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The effects of the molecular weight (MW) and charge density (CD) of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) on sludge dewatering and moisture evaporation were investigated in this study. Results indicated that in sludge conditioning, the optimum dosages were 10, 6, 6, 4, and 4 mg g−1 CPAM with 5 million MW and 20% CD, 5 million MW and 40% CD, 3 million MW and 40% CD, 8 million MW and 40% CD, and 5 million MW and 60% CD, respectively. The optimum dosage of CPAM was negatively correlated with its CD or MW if the CD or MW of CPAM was above 20% or 5 million. In the centrifugal dewatering of sludge, the moisture content in the conditioned sludge gradually decreased with the extension of centrifugation time, and the economical centrifugal force was 400×g. The moisture evaporation rates of the conditioned sludge were closely related to sludge dewaterability, which was in turn significantly correlated either positively with the solid content of sludge particles that were >2 mm in size or negatively with that of particles measuring 1 mm to 2 mm in diameter. During treatment, sludge moisture content was reduced from 80% to 20% by evaporation, and the moisture evaporation rates were 1.35, 1.49, 1.62, and 2.24 times faster in the sludge conditioned using 4 mg g−1 CPAM with 5 million MW and 60% CD than in the sludge conditioned using 4 mg g−1 CPAM with 8 million MW and 40% CD, 6 mg g−1 CPAM with 5 million MW and 40% CD, 6 mg g−1 CPAM with 3 million MW and 40% CD, and 10 mg g−1 CPAM with 5 million MW and 20% CD, respectively. Hence, the CPAM with 5 million MW and 60% CD was ideal for sludge dewatering.  相似文献   
用携带基因1,2的根癌农杆菌AG(84)转化毛白杨外植体,在无激素的MS0培养基上获得转化根。分离单根或切成根段在分化培养基上能分化芽而再生完整植株。由T-DNA上带有基因4的根癌农杆菌C58C1(PBZ6111)转化毛白杨外植体,在MS0培养基上能直接分化不定芽而再生植株.在转化中使用叶柄作外植体比使用叶片的转化率提高一倍以上。基因1,2引入毛白杨后,植株根系发达,生根率达100%。基因4引入毛白杨则使植株节间变短,植株矮化.纸电泳分析表明,带有基因1,2的转化植株能表达特异的农杆碱,带有基因4的转化植株能表达特异的胭脂碱。  相似文献   
《生物多样性公约》下的气候变化问题:谈判与焦点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,生物多样性与气候变化的关系逐渐成为《生物多样性公约》下的焦点议题,各缔约方就此问题展开了激烈的多边谈判.本文梳理了《生物多样性公约》下气候变化问题谈判的发展历程,探讨了其中的焦点问题及各方的主要立场,指出以欧盟为代表的发达国家和以巴西、哥伦比亚、中国为代表的发展中生物多样性大国是针锋相对的两大主要谈判集团.谈判...  相似文献   
雌激素受体(Estrogen receptor,esr)介导雌激素影响相关基因表达,从而调控哺乳动物的生长和繁殖机能.为了探讨esr基因的反转录转座子多态性对猪生长性能的影响,文中应用比较基因组学和生物信息学方法,预测猪esr基因的反转录转座子插入位点,采用PCR方法验证不同品种猪中插入多态性,并将该基因型与大白猪性能...  相似文献   
MiR-21 is known to play an important role in the development and progression, including migration and invasion, of many malignancies including breast cancer. Accumulating evidence suggest that the induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenotype and acquisition of cancer stem cell (CSC) characteristics are highly interrelated, and contribute to tumorigenesis, tumor progression, metastasis, and relapse. The molecular mechanisms underlying EMT and CSC characteristics during miR-21 contributes to cell migration and invasion of breast cancer are poorly understood. Therefore, we established miR-21 re-expressing breast cancer MCF-7 (MCF-7/miR-21) cells, which showed increasing cell growth, migration and invasion, self-renewal and clonogenicity. Our data showed that re-expression of miR-21 induced the acquisition of EMT phenotype by activation of mesenchymal cell markers (N-cadherin, Vimentin, α-SMA) and inhibition of epithelial cell marker (E-cadherin) in MCF-7/miR-21 cells, which consistent with increased cell subpopulation expressing CSC surface markers (ALDH1(+) and CD44(+)/CD24(-/low)) and the capacity of sphereforming (mammospheres). Our results demonstrated that re-expression of miR-21 is responsible for migration and invasion by activating the EMT process and enhancing the characteristics of CSCs in MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   
The chicken spinal cord is an excellent model for the study of early neural development in vertebrates. However, the lack of robust, stable and versatile transgenic methods has limited the usefulness of chick embryos for the study of later neurodevelopmental events. Here we describe a new transgenic approach utilizing the PiggyBac (PB) transposon to facilitate analysis of late-stage neural development such as axon targeting and synaptic connection in the chicken embryo. Using PB transgenic approaches we achieved temporal and spatial regulation of transgene expression and performed stable RNA interference (RNAi). With these new capabilities, we mapped axon projection patterns of V2b subset of spinal interneurons and visualized maturation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Furthermore, PB-mediated RNAi in the chick recapitulated the phenotype of loss of agrin function in the mouse NMJ. The simplicity and versatility of PB-mediated transgenic strategies hold great promise for large-scale genetic analysis of neuronal connectivity in the chick.  相似文献   
随着人类等生物大规模基因组测序工作的完成,认识和理解基因组上表达调控元件成为后基因组时代的重要研究任务,增强子捕获技术是一种鉴定基因组上增强子元件及其对基因表达调控机制的有效方法。本研究选择Tol2转座子系统介导制备的稳定增强子捕获品系TK4系(头部和躯干特异性GFP表达),利用Splinkerette PCR(sp-PCR)、原位杂交和比较基因组学等技术手段进行所捕获增强子的解析研究。将TK4系的F1代与野生型斑马鱼杂交,收集受精卵,于6 hpf(Hour post fertilization)、24 hpf、48 hpf、3 dpf(Day post fertilization)、4 dpf、5 dpf六个发育阶段通过荧光显微镜检测绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的表达模式;然后通过sp-PCR方法克隆到Tol2转座子插入位点斑马鱼基因组侧翼序列,经比对分析表明插入位点位于基因组23号染色体27749253位置,在rps26基因的intron1中,且报告基因插入方向与基因方向相反。在插入位点100 kb的基因组范围内有7个基因,分别为arf3a、wnt10b、wnt1、rps26、IKZF4、dnajc22和lmbr1l。通过VISTA程序对不同脊椎动物基因组同源序列比对结果显示,在rps26基因下游有2个潜在保守的非编码序列区CNS1(Conserved non-coding sequence)和CNS2,为可能的增强子元件。胚胎原位杂交表明:rps26基因的两个转录本有母源性表达,rps26-201在合子中的表达早于rps26-001,而TK4系斑马鱼的GFP在早期(6 hpf)不表达,后期rps26与GFP的表达模式既存在相似性,也存在差异性,提示两者可能既接受共同的增强子调控,但也存在不同增强子调控,所获得的2个潜在的增强子(CNS1和CNS2)可能对附近的基因(包括rps26)发挥差异的时空表达调控作用。本研究首次成功获得rps26基因附近2个潜在增强子,为深入研究这两个增强子对基因组附近基因的表达调控机制奠定基础,本研究所采用的结合技术手段也为增强子解析提供参考。  相似文献   
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