Ch3, Rg1, or Rg2. On sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the alpha chain of C4B showed a slightly lower apparent relative mass than that of C4A at around M r 93 000. There were three C4A variants and two C4B variants inherited in families as autosomal codominant traits, as C4A-C4B cosegregating pairs with no detectable crossing-over. These pairs were inherited with chimpanzee leukocyte antigen types C2 and BF variants without detectable crossing-over. Half-null C4 haplotypes with C4B *Q0 were observed in family studies. Nine BF, C2, C4A, C4B allelic haplotypic combinations (complotypes) were identified among presumably unrelated chimpanzees.Abbreviations used in this paper: ChLA chimpanzee leukocyte antigen - HLA human leukocyte antigen - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate  相似文献   
The binding sites for Ca2+ channel antagonists were probed using Bay P 8857 [2-iodoethyl isopropyl 1,4-dihydropyridine-2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)-pyridine-3,5-dicarbox ylate] that has been radiolabelled with 125I. This drug was shown to bind with high affinity to cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle membranes, with a KD approximately equal to 0.3 nM. A protein of molecular weight 33-35,000 daltons was specifically and irreversibly radiolabelled after irradiation of cardiac, skeletal and aortic smooth muscle membranes, incubated with the [125I]-Bay P 8857. The peptide labelled by 1,4-dihydropyridine binding therefore appears similar in size for cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle. This data suggests that of the three peptide subunits which reportedly comprise the skeletal and cardiac muscle 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor complex, the 33-35,000 dalton peptide contains the dihydropyridine binding site.  相似文献   
Two monoclonal rat anti-MHC alloantibodies detect a polymorphic determinant expressed on the peripheral lymphocytes of normal human donors. The pattern of cytotoxicity observed with these antibodies correlated with theHLA type of the individual; no HLA-A-locus specificities showed significant associations, and all of the HLA-B-locus specificities showing significant association were members of the Bw6 supertype. Family studies established that the determinant detected by the monoclonal antibodies is linked toHLA. These studies therefore provide an alternative basis for the production of monoclonal antibodies to polymorphic HLA determinants based on the conservation of polymorphic MHC determinants between man and rats.  相似文献   
Gastrointestinal allergic disease undoubtedly does exist, but its frequency has been tremendously overrated. It is believed that in many cases there is not sufficient evidence for attributing chronic, recurrent digestive disturbances to allergic reaction, and that skepticism is particularly important because such a diagnosis exposes the patient to an unwarranted type of dietary management that is complicated, frequently unwise, and not too infrequently used as a substitute for critical clinical thinking.The demonstration and subsequent elimination of allergic substances that may at times be productive of digestive symptoms is, of course, important, and when based on proper evaluation of a carefully taken history will undoubtedly yield brilliant results.  相似文献   
The role of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the transformation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by electroporation is investigated by fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran uptake and transformation studies. It is shown that when S. pombe cells are electroporated in the presence of PEG, the permeability state created is sustained until removal of PEG. In addition, the permeability of electroporated S. pombe envelopes is further increased with longer incubation times in PEG. The increased permeability is apparently a result of enlarged pores (electropores) due to the presence of PEG. Comparison of a heat pulse transformation protocol with electroporation suggests a second role for PEG in the uptake of macromolecules. Since pores are not thought to be created during a heat pulse, the PEG may be facilitating the uptake of plasmid DNA. This facilitation of uptake would also be expected to affect DNA uptake by electroporated cells.  相似文献   
Iodolipids are the possible mediators of excess iodide in thyroid autoregulation. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that 14-iodo-15-hydroxy-5,8,11 eicosatrienoic acid (I-HO-A) and its omega lactone (IL-w) mimic the inhibitory action of excess iodide upon several parameters of thyroid metabolism. The present experiments were performed in order to study the mechanism of the inhibitory effect of I-HO-A and IL-w on 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DOG) and aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake by calf slices. I-HO-A, IL-w and KI 0.1 mM caused a 33, 31 and 25% inhibition, respectively, of AIB uptake. The presence of 0.1 mM methimazole (MMI) only reversed the effect of KI. The transport of DOG was inhibited by both compounds: I-HO-A caused a 62% decrease, while IL-w produced a 64% inhibition; and MMI failed to relieve their action. On the contrary, the 33% inhibition caused by KI disappeared when MMI was present. Taking into account that AIB and DOG transport across the membrane requires energy, supplied by Na-K-ATPase, changes in its activity were studied. TSH (10 mU/ml) produced a 74% increase in the enzyme activity which was significantly blocked by KI (82%), I-HO-A (100%) and IL-w (100%). Basal enzyme activity was impaired by IL-w (33%), but not by KI. These results were correlated with the decrease of DOG uptake produced by 1 mM ouabain. Tissue specificity effect of iodoarachidonates was demonstrated by the absence of action on DOG transport in kidney and liver.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A hemagglutinating monoclonal antibody has been obtained from a mouse/mouse hybridoma after immunisation with the leb-active oligosaccharide, lacto-N-difucohexaose I, coupled to edestin. The antibody agglutinated human red cells regardless of Lewis phenotype. Blood group O cells were strongly, agglutinated, and progressively weaker agglutination was observed with A2, B and A2B cells. Blood group A1 and A1B cells were not agglutinated.By examining the binding of the antibody to glycolipids and oligosaccharides it was shown that the Leb and Y (Ley)-haptens bind to a similar extent. Full binding activity was dependent on the presence of, both fucosyl residues.Abbreviations LND l lacto-N-difucohexaose l - IV2Fuc,lll4FucLcOse4 LND l-OL, lacto-N-difucohexaitol l  相似文献   
Clones of Fragaria were characterized by the attenuance (absorption) spectra of their photosynthetic apparatus. This method uses fourth derivative analysis of spectra of intact lamina of detached leaves at room temperature (20–25 C). Twenty-one different species and hybrids of Fragaria were examined. F. chiloensis accessions frequently have characteristic fourth derivative spectra distinct from that of other Fragaria species. These spectra are characterized by a strong band that appears to be photosystem I component Ca 693; and is correlated with a higher chlorophyll b content per unit area of leaf, and a lower chlorophyll a/b ratio.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - chiloensis Fragaria chiloensis - 4th deriv fourth derivative - PSI photosystem I - PSH photosystem II  相似文献   
For optimal stimulation of T cells, protein-based vaccines must deliver protein antigens to antigen-presenting cells while simultaneously providing immunostimulatory signals. Listeriolysin O (LLO)-containing liposomes have been utilized to efficiently deliver protein antigens to the cytosolic pathway for antigen processing and major histocompatibility complex class I-dependent presentation while codelivering immunostimulatory CpG-oligodeoxyribonuceotides (ODNs). In this report, we describe the synthesis of lipid-CpG-ODN conjugates utilizing maleimide-phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) lipids and 5'-sulfhdryl-containing CpG-ODNs as a method for facile incorporation of CpG-ODNs in liposomal vaccine carriers, an alternative to co-encapsulation inside liposomes and as a means to enhance delivery of CpG-ODNs to their major receptor, Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), in the endosome. The characterization and biological evaluation of the vaccine delivery system made of liposomes, which contain the lipid-CpG-ODN conjugates inserted in the liposomal membrane, is described. We demonstrate in vitro in bone marrow derived macrophages that the lipid-CpG-ODN conjugates incorporated onto the liposome bilayers interact with their receptor TLR9 as readily as liposome-encapsulated ODNs and exert their immunostimulatory capabilities. The liposomal vaccine delivery systems were evaluated in mice using ovalbumin (OVA) as a model antigen, and the results indicate equally robust OVA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and similar Th1 immune skewing capabilities between liposomes containing lipid-conjugated or encapsulated CpG-ODNs. Overall, this work indicates that conjugating PE lipids and CpG-ODNs results in an efficient method that allows facile incorporation of CpG-ODNs into a liposome-based delivery platform while retaining the immune-stimulating capabilities of CpG-ODNs.  相似文献   
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