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Spectroscopic techniques were used to investigate the interaction between vanadate and human erythrocyte ghosts. Direct evidence from 51V nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies suggested that the monomeric and polymeric vanadate species may bind to the anion binding sites of band 3 protein of the erythrocyte membrane. The results of 51V NMR studies and the quenching effect of vanadate on the intrinsic fluorescence of the membrane proteins indicated that in the low concentration range of vanadate (<0.6 mm), monomeric vanadate binds mostly to the anion sites of band 3 protein with the dissociation constant close to 0.23 mm. The experiments of sulfhydryl content titration by the method of Ellman and residue sulfhydryl-labeled fluorescence spectroscopies clearly displayed that vanadate reacts directly with sulfhydryl groups. The appearance of the anisotropic election spin resonance (ESR) signal of vanadyl suggests that a small (c. 3%) amount of vanadate was reduced by sulfhydryl groups of membrane proteins. The fluidity and order of intact ghost membrane were reduced by the reaction with vanadate, as shown by the ESR studies employing the protein- and lipid-specific spin labels. It was concluded that although vanadates mainly bind to band 3 protein, a minor part of vanadate may oxidize the residue sulfhydryl groups of membrane proteins, and thus decrease the fluidity of erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   
Y T Ro  C Y Eom  T Song  J W Cho    Y M Kim 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(19):6041-6047
Acinetobacter sp. strain JC1 DSM 3803, a carboxydobacterium, grown on methanol was found to show dihydroxyacetone synthase, dihydroxyacetone kinase, and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, but no hydroxypyruvate reductase and very low hexulose 6-phosphate synthase, activities. The dihydroxyacetone synthase was found to be expressed earlier than the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. The dihydroxyacetone synthase was purified 19-fold in eight steps to homogeneity, with a yield of 9%. The final specific activity of the purified enzyme was 1.12 micromol of NADH oxidized per min per mg of protein. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was determined to be 140,000. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis revealed a subunit of molecular weight 73,000. The optimum temperature and pH were 30 degrees C and 7.0, respectively. The enzyme was inactivated very rapidly at 70 degrees C. The enzyme required Mg2+ and thiamine pyrophosphate for maximal activity. Xylulose 5-phosphate was found to be the best substrate when formaldehyde was used as a glycoaldehyde acceptor. Erythrose 4-phosphate, glycolaldehyde, and formaldehyde were found to act as excellent substrates when xylulose 5-phosphate was used as a glycoaldehyde donor. The Kms for formaldehyde and xylulose 5-phosphate were 1.86 mM and 33.3 microM, respectively. The enzyme produced dihydroxyacetone from formaldehyde and xylulose 5-phosphate. The enzyme was found to be expressed only in cells grown on methanol and shared no immunological properties with the yeast dihydroxyacetone synthase.  相似文献   
The eggs of most oviparous animals are provisioned with a class of protein called vitellogenin (Vg) which is stored as the major component of yolk. Until recently, deduced amino acid sequences were available only from vertebrate and nematode Vgs, which proved to be homologous. The sequences of several insect Vgs are now known, but early attempts at pairwise alignments with vertebrate and nematode Vgs have been problematic, leading to conflicting conclusions about how closely insect Vgs are related to the others. In this paper we demonstrate that insect Vg sequences can be confidently aligned with one another along their entire lengths and with multiple vertebrate and nematode Vg sequences along most of their spans. Although divergence is high, conservation among insect, vertebrate, and nematode Vg sequences is widespread with a preponderance of glycine, proline, and cysteine residues among strictly conserved amino acids, establishing conclusively that Vgs from the three phyla are homologous. Areas of least-certain alignment are primarily in and around insect and vertebrate polyserine domains which are not homologous. Phylogenetic reconstructions of Vgs based on sequence identities indicate that the insect lineage is the most diverged and that the mammalian serum protein, apolipoprotein B-100, arose from a Vg ancestor after the nematode/vertebrate divergence. Received: 6 May 1996 / Accepted: 27 September 1996  相似文献   
C Chen  P Guo 《Journal of virology》1997,71(5):3864-3871
A 120-base pRNA encoded by bacteriophage b29 has a novel and essential role in genomic DNA packaging. Six DNA-packaging RNAs (pRNAs) were bound to the sixfold symmetrical portal vertex of procapsids during the DNA translocation process and left the procapsid after the DNA-packaging reaction was completed, suggesting that the pRNA participated in the translocation of genomic DNA into procapsids. To further investigate the mechanism of DNA packaging, it is crucial to determine whether these six pRNA molecules work as an integrated entity or each pRNA acts as a functional individual. If pRNAs work individually, then do they work in sequence with communication or in random order without interaction? Results from compensation and complementation analysis did not support the integrated model. Computation of the probability of combination between wild-type and mutant pRNAs and experimental data of competitive inhibition excluded the random model while favoring the proposal that the six pRNAs functioned sequentially. Sequential action of the pRNA also explains why the pRNA is so sensitive to mutation, since the effect of a pRNA mutation will be amplified by 6 orders of magnitude after six consecutive steps, resulting in the observed complete loss of DNA-packaging activity caused by small alterations. When any one of the six pRNAs was replaced with an inactive one, complete blockage of DNA packaging resulted, strongly supporting the speculation that individual pRNAs, presumably together with other components such as the packaging ATPase gp16, take turns mediating successive steps of packaging. Although the data provided here could not exclude the integrated model completely, there is no evidence so far to argue against the model of sequential action.  相似文献   
S Swingler  P Gallay  D Camaur  J Song  A Abo    D Trono 《Journal of virology》1997,71(6):4372-4377
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 matrix (MA) protein is phosphorylated during virion maturation on its C-terminal tyrosine and on several serine residues. Whereas MA tyrosine phosphorylation facilitates viral nuclear import, the significance of MA serine phosphorylation remains unclear. Here, we report that MA serine but not tyrosine phosphorylation is strongly enhanced by Nef. Mutations that abrogated the membrane association of Nef and its ability to bind a cellular serine/threonine kinase greatly diminished the extent of virion MA serine phosphorylation. Correspondingly, a protein kinase coimmunoprecipitated with Nef could phosphorylate MA on serine in vitro, producing a phosphopeptide pattern reminiscent of that of virion MA. Recombinant p21-activated kinase hPAK65, a recently proposed relative of the Nef-associated kinase, achieved a comparable result. Taken together, these data suggest that MA is a target of the Nef-associated serine kinase.  相似文献   
Wang, Jong-Shyan, Chauying J. Jen, and Hsiun-Ing Chen.Effects of chronic exercise and deconditioning on plateletfunction in women. J. Appl. Physiol.83(6): 2080-2085, 1997.To investigate the effects of chronicexercise and deconditioning on platelet function in women, 16 healthysedentary women were divided into control and exercise groups. Theexercise group cycled on an ergometer at 50% maximal oxygenconsumption for 30 min/day, 5 days/wk, for two consecutive menstrualcycles and then were deconditioned for three menstrual cycles. Duringthis period, platelet adhesiveness on a fibrinogen-coated surface,ADP-induced platelet aggregation and intracellular calciumconcentration elevation, guanosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) content in platelets, and plasma nitric oxide metabolite levels were measured before and immediately after a progressive exercise test in the midfollicular phase. Ourresults indicated that, after exercise training,1) resting heart rates and bloodpressures were reduced, and exercise performance was improved;2) resting platelet function wasdecreased, whereas plasma nitrite and nitrate levels and platelet cGMPcontents were enhanced; and 3) thepotentiation of platelet function by acute strenuous exercise wasdecreased, whereas the increases in plasma nitrite and nitrate levelsand platelet cGMP contents were enhanced by acuteexercise. Furthermore, deconditioning reversed these training effects. This implies that training-induced platelet functional changes in women in the midfollicular phase may be mediatedby nitric oxide.

Chen, Zibin, and Frederic L. Eldridge. Inputs fromupper airway affect firing of respiratory-associated midbrain neurons. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 196-203, 1997.In 16 decerebrated unanesthetized cats, we studied effects ofneural inputs from upper airway on firing of 62 mesencephalic neuronsthat also developed respiratory-associated (RA) rhythmic firing whenrespiratory drive was high [Z. Chen, F. L. Eldridge, and P.G.Wagner. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 437:305-325, 1991] and on firing of 16 neurons that did notdevelop the rhythmic firing (non-RA neurons). Activity in RA neuronsincreased after mechanical expansion of pharynx (45% of those tested)or larynx (68%) and after stimulation of glossopharyngeal (50%) orsuperior laryngeal nerves (77%). The increased neuronal firingoccurred despite decreases or abolition of respiratory activity(expressed in phrenic nerve). Neuronal firing also increased aftermechanical stimulation of nasal mucosa (66%) or by jetsof air directed into the nares (48%) and after lightbrushing of nasal skin (~40%). Most stimuli led to decreased firingin a smaller number of neurons, and some neurons showed no response.None of the non-RA neurons developed an increase of firing after any ofthe stimuli, although one had decreased firing after stimulation of thesuperior laryngeal nerve. We conclude that inputs from the upper airwayand nasal skin have independent modulatory effects on the samemesencephalic neurons that are stimulated by ascending rhythmic RAinput from the medulla. These findings may have relevance to generationof the sensation of dyspnea.

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