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中美减排二氧化碳的GDP溢出模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王铮  黎华群  张焕波  龚轶 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3718-3726
基于气候保护模型(State-contingent模型与Demeter模型)和GDP溢出模型(Mundell-Fleming模型),对中美两国在实施控制性气候保护措施之后所导致的GDP溢出影响的变化进行了模拟分析。结果表明,美国实行控制性减排政策对于中国的GDP溢出影响与不实施任何减排的情况相比,两者的差别并不明显,但是这种影响经历一个从负向到正向逐步上升的发展趋势,虽然中国实行控制性减排政策对于美国GDP溢出的影响,相比美国对于中国的影响,所导致的GDP溢出影响更小,但是也同样表现出了一个从负溢出到正溢出的过程。这一结果表明一国的控制性气候保护政策从长远来看会对另一国的经济发展产生正向的溢出。同时,针对两种情况,即不考虑他国GDP溢出影响和考虑他国GDP溢出影响,分别模拟计算了中美两国的GDP,进而对两种情况下的差额结果进行对比,分析了中美相互之间GDP溢出量的大小。结果发现,美国对中国GDP溢出影响要大于中国对美国的GDP溢出。  相似文献   
[目的]DNA磷硫酰化修饰是DNA骨架上非桥接的氧原子以序列选择性和R-构型被硫取代的一种新型DNA修饰。目前,磷硫酰化修饰在多种细菌、古生菌以及人类致病菌中多有发现,但其分子调控机制尚不清楚。为了全面解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制,本文选择荧光假单胞菌Pf0-1为研究对象,开展了其DNA磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制研究。[方法]首先,构建了spfB基因缺失和回补菌株,使用碘能特异性断裂磷硫酰化修饰DNA的方法,研究了该基因缺失对修饰表型的影响。利用cDNA在相邻同方向的基因间隔区进行PCR,确定了磷硫酰化修饰基因簇spfBCDE内的共转录单元。通过荧光定量RT-PCR,分析了spfB基因缺失突变株中磷硫酰化修饰基因的转录量。利用异源表达并纯化得到的重组蛋白SpfB进行了体外功能研究。通过EMSA实验,验证了SpfB蛋白具有与spfB启动子序列结合活性。通过DNase I footprinting实验,精确定位了SpfB蛋白与DNA结合序列。[结果]spfB基因的缺失加剧了磷硫酰化修饰DNA断裂所致电泳条带弥散的表型,spfB基因的回补能够恢复该表型,证明spfB基因负调控磷硫酰化修饰。鉴定了spf基因簇中只含有1个共转录单元,且该共转录单元在△spfB突变株中转录水平明显上升。通过EMSA和DNase I footprint实验,检测了SpfB蛋白与磷硫酰化修饰基因spfBCDE的启动子区域5''-TGTTTGT-3''相结合。[结论]SpfB作为转录调控因子负调控磷硫酰化修饰基因spfBCDE的表达,为解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制和全面理解基因组上的部分修饰特征奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Currently, molecular biologic techniques achieve a great development in studies of soil samples. The objective of this research is to improve methods for microbial prospecting of oil and gas by applying culture-independent techniques to soil sampled from above a known oil and gas field. Firstly, the community structure of soil bacteria above the Ban 876 Gas and Oil Field was analyzed based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. The soil bacteria communities were consistently different along the depth; however, Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes were predominant and methanotrophs were minor in both bacteria libraries (DGS1 and DGS2). Secondly, the numbers of methane-oxidizing bacteria, quantified using a culture-dependent procedure and culture-independent group-specific real-time PCR (RT-PCR), respectively, were inconsistent with a quantify variance of one or two orders of magnitude. Special emphasis was given to the counting advantages of RT-PCR based on the methanotrophic pmoA gene. Finally, the diversity and distribution of methanotrophic communities in the soil samples were analyzed by constructing clone libraries of functional gene. All 508-bp inserts in clones phylogenetically belonged to the methanotrophic pmoA gene with similarities from 83% to 100%. However, most of the similarities were below 96%. Five clone libraries of methanotrophs clearly showed that the anomalous methanotrophs (Methylosinus and Methylocystis) occupy the studied area.  相似文献   
Liu S  Yang F  Xue Y  Gong Z  Chen H  Wang T  Su Z 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(17):8273-8279
In this study, the anammox consortium was found to adapt to the wastewater containing dissolved oxygen (DO), as the DO was gradually increased. Batch tests indicated the maximum aerobic ammonium oxidizing activity of the consortium was 1.38mmolNH(4)(+)-N(gVSS)(-1)day(-1), which played key roles in the oxygen consumption process; the maximum anaerobic ammonium oxidizing activity was slightly decreased after long-term oxygen exposure, but only from 21.23mmolNH(4)(+)-N(gVSS)(-1)day(-1) to 20.23mmolNH(4)(+)-N(gVSS)(-1)day(-1). Microbiological community analysis identified two strains similar to Nitrosomonas eutropha were responsible for oxygen consumption, which were able to exist in the autotrophic anaerobic condition for long periods and protect anammox bacteria Planctomycetales from the influence of oxygen. Microbiological composition analysis showed Nitrosomonas and Planctomycetales approximately accounted for 10% and 70% of the bacteria, respectively. The possibility of cultivation anammox consortium in presence of DO will lead to substantial savings of energy and resource in the industrial application.  相似文献   
重组人淋巴毒素随机点突变组合文库的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建重组人淋巴毒素(rhLT)随机点突变组合文库以进行体外分子进化及结构和功能的研究。应用含随机核苷酸序列的引物,通过Overlap PCR的方法分别对rhLT 的46、106和130位氨基酸进行定点随机突变,获得各单点随机突变体库。通过基因操作将这三个单点随机突变体库拼接并克隆于Pmd_18T载体建立三点组合突变体文库,DNA测序鉴定突变位点的随机性和多样性,原核表达该变异体库,体外测定生物学活性。成功获得rhLT三点随机点突变组合文库,其转化克隆数达到1.5×105,是多样性理论值的4.5倍。50个样品的序列分析显示各个位点的核苷酸和氨基酸序列的突变都呈随机性分布。对原核表达的30个样品进行生物学活性测定,结果70%(21个)的样品无活性、23.3%(7个)的样品活性低于rhLT、6.7%(2个)的样品活性高于rhLT。成功构建了rhLT随机点突变组合文库,该库不仅在一级结构上具有良好的随机性和多样性,而且具有生物学活性的多样性,为应用噬菌体展示等高通量筛选策略对淋巴毒素进行体外分子进化和结构与功能的深入研究打下了基础。  相似文献   
The properties of equilibria and phase synchronization involving burst synchronization and spike synchronization of two electrically coupled HR neurons are studied in this paper. The findings reveal that in the non-delayed system the existence of equilibria can be turned into intersection of two odd functions, and two types of equilibria with symmetry and non-symmetry can be found. With the stability and bifurcation analysis, the bifurcations of equilibria are investigated. For the delayed system, the equilibria remain unchanged. However, the Hopf bifurcation point is drastically affected by time delay. For the phase synchronization, we focus on the synchronization transition from burst synchronization to spike synchronization in the non-delayed system and the effect of coupling strength and time delay on spike synchronization in delayed system. In addition, corresponding firing rhythms and spike synchronized regions are obtained in the two parameters plane. The results allow us to better understand the properties of equilibria, multi-time-scale properties of synchronization and temporal encoding scheme in neuronal systems.  相似文献   
Jin Z  Guo HS  Xu DY  Hong MY  Li XL  Xu WX 《生理学报》2004,56(6):678-684
为探讨非肾上腺素能非胆碱能神经递质对胃窦环行肌功能的调节作用,在离体胃平滑肌上观察了嘌呤拟似物对胃窦环行肌自发性收缩活动和电活动的影响。电活动用传统的细胞内微电极记录,并和收缩活动同步描记于多道生理记录仪。结果表明,嘌呤能P2Y受体激动剂,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和2-methylthio ATP(2-MeSATP)均增强胃窦平滑肌的收缩活动,但不影响电活动,而且ATP和2-MeSATP对胃平滑肌收缩活动的增强作用可被嘌呤能P2Y受体阻断剂,reactive blue-2和苏拉明(suramin)所阻断。用100μmol/L α,β-MeATP引起的脱敏感使P2X受体被阻断,ATP增强胃窦平滑肌收缩活动的效应不受影响。嘌呤能P2X受体激动剂,α,β-MeATP明显抑制胃窦环行肌自发性收缩活动,同时使膜电位明显超极化。ATP对胃窦平滑肌的收缩作用不被L型钙通道阻断剂尼卡地平(nicardipine)阻断,但细胞外用无钙液灌流时这种效应则完全被阻断。用前列腺素合成抑制剂消炎痛预先处理20min后,ATP和2-MeSATP仍能增强胃窦平滑肌的自发性收缩活动。以上结果提示:(1)ATP和2-MeSATP通过嘌呤能P2Y受体增强胃窦平滑肌的自发性收缩活动,而α,β-MeATP或β,γ-MeATP通过嘌呤能P2X受体使膜电位超极化,引起胃窦平滑肌的舒张;(2)ATP和2-MeSATP增强胃窦平滑肌自发性收缩活动的效应依赖于细胞外钙,但钙离子进入细胞的途径并不是电压依赖性钙通道;(3)ATP和2-MeSATP增强胃窦平滑肌自发性收缩活动的效应不通过前列腺素介导。  相似文献   
Abstract In this paper, two new species of the genus Phytocoris Fallen ( Ph. nitrariae sp. nov., Ph. macer sp. nov.) are described from China. Both of these two species belong to the subgenus Sooso-capsus Wagner when Wagner's system (1970) is used.  相似文献   
Ren Y  Li SR  Li J  Zhou Q  DU XY  Li TJ  Yang WY  Zheng YL 《遗传》2011,33(11):1263-1270
小麦条锈病是影响杂交小麦普及推广的重要因素。文章利用基因推导法和SSR分子标记技术,研究了温光型两系杂交小麦恢复系MR168的抗条锈性遗传规律及其控制基因染色体位置。结果表明,MR168对CY29、CY31、CY32、CY33等条锈菌生理小种表现高抗至免疫;对SY95-71/MR168杂交组合的正反交F1、BC1、F2和F3群体分单株接种鉴定显示,MR168对CY32号小种的抗性受1对显性核基因控制,该抗病基因来源于春小麦品种辽春10号。利用集群分离分析法(Bulked segregant analysis,BSA)和简单重复序列(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)分子标记分析抗病亲本MR168、感病亲本SY95-71及183个F2代单株,发现了与MR168抗条锈病基因连锁的5个微卫星标记Xgwm273、Xgwm18、Xbarc187、Xwmc269、Xwmc406,并将该基因初步定位在1BS着丝粒附近,暂命名为YrMR168;构建了包含YrMR168的SSR标记遗传图谱,距离YrMR168最近的两个微卫星位点是Xgwm18和Xbarc187,遗传距离分别为1.9 cM和2.4 cM,这两个微卫星标记可用于杂交小麦抗条锈病分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   
Dong A  Ye M  Guo H  Zheng J  Guo D 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(4):339-344
Of 49 microbial strains screened for their capabilities to transform ginsenoside Rb1, Rhizopus stolonifer and Curvularia lunata produced four key metabolites: 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]- 20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (1), 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d- glucopyranosyl]-20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ol (2), 3-O-[-d-gluco- pyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (3), and 3-O--d-glucopyranosyl-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (4), identified by TOF-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectral data. Metabolites 1, 3 and 4 were from the incubation with R. stolonifer, and 1 and 2 from the incubation with C. lunata. Compound 2 was identified as a new compound.  相似文献   
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