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The emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a major medical challenge. Lantibiotics are highly modified bacterially produced antimicrobial peptides that have attracted considerable interest as alternatives or adjuncts to existing antibiotics. Nisin, the most widely studied and commercially exploited lantibiotic, exhibits high efficacy against many pathogens. However, some clinically relevant bacteria express highly specific membrane‐associated nisin resistance proteins. One notable example is the nisin resistance protein that acts by cleaving the peptide bond between ring E and the adjacent serine 29, resulting in a truncated peptide with significantly less activity. We utilised a complete bank of bioengineered nisin (nisin A) producers in which the serine 29 residue has been replaced with every alternative amino acid. The nisin A S29P derivative was found to be as active as nisin A against a variety of bacterial targets but, crucially, exhibited a 20‐fold increase in specific activity against a strain expressing the nisin resistance protein. Another derivative, nisin PV, exhibited similar properties but was much less prone to oxidation. This version of nisin with enhanced resistance to specific resistance mechanisms could prove useful in the fight against antibiotic resistant pathogens.  相似文献   
An in vitro sperm activation system was used to study nuclear swelling-chromatin decondensation and DNA synthesis; processes that occur in vivo following fertilization. Lysolecithin-permeabilized human sperm were incubated in Xenopus laevis egg extract and examined by using phase-contrast light microscopy, electron microscopy, and autoradiography. During a 3-hour incubation, the activated sperm nuclear chromatin underwent a decondensation-recondensation cycle during which DNA was synthesized. This also occurred when egg extract was given a 3-hour preincubation before the addition of the sperm, suggesting that the factor(s) required for initiating the decondensation-recondensation cycle is associated with the sperm. Because both nuclear swelling and DNA synthesis were found to be reproducible and quantifiable, we studied the effect of various agents on the two processes, characterizing the critical component(s) in the egg extract that induces these events. EGTA was found to have no effect on the induced nuclear swelling or DNA synthesis that occurs in the activated sperm. Freezing and thawing the extract or treating the extract with aphidicolin also had no effect on subsequent nuclear swelling; however, the DNA synthesis activity was blocked. Sperm incubated in extract treated with alkaline phosphatase (AP) had both nuclear swelling and DNA synthesis blocked. However, if the sperm were pretreated with DTT, and then incubated with the AP-treated extract, only the DNA synthesis activity of the extract was blocked. When the extract was treated with serine protease inhibitors (PMSF, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or alpha-2-macroglobulin), nuclear swelling occurred; however, DNA synthesis was blocked. These data suggest that phosphoproteins are involved in one or more of the activation events and that a serine protease(s) is involved in the synthesis of DNA.  相似文献   
The volcanic Sulphur Springs, St. Lucia, present an extreme environment due to high temperatures, low pH values, and high concentrations of sulfate and boron. St. Lucia offers some unique geochemical characteristics that may shape the microbial communities within the Sulphur Springs area. We chose six pools representing a range of geochemical characteristics for detailed microbial community analyses. Chemical concentrations varied greatly between sites. Microbial diversity was analyzed using 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses. With the exception of one pool with relatively low concentrations of dissolved ions, microbial diversity was very low, with Aquificales sequences dominating bacterial communities at most pools. The archaeal component of all pools was almost exclusively Acidianus spp. and did not vary between sites with different chemical characteristics. In the pool with the highest boron and sulfate concentrations, only archaeal sequences were detected. Compared with other sulfur springs such as those at Yellowstone, the microbial diversity at St. Lucia is very different, but it is similar to that at the nearby Lesser Antilles island of Montserrat. While high elemental concentrations seem to be related to differences in bacterial diversity here, similarities with other Lesser Antilles sites suggest that there may be a biogeographical component as well.  相似文献   
The most probable initial reaction between NO and O2 is direct addition to give the peroxyl radical ONOO. In view of the potential importance of this radical in biology, we have searched extensively for its formation, using EPR spectroscopy and rapid freezing techniques. At best, only extremely low concentrations were detected, and in most systems, no signals were detectable. We conclude that this radical is unlikely to be of major importance per se in biological systems, in contrast with its one electron adduct, the peroxynitrite anion.  相似文献   
 Plant responses to saturation vapour pressure deficit (SVPD) were studied by subjecting black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.] and jack pine seedlings (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) to humid (0.3 – 0.8 kPa) or dry (2.0 – 2.5 kPa SVPD) regimes for 4 weeks using a computer-controlled environmental system to control diurnal variation in SVPD. Dry matter accumulation in needles was not altered by increasing SVPD. However, root growth declined by 60% which increased shoot to root ratio and reduced total seedling dry weight in both black spruce and jack pine. Relative growth rate of jack pine also declined to about half the rate of plants grown under humid conditions. In situ root marking studies showed that the decline in root growth of jack pine under the high SVPD was the result of reduced lateral root initiation, whereas root elongation was unaffected by humidity. A 4-week exposure to dry air increased abscisic acid (ABA) levels in needles, but not roots, of jack pine whereas ABA levels in black spruce were not altered. A short (3-day) exposure failed to increase needle ABA levels in either species. These results suggest that the responses of conifers to dry air were not the result of ABA accumulation. Received: 24 March 1996 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   
Among the Porifera, symbiosis with Symbiodinium spp. (i.e., zooxanthellae) is largely restricted to members of the family Clionaidae. We surveyed the diversity of zooxanthellae associated with sponges from the Caribbean and greater Indo-Pacific regions using chloroplast large subunit (cp23S) domain V sequences. We provide the first report of Clade C Symbiodinium harbored by a sponge (Cliona caesia), and the first report of Clade A Symbiodinium from an Indo-Pacific sponge (C. jullieni). Clade A zooxanthellae were also identified in sponges from the Caribbean, which has been reported previously. Sponges that we examined from the Florida Keys all harbored Clade G Symbiodinium as did C. orientalis from the Indo-Pacific, which also supports earlier work with sponges. Two distinct Clade G lineages were identified in our phylogenetic analysis; Symbiodinium extracted from clionaid sponges formed a monophyletic group sister to Symbiodinium found in foraminiferans. Truncated and 'normal' length variants of 23S rDNA sequences were detected simultaneously in all three morphotypes of C. varians providing the first evidence of chloroplast-based heteroplasmy in a sponge. None of the other sponge species examined showed evidence of heteroplasmy. As in previous work, length variation in cp23S domain V sequences was found to correspond in a highly precise manner to finer resolution of phylogenetic topology among Symbiodinium clades. On a global scale, existing data indicate that members of the family Clionaidae that host zooxanthellae can form symbiotic associations with at least four Symbiodinium clades. The majority of sponge hosts appear to harbor only one cladal type of symbiont, but some species can harbor more than one clade of zooxanthellae concurrently. The observed differences in the number of partners harbored by sponges raise important questions about the degree of coevolutionary integration and specificity of these symbioses. Although our sample sizes are small, we propose that one of the Clade G lineages identified in this study is comprised of sponge-specialist zooxanthellae. These zooxanthellae are common in Caribbean sponges, but additional work in other geographic regions is necessary to test this idea. Sponges from the Indo-Pacific region harbor zooxanthellae from Clades A, C, and G, but more sponges from this region should be examined.  相似文献   
Interaction of the gonococcal porin P.IB with G- and F-actin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The invasion of epithelial cells by N. gonorrheae is accompanied by formation of a halo of actin filaments around the enveloped bacterium. The transfer of the bacterial major outer membrane protein, porin, to the host cell membrane during invasion makes it a candidate for a facilitator for the formation of this halo. Western analysis shows here that gonococcal porin P.IB associates with the actin cytoskeleton in infected cells. Using the pyrene-labeled Mg forms of yeast and muscle actins, we demonstrate that under low ionic strength conditions, P.IB causes formation of filamentous actin assemblies, although they, unlike F-actin, cannot be internally cross-linked with N,N'-4-phenylenedimaleimide (PDM). In F-buffer, low porin concentrations appear to accelerate actin polymerization. Higher P.IB concentrations lead to the formation of highly decorated fragmented F-actin-like filaments in which the actin can be cross-linked by PDM. Co-assembly of P.IB with a pyrene-labeled mutant actin, S(265)C, prevents formation of a pyrene excimer present with labeled S(265)C F-actin alone. Addition of low concentrations of porin to preformed F-actin results in sparsely decorated F-actin. Higher P.IB concentrations extensively decorate the filaments, thereby altering their morphology to a state like that observed when the components are copolymerized. With preformed labeled S(265)C F-actin, P.IB quenches the pyrene excimer. This decrease is prevented by the F-actin stabilizers phalloidin and to a lesser extent beryllium fluoride. P.IB's association with the actin cytoskeleton and its ability to interact with and remodel actin filaments support a direct role for porin in altering the host cell cytoskeleton during invasion.  相似文献   
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