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Urbanization has a great impact on the composition of the vector system and malaria transmission dynamics. In Dakar, some malaria cases are autochthonous but parasite rates and incidences of clinical malaria attacks have been recorded at low levels. Ecological heterogeneity of malaria transmission was investigated in Dakar, in order to characterize the Anopheles breeding sites in the city and to study the dynamics of larval density and adult aggressiveness in ten characteristically different urban areas.


Ten study areas were sampled in Dakar and Pikine. Mosquitoes were collected by human landing collection during four nights in each area (120 person-nights). The Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CSP) index was measured by ELISA and the entomological inoculation rates (EIR) were calculated. Open water collections in the study areas were monitored weekly for physico-chemical characterization and the presence of anopheline larvae. Adult mosquitoes and hatched larvae were identified morphologically and by molecular methods.


In September-October 2007, 19,451 adult mosquitoes were caught among which, 1,101 were Anopheles gambiae s.l. The Human Biting Rate ranged from 0.1 bites per person per night in Yoff Village to 43.7 in Almadies. Seven out of 1,101 An. gambiae s.l. were found to be positive for P. falciparum (CSP index = 0.64%). EIR ranged from 0 infected bites per person per year in Yoff Village to 16.8 in Almadies. The An. gambiae complex population was composed of Anopheles arabiensis (94.8%) and Anopheles melas (5.2%). None of the An. melas were infected with P. falciparum. Of the 54 water collection sites monitored, 33 (61.1%) served as anopheline breeding sites on at least one observation. No An. melas was identified among the larval samples. Some physico-chemical characteristics of water bodies were associated with the presence/absence of anopheline larvae and with larval density. A very close parallel between larval and adult densities was found in six of the ten study areas.


The results provide evidence of malaria transmission in downtown Dakar and its surrounding suburbs. Spatial heterogeneity of human biting rates was very marked and malaria transmission was highly focal. In Dakar, mean figures for transmission would not provide a comprehensive picture of the entomological situation; risk evaluation should therefore be undertaken on a small scale.  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizal networks may facilitate the establishment and survival of seedlings regenerating under the canopies of tropical forests and are often invoked as a potential contributor to monodominance. We identified ectomycorrhizal fungi in a monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (Fabaceae) rain forest in Cameroon, using sporocarps and ectomycorrhizae of three age categories (seedlings, intermediate trees, and large trees) and tentatively revealed nutrient transfer through ectomycorrhizal networks by measuring spontaneous isotopic (13C and 15N) abundances in seedlings. Sporocarp surveys revealed fewer ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa (59 species from 1030 sporocarps) than molecular barcoding of ectomycorrhizal roots (75 operational taxonomic units from 828 ectomycorrhizae). Our observations suggest that ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity is similar to that in other mixed tropical forests and provide the first report of the TuberHelvella lineage in a tropical forest. Despite some differences, all age categories of G. dewevrei had overlapping ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, with families belonging to Thelephoraceae, Russulaceae, Sebacinaceae, Boletaceae, and Clavulinaceae. Of the 49 operational taxonomic units shared by the three age categories (65.3% of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community), 19 were the most abundant on root tips of all categories (38.7% of the shared taxa), supporting the likelihood of ectomycorrhizal networks. However, we obtained no evidence for nutrient transfer from trees to seedlings. We discuss the composition of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community among the G. dewevrei age categories and the possible role of common ectomycorrhizal networks in this rain forest.  相似文献   
The Dindifelou fall, located in south‐eastern Senegal, receives its water from discharging springs located in Dande plate‐land. These waters form, at the foot of the cliff, a pond that drains into the Thiokoye, a tributary of the Gambia River. The water quality of the pond and the stream is very good based on physicochemical analyses. Around the pond region, a microclimate characterized by a higher humidity and a lower temperature compared with the surrounding area is present. Diatoms study is carried out in different habitat types associated with this fall. The samples were taken by scraping the surface of rocks and rinsing fern leaves with sparkling water. Dande plate‐land is made of Upper Proterozoic sandstones whose gravity accumulations litter the bottom of the pond and the stream. This study allowed us to inventory 61 species and varieties of diatoms belonging to 28 genera. The most represented genera are Achnanthidium (ten species), Eunotia and Pinnularia (eight species each). Twelve species and varieties are reported for the first time in Senegambia including five of the genera Achnanthidium. The microflora is dominated by Achnantidium minutissimum and Achnanthidium catenatum, followed by Ulnaria ulna and various species of the genera Eunotia and Brachysira. Aerial habitats are more diversified here than the epilithic samples.  相似文献   


Breast cancer screening can reduce morbidity and mortality and improve the survival rate for this malignancy. Low participation in screening programs has been attributable to many factors including lack of knowledge. The aim of this study was to assess breast cancer screening knowledge, attitudes and practices among women of screening age (≥40 years old) in the city of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE).


A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2013 using the Breast Cancer Awareness Measure (CAM). Four out of twelve cultural and religious community centers in Al Ain city were randomly selected. Two hundred and forty seven women were interviewed. Chi Square test and regression analysis were used to analyze the data.


Despite the increase in the uptake of screening modalities in our study group, a lack of knowledge about breast cancer screening is still evident. Almost half (44.8%) of women who never had a Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) and 44.1% of women who never had a mammography expressed a lack of knowledge about the existence of these screening techniques. Nearly one third of the participants interpreted the presence of a breast lump incorrectly and, moreover, expressed fewer worries about the nature of the lump than would normally be expected.


The National screening program needs to be improved and directed towards more efficient and targeted utilization of resources. Healthcare professionals play a major role in alerting women to the importance of periodic screening.  相似文献   
Studies of marine viromes (viral metagenomes) have revealed that DNA viruses are highly diverse and exhibit biogeographic patterns. However, little is known about the diversity of RNA viruses, which are mostly composed of eukaryotic viruses, and their biogeographic patterns in the oceans. A growth in global commerce and maritime traffic may accelerate spread of diverse and non-cosmopolitan DNA viruses and potentially RNA viruses from one part of the world to another. Here, we demonstrated through metagenomic analyses that failure to comply with mid-ocean ballast water exchange regulation could result in movement of viromes including both DNA viruses and RNA viruses (including potential viral pathogens) unique to geographic and environmental niches. Furthermore, our results showed that virus richness (known and unknown viruses) in ballast water is associated with distance between ballast water exchange location and its nearest shoreline as well as length of water storage time in ballast tanks (voyage duration). However, richness of only known viruses is governed by local environmental conditions and different viral groups have different responses to environmental variation. Overall, these results identified ballast water as a factor contributing to ocean virome transport and potentially increased exposure of the aquatic bioshpere to viral invasion.  相似文献   
Fatty acid has been reported to be associated with cardiovascular diseases and cancer, but the possible mechanism remains unclear. Here, we reported a novel mechanism for the permissive role of fatty acid on iron intracellular translocation and subsequent oxidative injury. In vitro study from endothelial cells showed that iron alone had little effect, whereas in combination with PA (palmitic acid), iron-mediated toxicity was markedly potentiated, as reflected in mitochondrial dysfunction, cell death, apoptosis, and DNA mutation. We also showed that PA not only facilitated iron translocation into cells through a transferrin-receptor (TfR)-independent mechanism, but also translocated iron into mitochondria; the subsequent intracellular iron overload resulted in reactive oxygen species (ROS) overgeneration and lipid oxidation. Further investigation revealed that PA-facilitated iron translocation is due to Fe/PA-mediated extracellular oxidative stress and the subsequent membrane damage with increased membrane permeability. Fe/PA-mediated toxic effects were reduced in rho0 cells lacking mitochondrial DNA or by antioxidant enzyme SOD, especially mitochondrially localized MnSOD, suggesting a permissive role of PA for iron deposition on the vascular wall and its subsequent toxicity via mitochondrial oxidative stress. This observation was confirmed in vivo in mice, wherein higher vascular iron deposition and accompanying superoxide release were observed in the presence of a high-fat diet with iron administration.  相似文献   
A series of aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides incorporating 2,3:4,5-bis-O-(isopropylidene)-beta-d-fructopyranosyl-thioureido moieties has been synthesized and assayed for the inhibition of seven human isoforms of the zinc enzyme carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC The new derivatives behaved as weak hCA I inhibitors (K(I)s of 9.4 -13.3microM), were efficient hCA II inhibitors (K(I)s of 6-750nM), and slightly inhibited isoforms hCA IV and hCA VA. Only the sulfanilamide derivative showed efficient and selective inhibition of hCA IV (K(I) of 10nM). These derivatives also showed excellent hCA VII inhibitory activity (K(I)s of 10-79nM), being less efficient as inhibitors of the transmembrane isoforms hCA IX (K(I)s of 10-4500nM) and hCA XIV (K(I)s of 21-3500nM). Two of the new compounds showed anticonvulsant action in a maximal electroshock seizure test in mice, with the fluorosulfanilamide derivative being a more efficient anticonvulsant than the antiepileptic drug topiramate.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs play important roles in a large variety of biological systems and processes through their regulation of target mRNA expression, and show promise as clinical biomarkers. However, their small size presents challenges for tagging or direct detection. Innovation in techniques to sense and quantify microRNAs may aid research into novel aspects of microRNA biology and contribute to the development of diagnostics. By introducing an additional stem loop into the fluorescent RNA Spinach and altering its 3′ and 5′ ends, we have generated a new RNA, Pandan, that functions as the basis for a microRNA sensor. Pandan contains two sequence-variable stem loops that encode complementary sequence for a target microRNA of interest. In its sensor form, it requires the binding of a target microRNA in order to reconstitute the RNA scaffold for fluorophore binding and fluorescence. Binding of the target microRNA resulted in large changes in fluorescence intensity. The median fold change in fluorescence observed for the sensors tested was ∼50-fold. Pandan RNA sensors exhibit good signal-to-noise ratios, and can detect their target microRNAs within complex RNA mixtures.  相似文献   
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