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Hepatic gluconeogenesis in the rat does not begin until birth. The enzyme P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase appears initially at birth and is the final enzyme in the gluconeogenic sequence to develop. The appearance of this enzyme in the cytosol of rat liver is caused by the stimulation of enzyme synthesis, probably due directly to an increase in the hepatic concentration of cAMP. Enzyme degradation does not begin until 36 hours after birth. Studies with fetal rats in utero have shown that dibutyryl cAMP or glucagon will stimulate P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase synthesis and that this effect can be blocked by insulin. Insulin is known to depress the synthesis of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase in adult rat liver and in Reuber H-35 liver cells in culture. The glucocorticoids are without effect on the synthesis of the enzyme in fetal rat liver. Work by Girard et al. (J. Clin. Invest. 52: 3190, 1973) has established that the molar ratio of insulin to glucagon drops from 10 immediately after birth, to 1 after one hour. This is due to both a rise in glucagon and a fall in insulin concentrations at birth. These studies, together with our work on the synthesis of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase, indicate that the sharp drop in the concentration of insulin may relieve the normal inhibition of enzyme synthesis. This would allow the initial stimulation of enzyme synthesis by the glucagon-mediated rise in the concentration of CAMP.  相似文献   
The relative levels of multiple RNA polymerases were determined in soybean (Glycine max L. var. Wayne) hypocotyl during various stages of development. The meristematic region of the hypocotyl contains more total polymerase activity per gram fresh weight and a greater proportion of polymerase I relative to II than the differentiated regions. The fully elongated tissue comprising the lower half of the hypocotyl contains mainly RNA polymerase II. The hook region contains a polymerase activity peak which is completely sensitive to alpha-amanitin and partially sensitive to rifamycin SV. This peak is not detectable in other regions of the hypocotyl. Polymerase I is reproducibly separated into a major and a minor component, both being resistant to alpha-amanitin. The two components elute at salt concentrations of 0.2 m and 0.23 m KCl, respectively, while the alpha-amanitin-sensitive polymerase (II) elutes at 0.3 m KCl. The polymerase activity peak which is detectable only in the hook region elutes at approximately 0.5 m KCl. Polymerase levels were also determined in water-stressed tissue and in tissue which was harvested after three days of growth instead of the usual four days.  相似文献   
Since ethylene application did not induce ripening in detached fruits of the nonripening mutant rin we initiated studies to determine possible involvement of other hormones. We proposed that the lack of ripening in mutant rin tomato fruit may result from a lack of abscisic acid or from excessive endogenous levels of cytokiuin. Application of abscisic acid (3 x 10(-5)m and 10(-3)m) to detached fruits of a normal strain (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. ;Rutgers') reduced the time to initiate ripening by about 50%. This acceleration of the onset of ripening appeared not to be due to an increased rate of ethylene production. Abscisic acid did not alter respiration or ethylene production or induce ripening in rin fruit. Ripening in Rutgers fruit was not influenced by treatment with 6-benzyladenine (4.44 x 10(-6)m, 4.44 x 10(-5)m or 1.8 x 10(-4)m). Fruits of the mutant rin showed no response to exogenous BA. However, senescence rates of leaf disks of both Rutgers and rin were significantly inhibited by as little as 10(-7)m exogenous benzyladenine. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies of the physiology of rin fruits and it is concluded that endogenous levels of ABA and cytokinins do not account for the lack of ripening in rin fruit.  相似文献   
Erythrocyte producing tissues of genetically anemicW/W v mice were completely populated and the anemic mice were permanently cured by marrow cell grafts from donors that differed at theEa-2 locus. Circulating erythrocytes contained ≧ 80% donor Ea-2 antigen and ≧ 90% donor hemoglobin. Population occurred without immunosuppressive treatment. No sign of graft-versus-host reaction was observed, although donors were congenic with one parent strain of the F1 hybrid recipients. When partially congenic donors carrying the T6 chromosome marker were used, the immune systems of curedW-anemic mice were populated to an appreciable extent by donor cells. The dependence of cure upon route of injection and the persistence of functioning donor type cells across the strong immunological barrier of the Ea-2 system are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract A comparative study of the protein and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) profiles of 8 strains of Haemophilus ducreyi revealed that protein patterns remained unaffected by changes in medium composition, atmospheric conditions and temperature. In contrast, the LPS patterns exhibited marked variations under the different cultural conditions.  相似文献   
Androgenetic alopecia, known in men as male pattern baldness (MPB), is a very conspicuous condition that is particularly frequent among European men and thus contributes markedly to variation in physical appearance traits amongst Europeans. Recent studies have revealed multiple genes and polymorphisms to be associated with susceptibility to MPB. In this study, 50 candidate SNPs for androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in order to verify their potential to predict MPB. Significant associations were confirmed for 29 SNPs from chromosomes X, 1, 5, 7, 18 and 20. A simple 5-SNP prediction model and an extended 20-SNP model were developed based on a discovery panel of 305 males from various European populations fitting one of two distinct phenotype categories. The first category consisted of men below 50 years of age with significant baldness and the second; men aged 50 years or older lacking baldness. The simple model comprised the five best predictors: rs5919324 near AR, rs1998076 in the 20p11 region, rs929626 in EBF1, rs12565727 in TARDBP and rs756853 in HDAC9. The extended prediction model added 15 SNPs from five genomic regions that improved overall prevalence-adjusted predictive accuracy measured by area under the receiver characteristic operating curve (AUC). Both models were evaluated for predictive accuracy using a test set of 300 males reflecting the general European population. Applying a 65% probability threshold, high prediction sensitivity of 87.1% but low specificity of 42.4% was obtained in men aged <50 years. In men aged ≥50, prediction sensitivity was slightly lower at 67.7% while specificity reached 90%. Overall, the AUC=0.761 calculated for men at or above 50 years of age indicates these SNPs offer considerable potential for the application of genetic tests to predict MPB patterns, adding a highly informative predictive system to the emerging field of forensic analysis of externally visible characteristics.  相似文献   
It is increasingly common for apex predators to face a multitude of complex conservation issues. In Australia, dingoes are the mainland apex predator and play an important role in ecological functioning. Currently, however, they are threatened by hybridization with modern domestic dogs in the wild. As a consequence, we explore how increasing our understanding of the evolutionary history of dingoes can inform management and conservation decisions. Previous research on whole mitochondrial genome and nuclear data from five geographical populations showed evidence of two distinct lineages of dingo. Here, we present data from a broader survey of dingoes around Australia using both mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers and investigate the timing of demographic expansions. Biogeographic data corroborate the presence of at least two geographically subdivided genetic populations, southeastern and northwestern. Demographic modeling suggests that dingoes have undergone population expansion in the last 5,000 years. It is not clear whether this stems from expansion into vacant niches after the extinction of thylacines on the mainland or indicates the arrival date of dingoes. Male dispersal is much more common than female, evidenced by more diffuse Y haplogroup distributions. There is also evidence of likely historical male biased introgression from domestic dogs into dingoes, predominately within southeastern Australia. These findings have critical practical implications for the management and conservation of dingoes in Australia; particularly a focus must be placed upon the threatened southeastern dingo population.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to provide fundamental understanding of eukaryotic genetics, gene product function, and cellular biological processes. Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) has been supporting the yeast research community since 1993, serving as its de facto hub. Over the years, SGD has maintained the genetic nomenclature, chromosome maps, and functional annotation, and developed various tools and methods for analysis and curation of a variety of emerging data types. More recently, SGD and six other model organism focused knowledgebases have come together to create the Alliance of Genome Resources to develop sustainable genome information resources that promote and support the use of various model organisms to understand the genetic and genomic bases of human biology and disease. Here we describe recent activities at SGD, including the latest reference genome annotation update, the development of a curation system for mutant alleles, and new pages addressing homology across model organisms as well as the use of yeast to study human disease.  相似文献   
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