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We have addressed the role of the F-box helicase 1 (Fbh1) protein during genome maintenance in mammalian cells. For this, we generated two mouse embryonic stem cell lines deficient for Fbh1: one with a homozygous deletion of the N-terminal F-box domain (Fbh1f/f), and the other with a homozygous disruption (Fbh1?/?). Consistent with previous reports of Fbh1-deficiency in vertebrate cells, we found that Fbh1?/? cells show a moderate increase in Rad51 localization to DNA damage, but no clear defect in chromosome break repair. In contrast, we found that Fbh1f/f cells show a decrease in Rad51 localization to DNA damage and increased cytoplasmic localization of Rad51. However, these Fbh1f/f cells show no clear defects in chromosome break repair. Since some Rad51 partners and F-box-associated proteins (Skp1-Cul1) have been implicated in progression through mitosis, we considered whether Fbh1 might play a role in this process. To test this hypothesis, we disrupted mitosis using catalytic topoisomerase II inhibitors (bisdioxopiperazines), which inhibit chromosome decatenation. We found that both Fbh1f/f and Fbh1?/? cells show hypersensitivity to topoisomerase II catalytic inhibitors, even though the degree of decatenation stress was not affected. Furthermore, following topoisomerase II catalytic inhibition, both Fbh1-deficient cell lines show substantial defects in anaphase separation of chromosomes. These results indicate that Fbh1 is important for restoration of normal mitotic progression following decatenation stress.  相似文献   
Properties of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 DNA polymerase   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) DNA polymerases were highly purified from infected HeLa BU cells by DEAE cellulose, phosphocellulose and DNA cellulose column chromatography. DNA exonuclease activity but not endonuclease activity was found associated with both types of DNA polymerase. Both DNA polymerase activities could be activated by salt in a similar fashion with the optimal activity in the range of ionic strength between 0.22 and 0.29 alpha. At an ionic strength of 0.14, spermidine and putrescine in the concentration range (0--5 mM) studied could mimic the action of KCI in stimulating DNA polymerase activity. Spermine, in the same concentration range, had a biphasic effect. At an ionic strength of 0.29 all three polyamines were inhibitory. HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA polymerase are similar in their column chromatographic behavior, sedimentation rate in sucrose gradient centrifugation, and activation energy, but they differ in their heat stability at 45 degrees C with the HSV-2 enzyme more stable than the HSV-1 enzyme. Kinetic behavior of both enzymes is similar, with Km values for deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the range of 5 . 10(-7) to 1.8 . 10(-8) M. IdUTP and dUTP served as apparent competitive inhibitors with respect to dTTP, and AraATP acted as an apparent competitive inhibitor with respect to dATP. AraATP could not replace dATP in the DNA polymerization reaction; in contrast, IdUTP could replace TTP. Phosphonoformic acid behaved as an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to DNA. The ID(50) value estimated was foind to be dependent on the purity of the DNA polymerase used and the ionic strength of the assay condition. Each DNA-polymerase associated DNA exonuclease had the same stability at 45 degrees C as its DNA polymerase. The associated DNAase activity was inhibited by phosphonoformic acid and high ionic strength of the assay condition.  相似文献   
Androgen receptor-acceptor complexes in nuclei from rat ventral prostates were cross-linked in situ with formaldehyde and partially purified using affinity chromatography. To isolate acceptor DNA, the cross-linked receptor-acceptor complexes in formaldehyde-treated chromatin samples were adsorbed to dihydrotestosterone-17 beta-succinyl agarose, eluted with 75 microM dihydrotestosterone-1% SDS, digested with proteinase K and extracted with phenol-chloroform. After 32P end-labelling and PAGE, this DNA contained two distinct bands of DNA (about 300 and 400 base pairs respectively) which were unique relative to the total prostatic DNA. As an alternative approach for characterizing acceptor DNA, the DNA in prostatic nuclei and cross-linked chromatin was labelled with 32P by nick translation and analysed in glycerol density gradients for associations with cross-linked androgen receptors. A symmetrical 7s peak of 32P-DNA with a small amount of coincident receptor was observed in the gradients after mild trypsin treatment. In the absence of trypsin treatment, both the cross-linked receptors and the labelled DNA sedimented to the bottom of the gradients. Isolation of acceptor proteins involved iodination of cross-linked chromatin with 125I and androgen affinity chromatography. A comparison of the relative efficiency of retention and elution of 125I-proteins from different affinity columns revealed that testosterone-17 beta-succinyl agarose was potentially most suitable for purification of acceptor proteins. After electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, the eluates from this type of affinity matrix were found to contain two major peaks of 125I-labelled proteins--one corresponding to a protein with a similar molecular weight as the nuclear androgen receptor (33,000 Da); the other having a molecular weight of 20,000 Da. While the precise identity of this latter entity is unknown, its enrichment and retention by the affinity gel implies that it is closely associated with the androgen receptor and may be a component of the acceptor sites.  相似文献   
A cellular binding protein for 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) was solubilized with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) from A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells. The binding activity is T3 specific. Analysis of the equilibrium binding data indicated that the binding protein has one class of binding sites for T3 with a Kd of (17 +/- 3) nM and Bmax of (1.8 +/- 0.6) pmol/50 micrograms of protein. The pH optimum for binding is 6.8. The T3 binding protein elutes from Sephadex G-200 in an included peak which has a Stokes radius of 40 A and sediments on glycerol gradients at 3.7 S. By affinity labeling with [3,5-125I]thyroxine a protein with a molecular weight of 58,000 was specifically labeled. Its isoelectric point was determined to be 7.1, which is different from the reported pIs of other thyroid hormone binding proteins. p58 was successively purified to apparent homogeneity by chromatography on Sephadex G-200, QAE-Sephadex, SP-Sephadex, and hydroxylapatite. Approximately 50 micrograms of purified protein was obtained from 2.5 X 10(9) cells with a yield of 1.1%. The purified protein retains its binding activity. The specific binding activity is enriched by approximately 1000-fold. With the availability of a purified protein with T3 binding activity, it becomes possible to study its cellular function.  相似文献   
In order to understand the coordinate regulation between the alpha-like and beta-like globins during the developmental switches in hemoglobin synthesis, we have studied the rabbit alpha-like globin gene family. A cluster of six linked genes arranged 5'-zeta 1-alpha 1-theta 1-zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3' has been isolated as a set of overlapping clones from a library of rabbit genomic DNA. Blot-hybridization analysis of genomic DNA not only confirms this linkage arrangement but also reveals the presence of additional zeta and theta genes. We propose that this gene cluster was generated by a block duplication of a set of alpha-like genes; the proposed duplication unit is zeta-zeta-alpha-theta. Further duplications of a zeta-zeta-theta set are also proposed to have occurred. As expected for a duplicated locus, the rabbit alpha-like gene cluster contains long blocks of internal homology. The Z homology block is about 7.2 kilobase pairs long and contains the zeta genes; the T homology block is about 4.7 kilobase pairs long and contains a theta gene. Surprisingly, both Z and T homology blocks are flanked by a common junction sequence (J) which contains a region very similar to the 3'-untranslated sequence of an alpha-globin gene. Analysis of the J sequences suggests a recombination mechanism by which the alpha gene could have been deleted from the second set of genes in the cluster (zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2). The relationships among the genes in characterized alpha-like gene clusters in mammals are summarized. The rabbit gene cluster differs from those of other mammals principally in the loss of a gene orthologous to the human psi alpha 1 and in the block duplication of the zeta-zeta-alpha-theta gene set.  相似文献   
This study reports the first demonstration within a single insect genus (Tribolium) of both the acute, or lethal-midlethal, dose-independent pattern of mortality, and the hyperacute, dose-dependent pattern, after appropriate doses of ionizing radiation. This demonstration provides resolution of apparently contradictory reports of insect responses in terms of doses required to cause lethality and those based on survival time as a function of dose. A dose-dependent mortality pattern was elicited in adult Tribolium receiving high doses, viz., 300 Gy or greater; its time-course was complete in 10 days, before the dose-independent mortality began. Visual observations of heavily-irradiated Tribolium suggested neural and/or neuromuscular damage, as had been previously proposed by others for lethally-irradiated wasps, flies, and mosquitoes. Results of experiments using fractionated high doses supported the suggestion that the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is the result of damage to nonproliferative tissues. Relative resistance of a strain to the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is not necessarily correlated with resistance to the midlethal mode, which is believed to be the result of damage to the proliferative cells of the midgut.
Résumé Les résultats de nombreuses études des réactions des insectes adultes de différents groupes à l'irradiation s'opposent quant à l'importance de la dose provoquant la létalité et quant aux modalités de la mort. Les diptères et les guèpes impliquent des doses très élevées,-des centaines de Gy-, ne présentent aucune période caractérisant la mort par irradiation, et décèdent de plus en plus tôt avec l'augmentation des doses. Beaucoup d'autres insectes succombent à des doses (milétalelétale) beaucoup plus faibles,-de quelques Gy à des dizaines-, et quelle que soit la dose meurent au bout d'un temps voisin.Au cours de cette étude, nous avons pu observer que ces deux types de mortalité peuvent être provoqués chez le même genre d'insecte (Tribolium), avec des doses convenables d'irradiation . Un syndrôme caractéristique a été provoqué avec des doses très élevées, de 300 Gy ou plus,-à ces doses la mort est obtenue en 10 jours après l'irradiation. L'absence de syndrôme caractéristique se produit avec des doses inférieures ou égales à 80 Gy; la mort a lieu alors entre 10 et 16 jours en fonction de la dose.Les différences entre les deux types de décès indiquent deux processus de mort par irradiation. La manifestation d'une désorientation et d'une perte de coordination motrice chez les Tribolium fortement irradiés suggère des altérations neurales et/ou neuromusculaires comme cause/s de ce type de mort provoquée par des doses élevées. L'implication de tissus sans prolifération a été confortée par les résultats d'expériences utilisant de hautes doses fractionnées. Le type de mort milétal est considéré après de nombreuses observations indépendantes, comme le résultat d'atteintes à la prolifération des cellules de l'intestin moyen.Les données contradictoires sur les réactions des insectes aux irradiations proviennent d'abord de l'absence de connaissances sur le lieu des dégâts. Les diptères sont connus maintenant, après différentes études, comme perdant complètement l'aptitude au renouvellement cellulaire, et présentent ainsi un type de mort avec dose élevée. Beaucoup d'autres insectes adultes ont un renouvellement cellulaire de l'intestin moyen limité, et ainsi présentent le type de mort milétal. Le type de mort, dit haute dose, peut être induit dans cette dernière catégorie d'insectes par une irradiation suffisamment forte, et, dans le cas du Tribolium le déroulement de la mort se produit alors de deux façons bien distinctes.
Our results indicate that only one type of tyrosine kinase is present within each middle-T antigen-tyrosine kinase complex, suggesting that middle-T antigen forms separate complexes with different tyrosine kinases. Furthermore, we determined that there is only one molecule of middle-T antigen within any one of these complexes. We interpret this to mean that in any given cell, polyomavirus transformation involves, at least in part, the simultaneous deregulation of a number of separate pathways controlling cellular proliferation. Finally, we also demonstrate that the separate middle-T:pp60c-src and middle-T:pp59c-fyn complexes are each able to interact with the same cellular p81/85-kDa phosphoprotein, a possible component of the phosphatidylinositol kinase.  相似文献   
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