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Schistosoma japonicum: the pathology of experimental infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The pathology of experimental schistosomiasis japonica is reviewed and compared with the pathology of schistosomiasis japonica in man and to some aspects of schistosomiasis mansoni and schistosomiasis haematobia in experimental animals. The induction of granulomas around Schistosoma japonicum eggs depends upon cell mediated immunity, as do the reactions to Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium eggs. However, the modulation of the reaction to S. japonicum eggs can be greatly influenced by antibody, while antibody has no effect on the granulomas around S. mansoni eggs. Adult worm pairs of S. japonicum tend to cluster in the mesenteric venules, and most eggs are laid in a few sites. This leads to large, focal intestinal lesions similar to the discrete lesions produced by S. haematobium in the intestine and urinary tract but in contrast to the widespread, diffuse lesions produced by S. mansoni. Comparison with S. japonicum infection in humans is limited chiefly by our scant knowledge of the pathology produced by S. japonicum in infected persons. Most such comparisons are, in any case, limited by the marked differences in the reactions of various experimental host species to the infection and by differences in the reaction of a given host species to different strains of the parasite.  相似文献   
在人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer)悬浮细胞质膜上测出了NAD(P)H氧化酶活性。这类NAD(P)H氧化酶活性可以被金瓜炭疽细胞壁激发子(Cle)诱导。Cle处理还能诱导人参悬浮细胞的氧进发、促进人参悬浮细胞的皂苷合成、提高苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)的活力、以及诱导查尔式酮酶(CHS)的累积和细胞壁上抗性相关蛋白基因脯氨酸富裕蛋白基因hrgp(Hydroxyprolin-rich glycoproleins)的表达。当用哺乳动物白细胞质膜NADPH氧化酶的特异性抑制剂二亚苯基碘(Diphenylene iodonium,DPI)与奎吖因(quinacrine)预处理人参悬浮细胞30 min 后,Cle诱导的H2O2释放与Cle激活的质膜NAD(P)H氧化酶活性被抑制,同时Cle诱导的PAL活性及CHS的积累下降,皂苷合成与hrgp的表达被抑制。由此推测:人参细胞质膜NAD(P)H氧化酶与哺乳动物白细胞质膜NADPH氧化酶有很大的相似性。在Cle激发人参悬浮细胞产生氧进发的过程中,NAD(P)H氧化酶活性被诱导从而导致H2O2的产生,H2O2作为第二信使,激活苯丙氨酸途径,诱发人参皂苷的合成及hrgp防御基因的表达。这一过程中还涉及到Ca2+内流,胞内Ca2+浓度的升高,蛋白磷酸化与去磷酸化。人参细胞质膜NAD(P)H氧化酶在人参细胞对Cle的反应过程中起一种介导作用。因此可能存在由Cle刺激,NAD(P)H氧化酶被诱导,H2O2释放,到人  相似文献   
To investigate the role of anaphylactic immune responses in protective immunity against schistosomiasis, mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni were treated with neutralizing mAb antibodies against either IL-5 or IL-4 before and during challenge infection. Anti-IL-5-treated vaccinated mice showed a complete ablation of circulating as well as tissue eosinophils present in inflammatory reactions to migrating schistosomula in the skin and lungs but nevertheless eliminated challenge infections as effectively as vaccinated animals treated with a control mAb. Similarly, treatment of vaccinated mice with an anti-IL-4 mAb markedly reduced serum IgE although failing to diminish immunity. The effect of anti-IL-5 mediated eosinophil depletion was also assessed in a second model in which resistance is induced by concomitant chronic infection. Again, normal, unaltered protection was observed in the absence of circulating and tissue eosinophils. In contrast to the above findings, treatment with anti-IFN-gamma was found to cause a partial depletion of immunity in vaccinated mice whereas, paradoxically, increasing the numbers of inflammatory reactions against invading schistosomula in the lungs. These observations argue against a requirement for either eosinophils or IgE in the anti-schistosome immunity induced by vaccination with irradiated cercariae or for eosinophils in the resistance resulting from previous infection in mice and support previous data suggesting a role for an IFN-gamma dependent cell-mediated effector mechanism in vaccine-induced resistance.  相似文献   
The influence of the route and the frequency of IL 2 administration on the ability of IL 2 to induce the growth of activated T cells in vivo was evaluated. Initial pharmacokinetic studies confirmed that i.v. injection of IL 2 results in a relatively high peak serum concentration, but a short serum half-life. By contrast, i.p. or subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of IL 2 results in a lower peak concentration but a prolonged serum half-life. The bioavailability of IL 2 administered by these routes was assessed by measuring the in vivo growth of adoptively transferred T cells that had been previously cultured long-term with IL 2, because the growth of such cells in vivo has been shown to be proportional to the dose of IL 2 administered. The results demonstrated that i.p., s.c., or i.v. administration of IL 2 each resulted in marked donor T cell growth in vivo. Thus, IL 2 can function in vivo at sites distant to the sites of injection. In addition, the magnitude of T cell growth in vivo varied dependent on the route of IL 2 administration and correlated with the length of time IL 2 was detectable in serum, rather than the peak level achieved (i.e., IL 2 inoculated i.v. had the highest peak concentration but was least effective). As suggested by these findings, dividing the total dose of IL 2 into frequent low-dose injections was more effective in inducing T cell growth in vivo than was dividing the total dose of IL 2 into less frequent higher-dose injections. These studies confirm the great potential for IL 2 to induce the growth of activated of T cells in vivo and demonstrate that the rate of T cell growth reflects not only the dose but also the route and timing of IL 2 administration.  相似文献   
Tyrosine kinases are important regulators of synaptic strength. Here, we describe a key component of the synaptic vesicle release machinery, Munc18‐1, as a phosphorylation target for neuronal Src family kinases (SFKs). Phosphomimetic Y473D mutation of a SFK phosphorylation site previously identified by brain phospho‐proteomics abolished the stimulatory effect of Munc18‐1 on SNARE complex formation (“SNARE‐templating”) and membrane fusion in vitro. Furthermore, priming but not docking of synaptic vesicles was disrupted in hippocampal munc18‐1‐null neurons expressing Munc18‐1Y473D. Synaptic transmission was temporarily restored by high‐frequency stimulation, as well as by a Munc18‐1 mutation that results in helix 12 extension, a critical conformational step in vesicle priming. On the other hand, expression of non‐phosphorylatable Munc18‐1 supported normal synaptic transmission. We propose that SFK‐dependent Munc18‐1 phosphorylation may constitute a potent, previously unknown mechanism to shut down synaptic transmission, via direct occlusion of a Synaptobrevin/VAMP2 binding groove and subsequent hindrance of conformational changes in domain 3a responsible for vesicle priming. This would strongly interfere with the essential post‐docking SNARE‐templating role of Munc18‐1, resulting in a largely abolished pool of releasable synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   
铁皮石斛的离体开花   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
铁皮石斛(Dendrobium candidum),为一种野生兰科植物,在栽培条件下,从种子萌发到开花通常需要3~4a.研究了多种植物激素和多胺对该种石斛组织培养中花芽形成的影响,结果表明在培养基中加入合适浓度的亚精胺(spermidine)或BA(6-苄基腺嘌呤),或同时加入NAA(萘乙酸)和BA均可诱导原球茎或由之形成的无根小苗在3~6个月开花,频率在31.6%~45.8%.当将原球茎在加有ABA(脱落酸)的培养基上预培养后再移到加有BA的培养基上,花芽形成的频率可提高到平均达82.8%(个别实验中可达100%),这种诱导提早开花的现象也与实验材料的发育阶段(原球茎、无根小苗、已生根的小苗)有关,通常发生在根的形成受到完全或部分抑制的情况中.  相似文献   
采用DNA-蛋白质体外吸附的方法研究伴刀豆球蛋白激活小鼠胸腺T淋巴细胞增殖过程中c-myc与核骨架蛋白的结合.实验结果显示,c-myc与核骨架蛋白的结合具有特异性,在淋巴细胞激活过程中c-myc与P34/P36核骨架蛋白及核纤层蛋白结合,并发生动态变化.  相似文献   
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