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Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations, a semi-continuum (SC) approach, and quantum chemistry (QC) calculations were employed together to investigate the molecular mechanics of ultrafast charge separation reactions in Photosystem I (PS I) of Thermosynechococcus elongatus. A molecular model of PS I was developed with the aim to relate the atomic structure with electron transfer events in the two branches of cofactors. A structural flexibility map of PS I was constructed based on MD simulations, which demonstrated its rigid hydrophobic core and more flexible peripheral regions. The MD model permitted the study of atomic movements (dielectric polarization) in response to primary and secondary charge separations, while QC calculations were used to estimate the direct chemical effect of the A0A/A0B ligands (Met or Asn in the 688/668 position) on the redox potential of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B. A combination of MD and SC approaches was used to estimate reorganization energies λ of the primary (λ1) and secondary (λ2) charge separation reactions, which were found to be independent of the active branch of electron transfer; in PS I from the wild type, λ1 was estimated to be 390 ± 20 mV, while λ2 was estimated to be higher at 445 ± 15 mV. MD and QC approaches were used to describe the effect of substituting Met688PsaA/Met668PsaB by Asn688PsaA/Asn668PsaB on the energetics of electron transfer. Unlike Met, which has limited degrees of freedom in the site, Asn was found to switch between two relatively stable conformations depending on cofactor charge. The introduction of Asn and its conformation flexibility significantly affected the reorganization energy of charge separation and the redox potentials of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B, which may explain the experimentally observed slowdown of secondary electron transfer in the M688NPsaA variant. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis research for sustainability: Keys to produce clean energy.  相似文献   
In the course of our studies of hydrophobic oxytocin (OT) analogues, we newly synthesized lipidated OT (LOT-4a-c and LOT-5a-c), in which a long alkyl chain (C14-C16) is conjugated via a carbonate or carbamate linkage at the Tyr-2 phenolic hydroxy group and a palmitoyl group at the terminal amino group of Cys-1. These LOTs did not activate OT and vasopressin receptors. Among the LOTs, however, LOT-4c, having a C16-chain via a carbonate linkage at the phenolic hydroxyl group of the Tyr-2, showed very long-lasting action for the recovery of impaired social behavior in CD38 knockout mice, a rodent model of autistic phenotypes, whereas the effect of OT itself rapidly diminished. These results indicate that LOT-4c may serve as a potential prodrug in mice.  相似文献   
Retroviral integrase (IN) is responsible for two consecutive reactions, which lead to insertion of a viral DNA copy into a host cell chromosome. Initially, the enzyme removes di- or trinucleotides from viral DNA ends to expose 3'-hydroxyls attached to the invariant CA dinucleotides (3'-processing reaction). Second, it inserts the processed 3'-viral DNA ends into host chromosomal DNA (strand transfer). Herein, we report a crystal structure of prototype foamy virus IN bound to viral DNA prior to 3'-processing. Furthermore, taking advantage of its dependence on divalent metal ion cofactors, we were able to freeze trap the viral enzyme in its ground states containing all the components necessary for 3'-processing or strand transfer. Our results shed light on the mechanics of retroviral DNA integration and explain why HIV IN strand transfer inhibitors are ineffective against the 3'-processing step of integration. The ground state structures moreover highlight a striking substrate mimicry utilized by the inhibitors in their binding to the IN active site and suggest ways to improve upon this clinically relevant class of small molecules.  相似文献   
Experimental evidence suggests that a tetramer of integrase (IN) is the protagonist of the concerted strand transfer reaction, whereby both ends of retroviral DNA are inserted into a host cell chromosome. Herein we present two crystal structures containing the N-terminal and the catalytic core domains of maedi-visna virus IN in complex with the IN binding domain of the common lentiviral integration co-factor LEDGF. The structures reveal that the dimer-of-dimers architecture of the IN tetramer is stabilized by swapping N-terminal domains between the inner pair of monomers poised to execute catalytic function. Comparison of four independent IN tetramers in our crystal structures elucidate the basis for the closure of the highly flexible dimer-dimer interface, allowing us to model how a pair of active sites become situated for concerted integration. Using a range of complementary approaches, we demonstrate that the dimer-dimer interface is essential for HIV-1 IN tetramerization, concerted integration in vitro, and virus infectivity. Our structures moreover highlight adaptable changes at the interfaces of individual IN dimers that allow divergent lentiviruses to utilize a highly-conserved, common integration co-factor.  相似文献   
In ATP synthase (F(O)F(1)-ATPase) ion flow through the membrane-intrinsic portion, F(O), drives the central "rotor", subunits c(10)epsilongamma, relative to the "stator" ab(2)delta(alphabeta)(3). This converts ADP and P(i) into ATP. Vice versa, ATP hydrolysis drives the rotation backwards. Covalent cross-links between rotor and stator subunits have been shown to inhibit these activities. Aiming at the rotary compliance of subunit gamma we introduced disulfide bridges between gamma (rotor) and alpha or beta (stator). We engineered cysteine residues into positions located roughly at the "top," "center," and "bottom" parts of the coiled-coil portion of gamma and suitable residues on alpha or beta. This part of gamma is located at the center of the (alphabeta)(3) domain with its C-terminal part at the top of F(1) and the bottom part close to the F(O) complex. Disulfide bridge formation under oxidizing conditions was quantitative as shown by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. As expected both the ATPase activities and the yield of rotating subunits gamma dropped to zero when the cross-link was formed at the center (gammaL262C <--> alphaA334C) and bottom (gammaCys(87) <--> betaD380C) positions. But much to our surprise disulfide bridging impaired neither ATP hydrolysis activity nor the full rotation of gamma and the enzyme-generated torque of oxidized F(1), which had been engineered at the top position (gammaA285C <--> alphaP280C). Apparently the high torque of this rotary engine uncoiled the alpha-helix and forced amino acids at the C-terminal portion of gamma into full rotation around their dihedral (Ramachandran) angles. This conclusion was supported by molecular dynamics simulations: If gammaCys(285)-Val(286) are attached covalently to (alphabeta)(3) and gammaAla(1)-Ser(281) is forced to rotate, gammaGly(282)-Ala(284) can serve as cardan shaft.  相似文献   
Inter-subunit rotation and elastic power transmission in F0F1-ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ATP synthase (F-ATPase) produces ATP at the expense of ion-motive force or vice versa. It is composed from two motor/generators, the ATPase (F1) and the ion translocator (F0), which both are rotary steppers. They are mechanically coupled by 360 degrees rotary motion of subunits against each other. The rotor, subunits gamma(epsilon)C10-14, moves against the stator, (alphabeta)3delta(ab2). The enzyme copes with symmetry mismatch (C3 versus C10-14) between its two motors, and it operates robustly in chimeric constructs or with drastically modified subunits. We scrutinized whether an elastic power transmission accounts for these properties. We used the curvature of fluorescent actin filaments, attached to the rotating c ring, as a spring balance (flexural rigidity of 8.10(-26) N x m2) to gauge the angular profile of the output torque at F0 during ATP hydrolysis by F1. The large average output torque (56 pN nm) proved the absence of any slip. Angular variations of the torque were small, so that the output free energy of the loaded enzyme decayed almost linearly over the angular reaction coordinate. Considering the three-fold stepping and high activation barrier (>40 kJ/mol) of the driving motor (F1) itself, the rather constant output torque seen by F0 implied a soft elastic power transmission between F1 and F0. It is considered as essential, not only for the robust operation of this ubiquitous enzyme under symmetry mismatch, but also for a high turnover rate under load of the two counteracting and stepping motors/generators.  相似文献   
During acute inflammation, neutrophil-mediated injury to epithelium may lead to disruption of epithelial function, including the induction of epithelial apoptosis. Herein, we report the effects of neutrophil transmigration and of purified leukocyte elastase on epithelial cell survival. Neutrophil transmigration induced apoptosis of epithelial cells [control monolayers: 5 +/- 1 cells/25 high-power fields (HPF) vs. neutrophil-treated monolayers: 29 +/- 10 cells/HPF, P < 0.05, n = 3 as determined by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling assay] as did low concentrations (0.1 U/ml) of purified leukocyte elastase (control monolayers: 6.4 +/- 2.5% apoptotic vs. elastase: 26.2 +/- 2.9% apoptotic, P < 0.05, as determined by cytokeratin 18 cleavage). Treatment with elastase resulted in decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, release of cytochrome c to the cytosol, and cleavage of caspases-9 and -3 as determined by Western blot analysis, implicating altered mitochondrial membrane permeability as a primary mechanism for elastase-induced apoptosis. Additionally, incubation of epithelial cells with leukocyte elastase resulted in an early increase followed by a decrease in the phosphorylation of epithelial Akt, a serine/threonine kinase important in cell survival. Inhibition of epithelial Akt before elastase treatment potentiated epithelial cell apoptosis, suggesting that the initial activation of Akt represents a protective response by the epithelial cells to the proapoptotic effects of leukocyte elastase. Taken together, these observations suggest that epithelial cells exhibit a dual response to cellular stress imposed by leukocyte elastase with a proapoptotic response mediated via early alterations in mitochondrial membrane permeability countered by activation of the survival pathway involving Akt.  相似文献   
Lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF)/p75 is the dominant binding partner of HIV-1 integrase (IN) in human cells. We have determined the NMR structure of the integrase-binding domain (IBD) in LEDGF and identified amino acid residues essential for the interaction. The IBD is a compact right-handed bundle composed of five alpha-helices. Based on folding topology, the IBD is structurally related to a diverse family of alpha-helical proteins that includes eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4G and karyopherin-beta. LEDGF residues essential for the interaction with IN were localized to interhelical loop regions of the bundle structure. Interaction-defective IN mutants were previously shown to cripple replication although they retained catalytic function. The initial structure determination of a host cell factor that tightly binds to a retroviral enzyme lays the groundwork for understanding enzyme-host interactions important for viral replication.  相似文献   
Scanning mutagenesis is an attractive tool for protein structure-function correlation analysis. With one round of this method it is possible to obtain a library containing all possible single-residue mutants of the protein of interest. The practical application of this approach is currently limited by the large number and cost of the required 30-35mer oligonucleotides. As an alternative, we studied the ligation of shorter DNA oligonucleotides (6-11mer) containing a degenerate binding site and a desired mutation mismatch to a nested set of megaprimers annealed to the gene of interest. T4 DNA ligase was able to perform this task, and the obtained ligation products were elongated by DNA polymerase. The effectiveness of ligation depends on the length of the random binding site of the mutagenic oligonucleotide, on its molar excess over the template-primer complex and on the position of the mismatching tri-nucleotide insert with respect to the joining site. The secondary structure of the DNA template close to the joining site also influences the ligation yield. Mismatching oligonucleotides, protected by a 3'-phosphate group, were joined to a nested set of megaprimers, the latter being obtained by a novel procedure called reversible chain termination, i.e., termination of the dsDNA synthesis with ddNTP followed by the subsequent removal of the incorporated ddNMP with exonuclease III. T7 sequenase 2.0 DNA polymerase elongated the ligation products after the 3'-phosphate protection group was removed with T4 polynucleotide kinase, resulting in the incorporation of a specific tri-nucleotide mismatch into dsDNA. This sequence of reactions serves as the basis for a novel scanning mutagenesis procedure.  相似文献   
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